Event History

Displaying events 1901 - 1910 of 19204 in total
Event ID
Lumyi Hicyl
Old Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
New Rank
Mystic (Equite 1)
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason

Knight Trenkyp Zkig was Clan Vizsla’s second night and our longest and most active serving new join since the creation of our Clan. Trenkyp has been a consistent and persistent presence in Clan Vizsla since his last promotion roughly six months ago. Since then he has participated in 23 total competitions, ran two competitions, completed 3 ACC matches, written 2500 words of fiction, taken six SA courses, and earned one degree. Additionally, Trenkyp has won or placed in several competitions picking up 4 various crescents and 8 Seals.

Trenkyp also served as Saxon BTL leading up to the war and did an outstanding job organizing his team and preparing them for the war. His two months of service were outstanding and his participation in Clan Summit level discussions helped craft the way for the Clan moving forward.

Trenkyp, congrats on your well earned promotion. We look forward to seeing what you can do next.

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2020-08-04 16:22:05 UTC
Event ID
Via-Torr Duskk
Old Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
New Rank
Novice (Novitiate 3)
Requested by
Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae
Primary reason

You're already beginning to make a name for yourself, Via-Torr Duskk. I have heard reports from Clan Odan-Urr that you have managed to:

  • Have an approved character sheet on record

I have recommended you for immediate promotion.

Congratulations, and may the Force guide you, Novice,

Warlord Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae

Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae, 2020-08-04 15:14:29 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Yeoman (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Professional (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Aedile Tali Sroka
Primary reason

Archian has been and continues to be a most studious apprentice. Since his last promotion, he’s participated in 19 competitions, as well as continued to accrue a further 10 SA courses, bringing his total to a hefty 34, and adding another degree to his total of 3. During the Great Jedi War XIV, he gave a very strong showing for himself as but a Journeyman, earning 15 Seals of Visions, along with a Bronze and Gold Nova. Earning a Nova in a GJW is no small accomplishment, and as a fresh-faced Journeyman that is quite the feat! In further recognition, he has been awarded a duly-earned Anteian Cross to add to his impressive resumé!

Our furry medic has begun to find his own within Arcona, and I thoroughly enjoyed writing and fighting alongside him during the War. He was a truly upbeat person to work with and keeping even veteran participants on their toes with his enthusiasm. That is precisely the sort of spirit I like to see in up-and-coming Arconans, and I could not be more proud of my apprentice to show this level of commitment!

Reaching the level of Knight, or in this case Professional, is always a major step in any enterprising Journeyman’s career. It is a mark of dedication and recognition of learning, and understanding, the way the Brotherhood operates. What it is not, however, is a statement of being finished, but a welcoming among full-fledged members and to truly spread your own wings and find your place within our society.

Having seen what Archian is capable of, and the way he keeps on chipping away whenever he has time to spare at various activities, leaves me with no doubts that he is ready and deserving of this promotion! I look forward to seeing what great adventures this Shistavanen will have, and wish to be the first to congratulate him on this significant milestone!

Congratulektions, Archian!

Drinks are on you tonight!

Tali Sroka
Quaestor, House Qel-Droma

Aedile Tali Sroka, 2020-08-04 14:35:18 UTC
Additional reasons

Archian's dedication to this community is truly remarkable. I remember having him asking me when was the next set of competitions coming out right after the war was over, which shows his enthusiasm.

Seeing how much he learned during the GJWXIV and how fast he picked up new things and adapted himself had left me with no doubts that he is ready to advance and continue his path within the Brotherhood.

I'm proud of what you achieved Archian and am eager to see how far you'll get with time. You are more than deserving of the rank of Professional. Congratulations mate!

Aru Law
Aedile, House Qel-Droma

Dr. Aru Law, 2020-08-04 14:29:55 UTC

Archian has been a fantastic member, sociable, active, friendly, and War ready! For a guy recruited not long before the War he threw in fully, knocking out multiple bins and supporting his new Arconan friends. He’s proved himself to be a pretty great guy and is more than ready to enter the Shadesworn as a Professional!

Congrats, Archian, and welcome to the big leagues!

Rollmaster, Arcona

General Stres'tron'garmis, 2020-08-04 14:31:16 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Trainee (Novitiate 4)
New Rank
Runner (Journeyman 1)
Requested by
Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae
Primary reason

Zhunix, you continue to impress. You're growing more competent each day and you will surely rival the Dark Council when the time is right. You have met the requirements for promotion, and a recommendation has been filed. Your accomplishments include:

  • Have been awarded 20 Clusters of Earth (A Cluster of Fire counts as two Clusters of Earth)
  • Join Telegram or IRC, and visit Clan Channel
  • Logon to the DJB Discord Server
  • Participate in 5 competitions

I will continue to watch your progress, Zhunix, but my direct intervention in your promotions must come to an end.

