Skill | Description | Created / Updated |
Medicine |
An individual's understanding of physiology, anatomy, cell structure and various systems (such as nerves, digestive, and vascular) on their native species. Through experience, one can learn how to treat subjects of multiple races beyond his or her own as well as expand his or her knowledge in how best to treat different types of injuries. Medicine not only grants the ability to heal, but the ability to harm as well- an expert in medicine will know what cures poison, but can use the very same knowledge to accelerate or even create their own poison. Medicine +0: You know the importance of hydration, how to execute the heimlich maneuver, and that it is important to keep blood on the inside of your body, not the outside. Medicine +1: You know basic First Aid and CPR, and you can spot the common symptoms of the well known illnesses and injuries of the Galaxy. You can clean a wound and apply stitches, but only in a safe environment. Medicine +2: Your medical training allows you to bring your skills into the field. You are able to treat species that are anatomically similar to your own, clean and treat wounds, apply stitches, and recognize toxins. Medicine +3: You have a working anatomical understanding of the more popular species in the Galaxy and how to diagnose and treat a wide range of illnesses and injuries. You can apply your knowledge of anatomy to inflicting pain on bones, muscles, or pressure points. Medicine +4: Like an advanced surgeon, you can successfully amputate a limb on the battlefield without worry of infection. You can effectively treat most humanoid species and apply knowledge of anatomy to mend or cause harm. Medicine +5: Cutting edge research physician / surgeon, you discover cures to rare diseases and invent new surgical techniques. You are able to diagnose and treat all but the rarest of humanoid species in the Galaxy, and can do so in the middle of an active war zone without so much as flinching. Related Feats: Blood Bath, Hippocratic, Just A Flesh Wound I, Just A Flesh Wound II, Mad Scientist I, Mad Scientist II, Mad Scientist III, Steady Hands I, Steady Hands II, Steady Hands III, Xenobiology I, Xenobiology II, and Xenobiology III Prerequisites: |
2013/07/20 / 2017/11/29 |
Might |
Measure an individual's capacity for raw feats of physical strength. Might represents the force that can be applied towards moving, throwing, or otherwise displacing matter when uninjured, well rested, or otherwise in peak condition. It is indicative of the force behind attacks as well as labor oriented tasks. Might +0: You can go about the daily activity of interacting with objects like boxes, bags, or weapons. Anything that you can get a grip on can be moved, lifted, or thrown, but heavy objects relative to your body weight will cause strain. Untrained attacks won't do much beyond annoy others when full force is applied. Might +1: You are able to lift large boxes, carry heavy bags and know the basics of leveraging your physicality for optimal output. Untrained attacks will hurt but not disorient an opponent. Might +2: Heavy boxes, bags, and large objects such as metal chairs offer little difficulty and you know exactly how to leverage your physicality with enough preparation. Untrained attacks will leave an unprotected opponent shaken when full force is applied. Might +3: You can handle heavy objects like tables and weights with ease and you can leverage your physicality in the heat of the moment. Untrained attacks will leave an unprotected opponent disoriented when full force is applied. Might +4: You can, with enough effort and time, perform superhuman feats of strength and leverage your physicality at all times. Untrained attacks will leave an unprotected opponent knocked out when full force is applied. Might +5: Superhuman feats of strength are commonplace, leaving an impression of raw power and full control over your physicality. Untrained attacks will leave an unprotected opponent with broken bones when full force is applied. Related Feats: Flex This Hard, Freight Train, Iron Pillar I, Iron Pillar II, Iron Pillar III, Muscle Armor, Restoration Trooper: Immovable Object, and Technocrat Prerequisites: |
2013/07/20 / 2018/01/16 |
Miscellaneous Weapons |
A character's ability to make use of and utilize weapons that do not fall into a conventional category or school of training. This can be anything as archaic as a bow and arrow to throwing projectiles, dart guns, and whips. Miscellaneous Weapons +0: You know how to point and shoot a dart gun or bow, flick projectiles and crack a whip. Miscellaneous Weapons +1: You have a good understanding of the effective use of a single type of miscellaneous weapon, and can use it in combat. Miscellaneous Weapons +2: You are skilled with your favored miscellaneous weapon, and can use more complex forms of fighting against skilled opponents. Miscellaneous Weapons +3: You are highly adept with your miscellaneous weapon of choice, and skilled with another. You can fight competently with anything else you find. Miscellaneous Weapons +4: A master of your weapons of choice, you are very skilled with any miscellaneous weapon you can find. Miscellaneous Weapons +5: If it hurts people and doesn’t fit under the categories of blunt or bladed, you are highly adept in its applications for violence. Related Feats: Deflect This, Down Scope, Familiar Steel, Knuckle Fists, Medley I, Medley II, Medley III, Poison Weapons, Proficiency I, Proficiency II, Proficiency III, Quick Draw, Run And Gun, Shockboxing, Tools Of The Trade I , Tools Of The Trade II, Tools Of The Trade III, Walk Like An Ewok, and Whip It Good Prerequisites: |
