Event History

Displaying events 1421 - 1430 of 19204 in total
Event ID
Champion Rajhin Cindertail
Old Rank
Reaver (Equite 4)
New Rank
Eminent (Elder 1)
Requested by
Lord Nevan Taelyan
Primary reason

Turel got involved in leadership and as a content creator within our community to provide opportunities for others from his first days and has never looked back and has a collection of sacramental medals and merit medals to show for it on top of so many other awards he has earned. He has been a leader at the Battle Team, House and the highest levels of a Clan, been in charge of a society as Combat Master and the ACC, worked multiple times as a member of the Chamber of Justice as well as active in supporting gaming and any other opportunity that comes his way. In looking at the sum of the work across his career over the past six years and since his last promotion, it's clear that he has already given back to the community and been engaged at the level of an Elder. He's earned this promotion, congratulations Turel.

Lord Nevan Taelyan, 2022-01-12 23:48:16 UTC
Additional reasons

Where the GM and Turel’s Consul will speak to his metrics and accomplishments, I want to speak specifically to Turel’s contributions to the DB’s gaming community.

Over the three plus years I have served in the role of Fist, Turel has proven time and time again that he is a community builder and a person singularly focused on providing not only quality content, but a quality experience for our members.

Turel is a powerhouse in gaming activity. He currently holds the #2 spot for most Clusters of Fire earned in the DB, and is at #4 for the most Clusters of Earth. That in and of itself is a feat, but it doesn’t tell the full story. Those clusters were earned playing games with literally hundreds of DB members across thousands of activities. Turel is always inviting members to play supported games, non-supported games, he hosts Jackbox game events for fun, and so much more. Turel does not game with only himself and what he has to gain in mind; he plays with others to help them earn rewards and find enjoyment in the DBs main social activity.

To me personally, Turel has been a consistent advisor. He has provided his opinion (sometimes loudly) on things that the Fist should consider, he backs up his positions with data, and he always comes from the position of wanting to give more access to gaming for the members of this club.

Even though his time on staff has been short, he has continued to show that he wants nothing more than to provide quality activities for members. His recent proposal on the utilization of Discord Events led me to reinstate the monthly Gaming With the Fist event.

Turel already displays all the qualities we look for in our Elders, and I am honored to add my voice to this recommendation.

Congratulations, Turel. Thank you for all you have done and I know you will continue to do in the future.

Master Dracaryis, 2022-01-07 05:08:22 UTC

I've had the pleasure of working directly with Turel in the Chamber of Justice, first as Right Hand and later as Justicar. During both of those terms, Turel demonstrated an unmatched commitment to protecting the rights and positive experiences of our members, and a remarkable passion for this club. We have not always agreed, but I have never doubted Turel's motivations or his sincerity. We're lucky to have him, and I'm very happy to add my recommendation for his promotion into the ranks of the Elders.

Congratulations, Turel! This has been a long time coming and is very well deserved.

Lord Dacien Victae, 2022-01-07 15:07:06 UTC

Turel has been by my side as PCON for the past 8 months and has performed his duties with the same professionalism and drive as he has for all his previous times as a leader in Odan-Urr. Well-versed in the ways of the DB, Turel uses his time in other positions to craft a better user experience for our members, continually suggesting ways for us to improve as a Summit, as well as strongly advocating for our member’s rights outside of the Clan.

To summarise his activity since his last promotion, Turel has accumulated 1 Ruby Scepter, 1 Sapphire Blade, 1 Grand Cross, and 1 Anteian Cross. He's participated in 274 competitions earning himself 1 Gold Nova, 2 Silver Nova, 5 Bronze Nova, 17 Crescents with Diamond Stars, 16 Crescents with Ruby Stars, 35 Crescents with Amethyst Stars, 21 Crescents with Sapphire Stars, 12 Crescents with Emerald Stars, and 5 Crescents with Topaz Stars. Gaming wise, he's earned 18 Pendants of Blood, 8,767 Clusters of Fire, and 2,358 Clusters of Earth. His 27,550 words of fiction in 31 Activities have earned him 97 Clusters of Ice and he amassed 64 Clusters of Graphite. Additionally, he has 1 Scroll of Indoctrination, 11 Scrolls of Foundation, 2 Seals of Loyalty, 15 Seals of Wrath, 16 Seals of Fury, 13 Seals of Discord, 11 Seals of Visions, and 13 Seal of Enmity. In the Shadow Academy, he has passed 16 courses and has earned 4 degrees.

