Event History

Displaying events 3611 - 3620 of 19205 in total
Event ID
Old Rank
Savant (Equite 2)
New Rank
Seer (Equite 3)
Requested by
Lord Idris Adenn
Primary reason

Today I am pleased to recommend that Jacob, aka Caesar, be advanced on to the rank of Equite 3. Breaking past Equite 2 can be a difficult task, and Jacob has shown he has the chops to continue his long and capable DJB career. The ever active and ever analysing Jacob has had nearly two years of dedicated activity since reaching Equite 2, and been a great member to continue to get to know better and work with.

I first was introduced to Jacob while he was a member of Clan Tarentum. He contacted me inquiring about bolstering gaming events between the different clans of the club. This contact grew until eventually he and Delak began to work side-by-side to get a inter-clan Battle Team event, with Team Grey Wolf and Team Shadow Guard. This event was a well planned and execute venture from both sides, one I know the members who participated in had a great deal of fun doing. When he decided to change things up and transfer in to Scholae Palatinae, it was an easy move, with so many of our members already knowing who he was. We were grateful to receive such a passionate member, and one who was so consistently looking for ways to better relationships and activity between all members of the club.

Beyond my interactions with him while he was serving as a BTL in Tarentum, Jacob’s activity record shows his persistent drive to do so much in this club. He is currently sitting at some 67 participated competitions, 2 SA exams, 1 PvP Match, 51 PvE matches, and 10 fiction activities clocking in at 4801 total words. He has earned a Steel Cross, 2 Anteian Crosses, 2 Diamond Stars, 2 Ruby Stars, 2 Amethyst Stars, 5 Sapphire Stars, 4 Emerald Stars, 3 Topaz Stars, 7 PoBs, 440 Clusters of Fire, 22 Clusters of Earth, 10 Clusters of Ice, 1 Scroll of Indoctrination, and 1 Seal of Loyalty.

Many Congratulations Jacob on a promotion well earned! Drinks are on you!

Xen’Mordin Palpatine
Consul of Scholae Palatinae

Lord Idris Adenn, 2017-05-17 11:57:41 UTC
Additional reasons

Since his last promotion, Jacob has organised 16 competitions, co-hosted a further 10, participated in 67 competitions and placed in 18 of them. Jacob has earned 2 diamond, 2 ruby, 2 amethyst, 5 sapphire, 4 emerald, and 3 topaz. Jacob has also earned 7 pob, 440 cfs, 10 ci, 22 ce, 1 steel cross, 2 anteian, a scroll of indoctrination and a seal of loyalty. Jacob has also passed the trial of acquisition and the gray jedi core exams. But these are just the efforts of a singular, active members, these do not show he is ready for the senior ranks of the equites.

For over 11 months, Jacob was the active leader of Clan Tarentum’s battle team named Grey Wolves. He sent out reports, engaged with the team members and made sure there was enough things for them to do.

It’s my impression that Jacob is ready to be named an EQ3.


Quaestor of House Imperium

Qor Kith, 2017-05-13 23:41:01 UTC

Caesar has always been active on Telegram, and was passionate about being the best possible version of himself in Tarentum. We wish him well, and Tarentum is happy to support CSP in their efforts to have him promoted. Whether going by Caesar, Potus, Jacob, or otherwise, I'm certain he is continuing to be a valuable member to them.

Master Zsarion Bloodfyre, 2017-05-14 03:07:11 UTC

When discussing the beginnings of the battleteam Crucesignatis Imperialis, Jacob was concise and exact with what he wanted and expected. And although he had left due to RL issues, he has returned as equally interested as he was before he had to leave. It's this dedication and determination that I love seeing in members. I won't say more than what's been said above, but Jacob is a standout member who served his Clan for 11 months as a battleteam leader. He deserves this promotion to EQ3.

Battleteam Leader of Crucesignatis Imperialis, Dek Ironius II

Sage Enzo Dek, 2017-05-14 07:19:27 UTC

Jacob is a member that first became known to CSP when he, alongside Delak, organised an interclan battleteam event, New Alliances, between battleteams Shadow Guard and Grey Wolves. New Alliances was a full scale event of 8 competitions and a backstory, available here: https://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/competitions/9646 which was a major success, as evidenced by the 15 unique participants from members of the two battleteams eligible to compete.