2014/02/01 / 2017/11/29 |
Operations |
Most vehicles, especially large-scale ones, have a wide array of systems that need to be watched, managed, and maintained for the vehicle to properly function. The management and usage of these systems typically finds itself as a dedicated terminal station on the vehicle. These stations include life support, propulsion systems, communication, weapons, and sensors. The Operations Skill is an individual’s ability to work at these various positions as part of a larger crew to maintain the functioning of the vehicle as a whole. As an individual’s ability grows in this skill they can even lead the efforts of others as the complex interactions between these systems become mastered. Operations +0: You understand that multiple systems are needed to make large vehicles fully operational. You can relay information from a terminal about those systems to others, but attempting to do anything with it is beyond you. Operations +1: You know the basics of the common and critical systems found on large vehicles well enough that you can help keep the vehicle functional. Specialized systems still require assistance from others. Officers are clear and direct with you in their commands while operational. Operations +2: You know the common and critical systems quite well, and can utilize more complicated or specialized systems after orienting yourself with them. Officers know that you can be left alone while the vehicle is operational. Operations +3: You have a keen understanding of all the various systems used in different kinds of large vehicles. You can maintain your own station and keep it running at peak efficiency. You can additionally step in as an Officer in moments of low stress and urgency for the vehicle. Operations +4: With a deeper understanding of these systems, you can oversee several different ones simultaneously. You know how to help command others at their stations to ensure they reach higher efficiency. Operations +5: You are a master of vehicle systems. You can effortlessly maintain multiple different systems from a single terminal. You can oversee the entire crew needed for the vehicle to function in the moment just as easily as taking a stroll in the park. Related Feats: Buttons are Buttons, Capital Commander I, Capital Commander II, Capital Commander III, There's Always A Bigger Fish, and Unoperations Prerequisites: |
2021/02/10 / 2021/02/10 |
Perception |
An individual’s ability to read and notice their surroundings via passive observation. This Skill emphasizes your character’s attention to detail without aid from the Force, as well as how effectively they can notice slight changes in their surroundings. It is useful for quickly noticing a nearby threat, noticing a muffled shout, picking up on the particular clothing worn by someone across the room, or even the slight changes in body language when weighing the truth of someone’s words. Perception +0: You can tell when a painting is crooked on a wall, or something obvious is out of place. You can tell when someone is trying to sell you something you probably don’t need. Perception +1: You can unravel how most magic tricks or sleights-of-hand work, and tend to be aware of the finer details in the world happening around you. Perception +2: You can tell when someone is deceiving you without any Force divination and can notice things others do not after studying something with your full attention. Perception +3: Details paint a larger picture of understanding and heighten your awareness of your surroundings. Very little escapes your notice when you are focused. Perception +4: Even the smallest detail can reveal pertinent information, and even the best actors have problems hiding their “tells”. Perception +5: You can see through even the best poker-face with only a quick glance. Nothing goes over your head; your reflexes are too fast. Related Feats: Assess The Situation, Constant Vigilance, Daredevil, Diamond Cutter, Eagle Eye, Envoy Intuition, Improvise, Adapt, Overcome, I See What You Did There, I've Got A Bad Feeling About This, Keen Eye I, Keen Eye II, Keen Eye III, Keen Mind I, Keen Mind II, Keen Mind III, Lip Reader, On The Trail I, On The Trail II, On The Trail III, Parkour!, Seeking I, Seeking II, Seeking III, They Came From Behind, True Colors, and Woodland Ranger Prerequisites: |
2013/07/20 / 2021/02/10 |
Piloting |
