Competition: [Midnight] Gaming Phase 2

[Midnight] Gaming Phase 2

Groznik Sudime is a brilliant tactician and pilot. He also happens to be a notorious gambler. Occupy his time with playing some Pazaak, preventing him from helping the New Dawn plan out a counter attack.

Play Pazaak against anyone in the club. This is a Pazaak only gaming competition. Winners will be determined based on an unweighted PVP Score. Matches must be set up via the FIST-bot on telegram.

This is a Level 2 competition for Midnight.

Please subscribe for the prompt details of this competition.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Organized by
Lord Idris Adenn, General Zentru'la
Running time
2016-12-12 until 2016-12-26 (15 days)
Target Unit
Clan Scholae Palatinae
Competition Type
Multiplayer Gaming
Third Level Crescents
5 subscribers, of which 4 have participated.
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