While not only a consumer, Turel has organized 32 competitions, co-organized 16, judged 37 Acc battles, graded 15 Shadow Academy courses and produced 10 news posts.

Over the past 4 years, Turel has worn a lot of hats as well. Those include Consul, Proconsul, Quaestor, Left Hand of Justice, ACC Judge, Combat Master, Shadow Academy: Docent, Magistrate to the Regent, and Magistrate to the Fist.

I’d like to thank you for your continued support and dedication to the Clan and for making this Club feel like a home.

Congratulations on your promotion to Elder, you’ve more than earned it!

Revak Kur Consul, Odan-Urr

Grand Inquisitor Lizuni Heraga, 2022-01-07 18:17:18 UTC
Event ID
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
Old Rank
Warden (Equite 4)
New Rank
Adept (Elder 1)
Requested by
Lord Nevan Taelyan
Primary reason

Aura has been part of the community for many years, but over the past 6 or so in recent memory I've been part of she has stepped into leadership that spans multiple Clans, with years on the Clan Odan-Urr summit leaving an impact on both the Clan and Brotherhood community. She has a collection of sacramental medals and merit medals to back up her impressive contributions to this community and all the work she's done as a creator and contributor to the experience of other members. When looking over her accomplishments across her career in the Brotherhood so far it was clear she had already earned the Elder rank. Congratulations Blade.

Lord Nevan Taelyan, 2022-01-12 23:48:19 UTC
Additional reasons

If you would for a moment, picture a roughly medium-sized fluffy dog who constantly yips and runs through your house like a maniac wanting to play and who, if you don’t give them something to do, will find their own ways to entertain themselves. This is a Shib. This also happens to be Aura’s spirit animal.

Possessing the energy of many suns, Aura has been a driving force for a lot of the community-building initiatives here in COU. The brainchild to our very successful Weekly Community Events where members are encouraged to pull together their Clubmates and host events that range from roleplay missions, gaming, or anything else they would like. Aura’s love of comradery and community has become cemented in the culture of the Clan and even while not holding a position of leadership she still encourages and supports this by offering to host and participate when she can. Since piloting the Community Events nearly two years ago, Aura has hosted 47 of these events and participated in almost all the rest. To give it some perspective, our Community Events on average last around 3 hours so for her to host so many means she committed 141 hours to just hosting her events. This doesn’t include hyping, reaching out to members, or participating in other members' events. It is rare you find someone who will donate this much time to something on a consistent basis, but as she had for the Clan if she believes in something she will work tirelessly to make it happen.

On a personal level, Aura has been a good friend and mentor. From pulling me out of hiding and “CON”ing me into House leadership to being around to offer advice to me now, Aura can always be counted on for support. I know that if there is ever a spreadsheet that needs fixing or data that needs to be represented in a chart, I know who to reach out to.

So now comes the numbers part. Since her last promotion in 2019, she has earned 1 Ruby Scepter, 1 Amethyst Kukri, and 1 Grand Cross. Participated in 311 competitions earning herself 2 Gold Nova, 1 Silver Nova, 2 Bronze Nova, 4 Crescents with Diamond Stars, 15 Crescents with Ruby Stars, 21 Crescents with Amethyst Stars, 21 Crescents with Sapphire Stars, 15 Crescents with Emerald Stars, 3 Crescents with Topaz Stars and 2 Crescents with Quartz Stars. For her writing, she has 42,276 words of fiction earning herself 95 Clusters of Ice. Gaming-wise she earned 4 Pendants of Blood, 528 Clusters of Fire, and 863 Clusters of Earth. All those stick figures have earned her 206 Clusters of Graphite and in the Shadow Academy, she's passed 16 courses and earned 2 degrees. Additionally, she's earned 1 Dark Side Scroll, 2 Scrolls of Indoctrination, 2 Scrolls of the Master, 7 Legion of the Scholar, 1 Seal of Loyalty 22 Seals of Visions, and 25 Seals of Enmity.

Not only a consumer, but Aura has also organized 113 competitions, co-organized 6, and posted 20 news posts (most of which had been on time). She has also held the position of Consul and currently holds the positions of Magistrate to the Grand Master and the newly created SWTOR Tribune.

While I have barely scratched the surface of every contribution Aura has made to COU and the DB over the years, I will say that all of them have gotten the Club to where it is today. Thank you so much Aura for everything you do and have done. This is a well-earned promotion to Elder!

