Character Sheet Reference

Displaying Skills 21 - 33 of 33 in total
Skill Description Created / Updated

Your character's ability to force a target into acting a certain way, be it based on your demeanor or your reputation. Intimidation does not typically cause an individual to actively believe something different, it simply forces that individual into a course of action out of fear for their own survival and well being. Initially, this skill would allow an individual to bully a mentally weak target into an action he or she is hesitant to take, while subsequent levels of the skill allows an intimidator to coerce more unwilling targets into action or giving up sensitive information. This skill acts as a counterpart to Charm, which deals with influencing others through understanding and diplomacy rather than aggression and coercion. The success of this skill depends on a target’s Resolve.

Intimidation +0: You know that the promise of danger can sway others into action, but not enough to fashion those threats into a weapon of your own.

Intimidation +1: You have learned the effectiveness of threats towards individuals and the use of appearance in order to gain cooperation from others. While it can be useful against the weak minded, it would take longer than is worthwhile to influence others. You struggle to get good information out of others during interrogations.

Intimidation +2: Not only do you understand the effectiveness of physical threats towards an individual and non-verbal aggression, you also can leverage fairly apparent external factors like a nearby ally. Given enough uninterrupted time with a target, you can poke and prod until the cracks begin to form without actually having to follow through on your threats.

Intimidation +3: You have reached an efficiency with threats that is almost routine. You can gauge the weaknesses of a target and leverage their fears in just the right way to get your desired outcome in most situations. It is a mundane task to influence those of weaker minds, and it's only a matter of time for those of stronger wills once you find something to exploit. You may not be able to crack seasoned agents or spies into giving up valuable secrets, but you can extract most other information from them.

Intimidation +4: At this level, an experienced individual can weave threats, both physical and implied, like an emotional terrorist. You are skilled at knowing just what weakness to poke, which expression to wear, and how much leverage to apply in order to get the desired result from even a strong-willed target. You can crack seasoned agents or spies to give up valuable information.

Intimidation +5: No longer merely experienced, you have mastered the nuances involved in weaving any kind of threat to gain your desired results from a target. Even the smallest of openings can be touched upon and pried wide open to your methods, surgically applying leverage to the right weakness. You can extract the darkest, most sensitive secrets from the most hardened of spies.

Related Feats: A Warrior's Call, Bad Cop, Explosive Chicken, Fear Will Keep Them In Line, Go Ahead, Make My Day, Golden Envoy Presence, Good Cop, Is That The Best You Got?, Let Them Hate, So Long As They Fear, Resistance Is Futile, Silver Tongue I, Silver Tongue II, Silver Tongue III, Spoken Probing, and You May Have Heard Of Me

Prerequisites: None

2013/07/20 / 2023/11/08

Measures an individual’s ability to use logical reasoning to problem solve, think abstractly and comprehend complex ideas or schemes. Intellect often manifests itself as your character’s wit, and how apt you are at applying knowledge and learning from experience.

Intellect +0: Rubix cubes are challenging, but basic problems can be troubleshooted as long as you can look it up on the holonet. You can occasionally land a good, “that’s what she said” joke.

Intellect +1: You can solve a rubix cube when concentrating and the daily crossword puzzles are a cinch. Your home is filled with many leather bound books and you’ve read them all, and can apply your collective knowledge fairly well in conversation.

Intellect +2: Rubix cubes are boring, and you can complete them without much effort. With enough time, you can figure out complex puzzles and riddles.

Intellect +3: You have a sharp tongue and can fire off quips off the hip. You enjoy arguing technicalities with lawyers, and have a knack for deciphering puzzles and riddles.

Intellect +4: Your mind should be classified as a deadly weapon. You can decipher even the most complex of riddles, and have made lawyers cower before your ability to interject your knowledge into a debate.

Intellect +5: You’ve spent hours arguing the difference between being “naked” and “nude”. Lawyers won’t even engage you in discussion, and you are no longer invited to trivia nights with your clanmates because you can answer all the questions before they are even finished.