We are happy to have Jacob in our ranks, and are thankful for what he has done for the clan both before and after his transfer from Tarentum.


General Zentru'la, 2017-05-14 11:01:08 UTC

Savant Jacob or Caesar as he was know in Clan Tarentum has been a good Battleteam leader for the Grey Wolf, the BT he has started and nurtured into the unit that it is today. Grey Wolf was the first Grey unit of Tarentum. With the help of Caesar, Grey Wolf gave numerous leaders including: Altheseus Levathan, Lucifer Scorpio Romanov, blackhawk and Ranarr Kul. This unit also helped in the formation of Tarentum's newest house: Liath. As a BTL, Jacob, was a regular reporter, he maintained constant presence on Telegram and via email, and he regularly organized competitions not only for Grey Wolf but for the Clan and the club as well. He has even made alliances outside the Clan with other battleteams such as Shadow Guard BT of Clan Scholae Palatinae. These alliances have turned into successful co-op competitions like the New Alliances.

His personal activity was always high and even though his time and access to computer was limited due to his RL job he gave it the best he could. He's a great guy and I'm honored to recommend him for this promotion. Congratulations!

Frosty Romanae Tarentae, 2017-05-17 06:30:15 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Initiate (Novitiate 1)
New Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
Requested by
Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae
Primary reason

Alex_Blackheart, you have successfully completed the Trial of Identity and confirmed your e-mail address, for which you have earned the rank of Apprentice. While you may currently be on a shuttle to Battle Team Shadow Gate, I will continue to follow your progress with great interest.

May the Force guide you, Apprentice,

Battlelord Farrin Xies

Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae, 2017-05-16 20:08:03 UTC
Event ID
James Malum
Old Rank
Neophyte (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Acolyte (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Sage Enzo Dek
Primary reason

James Malum has served the necessary two weeks in the Neophyte rank. He has also participated in at least 4 competitions, achieved rank 2 in both the Shadow Academy and the GMRG, created and had his character sheet approved, and has garnered a total of 28 Clusters of Fire.

Not only that, he is on the Clan Telegram daily, communicating with all members as well as offering himself up for projects (which he has done well in) and other activities. His constant strive to learn, participate, and achieve has earned him a respect amongst the members.

Congrats, James!

Dek Ironius II

Battleteam Leader of Crucesignatis Imperialis

Sage Enzo Dek, 2017-05-15 14:49:11 UTC
Event ID
Mystic Kor Vaal
Old Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
New Rank
Mystic (Equite 1)
Requested by
Lord Idris Adenn
Primary reason

Kor Vaal has returned home to Scholae Palatinae with great success. His return to the roster bring with it his traditional outstanding and skilled participation as one of our wonderful Knights in Scholae Palatinae. It is my great privilege to recommend Kor Vaal be advanced on to the rank of Equite 1!

Since his initial outstanding rise to Knight back in 2014, Kor Vaal had taken a brief break before returning to CSP and reminding everyone of what a badass and capable member he is. To date he has participated in 35 different competitions, passed 9 SA exams, earned 2 SA degrees, fought 1 ACC battle, and had 7 different fiction activities totaling to 11,229 words. He has earned 1 Anteian Cross, 2 Diamond Stars, 1 Ruby Star, 4 Amethyst Stars, 2 Sapphire Stars, 4 Emerald Stars, 30 Clusters of Ice, and 3 Clusters of Graphite.

Kor Vaal has been a great member to continue to see grow, demonstrating a great work ethic and high drive for success. He has worked as a Knight with honor, and finds himself ready to break into the Equite ranks. Congratulations Kor Vaal, drinks are on you!

Xen’Mordin Palpatine
Consul of Scholae Palatinae

Lord Idris Adenn, 2017-05-15 00:26:01 UTC
Additional reasons

Since his last promotion back in 2014, Kor has proved himself to be a solid and sturdy member for what he wants in the Brotherhood, but this time this is something we want for him.