Revak Kur
Consul, Odan-Urr

Grand Inquisitor Lizuni Heraga, 2022-01-07 19:26:52 UTC

The true measure of a leader comes in how they respond to things not going their way, to obstacles, disappointment, and setbacks. Consul is one of the most rewarding jobs in the club but at times it can be the most challenging. Blade took the helm of COU at a time of great change both in the club and in the clan. Activity had slumped, the roster shrank and issues abounded. She did not shrink in the least from these challenges leading the way with her relentless optimism, determination, and downright inspiring level of care for the community, who she often refers to with affection as her “pups.” Blade retooled the summit, dug in, and did the hard work of steering the great ship of Odan-Urr out of the storm and into the future. The success the clan has today is due in no small part to Blade’s example and strength of character. My respect and admiration for Blade has continued to grow over the years as she doesn’t quite seem to know the meaning of the word retired contributing to the clan nonstop as a regular member and advisor.

Initiatives Blade started at the clan level such as roleplay, community events, and leveraging Discord as a platform are now being implemented across the club. Her vision, foresight, and laser focus on member experience shine like a beacon for the rest of the club to follow. Elders are those who have made an impact on the club for the benefit of their fellow members and Blade has certainly made a doge-shaped impact.

Thank you for all you have done and continue to do for Odan-Urr and the entire club.

Turel Sorenn
Proconsul, Odan-Urr

Champion Rajhin Cindertail, 2022-01-07 22:02:01 UTC

What can I honestly say about Aura? She is a humble, passionate, and dedicated leader and friend. Always there for you when you need someone to talk to and wise enough to offer advice that can help shape your DB career. Upon rejoining COU, Blade was a mentor to me. Sure, I knew what it meant to lead and how to do it on the surface. But she helped me to reinvent myself, whether she realized it or not. A guiding light in the darkness, she was who I leaned on the most, even if her criticisms were brutally honest at times, she truly does want what is best for her peers. She has been a pillar for Odan-Urr and a shining star in the Brotherhood. An absolute beast in JA and a meteor deflector in Squadrons. A constant presence on ToR, when the tribune position opened I remember immediately messaging her and saying she had it in the bag, I think before she even applied. Sure enough, she was chosen, and I couldn't think of a better person for the job. As Consul of Odan-Urr she was simply amazing, her fresh ideas and vision were and continue to inspire me as I step back into leadership. I aspire to reach her level of skill and finesse. Bold enough to defend those she calls friend and compassionate enough to forgive, Blade is the embodiment of a true leader. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything that you've done for me personally and for your Clan. Odan-Urr couldn't find a better friend or member. You deserve this promotion, you really do, and it was an honor to write this.

Rowan Dragos, 2022-01-09 15:06:56 UTC

What can I honestly say about Aura? She is a humble, passionate, and dedicated leader and friend. Always there for you when you need someone to talk to and wise enough to offer advice that can help shape your DB career. Upon rejoining COU, Blade was a mentor to me. Sure, I knew what it meant to lead and how to do it on the surface. But she helped me to reinvent myself, whether she realized it or not. A guiding light in the darkness, she was who I leaned on the most, even if her criticisms were brutally honest at times, she truly does want what is best for her peers.

She has been a pillar for Odan-Urr and a shining star in the Brotherhood. An absolute beast in JA and a meteor deflector in Squadrons. A constant presence on ToR, when the tribune position opened I remember immediately messaging her and saying she had it in the bag, I think before she even applied. Sure enough, she was chosen, and I couldn't think of a better person for the job. As Consul of Odan-Urr she was simply amazing, her fresh ideas and vision were and continue to inspire me as I step back into leadership. I aspire to reach her level of skill and finesse. Bold enough to defend those she calls friend and compassionate enough to forgive, Blade is the embodiment of a true leader. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything that you've done for me personally and for your Clan. Odan-Urr couldn't find a better friend or member.

You deserve this promotion, you really do, and it was an honor to write this.

Rowan Dragos, 2022-01-09 15:08:09 UTC
Event ID
Headmistress Alethia Archenksova
Old Rank
Colonel (Equite 4)
New Rank
Brigadier General (Elder 1)
Requested by
Darth Renatus
Primary reason

As I look upon the end of Arch's term, I think to myself...didn't I just write his rec? Yes. I did. But I'm doing it again, because he earned it.