Related Feats: Checkmate I, Checkmate II, Checkmate III, Diamond Cutter, Golden Envoy Aptitude, Golden Envoy Wit, Ivory Tower, Keen Mind I, Keen Mind II, Keen Mind III, Kernel of Truth, Omwati: Riddle Me This, The Pen is Mightier, and Well Read

Prerequisites: None

2013/07/20 / 2017/11/29

The understanding of explosive devices such as bombs, grenades, missiles, and anything else that goes "boom". You possess the knowledge of their chemical compositions, components, and most importantly, their effects on the world around them.

Explosives +0: “What’s that ticking sound?” You know how to pull a pin and chuck a grenade, and the general effect it will have.

Explosives +1: “M as in MANCY” You understand the concept of a blast radius. You can recognize and safely employ various types of grenades and simple explosives like a breaching charge. You can disarm a bomb with someone walking you through it.

Explosives +2: You can now arm and effectively employ advanced explosive charges and mines. You have a basic understanding of the amount of explosive it will take to accomplish a given task. You can disarm basic bombs from memory but need guidance for more complex ones. You understand basic chemical compositions of explosives.

Explosives +3: You are able to employ a wide variety of explosives to great effect, knowing when, where and how to place charges to get a desired effect. You have a detailed understanding of the chemical composition of most commonly used explosives and can fabricate your own given the right materials.

Explosives +4: You can create improvised explosives with household chemicals and employ them to devastating effects. You can disarm complex bombs from memory.

Explosives +5: You disassemble nuclear bombs for fun. You can tweak a detonation charge so that it will explode and only kill exactly two people in a crowd of ten.

Related Feats: Demolitions Expert, Digital Defusal, Explosive Chicken, I Made A Pipe Bomb, Medley I, Medley II, Medley III, Proficiency I, Proficiency II, and Proficiency III

Prerequisites: None

2013/07/20 / 2017/11/29
Dual Wielding

The ability to effectively wield multiple weapons at the same time. As rank increases, proficiency increases. Starting with a clear “Primary” hand, your off-hand becomes less and less prominent as your ability to use disparate or similar weapons rises.

Dual Wielding +0: You can hold two of the same type of weapon and execute beginner patterns of the respective Weapon Skill without hurting yourself. You can hold a blaster in one hand and a knife in the other, but good luck using them both in tandem.

Dual Wielding +1: You can fire a blaster with one hand while slashing at another opponent with the other. This requires concentration. With matching weapons, you can execute more practiced yet formulaic patterns with ease.

Dual Wielding +2: You can fight effectively with any two weapons of the same type, but still favor one hand as your primary. Disparate weapons can be handled effectively with concentration.

Dual Wielding +3: You can fight effectively with any two types of weapons, and seamlessly with the same type. An equally skilled or better opponent can still detect your off-hand.

Dual Wielding +4: You can fight seamlessly with any combination or pairing of weapons, and only the keenest of duelists will be able to detect an off-hand.

Dual Wielding +5: You don’t have an off-hand. You can fight with any combination of weapons without any extra concentration.

Related Feats: Ambidexterity I, Ambidexterity II, Familiar Steel, and Jar'Kai

Prerequisites: None

2013/07/20 / 2017/11/29

A character's skill in manipulating the truth, crafting convincing lies, and deceiving others for various purposes. This skill encompasses the art of lying and convincing others of false information. While Stealth covers deceiving another’s senses to avoid detection, Deception involves deceiving others with spoken falsehoods.

Deception +0: You can tell white lies, but can clam up if called on the spot.

Deception +1: You can tell convincing lies, but they will unravel under heavy scrutiny. You know how to keep a straight face when you need to.

Deception +2: You know that the best lies are simple in nature. You have an understanding of how subtle shifts in body language and tone can help you transform into an identity you’ve created.

Deception +3: Lying is second nature. With enough time and preparation, you can get into “character” and stay there. You have better control of your mannerisms and quirks and know how to maintain or adjust them as needed.

Deception +4: Your Clanmates won’t play Sabaac with you anymore. You can bluff your way to victory with a low pair.

Deception +5: You can create and fall into a character on the spot, and maintain it for a month if needed. The only time people doubt the things you say is when you want them to doubt you.

