Details for Equite 3

Rank information
Number of members at Equite 3:
Percentage of members at Equite 3:
XP Threshold
Order/Path rank information
Order Male rank name Female rank name Number of members
Loyalist Lieutenant Colonel Lieutenant Colonel 3 (2.83%)
Force Disciple Seer Seer 20 (18.87%)
Mercenary Corsair Corsair 13 (12.26%)
Sith Battlelord Battlelord 61 (57.55%)
Jedi Vanguard Vanguard 9 (8.49%)
Displaying members 1 - 25 of 106 in total
PIN Rank Name
411 Battlelord Aari Nikus
236 Battlelord Adam Anderson
10057 Vanguard Aerwin Tribwell-Urr
15719 Seer Agate Gua'lara
13796 Corsair Aiden Dru
10883 Battlelord Araxis Farron
13525 Seer Arcadia “Caid” Skålson
16054 Corsair Archian
13823 Battlelord Armad
15665 Seer Aru Law
89 Battlelord Azazel Djo'Tarr
13964 Battlelord Azmodius Equesinfernum
4195 Battlelord Callus Bo'amar
9826 Battlelord Cello
16593 Vanguard Centam Javik
14059 Corsair Chrome
10484 Seer Constantine
13767 Vanguard Corvus Corax
12097 Seer Creon Neverse
497 Battlelord Cymbre Kall
156 Battlelord Daihok
4601 Battlelord Dakari Palpatine
205 Battlelord Desio Predator
3417 Battlelord Dranik Tarentae
2778 Seer Edema R'uh-Kalinor