Kor has organised a competition, participated in a further 35 competitions. He also placed in another 13, earning 2 diamond, 1 ruby, 4 amethyst, 2 sapphire, 4 emerald, 30 cis, 2 cgs and earned 1 anteian cross.

Kor has also passed 9 courses which include; the Trial of Acquisition, Leadership Rewards, Alchemy Studies, Mercenary Core, Sith Order Core, Grey Jedi Core, Comms 102: TG, Mandolorian Studies, and Races and Species. He has also gained 2 degres, a Maven in Philosophy and one in Lore.

As well as being a sound voice in the foundations of the new Crucesignatis Imperialis, I find Kor Vaal to be a strong and ready member for the rise to Equite.

Congratulations Kor!

Quaestor of House Imperium

Qor Kith, 2017-05-14 01:27:23 UTC

Kor Vaal came to Crucesignatis Imperialis in its beginnings a couple months ago. He joined of his own volition, showing an excitement and desire to participate and do things for the battleteam and the house. When I made the first Crucesignatis Imperialis competition, he was first to submit an entry for every category and put a ton of detail into every one of his entries, showing the dedication of his work and the care he puts into it as well. For this he placed first in the entire event itself, cementing himself into the history of this battleteam.

I could not ask for a better model BT member. He doesn't view himself above the BT because of his rank, and he participates heavily. It's this activity that aids in the definition of promotion, and with what else was said above, I also recommend Kor's rise to the equites.

Congrats, Kor! Drinks are on you!

Battleteam Leader of Curcesignatis Imperialis, Dek Ironius II

Sage Enzo Dek, 2017-05-14 07:02:09 UTC
Event ID
Adept Reiden Palpatine Karr
Old Rank
Warrior (Equite 1)
New Rank
Battlemaster (Equite 2)
Requested by
Lord Idris Adenn
Primary reason

Today I have the great privilege of recommending Reiden Karr be advanced to the rank of Equite 2. Reiden has stepped up his game these last few months, and despite his own misgivings of his skill has shown every single one of us what a talented, resourceful, and capable member he truly can be. From strong showings in competitions, consistent involvement with his fellow members, and helpful eye given to other work, Reiden has demonstrated he is truly ready to advance on in the Equite ranks.

Since his last promotion, Reiden has participated in 93 total competitions. These range from small one offs, to big clan events, to the recently run Artist Ladder. He has 8 PvP matches, 10 PvE matches, 12 Fiction activities counting for some 28,975 words, and 4 SA exams. He has taken home 2 Steel Crosses, 3 Diamond Stars, 5 Ruby Stars, 11 Amethyst Stars, 11 Sapphire Stars, 7 Emerald Stars, 1 Topaz Star, 236 CFs, 169 CEs, 57 CIs, 13 CGs, 2 Legions of the Scholar, and 2 Seals of Loyalty.

Reiden Karr has demonstrated the long term commitment we want to see from our members, alongside a great skill set, and ability to succeed when he truly puts his mind to it. For this I am glad to say he is ready to move on to the next stage of his DJB career. Congratulations Reiden! Drinks are on you!

Xen’Mordin Palpatine
Consul of Scholae Palatinae

Lord Idris Adenn, 2017-05-14 18:27:35 UTC
Additional reasons

Reiden is a member we have grown to respect and admire, he is a man of simple values and to trust in. Since his last promotion, Reiden has co-hosted 6 competitions, participated in 93 competitions, earned 3 diamond, 5 ruby, 11 amethyst, 11 sapphire, 7 emerald, 1 topaz, 236 cfs, 57 cis, 169 ces, and 13 cgs. Reiden has earned 2 seals of loyalty and 2 legion of the scholar.

Reiden stretches out to anything he can do, within his knowledge, he has passed 4 courses including comms 102: TG, the Trial of Acquisition, ACC combat studies, and Galactic History on the trials of the New Republic. He has elevated to INQ rank IV, and is a regularly active Telegram member.

As a voice of reason and creative notions, he has been instrumental in reforming the newly christened Crucesignatis Imperialis as its foundations are formed.

In short, Reiden is a member that I have grown to trust, rely on for sound advice and be a role model for new members. You don’t need to be submitting 20 competitions a week just to be amazing, be yourself instead.

Congratulations Reiden!