When I try to quantify what an Elder promo looks like, Arch is quite easily the picture. As a member, Arch is a machine that is constantly working not just for his unit, but also the club as a whole. His impact? Far reaching. His effort? All encompassing. His consistency? Unending. I don't even think Arch knows how to be a retired member. It is a no-brainer to me to put to words that he should be promoted into the upper tier of our ranking structure.

As a friend, I've had the pleasure to be on both the side of the observer on the outside seeing the product of his effort and the fly on a wall as he workshops and plans. Very rarely is it a case of "I want this" and it is almost always a case of "what could be best for the system." That's the Elder mojo right there. Other recs can attest to all he has done for COU and serving under other leaders, but I am so glad to be able to add my two cents.

Thane "Atra" Skotos
Justicar, Chamber of Justice

Darth Renatus, 2022-01-12 23:29:03 UTC
Additional reasons

Arch is one of those impressive members who just keeps going. He has years of leadership experience under his belt, from AED up through CON, as CM, RHoJ, and now as the club's first Exarch. In his new role, he has worked to standardize Discord-based RP into a trackable and awardable activity and to raise awareness of it in the club. That project is far from complete, but his efforts so far demonstrate his commitment to this club and his desire to improve the member experience.

Congratulations, Arch!

Lord Dacien Victae, 2022-01-07 15:51:00 UTC

Arch is one of my heroes, there’s really no other way to say it. He works tirelessly for the benefit of the members of this club and his concrete accomplishments are numerous as others will attest. Beyond his positions and project work Arch embodies lead by example.

I’ve had the honor of working with Arch at the clan, in the ACC and informally on all sorts of proposals. Arch taught me to temper advocacy with consensus building, intuition with data, and adversity with patience. In short, I am a better member, leader and person because I know him and I can safely say he has had that same impact across COU and the club as a whole.

On behalf of COU and the club as a whole thank you for everything you do!

Turel Sorenn
Proconsul, Odan-Urr

Champion Rajhin Cindertail, 2022-01-07 16:06:51 UTC

In a previous award, I stated, “I honestly don't know how someone can do all the things that Arch does and still be considered sane.” This holds true when looking at Arch’s activity over the past couple of years. Whether it was Questor of Sunrider, Right Hand of Justice, Shadow Academy: Docent, Combat Master, or the newly created Exarch, Arch is always finding a way to make this Club better. For example, working to create a more structured way to roleplay that works with our current system by taking what COU has been doing and incorporating it into the other Club roleplay systems. This certainly will have a lasting impact on the longevity of the DB as we are able to reach out and expand into new territory. At home, Arch is always encouraging and guiding both our new and older members to be better and to make sure they get out of this Club what they’ve come here for.

Since his last promotion Arch has been granted 1 Ruby Scepter and 1 Amethyst Kukri. He participated in 317 competitions earning him 3 Gold Nova, 5 Silver Nova, 3 Bronze Nova, 15 Crescents with Diamond Stars, 32 Crescents with Ruby Stars, 61 Crescents with Amethyst Stars, 45 Crescents with Sapphire Stars, 22 Crescents with Emerald Stars, 10 Crescents with Topaz Stars and 2 Crescents with Quartz Stars. His gaming activity has earned him 1 Pendant of Blood, 58 Clusters of Fire, and 11 Clusters of Earth. Writing-wise he has 18,595 words of fiction that have earned him 59 Clusters of Ice. He has 39 Clusters of Graphite, 3 Dark Side Scrolls, 4 Scrolls of Foundation, 2 Scrolls of the Master, 13 Legion of the Scholar, 1 Seal of Loyalty, 13 Seals of Visions, and 14 Seals of Enmity. In the Shadow Academy, he has passed 13 courses and has earned 3 degrees.

While not only a consumer, Arch has organized 41 competitions, judged 2 Acc battles, graded 8 Shadow Academy courses and produced 8 news posts.

Thank you Arch for your continued support and dedication to the Clan and for giving us even more ways to enjoy this community we have here. Congratulations on your promotion to Elder, you’ve certainly earned it!

Revak Kur Consul, Odan-Urr

Grand Inquisitor Lizuni Heraga, 2022-01-07 18:22:01 UTC
Event ID
General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla
Old Rank
Colonel (Equite 4)
New Rank
Brigadier General (Elder 1)
Requested by
Lord Nevan Taelyan
Primary reason

Zoron has been a leader in Clan Taldryan has been a strong leader in Vizsla since its inception, as well as a strong contributor to the gaming community on the Fist staff and working along side the Grand Master as Magistrate and assistant. The guidance and feedback he's provided over the years as a member of the community have helped build and improve the experience of other members. He is a proactive content creator who is incredibly active at the highest levels. His collection of sacramental and merit medals are a testament to all he's contributed since he joined the community some 20 years ago while his piles of crescents and novae show how talented he's been in participating in activities. There is no doubt in my mind that the DJB is a better community due to his contributions and he is already operating at the levels of an Elder, so he's already earned this promotion. Congratulations Zoron.