Related Feats: Behind Enemy Lines, Bothan: Sabacc Face, Buttons are Buttons, Classic Misdirection, Cry No More, Disarming Smile, Drunken Master, Falleen: Simply Irresistible, Fly Casual I, Fly Casual II, Fly Casual III, Fosh: Mockingbird, Go Ahead, Make My Day, Golden Envoy Presence, Hapan: Distilled Beauty, Just Ones and Zeroes, Kernel of Truth, Khil: Musical Words, Linguistic Liar, Ryn: Made'ya'look, Shake What Your Mama Gave Ya, Sociopath, The Pen is Mightier, Thingamajig, To The Pain, Umbaran: Devil's Dance, and Zeltron: Sun's Getting Real Low

Prerequisites: None

2023/11/08 / 2023/11/08
Creature Handling

An individual's ability to “handle” (interact, mount, and ride) a creature. It also measures the individual’s level of empathy and understanding when interpreting a creature's intent or actions.

Creatures are classified as either: Domesticated, Tameable, or Untameable, with the individual’s Skill level offering different degrees of control and proficiency in relation to the creature's respective classification.

Creature Handling +0: With great focus and determination, you can handle a creature that is Domesticated with mixed success.

Creature Handling +1: You can handle Domesticated creatures with frequent success, and Tameable creatures with great focus and determination.

Creature Handling +2: You can handle Domesticated creatures without fail, and Tameable creatures with mixed success.

Creature Handling +3: You can handle Domesticated creatures without fail, and Tameable creatures with frequent success. Untameable creatures will begin to entertain your attempts at control depending on their environment.

Creature Handling +4: You can handle any creature that is Domesticated or Tameable without fail, and maintain the behavior of an Untameable creature with unbroken focus and determination.

Creature Handling +5: You can handle any creature that is Domesticated or Tameable without fail, and manage the behavior of an Untameable creature as long as you are by their side.

Related Feats: Creature Affinity I, Creature Affinity II, Grab Them By The Horns, I Controlled Them Like Animals, Just The Two Of Us I, Just The Two Of Us II, and Just The Two Of Us III

Prerequisites: None

2013/07/20 / 2019/05/03

An individual's skill with creating, tweaking, or modifying armor and weapons. This skill also carries a sense of artistic ability, and covers using a forge for weapons or machinery for armor.

Crafting +0: You know how to change the default configurations of most things to suit your needs. You can tie a knife to a broomstick to make a spear.

Crafting +1: You can get more specific with your modifications to your armor and weapons, and with a reference guide, tools, and a workshop, create basic armor and weapons.

Crafting +2: Modifications to existing items are standard. With the right materials and the right workshop, you can create more advanced weapons and armors.

Crafting +3: Once something is in your hands, it rarely reflects the original configuration after you’ve heavily modified it to suit your needs. You can work with the right materials and the right tools to create advanced weapons and armors in less than ideal conditions.

Crafting +4: Crafting things is second nature to you. You can upgrade existing armor and weapons, and craft new ones, if given the right tools to work with. Even less than ideal conditions and materials will not slow you down noticeably at this level, though it will still take some time to produce multiple upgrades or craft several items.

Crafting +5: With enough time, you could outfit an entire Ewok tribe with upgraded spears that pierce plasteel armor, more efficient slingshots that can dent plasteel armor, and even armor of their own with just some rudimentary tools and the resources available in the forest. Modifications and tweaks to any existing armor or weapon is like breathing.

Related Feats: Artistic Machinery, Blood Carver: Sculptor, I Made A Pipe Bomb, I Made These II, I Made This I, Junker I, Junker II, Junker III, Masterchef, This Will Do, and Tricky Tinkerer

Prerequisites: None

2013/07/20 / 2017/11/29

An individual's ability to positively influence others by power of the spoken word. Starting from convincing a single individual to do something they might have done anyway, an individual progresses in this skill to become adept at leveraging the power of the spoken word to diffuse heated arguments in high-stakes political situations. Progression in this skill also comes with the ability to understand others’ motivations, needs and wants. This skill acts as a counterpart to Intimidation, which deals with influencing others through aggression and coercion rather than understanding and diplomacy. The success of this skill depends on a target’s Resolve.

Charm +0: You can maintain polite and friendly conversations with others but struggle to persuade anyone to do anything they wouldn’t already do.

Charm +1: You have a better understanding of people's emotions and can identify common ground in conversations, though persuading others may require more effort. You can haggle prices to a small degree.