An individual’s ability to identify, control, and operate the movement of any vehicle. This ranges from starfighters to Capital Ships, and speeder bikes to walkers. Any vehicle capable of being steered and controlled falls in this category. An individual would also have a basic understanding of how to engage and use the weaponry on the vehicle relative to their Skill level. The Piloting Skill also covers a character’s effectiveness in using jetpacks and jetboots. Piloting +0: You can operate transport vehicles like speeder bikes and jetpacks. You understand the basic concepts of what kind of movements a given vehicle should be able to make, and what kind of movements it shouldn’t be able to make. Piloting +1: You know the general basics of how to move a vehicle around in three dimensions: accelerate, brake, turn, rotate. You can use this to execute basic maneuvers and coordinate with separate vehicles around you. You can track a small number of enemies while engaged in combat. Piloting +2: With familiar vehicles, you are capable of executing more difficult maneuvers. You understand the technical requirements needed for a vehicle to run and can communicate with support crews about how it is functioning. Unfamiliar vehicles give a momentary pause for you to orient yourself to their controls. Piloting +3: You have a keen understanding of the popular vehicles used in the galaxy. You can pull off stunts that seasoned pilots would tip their hat to. You understand the finer details of what is required for a vehicle to run, allowing you to better communicate with support crews. You can more easily track multiple enemies while engaged in combat. Piloting +4: Even seasoned pilots are jealous of how easily you can pick up how to operate an unfamiliar vehicle. Considered an “Ace” by fellow pilots, you can handle complex maneuvers both solo and as part of a squad. You have no issues providing suggestions to support crews about how to improve the functionality of your vehicle. Piloting +5: Even the “Ace” pilots come to you for advice. You know the ins and outs of any vehicle you come across. The most complex of maneuvers come as easy as breathing. Coordinating in large squads of others is no issue, and you are capable of tracking the locations of many enemies at once. Related Feats: Do A Barrel Roll!, Home Into The Black, Hot LZ, Jedi Ace I, Jedi Ace II, Jedi Ace III, Right Between The Lines, Rising Phoenix , Smooth Operator I, Smooth Operator II, Smooth Operator III, Spinning Is A Good Trick, There's Always A Bigger Fish, They Came From Behind, Use The Force, Luke I, Use The Force, Luke II, Who Needs A Tech?, and You Got a Bogey On Your Tail Prerequisites: |
2021/02/10 / 2021/02/10 |
Resolve |
Resolve is your character's willpower and their ability to handle stress, keep a level head, and stand firm in the face of danger. It is also your character's mental resilience against both skills and the effects of Force-based intrusions of the mind such as Charm, Intimidation, Mind Trick, Suppression, Illusion, Telepathy, Terror, and Force Interrogation. The higher a character’s Resolve is, relative to an attack/threat Skill or Force Power, the less effective the attack's result is in conjunction with that character's skills. Only in the scenario of an extreme disparity in ability could Resolve outright prevent the onset of an ability. Resolve +0: Basic willpower. You can resist the temptations of eating something unhealthy in favor of something healthy. Unless you're really really hungry. Sticks and stones can break your bones, but so can words. Resolve +1: Idle threats bounce off of you, but a clear threat of danger can give you pause. Conflict between allies and foes alike won’t stress you out, as long as they don’t stretch out for an extended period of time. Resolve +2: You can fend off stronger temptations such as substance addiction for short periods of time. You can keep calm while someone fires a blaster next to your ear on a battlefield or on the noisy bridge of a capital ship. Resolve +3: You could quit an addictive substance by willpower alone. Words are wind. Resolve +4: Your character can face down an angry rancor, in its den, without so much as blinking, and can think clearly on any battlefield, whether the odds are in your favor or not. Resolve +5: You have been fighting a losing battle for weeks, but can still stand in the middle of a warzone facing a superior foe that outnumbers you 10-1 and has you surrounded without losing heart, and carry on the fight. Related Feats: Battle Mind I, Battle Mind II, Battle Mind III, Channel I, Channel II, Channel III, Envoy's Will, Is That The Best You Got?, Ivory Tower, La Resistance I, La Resistance II, Nine Out of Ten, Steel Curtain, This Is Where We Fight!, Unarmed Specialist III, You Killed My Father, Prepare To Die, and Zealot Prerequisites: |
2013/07/20 / 2023/11/30 |
Slicing |
An individual's understanding of computer systems, software, the security used to protect them, and the nature of the strings of 0's and 1's that make up the root of computer technology. Beginning with a basic understanding of how, generally, to penetrate secure systems, an individual with a basic training in Slicing can use even slightly complex software, and with advanced training, that individual will be able to gain entrance to increasingly secure systems and electronics. When using this skill untrained, you have basic knowledge of how to use a computer terminal; for instance, you know that pressing ALT+F4 will not save your progress on a computer terminal and is much more likely to cause it to close. Slicing +0: “Have you tried turning it on and off again?” Basic understanding of how terminals and computer systems work. You know how to change your Clanmate's background to something inappropriate if they leave their terminal unlocked. Slicing +1: You can open up a command line and run through a basic series of hacks and tweaks. You know how to write basic code, and