Lord Nevan Taelyan, 2022-01-12 23:48:25 UTC
Additional reasons

When I became Consul my first task was to set about finding the right person to be my second hand. I firmly believe that in real life and the Brotherhood the greatest of leaders are those that lead by example. I wanted someone that embodied that mentality themselves. Zoron is that person heart and soul. I find it hard to wrap my mind around all that he does sometimes. He bleeds not just Vizsla but the entire club in everything he does. When you boil it down this club is all about activity. That activity comes in many forms, shapes, and scope. You will be hard-pressed to find a more active member than Zoron. In fact, I have tried.

His activity in competitions really needs no introduction but I will do it anyway. Since his last Promotion in September of 2017 Zoron has competed in 512 competitions. He has earned 310 Crescents off those and 12 Nova, which is a 62% placement rating. Not content to just participate he seeks to do his best in each and every competition. He has earned 499 Clusters of Fire, 1702 Clusters of Earth, 44 Clusters of Ice, 83 Clusters of graphite showing that he is much more than the “puzzle king” (which he is). He led all of Vizsla in the last Vendetta in both the number of entries and points scored, which I will touch on in a second as well. Last, is just a truly staggering statistic. It takes 2 Million Credits to earn the Clan Title. As of writing this, he has earned 2,971,470 credits for the clan, second place in Vizsla is 710,440

My favorite quote in Band of Brothers is “Never put yourself in a position to take from these men.” Before the last Vendetta, I instituted a new unofficial Clan Title, the Warstalker. It is given to the member who scores the most amount of points in a Vendetta. Zoron won the title by a decent margin. However, when I gave him the results he declined the award. Stating that he wanted it to go to someone other than the Consul or Proconsul. Again, leading by example.

But wait, there is more. As Proconsul he isn’t just content to skate by on his participation numbers, give a few shoutouts, and hype up the members. He takes an active behind-the-scenes role. Our work schedules do not always line up and I can’t count the times I have been at work and thought about something that I need to take care of for the Clan only to get home and find out Zoron has already handled it.

When we first got together to lead the Clan, we made a plan. It was a simple plan that has had profound effects on the unit. First, give members stuff to do. Second, Award members properly and promptly. Zoron has run numerous competitions for the Clan and Brotherhood as a whole as can be seen by the 34 competitions he has ran. More than that he is adamant and quick in awarding our members for their work.

Credits Not Words, it is just another way of saying Lead by Example. Zoron embodies the meaning. Congratulations on Elder Zoron!

Vynn Salm, 2022-01-07 01:36:16 UTC
Event ID
Adept Xantros
Old Rank
Augur (Equite 4)
New Rank
Adept (Elder 1)
Requested by
Lord Nevan Taelyan
Primary reason

Xantros contributions to Clan leadership in Scholae Palatinae at the highest summit levels is something I personally was a part of, having succeeded him in the role after years of his time supporting the Clan. Yet he has sought opportunities to support the Shadow Academy, or just run on his own many competitions over the years that provide an opportunity for other members to do something as well. He is truly a content creator in this community and just reading through his multiple sacramental medals and all his merit medals speaks to his contributions and the role he has played over all these years. He truly stands apart among Equites and should stand among Elders. Congratulations Xantros on your promotion to Elder.

Lord Nevan Taelyan, 2022-01-12 23:48:27 UTC
Additional reasons


It is an absolutely pleasure to bring Xantros forth to join the Elder ranks. As you'll see below from the metrics he's been a powerhouse of activity both in terms of participating and organizing since his last elevation on May 17th, 2017.

Xantros was one of the first people I met when I rejoined the Dark Jedi Brotherhood and I was impressed with his effortless way of poking in and smiling mischievously into the void and sparking conversations. As an individual who exists on the other side of the world I'm sure timing to communicate with us all was a challenge and yet he is as constant a presence as anyone else in the clan.

If Reiden is our Puzzle Master, Xantros is our Puzzle Keeper (Ghostbuster reference). His puzzles are torturously wonderful. There's something uniquely fun about trying to put together a puzzle of a Taun-taun on Hoth with nearly all white on the screen.

