Details for Novitiate 3

Rank information
Number of members at Novitiate 3:
Percentage of members at Novitiate 3:
XP Threshold
Order/Path rank information
Order Male rank name Female rank name Number of members
Loyalist Cadet Cadet 17 (1.03%)
Force Disciple Novice Novice 183 (11.07%)
Mercenary Recruit Recruit 59 (3.57%)
Sith Novice Novice 1310 (79.25%)
Jedi Novice Novice 84 (5.08%)
Displaying members 1 - 25 of 1653 in total
PIN Rank Name
16394 Cadet Rozzy Ameadas
15101 Cadet Veat
15553 Cadet Ziago Santorini
16391 Cadet James winters
15716 Cadet Be'ndu Fen'dosi
14628 Cadet Jericho Argentum
15504 Cadet Erex Maldex
16069 Cadet katy
16089 Cadet William
16064 Cadet Reeg'ahnu
16885 Cadet Che'rri
14680 Cadet Anastasia Marie
14741 Cadet Carth Olaris
15816 Cadet Bel'iea
17169 Cadet Asthrou
17219 Cadet Sugarbear
16404 Cadet Noor79
16901 Novice Toro X Aegis
17242 Novice Harper Starmonger
16958 Novice Ophelia Moonwhisper
17244 Novice Alyan Voidwalker
10288 Novice Dak Onasi
14075 Novice Maxwell Venturi
17165 Novice Gore
17168 Novice Minato Thanatos Arisato