Rekio Corsair Tarentae, renowned member of Tarentum since the Exodus, lies dead. Raiju Kang, Tarentum's Consul, is wounded by a revolt in the Yridian Parliament. And the sickness that was thought to be contained in the Northland has spread, bringing with it tales that the dead rise again. Rather than solve the crisis at the Battle of Northland, it seems now even more than before that the fate of Yridia and its people sits precariously on the balance.
Your anger and thirst for revenge following Rekio's death must be quenched, and combat is the only way you can see fit to honor his memory. Using any DJB-supported platform (and #dbgaming as appropriate), hold nothing back and fight, even against other Tarenti if necessary.
Placement for this competition will be based on highest gaming Cluster (CE/CF) count.
July 21, 2015
Killing a named Mob
(Diablo 3)
reported by
Marcus Kiriyu
July 25, 2015
Killing a named Mob
(Diablo 3)
reported by
Darth Renatus
July 26, 2015
Killing a named Mob
(Diablo 3)
reported by
Marcus Kiriyu
July 31, 2015
Star Conflict Skirmish Match
(Star Conflict Matchmaking)
reported by
Ranarr Kul-Tarentae
July 31, 2015
Star Conflict Skirmish Match
(Star Conflict Matchmaking)
reported by
Ranarr Kul-Tarentae