Event History

Displaying events 111 - 120 of 19204 in total
Event ID
Old Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
New Rank
Warrior (Equite 1)
Requested by
Howlader Taldrya
Primary reason

Necronomicon has reached the required 6800 XP to reach the rank of Equite 1. Congratulations!

Howlader Taldrya, 2024-05-21 13:54:49 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Neophyte (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Acolyte (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Howlader Taldrya
Primary reason

centre97 has reached the required 1300 XP to reach the rank of Journeyman 2. Congratulations!!

Howlader Taldrya, 2024-05-21 13:53:25 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Neophyte (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Acolyte (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Howlader Taldrya
Primary reason

Buhd has reached the required 1300 XP to reach the rank of Journeyman 2. Congratulations!

Howlader Taldrya, 2024-05-21 13:52:37 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Neophyte (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Acolyte (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Howlader Taldrya
Primary reason

networkcolors has reached the required 1300 XP to reach the rank of Journeyman 2. Congratulations!

Howlader Taldrya, 2024-05-21 12:54:51 UTC
Event ID
Creon Neverse
Old Rank
Ranger (Equite 2)
New Rank
Vanguard (Equite 3)
Requested by
Rowan Dragos
Primary reason

Creon Neverse has reached the required 23000 XP to reach the rank of Equite 3.

I’ve known Creon for quite sometime now and I can honestly say that he enjoys discussing and debating Star Wars, the Brotherhood, and Odan-Urr with passion. Part of the family, he has been helpful with his ideas and genuinely wants to help make this Clan a better place. Since his last promotion he has achieved and earned the following.

  • Organized 76 unique competitions
  • Participated in 132 competitions
  • Completed 4 ACC battles
  • Written over 18k words of fiction

In the process he has accumulated a stash which includes 1 Amethyst Kukri, 1 Sapphire Blade, 3 Grand Crosses, 2 Steel Crosses, 1 Bronze Nova, 1 Crescent with Diamond Star, 2 Crescent with Ruby Stars, 6 Crescent with Amethyst Stars, 11 Crescent with Sapphire Stars, 8 Crescent with Emerald Stars, 1 Crescent with Topaz Star, 2 Crescent with Quartz Star, 226 Clusters of Fire, 70 Clusters of Ice, 208 Clusters of Earth, 35 Clusters of Graphite, 2 Scrolls of Indoctrination, 19 Seals of Ascension.

Well done Creaon and thank you for all that you do, my friend!!

Rowan Dragos, 2024-05-21 06:32:17 UTC
Event ID
Doon Sulvir
Old Rank
Mystic (Equite 1)
New Rank
Savant (Equite 2)
Requested by
Envoy Zuza Lottson
Primary reason

Mr Soft Paws, we meet again. It's been a long time since we got to convene for a promotion for you so let's get straight into it.

Doon has been leading the Voidbreaker for over a year now, running competitions and back in December a rp-mission event with a twisty-turvy story and is already in the plots for new things that I'll leave to others to discuss more deeply. Since his last promotion Doon has organised 9 competitions, co-organising 1 and has participated in 55, 12 of which containers and in doing so earned 2 Amethyst Crescents, 1 of Sapphire, 4 of Emerald and 2 Topaz. He also earned a seal of Loyalty, a Silver Nova and 11 Seals of Transendence. This has been in lieu of partaking in 25 roleplays, Dm-ing 6 and doing 5 other fiction activities, writing 144 Clusters of Ice worth of words. He has also completed 17 gaming activities, gathering 84 Clusters of Earth and because he's just completionist like that, he also grabbed 4 Clusters of Graphite along the way. All of that activity has seen him rise through the ranks, hitting two rank ups for the GMRG, 4 for the Inquisitorius, 2 for the Shroud, 5 in the Players Gonna Play trophy and 4 in the Dm-ing Rp trophy tracks for the Envoy Corps. This, all while doing what I stated above in his actions as a Battleteam leader.

However he has been more than just the typical BTL. Tali has this noted on Doon's dossier:

"Doon displayed exemplary leadership and support to our placeholder Consul, Zuza, during the tumultuous shakeup in Arcona's leadership. He aided Zuza in crafting the membership-facing announcement and provided his own guidance and explanations towards the members of Clan Arcona to tide us over the worst of the storm."

And while this may be touched upon by others I'd like to go indepth on this. Because Doon was a vital piece in the transition period this January. Every report I made, the application I sent to Bubba, all of it had his paw involved. He built skeleton structures for me to work off of when I had no idea where to start. Which happened more than once frankly. He provided wordings that said the words I truly meant when I was struggling to find them for reports and channel announcements, without any hesitation or judgement. He was on the ground with the members but he was an anchor keeping me steady. Doon spent hours not just helping with all of that, but just talking to me. The amount of rambling he put up with that month in VCs is probably more than I'd actually want to write down in a permanent medium.