Charm +2: You can come into a volatile situation and diffuse it with some effort, able to sway both sides of a debate. You can regularly convince people to change their opinion on something.

Charm +3: You can negotiate, empathize, and charm your way to mutually satisfying conclusions with ease. You can convince people to do things that they were once strongly against. Conflict de-escalation and mediation have become your forte.

Charm +4: A shrewd negotiator, an expert diplomat and a charismatic salesman: you hold the floor in high-power meetings. Able to navigate complex situations with multiple sides wanting different things, you find common ground and mutually beneficial solutions. Your debating skills can lead people to doubt their core beliefs

Charm +5: You sell sand on Tatooine. Anakin Skywalker is your best customer.

Related Feats: Bad Cop, Built Bridges, Crooked Smile, Cry No More, Fear Will Keep Them In Line, Fosh: Mockingbird, Golden Envoy Presence, Good Cop, I Know That Feel, Bro, Nagai: Soothing Siren, Silver Tongue I, Silver Tongue II, Silver Tongue III, Sociopath, The Pen is Mightier, True Colors, Your Reputation Precedes You, and Zeltron: Sun's Getting Real Low

Prerequisites: None

2023/11/08 / 2023/11/08
Blunt Weapons

A character's ability to use a range of blunted melee weapons in combat. This includes: Quaterstaves, Electrostaves, and Hammers and any kind of bludgeoning weapon like a cudgel or batton. Starting with an understanding of one type of weapon, as an individual progresses, he or she can expand on not just mastery over a single type of blunt weapon, but competency in others.

Blunt Weapons +0: You know which end of a blunt weapon is designed for hurting and which is for holding. Smash with the heavy bit.

Blunt Weapons +1: You understand the basic techniques needed to wield one type of blunt weapon and how to put it through basic combat patterns.

Blunt Weapons +2: You are skilled with one blunt weapon type, and can pick up the use of another type by applying the basic fundamentals.

Blunt Weapons +3: You are an expert with your favorite blunt weapon, and can pick up and fight competently with any other type of blunt weapon.

Blunt Weapons +4: You understand and employ the complex forms involved in the use of any blunt weapon in the Galaxy.

Blunt Weapons +5: If it smashes things, you are an expert with it. You are adept with any blunt weapon you can get your hands on.

Related Feats: A Big Stick, Blunted Steel, Deflect This, Familiar Steel, It's Called Style, Kneecapper, Medley I, Medley II, Medley III, Pistol-cuffs, Proficiency I, Proficiency II, Proficiency III, and This Will Do

Prerequisites: None

2013/07/20 / 2017/11/29

Covers any energy-based firearm from hold-out pistols to Repeating and Sniper Rifles. It measures your character’s proficiency in using them as a weapon as well as your understanding of the different blaster types and how they function. With more skill comes the ability to adapt over a wider range of blaster types.

Blasters +0: You can point and shoot, but any hits are lucky shots at best. You know how to reload and turn the safety on and off.

Blasters +1: You are skilled with one type of blaster weapon (pistols, rifles, or repeaters) and can line up a shot in fair weather and hit your mark. You can track moving targets but have a harder time hitting them when in battle.

Blasters +2: You are skilled with two types of blaster weapons (pistol, rifles, repeaters). You can effortlessly track moving targets and draw beads on them in fair weather conditions and in battle. Accuracy decreases in rougher conditions.

Blasters +3: You are familiar with all kinds of blaster, but are an expert with one in particular. You have countless contest trophies to show off for your ability to hit targets from a wide variety of ranges and angles. Rough weather is an annoyance, but nothing you can’t handle with enough patience and time.

Blasters +4: Any type of blaster is an instrument of death in your hand. You rarely miss a shot, even in rough weather, the middle of a warzone, or with distractions all around you.

Blasters +5: You can spell your name on a target board without looking, hungover.

Related Feats: Down Scope, Guns Akimbo, It's Called Style, Medley I, Medley II, Medley III, No Scope, Pistol-cuffs, Proficiency I, Proficiency II, Proficiency III, Quick Draw, Run And Gun, and Trick Shots

Prerequisites: None

2013/07/20 / 2017/11/29
Bladed Weapons

A fighter's ability to use a range of bladed melee weapons. This includes: Swords, Knives, Spears, Axes, and Vibroweapons of the same types. Starting with an understanding of one type of weapon, as an individual progresses, he or she can expand on not just mastery over a single type of bladed weapon, but competency in others.

