Competition: Co-Op Fiction - Nightmare on Howie Street

Co-Op Fiction - Nightmare on Howie Street

It has been a long, arduous day out in the field of battle in the Karufr Lowlands. Mysterious deaths have plagued the team the last several nights since making camp inside the forest. After a hearty meal was had and campfire stories shared, you stand watch for the first shift on a nearby hill. Luckily, nothing attacks and on check everyone is still alive. Exhaustion besets you by the time you are relieved of duty and sent off to rest before the mission the next day against the enemy team’s base.

As you drift off to sleep, you keep recounting the words and stories you overheard about a mythical individual known only as “Howie the Panda”, the Master at Arms of the Brotherhood; the principal organization to which the Taldryan Republic has its allegiance.

You suddenly awake to screams and blaster fire, and as you look outside, flames envelop the forest and your base. In the center of an open area within the base sits a large creature. A panda. With lightsabers. You glance around, but no one is there except you and the panda. Where did everyone go? Before you have much time to think, it grins with long sharp pointed teeth, and points at you with a long sharp claw and speaks two words. “You’re next.”

And then…the flames fade, bringing only darkness and moonlight. Moonlight on the dark city streets of Port Kasiya that are now in front of you as you stand on the outskirts of the darkened and city. Out of the corner of your eye, you then realize that others are there with you as well. Why are you suddenly in Port Kasiya? Why are there others as well, and can they even be trusted?

You are convinced this is a dream, but no matter how hard you try, you just can’t wake up. It’s at that moment you realize, you and the others are the panda’s prey tonight. Will you flee back into the Lowlands, or will you try and survive inside the city? Or what even will happen? It’s at that point you ask yourself the most important question of all, “Will I survive this long night of *panda*monium?”


  • This is a co-operative fiction competition that requires at least two participants and up to four maximum.

  • Participants can be either from the same team or a mix of both teams.

  • Teams must submit two copies of their submission, one "clean" document (without comments or track changes) for reading in PDF, .doc, or .docx format as well as a second "annotated" version where all writers' contributions are clearly marked using comments and "Version History" in Google documents. Edits and comments in the "annotated" document must be clearly attributable to a team member.

  • You must identify your team members by name and dossier number at the top of your document along with links to character sheet snapshots for each team member. You can create and find manual snapshots by going to the "Possessions and Loadouts" link in your admin menu and selecting the "snapshots" tab.

  • Each writer must contribute at least 500 words total and a roughly equal proportion of the total word count. For example, each member of a two-person team must contribute approximately 50% of the total word count, whereas each member of a four-person team must contribute approximately one-fourth of the total. A writer's substantive edits and comments will be considered when evaluating whether they contributed a sufficient proportion of the document.

  • Grading will be completed based on the following criteria: Creativity, Humor, Mechanics, Story. Given it’s dreamstate nature, realism will not be a factor in grading.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
[Event Long Fiction Bin]
Organized by
Sage Cassandra Oriana Taldrya, Koda Kendis
Running time
2023-06-03 until 2023-06-24 (22 days)
Target Unit
Clan Taldryan
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
2 subscribers, of which 2 have participated.
Combat Master "Aequitas" Anderson
File submission
Anders-Koharu Co-Op-1.pdf
Textual submission

^ annotated version

1st place
1st place
Aylin Sajark
Aylin Sajark
Textual submission

Manually added by Supreme Chancellor Cassandra Oriana Tyris

1st place