can break through a generic firewall. Slicing +2: System Administrator. You have a working knowledge of computer systems and how to modify and tweak their settings. You can break through more advanced firewalls, edit code, and even reprogram basic droids. Slicing +3: You have a professional knowledge of computer systems and how to modify and tweak them to your desire. You can reprogram more complex droids, but would need to reference a manual with combat droids. Slicing +4: You can reprogram even a combat droid. You hack into corporate networks for fun. Slicing +5: What firewalls? If it’s written in 0’s and 1’s, you can create, edit, or delete it without effort. Related Feats: Digital Defusal, Just Ones and Zeroes, Lightfooted, The System, Is Down, and You Can't Stop The Signal Prerequisites: |
2013/07/20 / 2017/11/29 |
Slugthrowers |
Covers the understanding and technical applications of firearms that use an explosive chemical to launch a solid projectile (a "slug") at high velocity. Unlike Blasters, the more primitive slugs cannot be deflected or redirected by a lightsaber. When a slug makes contact with a lightsaber blade it simply melts, and the remaining embers can potentially land on the lightsaber-wielder's hands or face. Slugthrowers +0: You can point and shoot, but any hits are lucky shots at best. Slugthrowers +1: You are skilled with one slugthrower weapon type and can line up a shot in fair weather and hit your mark. You can track moving targets but have a harder time hitting them when in battle. Slugthrowers +2: You are skilled with two slugthrower weapon types. You can effortlessly track targets and draw beads on them in fair weather and in battle. Accuracy decreases in rough weather. Slugthrowers +3: You are familiar with all slugthrower weapon types but are an expert with one in particular. You have countless contest trophies to show off for your ability to hit targets from a wide variety of ranges and angles. Rough weather is an annoyance but nothing you can’t handle with enough patience and time. Slugthrowers +4: Any slugthrower weapon type is an instrument of death in your hand. You rarely miss a shot, even in rough weather, the middle of a war, or with distractions all around you. Slugthrowers +5: You can spell your name on a target board without looking, hungover. Related Feats: Down Scope, Guns Akimbo, It's Called Style, Medley I, Medley II, Medley III, No Scope, Pistol-cuffs, Proficiency I, Proficiency II, Proficiency III, Quick Draw, Run And Gun, and Trick Shots Prerequisites: |
2013/07/20 / 2019/03/16 |
Stamina |
Measures how long an individual can maintain their peak Athletic ability and full Might. It weighs how well your character maintains their stamina through obstacles like fatigue and non-inhibiting wounds (doesn’t prevent proper functioning), maintaining their level of physical stamina over a period of time despite feeling pain or tiredness. Stamina +0: Daily activity is a breeze, but you often find yourself winded after trying to chase down an escaped nerf or otherwise physically exerting yourself. You find most non-inhibiting wounds difficult to push past. Stamina +1: You’ve gotten yourself into basic shape and can easily run up and down stairs all day or go for a run through an obstacle course. Your physical skills will deteriorate if you don’t get enough rest between skirmishes, but you can still maintain your stamina despite superficial, non-inhibiting wounds. Stamina +2: On par with a seasoned military soldier. You go on long-distance runs daily and rarely get winded unless under heavy duress or wounded. You can come out of a bar-room brawl panting but are able to keep going about your daily activities. Lack of sleep and non-inhibiting wounds will catch up with you after a short time. Stamina +3: You can function at the peak of your abilities when battered and on as little as an hour or so of sleep each night. You can maintain your physical abilities even with moderate, non-inhibiting wounds, and can finish a marathon panting but able to function after some down time. Stamina +4: After finishing running a marathon, you are ready to run another. Even with non-inhibiting wounds, you can keep pushing your body with little sleep, and it will take a while for it to catch up with you. Stamina +5: Even with severe, non-inhibiting wounds, you can push your body without need for rest. You can maintain your full athleticism and strength even in the 11th hour of the 7th day. Related Feats: Crystal Ascendant: Unstoppable Force, Iron Pillar I, Iron Pillar II, Iron Pillar III, Muscle Armor, Restoration Trooper: Immovable Object, Second Skin I, Second Skin II, Surge I, Surge II, Surge III, Technocrat, The Thrill, Unarmed Specialist I, Unarmed Specialist II, and Unarmed Specialist III Prerequisites: |
2013/07/20 / 2018/10/08 |
Stealth |
