Details for Novitiate 3

Rank information
Number of members at Novitiate 3:
Percentage of members at Novitiate 3:
XP Threshold
Order/Path rank information
Order Male rank name Female rank name Number of members
Loyalist Cadet Cadet 17 (1.03%)
Force Disciple Novice Novice 183 (11.07%)
Mercenary Recruit Recruit 59 (3.57%)
Sith Novice Novice 1310 (79.25%)
Jedi Novice Novice 84 (5.08%)
Displaying members 851 - 875 of 1653 in total
PIN Rank Name
7978 Novice Leatheron
8710 Novice Lazo
6506 Novice Lazarus Atul
9329 Novice Layawn
6699 Novice Lawrence
13017 Novice Latx
12883 Novice Lashyna
14375 Novice Larki
7529 Novice Lance Izan
14221 Novice Lance Brock
9569 Novice Lamber
12728 Novice Lambaste
15028 Novice Ladytuna
9633 Novice Laden
9012 Novice lacus
8969 Novice Kyubi
11357 Novice kyros
9348 Novice Kyp Astar
6658 Novice Kyle Ice
15117 Novice Kyle Dalanthan
11466 Novice Kyle Criday
3356 Novice Ky Kiske
9979 Novice Ky Graven
7672 Novice Kyane Fased III
8227 Novice Kyane Colten