Competition: [Event Long Fiction Bin]

[Event Long Fiction Bin]

Container for the Event Long Fiction competitions for the Taldryan Great Mock War I.

These competitions run from June 3rd until June 24th.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Great Mock War I
Organized by
Supreme Chancellor Cassandra Oriana Taldrya, Koda Kendis
Running time
2023-06-03 until 2023-06-24 (22 days)
Target Unit
Clan Taldryan
Competition Type
None/Other (Manually Awarded)
0 subscribers, of which 0 have participated.
[Event Long Fiction Bin] has 4 sub-competitions
Title Status Running time Competition Type
ACC - Brotherhood Within A Brotherhood Finished 2023-06-03 - 2023-06-24 (22 days) ACC
Co-Op Fiction - Nightmare on Howie Street Finished 2023-06-03 - 2023-06-24 (22 days) Fiction
Fiction - Let's Get Down to Business Finished 2023-06-03 - 2023-06-24 (22 days) Fiction
Run On - Siege of the Senate Finished 2023-06-03 - 2023-06-24 (22 days) Other

Nobody has participated in this competition.