
Displaying competitions 7026 - 7050 of 10822 in total
Title Status Running time Target Main Organizer Type
Unlikely Victory Finished
2010-02-22 - 2010-03-01
(8 days)
Clan Tarentum Imil C. Ucindus Other
Clan Poetry Contest! Finished
2010-02-25 - 2010-03-01
(5 days)
Clan Arcona Lord Marick Tyris Arconae Other
Wiki Development Finished
2010-02-07 - 2010-02-28
(22 days)
House Gladius Watchman Lontra Boglach Other
DB Resident Evil Finished
2010-02-08 - 2010-02-28
(21 days)
Clan Naga Sadow Driftan Balephor Other
Bash the Quaestor Finished
2010-02-10 - 2010-02-28
(19 days)
House Marka Ragnos Fremoc Pepoi Other
[Tarentum]My Dark Jedi Valentine Finished
2010-02-14 - 2010-02-28
(15 days)
Clan Tarentum Frosty Romanae Tarentae Other
Character Sheet Creation--Journeymen Competition Finished
2010-02-16 - 2010-02-28
(13 days)
Clan Scholae Palatinae Draco Maligo Other
Caption Time Finished
2010-02-13 - 2010-02-27
(15 days)
Clan Arcona Celahir Erinos Arconae Other
2. The Bitter Taste ... Finished
2010-02-18 - 2010-02-27
(10 days)
Clan Scholae Palatinae Supreme Chancellor Ood Bnar Other
3. The Bitter Taste ... Finished
2010-02-18 - 2010-02-27
(10 days)
Clan Scholae Palatinae Supreme Chancellor Ood Bnar Other
To be a Writer Finished
2010-02-18 - 2010-02-27
(10 days)
Clan Scholae Palatinae Supreme Chancellor Ood Bnar Other
The Dark Lords Finished
2010-02-18 - 2010-02-27
(10 days)
Clan Scholae Palatinae Supreme Chancellor Ood Bnar Other
Character Analysis Finished
2010-02-14 - 2010-02-25
(12 days)
Entire DJB Sage Enzo Dek Other
[Scholae Palatinae] The Bitter Taste... Finished
2010-02-17 - 2010-02-24
(8 days)
Entire DJB Thran Occasus-Palpatine Other
#Arcona Webcomic Comp Finished
2010-02-09 - 2010-02-21
(13 days)
Clan Arcona Juda Kodiak Erinos Other
Multimedia competition: Arcona Theme Tune Finished
2010-02-09 - 2010-02-21
(13 days)
Clan Arcona Juda Kodiak Erinos Other
[Kraken]Motto Finished
2010-02-11 - 2010-02-21
(11 days)
Battleteam Kraken Dox Romanae Tarentae Other
[[DJBWiki]] Connect the Dots Finished
2010-02-11 - 2010-02-17
(7 days)
Entire DJB Master Windos Other
[Tarentum] Trophy of Tarentum Finished
2009-11-03 - 2010-01-31
(3 months)
Clan Tarentum Shadow Zebina Other
My Tutelage Finished
2010-01-06 - 2010-01-20
(15 days)
House Gladius Mechronage Saltherion Other
The Medal Story Finished
2010-01-07 - 2010-01-18
(12 days)
House Gladius Kratus Vahillus Other
Sigh of Relief Finished
2010-01-08 - 2010-01-15
(8 days)
House Gladius Kratus Vahillus Other
The Mother Finished
2010-01-09 - 2010-01-15
(7 days)
House Cestus Sephiroth Shamshan Kali Other
Cause We All Just Wanna Be Big Rockstars Finished
2009-12-29 - 2010-01-05
(8 days)
Battleteam Banshee Brigade /competitions/tab/finished Other
Shintera Points of Intrest Finished
2009-12-03 - 2010-01-03
(about 1 month)
Battleteam Primus Pilus Octavia Morgan Obrie Other