Bladed Weapons +0: You know which end of a bladed weapon is intended to injure or kill. Stick ‘em with the pointy end.

Bladed Weapons +1: You are skilled with the core forms of a bladed weapon type of your choice and are a competent combatant.

Bladed Weapons +2: You are skilled in the complex forms of a bladed weapon type of your choice.

Bladed Weapons +3: You know enough about bladed weapons to pick up and fight competently with any type of bladed weapon and are able to fight expertly with one of your choice.

Bladed Weapons +4: You are highly skilled with bladed weapons, able to pick up and expertly wield any bladed weapon type.

Bladed Weapons +5: You know the ins-and-outs of every type of bladed weapon and are adept at using any type.

Related Feats: Back Knife Block, Blunted Steel, Deflect This, Familiar Steel, It's Called Style, Medley I, Medley II, Medley III, Poison Weapons, Precise Slice, Proficiency I, Proficiency II, Proficiency III, and Silent Blade

Prerequisites: None

2013/08/12 / 2017/11/29

Measures the amount of control your character has over their body when in motion such as running, climbing, dodging, or swimming. Athletics represents the combination of balance, coordination and agility your character can perform when they are uninjured, well rested, and at their peak.

Athletics +0: Basic control over your reflexes and daily activity.

Athletics +1: You’re physically active, but avoid trying to pull off fancy feats of agility. Able to dodge large projectiles, hop over hurdles, and can slowly make your way through a large crowd.

Athletics +2: On par with an amateur Holoball player. Cat-like grace and balance, able to change direction and dodge small projectiles.

Athletics +3: On par with a professional Holoball player. Cats envy your balance and agility. You can cut on a dime and change direction without blinking.

Athletics +4: You can move easily through a crowded marketplace, and very few obstacles will give you more than a second's pause to avoid.

Athletics +5: The pinnacle of control. You can sprint through a crowded marketplace without ever slowing or coming to a stop.

Related Feats: Battle Haste I, Battle Haste II, Battle Haste III, Crystal Ascendant: Can't Touch This, Freight Train, Hero Landing, I've Got A Bad Feeling About This, Parkour!, Rising Phoenix , Second Skin I, Second Skin II, Tactical Positioning, Technocrat, and Won't Attract The Worm

Prerequisites: None

2013/07/20 / 2017/11/29

An individual's ability to plot routes through space. Many forego this skill in favor of astromech droids, but droids can only serve predefined routes. The ability to observe, analyze, and implement navigation in space can be an invaluable tool. Starting with a basic understanding of how hyperspace routes are determined, as an individual progresses through this skill he or she will gain a stronger understanding of the astronomical anomalies that affect navigation through space and eventually implement new routes through hyperspace to take advantage of this understanding. While using this skill untrained, an individual would have some knowledge of the major hyperspace routes through the galaxy, but that's it.

Astrogation +0: You know of major hyperspace lanes.

Astrogation +1: You understand the effects of various anomalies on hyperspace travel, and are familiar with most hyperspace lanes throughout the Galaxy.

Astrogation +2: You can plot a basic route through hyperspace without the aid of a droid brain, and know of nearly every hyperspace route in the known Galaxy.

Astrogation +3: You can quickly plot a basic hyperspace route without the aid of a droid brain. With focus and time to work, you are able to develop a route that reduces travel time through known hyperspace lanes.

Astrogation +4: You are able to plot a route that takes far less time than normal. After careful consideration of anomalies and known factors, you can plot short routes that were previously unknown.

Astrogation +5: You are capable of navigating the most wild of space with ease, with no help from a droid brain. You know how anomalies and hyperspace lanes work to such an extent that you are easily capable of developing new lanes through space or drastically reducing hyperspace travel time by taking shortcuts in existing routes.

Related Feats: Always Have An Exit, Celestial Navigation, and Starry Breadcrumbs

Prerequisites: None

2013/07/20 / 2017/11/29