His time as Aedile oversaw several large competitions, specifically the Dark Times Saga which he coordinated with Dek and the rest of the Summit. Since rejoining the Headmistress's staff he's coordinate the lives trivia sessions and unique competitions on her behalf. While grading 72 Shadow Academy courses!

When you look at his activity contributions, just since his last promotion, he's written a novel's worth of words and continues to be one of the consistent PvP players of Hearthstone!

I'm extremely proud of Xantro's long contribution to the Brotherhood and I look forward to his continued engagement as an Elder!



  • 72 organized
  • 461 participated


  • 485 PvP matches
  • 16 PvE matches
  • 2 ACC battles
  • 95 Fiction activities
  • 84,074 words written
  • 12/6038 Run-on posts/words

Shadow Academy:

  • 39 Courses passed
  • 7 Degrees gained
  • 72 Courses graded


  • 2 Amethyst Kukri
  • 2 Sapphire Blades
  • 1 Grand Cross
  • 2 Silver Nova
  • 262 Crescents
  • 29 Pendant of Blood
  • 2,421 Clusters
  • 15 Scroll of Foundation
  • 1 Legion of the Scholar
  • 37 Seals


  • 5 months BTL
  • 10 months M:HM (cumulative)
  • 1 month Shadow Academy Professor
  • 11 months Aedile

Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz, 2022-01-07 02:29:59 UTC
Event ID
Epis Locke Sonjie
Old Rank
Augur (Equite 4)
New Rank
Adept (Elder 1)
Requested by
Lord Nevan Taelyan
Primary reason

Locke has spent over 3 years at the helm of Clan Naga Sadow as its top leader, and has spent time at every level of leadership in the Clan. Organizing nearly 100 competitions and providing leadership and guidance and opportunity for members of the organization. His leadership and counsel have most definitely had an impact on other members of the community and in reflecting back on all he has accomplished he should stand among the Elders. Congratulations Locke.

Lord Nevan Taelyan, 2022-01-12 23:48:22 UTC
Additional reasons

I think that Locke Sonjie has more than committed a long-term devotion to our club, and to Clan Naga Sadow. Whereas some members have served once as Consul of a Clan and then moved on to greener pastures, Rogues, or just plain old retirement, Locke has stuck with Clan Naga Sadow. Having served as Consul back in 2012-2013, he came to serve again another 2 years from 2015-2017. It was under Locke's leadership that we saw events such as Ashes Fall, Awakenings, Operation: Firestorm among many other Operations.

Even though Locke stepped away from the Consul life and all the delightful stresses that can bring, he has continued to serve in our membership. Locke has spent literal years as a Battleteam Leader, then returned to Aedile before again serving as Quaestor. Looking back at Locke's dossier, he has a tidy little bundle of internet shinies to show for his service.

Though not all of Locke's contributions have been quite as upfront as his time as Consul, he has been a valued supporter- and critic- of the Upper Summit. He has not been afraid to call me out on things that we are doing poorly. In that way, I think of him as more than just a subordinate or peer, and maybe more as a good internet friend. I mean, he might seem a bit prickly from time to time, but Locke has historically gotten results.

Thinking back on my Journeyman days, Locke had an ability to craft enjoyable events and activities that I still envy. Here is the thing I do want to circle about to, though. Locke could very well have just coasted along. Locke could have very well just gone poof and run away leaving all of us and Sang very sad. Locke is a fun, if slightly offbeat individual. Whether is has been in organizing the HMR Master of Puzzles competitions, small events like HMR Dark Flame, his part in the Arbiters of Sadow series we once used to select Blackguards, Null Zero, his part in running the CNS/CSP Shattered Ties event, Operations Firestorm and Cobalt, Awakenings, Red Fury...

I could go on. Locke as Consul was quite the trip. From his promotion and beyond, I did take a peek over his hard numbers. I can spout off the usual sort of stuff. He has gobs of competitions organized (41), co-organized (29), and participated in (261). He has been a storm of Fire and Earth Clusters, with some 75 PvP and 257 PvE entries. He has completed 53 fiction activities, 9 ACC battles. He has clocked out over 50k words, 29 RO posts and another 25k words from just the latter. Clusters in the four usual flavors: 393 of Fire, 163 of Ice, 3371 of Earth and 57 of Graphite. He has recieved 4 Seals of Loyalty and a variety of Vendetta Seals: 19 Wrath, 10 Fury, 12 Discord, 5 Visions and 7 Enmity.