You will go far within this Brotherhood.

May the Force guide you, Journeyman,

Warlord Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae

Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae, 2020-08-03 12:18:09 UTC
Event ID
TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia
Old Rank
Raider (Equite 2)
New Rank
Corsair (Equite 3)
Requested by
General Ronovi Tavisaen
Primary reason

TuQ. My dude. My hatted friend. Where do I even begin with you? You are truly one of the greatest people I have ever had the pleasure of working with. Your passion, hard work, dedication, amiability, and support for both myself and the rest of Plagueis are all deeply appreciated and loved. And now, as you end your three consecutive years in leadership, you know what? I think it’s time you got promoted.

Since his last recognition a year ago, TuQ’uan has served as my Proconsul and assisted with 28 competitions for Clan Plagueis, organizing 22 of them and coorganizing six of them. He has participated in 101 competitions himself and collected the following shinies: three Gold Novae, a Silver Nova, three Crescents with Ruby Stars, six Crescents with Amethyst Stars, five Crescents with Sapphire Stars, eight Crescents with Emerald Stars, four Crescents with Topaz Stars, thirteen Clusters of Fire, 31 Clusters of Ice, 16 Clusters of Earth, 22 Clusters of Graphite, and 16 Seals of Discord. He completed all nine bins in the latest Great Jedi War and was constantly on Telegram during the vendetta, checking in with members and ensuring that they felt supported and not-so-stressed about the event, as well as also earning a Gold Nova for his contributions to the clan-wide run-on.

But more so than his participation in competitions, I want to focus on TuQ’uan’s leadership itself. As my second, he has gone through a slew of clan changes and events. He co-wrote the proposal with me to close Karness Muur and Ajunta Pall and open our newest house, Tyranus. He ran multiple clan-level competitions with me, including a feud against Clan Vizsla in which he was an organizer and judge. He served as Magistrate to the Voice (more from Idris on that later). And through it all, he maintained his positive, Canadian-appropriate demeanor and spirit. It has not been easy for him to do that, given how stressful his real life has been.

For a year, he has proven to me that he’s been the best Proconsul I have ever worked with. When I wanted to bounce off an idea, hold a meeting, or just vent about things, TuQ was always around for a chat in PMs or for a Google Hangout. Not only did he help the clan in terms of productivity, but he also helped in terms of the community’s mental state and mood. A leader, after all, doesn’t just get you to work - they get you to think, relax, and have fun. They boost your morale, and they make you happy to be a part of the unit. That’s what TuQ’uan has done, and he’s damn good at it.

TuQ, I know you will continue to be an active di Plagia (our newest) after stepping down as Proconsul, though I will miss having you in the position. I am honored to recommend you for a promotion to EQ3. You have earned it triplefold now. Thank you for everything.

~ Ronovi Tavisaen

Dread Lord of Plagueis

General Ronovi Tavisaen, 2020-08-03 02:30:49 UTC
Additional reasons

TuQ, The Great Hat One, was an instrumental part of ‘Team Voice’ well before I stepped into the office. While I cannot speak to his time on the staff prior to October, I can tell you the six months he spent helping me as I transitioned into the role of Voice was a massive help. I am truly and absolutely grateful that TuQ was part of the current team when I arrived.

TuQ was responsible for helping clear the character sheet queue in a timely manner, helping approve some 31 sheets in the six month period I worked with him. These approvals do not include the numerous remands he had to issue in this time, ones he handled with incredible professionalism. His remands were always thoughtful and full of aid to the receiving members in making their characters sheets the best they could be. This also does not take into consideration the fact that TuQ was involved in remands and approvals that did not involve him hitting the button on the site. All questionable sheets for review are discussed in the Voice telegram channel, and TuQ was more often than not involved in those discussions. I found his insight particularly helpful as I got into the groove of processing sheets myself.

Beyond the tedious work of the sheet queue, TuQ spent those 6 months providing feedback and proofing on all of the Voice policy/project updates. These include cleaning up the Lightsaber Forms/Features, Updates to the Selectable Species List, Cleaning up Force Powers post-TRoS, Tweaking CS Skill language, and more.

Basically TuQ is awesome and his time working on the ‘Team Voice’ is/was a massive boon for the club as a whole. He has my whole-hearted support.

Congrats TuQ and well deserved!

