House Excidium is reeling in the aftermath of the destruction of the Cocytus System. Abandoned by their Quaestor, Blade Ta’var, during the pivotal moment in the clan’s history, the House is hesitant to follow new leadership. Furthermore, Imperial Intelligence has acquired reports that implicate the former Quaestor as the catalyst for the Grand Master’s ire upon Clan Scholae Palatinae. An already tenuous relationship between the vassal House and the Clan is further strained by the emergence of these facts. Additional defections to other Houses and Clans ensue as they search for a new home. The entirety of morale is held together loosely by an unproven leader: Alara Deathbane.
Under her direction, the House has seen massive leaps forward in their attempt solidfy the base of their power. With the support of Tacitus Athanasius, and Battle Team Leader Shadow Nighthunter, Alara enacts sweeping changes that will shape their future for years to come. Her first act is to establish a more prominent fighting force. With the assistance of Jorm Na’trej, they overhaul the House Flotilla. Excidium abandons its former Quaestor’s vision of a discrete fleet and replaces the vessels with powerful Imperial Corvettes and supporting picket ships. Her next action is to unleash the potential of Shadow and her Battle Team. No longer restricted by Blade’s ulterior motives, the assassins of Tacitus Athanasius complete contract after contract in a desperate attempt to collect credits for the fledgling House as it establishes its foothold.
Now, she turns towards her most daring act to date. With the upstart Derek Cinn at her side, she rallies the forces of House Excidium for a new task: Operation Sleeping Dragon.
Welcome to a new set of Fiction competitions for House Excidium. Over the course of two months, the House will run an Operation composed of several Missions to complete certain objectives to advance our fictional progressions as a House. The leadership is responsible for writing the prompt, but the members will be the true authors of our future. The winner of each Mission will have their fiction included as House canon. This is your chance to forge your legacy in the Brotherhood!
Event Span: August 1st through September 30th
Grading Weight:
Title | Status | Running time | Competition Type |
[Excidium] Mission: The Empty Chalice | Finished | 2017-08-01 - 2017-08-16 (16 days) | Fiction |
[Excidium] Mission: Starving Gods | Finished | 2017-08-23 - 2017-09-11 (20 days) | Fiction |
[Excidium] Mission: Devil’s Gift | Finished | 2017-09-15 - 2017-10-02 (18 days) | Fiction |
1st place
Adept Xantros
2nd place
Jorm (The Jester) Na'trej
3rd place
Mandalorian Malodin'Tater