Looking at his recent Sapphire Blade and then his Amethyst Kukri back in 2016 and I think it does paint a picture of consistency. True, retiring from Consul does tend to slow one down. In the time he served as Consul, our unit was second for active members. We had lots of members reach Knight, we had stability, and our Clan saw growth under his leadership. In the times since, he has helped us to update our fleet and military assets several times. He brought about the Dominion, which as I alluded to above, was a high point in my early DB/CNS career. Actually, looking back at the Amethyst Kukri reccs that Locke received you can see that Sang's words echo how willing Locke is to point out how a course can be corrected for the good of his unit and his fellow members.

The fact is that, without the influence of Locke, I don't think that Clan Naga Sadow would be in half the state that it is today. I think that given the quality of his contributions, given the heart he has poured into the Clan, and the longevity with which he has continued to do so that Locke is already an Elder in his own right. As such, I lift my voice in support of this promotion.

This recognition is more than overdo, and I hope that even though it took us a long time to hold his achievements up, that Locke will still be with us for a long time to come.

Well done, Locke. I guess that tonight your drinks will be on me.


Master Bentre Stahoes, 2022-01-07 00:44:49 UTC

WoW! So, these Elder promos are just a flipping HUGE honor for me to be a part of. I won't go into a long soapbox of everything that Locke has been involved in because the Boss already laid that out. I just want to attest to Locke as a person, mentor and member to the Clan and Club.

Locke is a one of those folks that every Clan should have. He is a member that has set a foundation within the Clan. A Summiteer on multiple occasions, Locke has had a hand in developing CNS both indirectly and directly. From his former Consul days to just being a staunch mentor to us. He is one of those folks that calls a spade a spade and is true to his word.

Locke's ability to see things in a different light has continually bolstered the Clan and our members to grow in a more positive and informative manner. His knowledge is more than an asset to the Clan, he is just a walking CNS encyclopedia. He has assisted Summit on SEVERAL occasions, and I know for me, regardless of whether we agree on a topic or not, I know that his inputs are ALWAYS for the betterment of the CLAN. A fact that I admire and respect of a man that is WELL DESERVING of this promotion. It truly is an honor to be a part of your Elder promotion, Congrats Sir!

Adept DarkHawk Sadow, 2022-01-07 17:44:28 UTC
Event ID
Seer A'lora Kituri
Old Rank
Warden (Equite 4)
New Rank
Adept (Elder 1)
Requested by
Lord Nevan Taelyan
Primary reason

A'lora has spent years as a leader in Clan Odan-Urr, working on the summit far longer than he spent as the key leader as the Consul for over a year. After which he has given incredible support to the DC offices he has engaged with contributing to the Herald office, as well as the Voice and Regent offices, at each stop providing support and improving the experience for members with his leadership and guidance. Personally supporting me as I worked on projects as Deputy Grand Master making key contributions to some projects that took place to improve member experience and quality of life. I look back at the sacramental medals and merit medals earned during his time as a leader and thinking about how he contributed and built so much content, and so many words I had trouble reading them all and not just skimming and had trouble not seeing A'lora among the ranks of Elders in this club for his incredible contributions. Congratulations A'lora on your promotion.

Lord Nevan Taelyan, 2022-01-12 23:48:31 UTC
Additional reasons

A’lora or Moro as many know him is a bit of a legend in Odan-Urr as the first Consul of Clan Odan-Urr and one who’s record of service stretches all the way back to the formation of House Odan-Urr. The list of positions and projects he has worked on since his last promotion spans almost the entire breadth of Brotherhood activity; the Voice, Regent, and Herald offices all benefited from his service as did the Odan-Urr summit. As Consul Moro shepherded Odan-Urr from a struggling House to a full-blown Clan with a strong foundation. Everything from our lore, the culture of our summit to the standard set for our titleholders was established by Moro. When it became clear we outgrow New Tython, our home as House, Moro helped create Kiast the system we are still fleshing out almost six years later. All the leaders that came after, myself included, have followed in his footsteps.

You would think one who basically helped establish a successful clan would rest on their laurels and enjoy a well-deserved retirement. Not Moro. When the summit needed him, he stepped up. When the club needed his skills, he stepped up. Time and time again. Another aspect of Moro is his down-to-earth humility. All the things he’s done and all the times he answered the call were done quietly, with no expectation of reward or the spotlight. Things needed to be done and he did them. That is the attitude of an elder.

