Event History

Displaying events 1591 - 1600 of 19204 in total
Event ID
Lucienda Myers
Old Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
New Rank
Novice (Novitiate 3)
Requested by
Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae
Primary reason

You're already beginning to make a name for yourself, Lucienda Myers. I have heard reports from House Qel-Droma that you have managed to:

  • Perform a basic activity, such as contacting the house/clan summit

I have recommended you for immediate promotion.

Congratulations, and may the Force guide you, Novice,

Adept Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae

Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae, 2021-05-23 15:22:10 UTC
Event ID
Lucienda Myers
Old Rank
Initiate (Novitiate 1)
New Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
Requested by
Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae
Primary reason

Lucienda Myers, you have successfully completed the Trial of Identity and confirmed your e-mail address, for which you have earned the rank of Apprentice. While you may currently be on a shuttle to House Qel-Droma, I will continue to follow your progress with great interest.

May the Force guide you, Apprentice,

Adept Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae

Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae, 2021-05-22 23:42:47 UTC
Event ID
Allistar Darkbrood
Old Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
New Rank
Novice (Novitiate 3)
Requested by
Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae
Primary reason

You're already beginning to make a name for yourself, Allistar Darkbrood. I have heard reports from Clan Odan-Urr that you have managed to:

  • Perform a basic activity, such as contacting the house/clan summit

I have recommended you for immediate promotion.

Congratulations, and may the Force guide you, Novice,

Adept Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae

Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae, 2021-05-20 19:26:08 UTC
Event ID
Annika Anthos
Old Rank
Proselyte (Novitiate 4)
New Rank
Neophyte (Journeyman 1)
Requested by
Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae
Primary reason

Annika Anthos, you continue to impress. You're growing more competent each day and you will surely rival the Dark Council when the time is right. You have met the requirements for promotion, and a recommendation has been filed. Your accomplishments include:

  • Have an approved character sheet on record
  • Join Telegram or IRC, and visit Clan Channel
  • Logon to the DJB Discord Server

I will continue to watch your progress, Annika Anthos, but my direct intervention in your promotions must come to an end.

You will go far within this Brotherhood.

May the Force guide you, Journeyman,

Adept Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae

Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae, 2021-05-20 06:25:39 UTC
Event ID
Annika Anthos
Old Rank
Novice (Novitiate 3)
New Rank
Proselyte (Novitiate 4)
Requested by
Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae
Primary reason

It seems that not a day goes past where I do not hear about you, Annika Anthos. Your superiors have sent glowing records regarding your accomplishments, which include:

  • Join Telegram or IRC, and visit Clan Channel
  • Logon to the DJB Discord Server
  • Participate in 1 competition

An expedited recommendation for your promotion has been transmitted to the Master-at-Arms.

May the Force guide you, Proselyte,

Adept Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae

Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae, 2021-05-20 06:25:26 UTC
Event ID
Allistar Darkbrood
Old Rank
Initiate (Novitiate 1)
New Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
Requested by
Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae
Primary reason

Allistar Darkbrood, you have successfully completed the Trial of Identity and confirmed your e-mail address, for which you have earned the rank of Apprentice. While you may currently be on a shuttle to Clan Odan-Urr, I will continue to follow your progress with great interest.

May the Force guide you, Apprentice,

Adept Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae

Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae, 2021-05-20 03:41:10 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Lieutenant (Journeyman 4)
New Rank
Captain (Equite 1)
Requested by
Warlord Kai Movar
Primary reason

A promotion to Equite 1 is a big thing in the DJB. It is one of our major milestones. Today I have the distinct honour of recommending Corvin Rootai for his promotion to EQ1. Since his last promotion, he has entered 30 competitions of various types earning placement crescents in five of them. He entered a competition in GJW XIV last year, earning a Gold Nova! Corvin has completed three ACC Battles, four run on posts amounting to 1599 words and written a further 2153 words of fiction in five fiction activities. Corvin earned 17 Clusters of Ice for his writing submissions and also earned six Clusters of Graphite for his graphics work. He has been busy in the SA passing 10 courses, gaining a degree and was awarded an Anteian Cross for his solid activity in the clan.