Doon is a quiet person, many might not know him too well outside of Qel-Droma, but if there is anything to know about Doon, it is that he is there when it matters. Not only will he do everything he can to not only support you, he'll be there to make sure the job gets done. That is a trait of a leader that you can't really teach and one I'm happy to cherish.

Enjoy the extra skill points Doon, they're more than deserved.

Envoy Zuza Lottson, 2024-05-20 22:20:19 UTC
Additional reasons

Doon's career as BTL has taken a clear and distinct upwards trajectory of late, though I will not claim this has anything to do with my guidance. It takes a village to raise a child, and so too I will say it takes to raise a BTL. I am glad that Doon has received the mentoring and guidance from my peers to help him flourish in his position and I am more than pleased to see all the ways he has grown and continues to develop as a by-now permanent fixture in the Arconan Summit!

I hired Doon back in ye olden days to run RPs and spice up that side of the club's activities as they were new and novel at the time. I am glad to see that this has been achieved and then some!

Doon has also found his voice in the Summit, both as a helpful aide to the House Qel-Droma side of things, but also the Summit in general. He has grown to understand and appreciate the Arconan spirit as a whole and his voice carries much gravitas despite ostensibly being 'only' a BTL.

It has been my utmost pleasure to work with you, Captain Softpaw! And I look forward to seeing what future adventures you will guide the Voidbreaker II and her crew to!

All the best and congratulektions on a well-earned promotion!

Tali Sroka
Aedile, House Qel-Droma

Aedile Tali Sroka, 2024-05-20 19:16:14 UTC

When I became QUA, I was completely frayed with nerves but Doon was a welcome presence. He was there when you needed him.

Zuza and Tali already covered a lot about him so I'll just cover a few surprises coming up! Doon has an amazing idea for the Voidbreaker soon and I cannot wait to see that roll out! He also did great storytelling when he ran a Voidbreaker rp back in 2023!

Seriously cannot wait to see what more stories he'll bring to the table.

Congratulations on hitting Equite 2!!

Quaestrix Sofila "Sagitta" Douve Armis, 2024-05-20 22:17:48 UTC
Event ID
Quaestrix Sofila "Sagitta" Douve Armis
Old Rank
Seer (Equite 3)
New Rank
Augur (Equite 4)
Requested by
Envoy Zuza Lottson
Primary reason

What a busy few months it's been for Arcona's favourite door-faceplanter. It was only in Feburary that I last got to write a promotion up for Sofila and frankly I'm not surprised it only took her a matter of months to reach this. So, to get it rolling, let us look at the numbers.

Sofila organised 8 competitions, co-organising 2 more. She participated in 315 comps, 56 of which containers and earned 74 Crescents for her efforts. 5 Diamond, 10 ruby, 19 Amethyst, 18 Sapphire, 9 Emerald, 5 Topaz and 8 Quartz. She has also gathered 30 Clusters of Graphite, a Seal of Loyalty, a Scroll of the Master, a Dark side scroll, a Sapphire Blade, an Amethyst Kukri and air drum roll... 1148 Clusters of Fire and 35 Clusters of Earth across 105 gaming activities. But of course it doesn't stop there, Sofila also earned 144 Clusters of Ice across 11 Fiction comps, 21 participant roleplays and 3 dm-ing spints. Oh, as well as passing 3 courses for 3 degress for pure efficency too. This has earned her 2 rank ups in the Collegium, 1 in the Inquisitorius, 2 in the Shroud and one in the Envoy Corps Organiser tree, and all together garnering a total of 1,228,150 credits for Arcona.

And all of this while being the leader of the House Qel-Droma. Since her move to Quastorship, we had the Clan Event during which she encourgaed her members to partake as well as being a major contender herself, in the few weeks since the final wrap up of the big event Sofila has been on the ground running and preparing for the next thing. Not only in events, but also in preparing for Tali's departure. House reports have continued to come through consistently with useful information for the membership and I believe Sofila has been more than ready for when the support wheels come off for a while now. It's wonderful to watch her craft stories and how easily she takes new information on to make sure the story stays true. She has incredible attention to detail when it comes to stories or just handling her own membership. As long life permits her to be, she will be the beating heart of Qel-Droma and cast her silhouette over the shadowyiest part of the Shadow Clan.