Quaestor of House Imperium

Qor Kith, 2017-05-13 23:21:59 UTC

Reiden gives purpose to members who feel like they can't accomplish enough in the DJB. Here we have a member who knows that balancing real life and the DJB is a difficult task, but one he does successfully. And because of this, members can look to him to see what can be done while maintaining that difficult balance. He also helpfully critiques a lot of what the Clan does and brings forth legitimate discussion on matters within the Clan telegram channel. He is a unique member that has been deserving of this promotion for quite some time, especially with his interest in developing the new battleteam into something that works for all members (of which I am very grateful for).

Congrats, Reiden! Drinks are on you!

Battleteam Leader of Crucesignatis Imperialis, Dek Ironius II

Sage Enzo Dek, 2017-05-14 07:26:17 UTC

Reiden is evidence of what can be done with consistent tenacity and hard work over a long period of time. Since his last promotion he has almost entered 100 competitions, earning 3 diamond crescents in the process along with large numbers of clusters of earth, ice, fire and graphite.

Reiden epitomises long commitment, loyalty and dedication, and we're all very happy that we're in a position to recommend this promotion. Congratulations!

General Zentru'la, 2017-05-14 10:56:22 UTC
Event ID
Sorzak Lazarath
Old Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
New Rank
Novice (Novitiate 3)
Requested by
Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae
Primary reason

You're already beginning to make a name for yourself, Sorzak Lazarath. I have heard reports from Battle Team The Circle that you have managed to:

  • Pass a Shadow Academy course (except Trial of Identity) (except Trial of Identity)

I have recommended you for immediate promotion.

Congratulations, and may the Force guide you, Novice,

Battlelord Farrin Xies

Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae, 2017-05-14 17:21:29 UTC
Event ID
Blade Mistress Shadow Nighthunter
Old Rank
Battlemaster (Equite 2)
New Rank
Battlelord (Equite 3)
Requested by
Braecen Kaeth
Primary reason

I am honored to present Shadow Nighthunter for elevation to the rank of Equite III today. She has demonstrated herself as a devout Battle Team Leader, a true leader of House Excidium, and a vital member of Scholae Palatinae’s past and future. For all of the long hours, the sacrifices, and everything you do… you deserve this elevation in your continued journey.

Since her last elevation, Shadow has participated in 76 competitions, (co)organized 19 competitions, finished 5 ACC Battles, penned 4 Fiction Activities (4047 words!), posted in 2 run-ons (1839 words!), passed 5 Shadow Academy courses, and gained 2 Dark Side Degrees. In that same time, she has been awarded numerous times: a Steel Cross, an Anteian Cross, a Dark Cross, 21 Crescents (2 Cr-R, 7 Cr-A, 3 Cr-S, 7 Cr-E, 2 Cr-T), 28 Clusters of Ice, 35 Clusters of Earth, 20 Clusters of Graphite, and 1 Scroll of Indoctrination. In addition, Shadow has served as the leader of her Battle Team - Tacitus Athanasius - for nearly 12 months.

It is her work, as a leader, that sets Shadow apart. She shows true compassion for her members and connects with them beyond the leader-member requirement. Truly, she treats them as family - an apt description of the madness in TA at time! - and has grown as an individual while helping others grow as members. She slows down and talks to each member via Telegram, hosts a unit channel (hugely active!) where members discuss characters/plot/next steps openly, and drives a unit that regularly sees 11/12 members participate each month in competitions. In addition, she has helped write the House fiction updates in 2017 - as well as her BT updates - keeping the unit moving forward as our Clan rapidly changes around her team.

Shadow, I cannot emphasize enough what you mean to this House and its continued reform. Without you, we would not be nearly as far ahead of schedule as we are. Keep that collected calm attitude, it is your meal ticket as you continue your advancement through the Equite ranks and further your leadership influence in our club. You are one in a million!

