Clan Odan-Urr is the first Light Side Clan of the Brotherhood, spreading our light to not only the Brotherhood but also to the rest of the galaxy. Alongside their allies in the Vatali Empire, the Jedi Acolytes of Odan-Urr are on a mission to correct the problems throughout the Galaxy and maintain Balance in The Force. Comprised of the underdogs, the rebellious, and Force Users of many traditions all united to protect the glimmering light of hope.
Item |
Acolytes of Urr/Jedi Order (Item Container) |
Burmessian Republic (Item Container) |
Free Folk (Item Container) |
High Council (Item Container) |
Kiast System (Star System) |
Odan-Urr United Space Command (O.U.S.C.) (Item Container) |
Vatali Empire (Item Container) |