Elders are those who work for the good of the entire community and make a positive impact for the club. Sometimes that impact takes the form of a massive project or systems change but sometimes it’s a lengthy period of impactful and consistent service. Odan-Urr simply would not be the place it without Moro and the club is a better place for his consistent service. On behalf of Odan-Urr and the club thank you for everything you do.

Turel Sorenn
Proconsul, Odan-Urr

Champion Rajhin Cindertail, 2022-01-08 20:57:08 UTC

I can honestly say that this Clan, along with the entirety of the Club, would not be what it is today if it wasn’t for the hard work and dedication Moro has put into both over the years. Our deep lore, the complexity of biomes of many of our worlds, and rich stories over the years have made Odan-Urr an inviting and immersive place where members can create elaborate backstories and breathe new life into their characters. We have Moro to thank for much of it.

Since his last promotion, Moro has earned 2 Sapphire Blades, 3 Steel Crosses, 2 Anteian Crosses, and 1 Dark Cross. He has participated in 209 competitions earning himself 4 Gold Nova, 2 Silver Nova, 2 Bronze Nova, 5 Crescents with Diamond Stars, 2 Crescents with Ruby Stars, 13 Crescents with Amethyst Stars, 5 Crescents with Sapphire Stars, 7 Crescents with Emerald Stars, 6 Crescents with Topaz Stars and 1 Crescent with Quartz Star. His gaming activities have earned him 11 Pendants of Blood, 246 Clusters of Fire, and 532 Clusters of Earth. His 16,790 words of fiction and 6 ACC battles have earned him 63 Clusters of Ice. For his art, he’s earned 36 Clusters of Graphite. He has also organized 14 competitions, co-organized 14, 3 Dark Side Scrolls, 1 Legion of the Scholar, 2 Seals of Loyalty, 13 Seals of Wrath, 10 Seals of Fury, 12 Seals of Discord, 11 Seals of Visions, 3 Seals of Enmity, passed 26 Shadow Academy courses and earned 2 degrees.

Moro has also held the positions of Consul, Praetor to the Voice, Quaestor, Magistrate to the Herald, Magistrate to the Regent, and Praetor to the Deputy Grand Master.

Thank you Moro for everything you’ve contributed to Odan-Urr since its creation. This has been a home for many and will continue to be, long into the future. Congratulations on this well-earned promotion to Elder!

Revak Kur
Consul, Odan-Urr

Grand Inquisitor Lizuni Heraga, 2022-01-10 19:23:27 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Initiate (Novitiate 1)
New Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
Requested by
Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae
Primary reason

Shotblastingmachine, you have successfully completed the Trial of Identity and confirmed your e-mail address, for which you have earned the rank of Apprentice. While you may currently be on a shuttle to House Tyranus, I will continue to follow your progress with great interest.

May the Force guide you, Apprentice,

Adept Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae

Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae, 2022-01-12 12:26:47 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
New Rank
Novice (Novitiate 3)
Requested by
Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae
Primary reason

You're already beginning to make a name for yourself, Malephisius. I have heard reports from House Galeres that you have managed to:

  • Perform a basic activity, such as contacting the house/clan summit

I have recommended you for immediate promotion.

Congratulations, and may the Force guide you, Novice,

Adept Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae

Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae, 2022-01-07 22:06:39 UTC
Event ID
Frosty Romanae Tarentae
Old Rank
Reaver (Equite 4)
New Rank
Eminent (Elder 1)
Requested by
Master Dracaryis
Primary reason

Today I am taking action on something that probably should have happened a couple years ago.

Frosty Romanae Tarentae was one of the DB’s best gamers. His name was always somewhere in the top three for GJW and Vendetta gaming events. One of the last true PvP gamers, Frosty was a force to be reckoned with in Jedi Academy. But above all, he was someone who loved gaming and enjoyed participating and having fun with the members of this club.

Since his last promotion in 2016, Frosty has earned multiple accolades including sacramental awards, merit medals, novae, crescents, and over a thousand clusters. He organized and ran over 70 competitions, and participated in (and in many cases won) just as many.

Sadly, we lost Frosty in 2018. It is my hope that this posthumous promotion to Elder provides some closure to those who knew him, and also truly recognizes a person who gave so much to this club.

Frosty was one of the best, and while he did not live to see this promotion, it is still well deserved and long overdue.

Congratulations, Frosty. You are missed.

Master Dracaryis, 2022-01-07 05:29:42 UTC