Braecen Kaeth
Quaestor of Excidium

Braecen Kaeth, 2017-05-14 16:37:39 UTC
Additional reasons

Shadow Nighthunter is a fantastic friend, a wise and caring advisor, and a true natural Battle team leader. Every day she brings nothing but positivity to the clan and to TA with words of affirmation, encouragement, and consolation. She always shows pride in her subordinates’ advancement, and continues daily in the pursuit of bringing up more leaders in the Brotherhood. She has out stepped her comfort zones numerous times to join people in Google hangouts, selfie wars, acc battles, and even discovered new love for abstract art in my own recent competition series; giving herself the opportunity to obtain numerous shinies.

Shadow, I am so ever grateful for the impact you've had on my life and this Clan. If not for your suggestions, your calm and precise exhortations, your grace in giving opinion and also instruction, we would not be where we are today in Excidium. It's your continuous creativity and leader born heart that keeps us driving onwards. Congratulations Master!

Alara Deathbane
Aedile of Excidium

Alara Deathbane, 2017-05-14 16:33:59 UTC

Shadow Nighthunter continues her stellar march forward as one of Scholae Palatinae’s most capable members, caring leaders, and cherished daughters. As a member she never falters from her active presence, always making a showing no matter what is going on, as seen in the 79 competitions she has participated in since her last promotion. This activity has earned her some 21 different Crescents, a wide array of merit awards and a bountiful collection of Clusters. Her passion for this club also shows in the many many other members she has convinced to join the club, most of whom have gone on to do great things in their own right.

As a leader, she is constanting running competitions for her team, and remains in constant contact with each of them. In turn this has led to the TA battle team being one of the most tightknit group of members we have, each treated like family. This investment shows in the return of these members, who are constantly active, more so than nearly any of our other members in the clan.

I am honored to recommend Shadow Nighthunter be advanced on to Equite 3. Congratulations Shadow, and thank you for all you do. Drinks are on you!

Xen’Mordin Palpatine
Consul of Scholae Palatinae

Lord Idris Adenn, 2017-05-14 16:34:41 UTC

Shadow Nighthunter is more than just a Battle Team Leader, she is practically family. The amount of effort, time, love and tears she has pumped into our team is unheard of. Shadow is dedicated, hardworking and an extraordinary member of CSP. Shadow is a inspiration, and continually inspires us in our House Fictions in our leadership channel. She commits too piecing stories together and even writes a preliminary draft for us to work off. She continues to be an outstanding example of a mentor and a leader. She has helped many of us with our issues inside and out of the DB, as well as help us progress character history. In addition, she has helped groom me as a future Battle Team Leader. She has built trust in me with our House and Clan Leaders by having me run competitions for the Battle Team and work as her right hand. I am proud to serve under such a dedicated member. I am happy to see her join the elites of the Equite.

Thank you Shadow for Standing up and making our Battleteam truly unbreakable.

Mystic Levi Zetta
Clan Scholae Palatinae

Kylex Sanguris, 2017-05-14 16:35:44 UTC
Event ID
Adept Mune Cinteroph
Old Rank
Savant (Equite 2)
New Rank
Seer (Equite 3)
Requested by
General Zentru'la
Primary reason

Mune has been at his current rank for 11 years. Since then, he has been active in all areas of the brotherhood, including 17 months as quaestor, 1 month as aedile, 3 years as Eclectic Pedagogue of the Shadow Academy, and most recently, 8 months as our Rollmaster. During that time, he has organised 19 competitions, co-organised a further 4, and participated in 43, earning 19 crescents (including 2 diamond), 6 pendants of blood, 17 clusters of fire, 53 clusters of ice and 3 clusters of graphite. Beyond this, since Mune’s last promotion he has 5 merit awards to his name (1 steel, 2 Anteian, 2 Dark crosses) and 3 scrolls of foundation while passing 48 shadow academy courses and earning 9 degrees. Most recently, Mune placed 1st in our clan event, Excursions, with 6 high quality competition entries.