Sof cares about this club as a whole. No matter who you are, or what niggly piece of information it is that's been lost. Afterall, it wasn't long ago that, as notated by Arch, that Sofila created a whole wiki-page guide to help others create trivias and understand the process so it'd be more accessible. Nor is it ever that long ago from the last time she supported someone, joked or gathered someone for gaming. Or rambled about Taco Bell.

Be active and activity will follow you. This is something I watch every day in her wake and it's a point of pride to get to be the one pressing the green button on this. You've got this Jenni.

Envoy Zuza Lottson, 2024-05-20 19:36:11 UTC
Additional reasons

Sofila or Jenni as most of us know her has only been with the Fist office for a little over a month but has already hit the ground running. She dived into training to work the queue and has already identified areas where both our public facing and internal documentation needed updating. She has been an eager and vocal participant in staff discussions on our recent policy changes and the addition of a new platform. In this short time working the queue she has processed 125 gaming submissions in a timely manner directly supporting 57 unique members.

Before officially joining the Fist staff Jenni has been a consistent and uplifting part of the gaming community. She helped me test the functionality of the Scriptly transcription bot to help our deaf/hard of hearing members more fully participate in Discord voice activities such as gaming and hangouts and helped test the pingable gaming roles we initially rolled out. Jenni brings people together, welcomes anyone to join in whatever game she’s able to play and will never leave you hanging in Dead by Daylight :P

So on behalf of the Fist staff and gaming community at large, thank you Jenni for being so eager, uplifting and a tangible positive influence on our community.


Champion Rajhin Cindertail, 2024-05-20 13:32:09 UTC

"Miss. Wyvern," Anderson raised a glass of Coruscanti Red to her sudden achievement, a coy smile stretched across his face. "Well done."

In all seriousness, Jenni is a lite firecracker that transcends Clan boundaries. She's literally everywhere, participating, chatting, writing, gaming, you name it, she does it. It doesn't take being in the same Clan to realise that and I'm not surprised she's reached EQ4.

Congratulations, Jenni! sips wine.

High Inquisitor "Aequitas" Anderson, 2024-05-20 16:53:24 UTC

Another month, another Jenni promotion!

All jokes aside, you are amazing and I am glad the system has changed such as to recognize people like yourself for your constant dedication and activity unlike the past one we had. It is a remarkable thing to witness, like a tornado or tsunami of Clusters...

Since we hot-swapped seats in the HQD Summit, I've been pleased to see Jenni has taken well to her new seat as Quaestor. She has worked both diligently, and with due deference for the past, without letting all the choices of history constrain her creativity too much. She consults those in the know, yet only to the point that she knows from where to leap off into the unknown.

In our House chat, she remains active and engaged, eagerly hyping the achievements of our membership and going above and beyond to make everyone feel seen. How she finds hours in the day to do all she does, I'll never know. Mayhaps Sof has come across some archeotech left behind my Miss Granger...?

As a retiring lek, I wish to extend my deepest thanks to you, Sof, for giving me the best gift a Quaestor could ask for; a worthy successor that will hopefully outshine my legacy.

Congratulektions, Jenni!

Tali Sroka
Aedile, House Qel-Droma

Aedile Tali Sroka, 2024-05-20 19:28:11 UTC
Event ID
Sashar Erinos Arconae
Old Rank
Adept (Elder 1)
New Rank
Master (Elder 2)
Requested by
Envoy Zuza Lottson
Primary reason

Sashar Erinos Arconae is admittedly a name I've never heard before. Perhaps in other nicknames, he faintly rings a bell but in lieu of this, I will defer to those who can speak to the achivements of Sashar for a true reccomendation. It's good to see that even people, that while not remembered in the new generation, get what they deserve even if it's been a long ass time. Congrats on the rank up!

Envoy Zuza Lottson, 2024-05-20 18:59:02 UTC
Additional reasons

The Brotherhood was a very different place back in 2008/2009. The mere concept of "One Brotherhood" was not even a fledgling concept. It was a clubs culture that, despite distancing itself from the Emperors Hammer, was still a byproduct of it. Competition between Clans was encouraged. Rivalries and bitter exchanges were just accepted as part of the cost of operating an online star wars club.

Dash was a product of that environment and time period. He was responsible for taking over Clan Arcona after Mejas stepped aside, which represented a big tonal shift in culture. He then did some things that maybe some DBers rather he didn't- he did things like recruit his friends from other clubs.

He recruited me. So when I say I wouldn't be here in this club with Dash, I mean it.

