Details for Novitiate 1

Rank information
Number of members at Novitiate 1:
Percentage of members at Novitiate 1:
XP Threshold
Order/Path rank information
Order Male rank name Female rank name Number of members
Loyalist Initiate Initiate 0 (0.0%)
Force Disciple Initiate Initiate 186 (5.49%)
Mercenary Initiate Initiate 0 (0.0%)
Sith Initiate Initiate 3049 (90.02%)
Jedi Initiate Initiate 152 (4.49%)
Displaying members 401 - 425 of 3387 in total
PIN Rank Name
16788 Initiate adamjohnson
14966 Initiate Ky1
14970 Initiate Rectus
14449 Initiate Kirei_Kotomine
12766 Initiate Devil Rickster
14011 Initiate fangjoon
14462 Initiate Attituchituck
12882 Initiate Szeth
6614 Initiate Aebman
12932 Initiate Memorize
15727 Initiate tTvWMSZfK
11229 Initiate Akira Nightshade
16686 Initiate OBIWANKENOBI456
16693 Initiate Krakenwolf
15728 Initiate xlDpAHthc
16936 Initiate Owen Wehner
15073 Initiate GreenLook
13057 Initiate Drakkenor Nivlac
13286 Initiate greystorm
13000 Initiate Eoshporus
13234 Initiate Kaaru
6727 Initiate plo koon
9591 Initiate Nebiaia Nucciu
5952 Initiate Thantos
14885 Initiate Karnica Selturus