Details for Novitiate 2

Rank information
Number of members at Novitiate 2:
Percentage of members at Novitiate 2:
XP Threshold
Order/Path rank information
Order Male rank name Female rank name Number of members
Loyalist Apprentice Apprentice 23 (0.68%)
Force Disciple Apprentice Apprentice 358 (10.57%)
Mercenary Apprentice Apprentice 63 (1.86%)
Sith Apprentice Apprentice 2796 (82.53%)
Jedi Apprentice Apprentice 148 (4.37%)
Displaying members 2901 - 2925 of 3388 in total
PIN Rank Name
13732 Apprentice the dark knight
9413 Apprentice the_dark_one
14359 Apprentice The Doctor
14499 Apprentice The Eagle
7350 Apprentice The Forgotten One
15965 Apprentice The great Jedi slayer
16677 Apprentice TheLostKenobi
8325 Apprentice The Marines
11515 Apprentice TheMaster
7490 Apprentice ...the one
8276 Apprentice The One
6408 Apprentice Theric
10949 Apprentice The'ri-on
14597 Apprentice Theron gar
7146 Apprentice Thesarus
8447 Apprentice thessims
10266 Apprentice thesuperiorninja
11900 Apprentice thirteen37
6531 Apprentice Thor
16742 Apprentice Thor001
15186 Apprentice Thorem Xantare
11407 Apprentice Thoridas
12427 Apprentice Thorsahn
10862 Apprentice Thraken Jirou
8012 Apprentice Thrall