Chamber of Justice

Chamber Of Justice of the Brotherhood
About Chamber of Justice
Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz
Right Hand of Justice
Master Dracaryis
Left Hand of Justice
Hand of the Emperor Korvyn
Appeals Panelist
Seer J'Kast
Appeals Panelist
General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla
Appeals Panelist
Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow
Displaying news 41 - 60 of 213 in total
Date Title Author Context
2021/10/19 Covenant Amendment: Invisible Dossier Darth Renatus Justicar
2021/10/14 Verdict in Case No. 68, DB v. Andrelious J. Inahj Darth Renatus Justicar
2021/10/01 PulseFeed News Aggregator: Clan Updates #9 Darth Renatus Justicar
2021/09/07 Andrelious J. Inahj | Case 061: LoR Removal Darth Renatus Justicar
2021/08/16 Verdict in Case No. 67, DB v. Hatchi Aso-Gui Sol-Corvo Darth Renatus Justicar
2021/07/19 Verdict in Case No. 66, DB v. Creon Darth Renatus Justicar
2021/06/18 Justicar Leave of Absence Notice | 2021-06-19 to 2021-06-27 Darth Renatus Justicar
2021/05/23 Applications Open for LHoJ for the 2021 CoJ Term Darth Renatus Justicar
2021/04/03 Covenant Amendment: Vote Tally Clarification & Automatic Extensions for Votes Darth Renatus Justicar
2021/04/01 PulseFeed News Aggregator: Clan Updates #8 Darth Renatus Justicar
2021/03/04 Selika Roh's Letter of Reprimand Removed Lord Dacien Victae Justicar
2021/02/26 New CoJ Staff for 2021 Lord Dacien Victae Justicar
2021/02/04 Applications Open for the 2021 CoJ Term Lord Dacien Victae Justicar
2020/10/23 The Mandalorian Season 2 Spoiler Ban Lord Dacien Victae Justicar
2020/08/21 GJW XIV: Homefront Survey Lord Dacien Victae Justicar
2020/07/21 Verdict in Case No. 65, DB vs. Magik Lord Dacien Victae Justicar
2020/06/30 Verdict in Case No. 64, DB vs. Soren Leonis Lord Dacien Victae Justicar
2020/05/27 Chamber of Justice - Great Jedi War XIV Edition Lord Dacien Victae Justicar
2020/05/17 New Left Hand of Justice Lord Dacien Victae Justicar
2020/05/12 Verdict in Case No. 63, DB vs. Hakatsuki Lord Dacien Victae Justicar