Mune has brought a wealth of creativity to our clan summit as our rollmaster and exceptional communication skills. His CSP writing tool library, which can be found here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B6vE458GDE07SEVpaV9wdW5ocW8 contains a repository of the best fictions written by the clan members and continues to serve as a useful source for sharing our work with each other. Mune’s Rollmaster Quarterly Newsletters have also been an excellent communication and one we are very lucky to have in the clan. Fabulously presented, these newsletters showcase the best work our members have to offer. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6vE458GDE07VkEtR3U3bjI2VW8/view https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6vE458GDE07OWFSMW1RR3FQUEk/view

Mune also creates a wealth of activity for the clan, and regularly hosts character development workshops, a series of competitions, usually fiction, aimed at helping us all to think about our characters in different ways. Mune is always happy to help members get engaged with the club. He has a great persona with which new members can interact, is always approachable and a fantastic mentor. He has initiated 8 ACC battles with other members of the clan to help them improve their skills, and although his opponents occasionally time out, his activity in the ACC, almost always with our less experienced members, is another example of Mune going out of his way to get others more active in the club.

Mune is never shy of contributing his own high quality work either, and has been an exceptional source of ideas and content for our new system, the Caperion System. Mune has been producing high quality city drawings for the main cities, as well as contributing to the wiki articles.

Finally, for us, one of Mune’s greatest assets which he brings to our summit team is his communication skills. No matter how much a situation is escalating, Mune is always there to calm things down and help both people see both sides. I’ve lost count of the amount of potentially volatile / dramatic situations that have been avoided thanks to Mune’s interpersonal skills.

11 years ago, Mune was my most valuable mentor on my path to the rank of knight. 11 years later, Mune still has the same rank. This is long overdue.

Congratulations Master!

Elincia Rei

Mune’s Student, and Proconsul of Scholae Palatinae

General Zentru'la, 2017-05-13 21:58:17 UTC
Additional reasons

Mune Cinteroph is the calm, thoughtful, and insightful leader Scholae Palatinae has needed for some time. Not a week passes where his valuable advice and great demeanor is used to help issues within the clan. Having sat at his current rank of Equite 2 since 2005 with multiple period of impact on this club, I am pleased to recommend his advancement on to the rank of Equite 3.

When Mune came back to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, it was a most welcome surprise. He was one of the first leaders in Scholae Palatinae I had the pleasure of meeting when I first joined the clan. However, it was his return back in June of last year that really let me get to know and interact with him. In that time, he has moved on to serve as our clan’s Rollmaster, and in many cases mediator for clan issues. The last 8 months of his service have been a continual push of a careful watching eye over our clan Novitiate and Journeymen, fostering a healthy relationship between all clan members, highlighting member activity, and providing some kickass artwork along the way.

All said in total, while sitting at EQ2, Mune has 25 months worth of leadership experience. He has organized 23 separate competitions, many of which are geared specifically toward helping members develop their characters. He has passed 48 different SA exams, earned a whopping 9 degrees in the process. He has taken home 1 Steel Cross, 2 Anteian Crosses, 2 Dark Crosses, 2 Diamond Stars, 2 Ruby Stars, 7 Amethyst Stars, 6 Sapphire Stars, 2 Emerald Stars, 6 PoBs, 40 Clusters of Fire, 55 Clusters of Ice, 7 Clusters of Graphite, 1 Scroll of Indoctrination, 3 Scrolls of Foundation, 2 Legions of the Scholar, and 2 Seals of Loyalty.

Mune has a long history of hard work and dedication to this club, and I am honored to be one of the ones coming to recognize that work in this promotion. Congratulations Mune! Drinks are on you!

Xen’Mordin Palpatine
Consul of Scholae Palatinae

Lord Idris Adenn, 2017-05-12 20:03:14 UTC

I am honored to add my name to the list of individuals honoring the achievements of Mune Cinteroph on this day. He is well deserving of elevation to this next rank. And while others will assuredly share his successes, I will instead focus on when I knew he deserved this rank and how I knew he was ready to begin the long march towards the following one.

Simply, Mune embodies maturity. He is our emotional compass as a Clan - always pointing towards integrity - keeping us on the path. He quickly squelches anything remotely aggressive in peer-to-peer conversations amongst our clan members, he listens (truly listens, not just hearing the words coming from people's mouths until he can talk again) with intent to solve member's issues, and he provides constant conflict resolution. Assuredly, the latter is a full time job in our club. The natural ease in which he conducts himself, and seamlessly pulls others in the same direction, is testament to a long-standing member, and leader, of our club. And I am honored to see him elevated for his hard work, dedication to the Brotherhood, and his peerless leadership as the Etiquette Officer of Scholae Palatinae.