Congratulations Corvin, you’re a fantastic member of House Ventress and Clan Plagueis. Welcome to the Equites!

Warlord Kai Movar, 2021-05-17 20:41:35 UTC
Additional reasons

What can I say about Corvin? He is always upbeat and encouraging to everyone around him. When a big event starts up he’s all in and hyping everyone. A consistent, calm and wonderful presence on Telegram, he is a great member of Plagueis. I can see Corvin going far within the Brotherhood, and with his assent into the ranks of Equite will do just that.

Congrats Corvin, keep up the hunt my friend.

~ Overseer Tahiri

Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae, 2021-05-17 20:35:13 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
New Rank
Warrior (Equite 1)
Requested by
Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz
Primary reason

Request for Promotion:

I, Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz, Proconsul of Clan Scholae Palatinae hereby request that Knight Cello be elevated to the rank of Warrior. Like most Sith, Cello has operated quietly in the shadows pulling the strings of destiny to contrive greater power for himself.

Activity Summary Since Last Recognition:

Reviewing the logistics since Cello's last recognition he's maintained a steady stream of activity. It is important to note that while Cello was recently recognized on January 17th, 2021 his last promotion was recorded on October 16th, 2013. Comparing between the last promotion and last recognition shows that the last four months have seen a significant increase in activity which nearly all the below metrics occurring after January 17th, 2021.


Personal Development - 34 Shadow Academy courses completed, earning an impressive 5 degrees
Combat Activities - 79 PvP matches completed with an additional 21 PvE activities submitted
Competition - An impressive 104 completed competitions, through which he's submitted 12,025 words of fiction (e.g. 20 pages)
Recognition - 23 Crescents, 6 PoB, 512 CF, 24 CI, 71 CG, 1 SoF, and 1 LoS

Personal Note:

On a personal note I have found Cello to be an incredibly competitive, yet fair, Hearthstone player. Whether playing with one of his impressively built custom decks or a newly unwrapped deck he presents a challenging opponent. Despite a clear separation in skill he is fair and humble in his victories. While not as vocal in Telegram as other members he is easily recognized by his peers and when present is in good company of his fellow knights.

Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz, 2021-05-16 04:35:26 UTC
Additional reasons

Cello has been an outstanding individual who has been engaged in numerous activity from comps to gaming. He has written numerous fictions for a good portion of these comps and has also been competitive when it comes to hitting the card game of Hearthstone. He also stampeded through various SA courses, earning himself 5 degrees since his last recognition.

It's always a pleasure to see his name pop up in his emails with each and new activity he's partaken in. I'm am very excited to see him join the Equite ranks as a Sith Warrior! Congratulations, Cello! Very well earned! Keep up the great work!

Blade Mistress Shadow Nighthunter, 2021-05-16 03:40:16 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Initiate (Novitiate 1)
New Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
Requested by
Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae
Primary reason

BrickStacker, you have successfully completed the Trial of Identity and confirmed your e-mail address, for which you have earned the rank of Apprentice. While you may currently be on a shuttle to House Galeres, I will continue to follow your progress with great interest.

May the Force guide you, Apprentice,

Adept Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae

Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae, 2021-05-15 10:47:09 UTC
Event ID
Annika Anthos
Old Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
New Rank
Novice (Novitiate 3)
Requested by
Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae
Primary reason

You're already beginning to make a name for yourself, Annika Anthos. I have heard reports from Battle Team Sapphire Squadron that you have managed to:

  • Perform a basic activity, such as contacting the house/clan summit

I have recommended you for immediate promotion.

Congratulations, and may the Force guide you, Novice,

Adept Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae

Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae, 2021-05-14 03:49:11 UTC