Idris Adenn

Voice of the Brotherhood

Lord Idris Adenn, 2020-08-03 02:30:37 UTC
Event ID
Via-Torr Duskk
Old Rank
Initiate (Novitiate 1)
New Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
Requested by
Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae
Primary reason

Via-Torr Duskk, you have successfully completed the Trial of Identity and confirmed your e-mail address, for which you have earned the rank of Apprentice. While you may currently be on a shuttle to Clan Odan-Urr, I will continue to follow your progress with great interest.

May the Force guide you, Apprentice,

Warlord Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae

Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae, 2020-08-02 17:56:58 UTC
Event ID
Joseph Ison
Old Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
New Rank
Novice (Novitiate 3)
Requested by
Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae
Primary reason

You're already beginning to make a name for yourself, Joseph Ison. I have heard reports from House Galeres that you have managed to:

  • Perform a basic activity, such as contacting the house/clan summit

I have recommended you for immediate promotion.

Congratulations, and may the Force guide you, Novice,

Warlord Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae

Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae, 2020-08-01 17:08:36 UTC
Event ID
Val Skyg
Old Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Seer Xolarin
Primary reason

Hunter Crawramek has been an immense asset to the clan and a keen fit to the family. He has been super active in activities and competitions, especially gaming, and has been an awesome friend to all of us on Telegram and during the latest war events.

Since his last promotion, Craw has competed in a number of competitions and even achieved a Sapphire Crescent. He has passed, with 100%, 8 Shadow Academy courses and earned himself another degree. More impressively, he has been awarded 44 Clusters of Fire and 390 Clusters of Earth, through 27 PvE games.

Craw has been an absolute machine, and a lot of fun to be around in these events and in clan chats. I am more than pleased to grant this promotion to our friend.

Rise this day, Knight Crawramek Turazza, honorable Markosian and warrior of Sadow!

Seer Xolarin, 2020-07-30 16:10:09 UTC
Additional reasons

I have had the opportunity to game with Crawramek and He is a delightful person to play games with on Hots. He is a team player and a fun person to be around. I am honored and pleased to give my recommendation for his promotion to knight. congratulations on this well-deserved promotion. Keep on Rocking!

~Rollmaster of Naga Sadow

Tasha'Vel Versea, 2020-07-25 13:15:22 UTC

Crawramek has absolutely crushed it with his activity and beyond deserving of the rank of Knight. I’m super excited to see where the rest of your DB career takes you and all the shinies and dossier tags you can pile up. Start digging into the history and create your own! GM is the limit!

, 2020-07-25 14:11:58 UTC

Always pleasing to see folks make it to this level. It adds new dimension to each of our characters! Watching folks ascend to this level and beyond is more than satisfying for the Clan! Crawramek has been a SOLID force since his arrival in CNS. Blasting through comps and garnering his degrees within the halls of the Shadow Academy! Crawramek, is always upbeat and positive and I know this is just the beginning of his ascention! I am very pleased to be on this recommendation and whole heartedly support this promotion!

Adept DarkHawk Sadow, 2020-07-25 15:32:00 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Proselyte (Novitiate 4)
New Rank
Neophyte (Journeyman 1)
Requested by
Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae
Primary reason

Gwowk, you continue to impress. You're growing more competent each day and you will surely rival the Dark Council when the time is right. You have met the requirements for promotion, and a recommendation has been filed. Your accomplishments include:

  • Have been awarded 2 Clusters of Graphite
  • Join Telegram or IRC, and visit Clan Channel
  • Logon to the DJB Discord Server
  • Participate in 3 competitions

I will continue to watch your progress, Gwowk, but my direct intervention in your promotions must come to an end.

You will go far within this Brotherhood.

May the Force guide you, Journeyman,

Warlord Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae

Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae, 2020-07-29 11:47:58 UTC
Event ID
Vuxox Doveo
Old Rank
Proselyte (Novitiate 4)
New Rank
Neophyte (Journeyman 1)
Requested by
Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae
Primary reason

Vuxox Doveo, you continue to impress. You're growing more competent each day and you will surely rival the Dark Council when the time is right. You have met the requirements for promotion, and a recommendation has been filed. Your accomplishments include:

  • Have an approved character sheet on record
  • Have been awarded 2 Clusters of Graphite
  • Join Telegram or IRC, and visit Clan Channel
  • Logon to the DJB Discord Server
  • Participate in 5 competitions

I will continue to watch your progress, Vuxox Doveo, but my direct intervention in your promotions must come to an end.

You will go far within this Brotherhood.

May the Force guide you, Journeyman,

Warlord Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae

Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae, 2020-07-29 11:47:56 UTC