And I'm sure some people reading this and bare their teeth or roll their eyes. Dash wasn't universally loved by everyone. But he was fiercely loyal to his friend, dedicated to doing his job, and very willing to be the "bad guy" if it meant doing something that could help the Clan out in the long term. He was not afraid to butt heads with anyone, and while that combative nature helped in the earlier times, it slowly became less needed as the club matured and grew into what it's been trying for today.

Dash and I did not agree on a lot of things. We fought about the future and the culture of the Clan and the club. But when it came down to the nitty gritty, punch for punch, he did not stand in my way or try to hold me back. He supported me and let me start towards a vision of a different kind of future for Clan Arcona and the larger Brotherhood.

For all of that, Dash did his best to adapt. Up until his eventual retirement and stepping away from the club, he did try his best to fit in with the new generation. But for some people, life has other priorities, people change, and so does the DB. So in light of not having been around the last many years to see a lot of our improvements and updates to the club, I will add a bit of color to this XP-granted promotion, as I believe the Elder Ranks still are important and vital and mean something.

Over the course of his career, Dash has held the positions of:

  • Soulfire/Nighthawk BTS
  • Nighthawk BTL
  • M:Voice
  • P:MAA
  • Soulfire BTL
  • Combat Master
  • More BTL roles
  • Consul x2
  • Proconsul
  • Aedile of Galeres
  • Quaestor of Galeres

This spread, over the stretch of 11 years shows the range of impact Dash had in different elements of not just Clan leadership internally, but of club-level leadership working as CM and as part of the MAA team.

Since his last promotion, in 2010 (about when I graduated college, shit I feel very old now) Dash has earned 1 Emerald Dagger, 1 Ruby Scepter, 1 Amethyst Kukri, 3 Grand Cross, 2 Steel Cross, 1 Anteian Cross, 3 Dark Cross (probably from asking the GM a question for a report), 3 Gold Nova, 9 silver Nova, 2 Bronze Nova, a bunch of crescents, 88 CFs, 67 CIs, 2 SoFs, 10 Scrolls of the Master, 1 LoS, 5 SoLs, enough Seals to go clubbing, and 40,690 (nice) credits earned for Clan Arcona. He has organized 22 competitions, participated in 119, and completed 8 ACC matches for 17,580 words of fiction. And a lot of this is missing some things that were tracked prior to site changes and database carry-overs.

He even helped us squeak out a Silver Nova in a GJW, simply because I asked if he'd come help us out for this one silly voice over for a competition. He was also responsible for a lot of the world building behind Arcona's home system: Dajorra that is still in play today. A lot of his ideas and creativity are the foundation that was later built and expanded upon by future Consuls.

So while Dash has not been active in the club for quite some time, his legacy and work ethic have a chance to be highlighted and acknowledged.

Thanks for your service, you jaded old bastard. The club is different than the one you once operated in, but it will always be here and remember your contributions.

-W Walldawg

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2024-05-20 15:57:12 UTC

It's felt wrong to be a higher rank than one of the men I so looked up to when I joined, so here's to fixing that today.

Jon -- I missed the Dash period -- was already one of the Olds for me as a little baby PRT in 2013. He wasn't fully retired then, but he'd set up his Clan to grow and his successors to take over and move on. Jon always fought for Arcona or those entrusted to him tooth and nail. It wasn't all good by any stretch, but the spirit was in it, and its that spirit that carried on to Wally, then to me, and to each successive Arconan leader and member today. It evolved like the Clan did from various efforts. We're strong as we are and still around today because of the legacy of members like Jon.

More personally, I've spent ten years in leadership, and when that was at the Clan and House level, Jon was always there to advise. While he formally retired from that advisor role along with some of the other Arconae who'd earned their rest a couple years ago, in that time he was always a great guidance and backbone to me. He was willing to fight anyone or anything for me or the Clan, and having that support alone always meant so much. This man is a legendary writer, builder, friend, and [redacted], and I know he earned Master as much as he earned probably not reading an email since 2020.

We love you, blue eyes. Thank you for setting the stones of the place I came to find and make my home.

In fact not 16

Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, 2024-05-20 17:38:24 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Yeoman (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Professional (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Howlader Taldrya
Primary reason

Zhunix has reached the required 3600 XP to reach the rank of Journeyman 4. Congratulations!

Howlader Taldrya, 2024-05-20 14:03:14 UTC
Event ID
Kaz Raith
Old Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
New Rank
Mystic (Equite 1)
Requested by
Howlader Taldrya
Primary reason

Kaz Raith has reached the required 6800 XP to reach the rank of Equite 1. Congratulations Kazmiri of Belgium! I hope this brings you back to the land of activity again!!

Howlader Taldrya, 2024-05-20 13:56:34 UTC