Order | Male rank name | Female rank name | Number of members |
Loyalist | Apprentice | Apprentice | 23 (0.68%) |
Force Disciple | Apprentice | Apprentice | 358 (10.57%) |
Mercenary | Apprentice | Apprentice | 63 (1.86%) |
Sith | Apprentice | Apprentice | 2796 (82.53%) |
Jedi | Apprentice | Apprentice | 148 (4.37%) |
PIN | Rank | Name |
13732 | Apprentice | the dark knight |
9413 | Apprentice | the_dark_one |
14359 | Apprentice | The Doctor |
14499 | Apprentice | The Eagle |
7350 | Apprentice | The Forgotten One |
15965 | Apprentice | The great Jedi slayer |
16677 | Apprentice | TheLostKenobi |
8325 | Apprentice | The Marines |
11515 | Apprentice | TheMaster |
7490 | Apprentice | ...the one |
8276 | Apprentice | The One |
6408 | Apprentice | Theric |
10949 | Apprentice | The'ri-on |
14597 | Apprentice | Theron gar |
7146 | Apprentice | Thesarus |
8447 | Apprentice | thessims |
10266 | Apprentice | thesuperiorninja |
11900 | Apprentice | thirteen37 |
6531 | Apprentice | Thor |
16742 | Apprentice | Thor001 |
15186 | Apprentice | Thorem Xantare |
11407 | Apprentice | Thoridas |
12427 | Apprentice | Thorsahn |
10862 | Apprentice | Thraken Jirou |
8012 | Apprentice | Thrall |