Measures an individual’s aptitude for moving discreetly, avoiding detection, and utilizing the shadows to their advantage. This skill encompasses silent movement, concealment, disguise, and the ability to operate unseen in various situations. The success of Stealth is dependent on the target’s Perception skill. Stealth +0: You know that it’s probably a bad idea to wear bright orange jumpsuits if you want to sneak up on people in an urban environment. Stealth +1: You have a basic understanding of avoiding an enemy’s cone of vision to avoid detection. With enough time, you can find a hiding place that takes a while to find. You can put together a simple disguise that might pass at first glance, and keep a small blaster hidden inside a large coat. Stealth +2: You have a basic understanding of light and shadow, and have become competent at using darkness to avoid detection even when someone is looking in your direction. You can create simple distractions to make things easier. Your footsteps are quiet at your normal walking speed. Your disguises have become more complex and hold up under closer scrutiny. Stealth +3: Your understanding of light, shadow and colour deepens, and you are able to blend in with a variety of backgrounds. You can conceal larger weapons on your person, and can perform more complicated actions like running and climbing without making too much noise. You can put together a disguise that could fool even your close allies. Stealth +4: You barely make a sound even when performing acrobatic manoeuvres and landing from height. You can find the optimal hiding place instantly to avoid detection. With time and preparation, you can disguise yourself as a particular person, even to that person’s friends. Stealth +5: A master of the shadows, you go where you please and no one notices. Your movements are silent, and you can smuggle anything anywhere. Your disguises are visually foolproof even under intense scrutiny. Related Feats: Cardboard Box, Chameleon I, Chameleon II, Chameleon III, Eagle Eye, Hero Landing, Lightfooted, and Silent Blade Prerequisites: |
2023/11/08 / 2023/11/08 |
Survival |
An individual's ability to stay alive in otherwise difficult environments. This relates directly to the arts of scavenging, hunting, resourcefulness, bushcraft, and local area navigation. Starting with a basic understanding of what is required to continue living, as an individual progresses in this skill they will become more adept at acquiring the necessities of survival in even the most inhospitable of climates where others would otherwise perish. Survival +0: Moss grows on the north side of the tree... or something like that. Basic common sense and resourcefulness. Survival +1: You know which berries are good to eat and which ones will give you a tummy ache. You can string a basic trap, but good luck catching anything more than a pheasant. You know the basics of directions based on the movement of the sun(s). Survival +2: You can hunt small game and set traps, have a good knowledge of common environments, make simple tools, and with the right supplies, you can survive on your own for some time. Survival +3: You have a working knowledge of how to survive on your own with limited supplies. You can hunt game, set traps, and have a healthy knowledge of most environments you may encounter. Survival +4: You’ve wrestled a wild Vornskr barehanded and turned its pelt into makeshift clothing. Survival +5: You can survive on your own, on an unknown planet, with no supplies and no water. Nature provides and you know how to use its resources to survive indefinitely off-grid. Related Feats: Creature Speaker I, Creature Speaker II, Creature Speaker III, Elusive Prey, Just A Flesh Wound I, Just A Flesh Wound II, Walk Like An Ewok, Woodland Ranger, and Zealot Prerequisites: |
2013/07/20 / 2021/02/10 |
Tactics |
Measures the core competencies needed to successfully command larger scale military units be they fleets or armies. This includes a sufficient base of knowledge on and application of: allied and enemy capabilities, common strategies and tactics and how to employ them. Tactics +0: “Shoot back you idiots!” You understand the basics strategies of war and conflict and know what it takes to pull them off... in theory. In practice, it often comes down to the skill of the troops under your command and a bit of luck. Tactics +1: You have seen your share of battles, and are versed in the more popular strategies used in war and conflict and can employ them to varying degrees of success. Tactics +2: You know how to draw on past experiences and apply them to your current situations. Your have studied war and conflict to not only execute strategy in real time, but to counter the strategies of your opponents with high percentages of success, even without the ideal troops for the strategy. Tactics +3: You understand the difference between spending lives under your command, and wasting them. You have a keen understanding of complex strategies employed in war and conflict, have studied the maneuvers and techniques employed throughout history, and can mix them with your own experiences to craft new strategies that others may not have come up with yet. Tactics +4: You have watched and rewatched holovids of every major conflict in Galactic History (but don’t ask about the reasons behind those conflicts, since, that’s for history nerds) and can modify them to create your own unique strategies that often leave enemy commanders flat-footed. Tactics +5: You know how to hold an enemy army at bay when outnumbered 5:1. Your name has been mentioned in the same breath as Ackbar, Pellaeon, and Bel Iblis. But not Thrawn, obviously. Related Feats: Improvise, Adapt, Overcome, Resistance Is Futile, Unrelenting Offensive, Unyielding Defense, and Yes, I Said Closer Prerequisites: |
2015/08/08 / 2017/11/29 |