Thank you for guiding me when I first joined the club as a wee Apprentice. And thank you for continuing to steer me now. You deserve this rank and all the praise it comes with.

Braecen Kaeth
Quaestor of Excidium

Braecen Kaeth, 2017-05-13 13:02:09 UTC

Since Mune began his re-entry into the atmosphere of Clan Scholae Palatinae, it was a quiet storm that he started. Xen and Eli became excited and thrilled, the artists in our clan gained another patron and Imperium found another experienced member to join our ranks. But he proved himself more than just a regular member, he found himself in the Clan.

With over 12 additional new members joining the House alone, they required someone to show them the ropes and begin their journey into the Force. Mune was the tip of the spear in that successful catch, and never backed down from being the tutor he is today. He pushed, prodded and relayed all the information they needed to rise in their experience here.

His name is on all the promotion reccs we have submitted, he has organised over 20 competitions, just for the journeymen and novitiates of this club. Mune doesn’t do regular nor conventional means. He goes out of his comfort zone and ensures the Clan members have a good time, whether young or old. And with regular, quarterly newsletters detailing tips and tricks on how to be a better member, you can guarantee Mune loves to help others.

In short, Mune loves to help others, it comes second nature to him as he never gets it wrong.

He has the long-term achievements, senior reputation and strong contribution to the Brotherhood, to deserve a promotion.

Congratulations Mune!!

Quaestor of House Imperium

Qor Kith, 2017-05-13 15:08:54 UTC
Event ID
Katyusha Neige
Old Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Lord Idris Adenn
Primary reason

Katyusha Neige can now stand proud having successfully completed the last of the Knighthood trials. Having been an active presence since joining us back in January, Kat has demonstrated a dedicated and active effort throughout the Journeymen ranks. Kat has participated in some 25 total competitions and co-organized a further 3, two of which were DJB wide. This activity has earned Kat a total of 5 different crescents, alongside a Dark Cross, 3 Clusters of Fire, and 14 Clusters of Graphite. Kat has also completed a lengthy character development fiction and has completed a fantastic character wiki page.

All the while Kat has been an endearing force on telegram and continually involved with the other members of Clan Scholae Palatinae. I am absolutely thrilled to be able to recommend Katyusha Neige be promoted to the rank of Knight! Congratulations Kat, Drinks are on you!

Xen'Mordin Palpatine
Consul of Scholae Palatinae

Lord Idris Adenn, 2017-05-13 22:43:46 UTC
Additional reasons

Kat has established himself as a valuable member at the core of the Scholae Palatinae community through both constant activity on telegram and in the club's events. We're lucky to have Kat's enthusiasm for the club among our ranks, and we look forward to his further development through the equite ranks.


Elincia Rei


General Zentru'la, 2017-05-12 18:43:57 UTC

Katyusha Neige has kept up continuous effort and progressive activity via Telegram chat rooms and within the Brotherhood. Since their last promotion, Katyusha has participated in 11 competitions, learned to PVP in Jedi Academy, and has started planning out a battleplan -- something they have never done before! Kat is always stepping past their boundaries to try and have fun in whatever way they can here. Great job Kat! Keep up the great work :D Huge congratulations upon receiving Knighthood. I can't wait to see you climb higher in the ranks here.

Alara Deathabane Aedile of Excidium

Alara Deathbane, 2017-05-12 20:59:44 UTC

I am honored to see Katyusha Neige elevated to the rank of Knight on this day. It is the culmination of hard work, the will to never quit, and the power of friendship seeing a member through all things. Today, Kat, you are recognized as a full member of our club - part of a family that will push you, drive you crazy, torment you... and always be at your side.

I am torn between "Congratulations!" and "I told you so." Kat joined a short while before I rejoined Scholae Palatinae. When I first arrived, I marked Kat as a member with great potential, but limited thirst for success. Truly, the road to Knight is more about a member's ability to grind out tasks than really enjoying what our club has to offer. And I was not sure Kat would see it through... at first. Then, watching Kat interact with fellow members of Tacitus Athanasius, I knew this was a member that would not only last to see himself elevated to Knight, but would become a foundational piece of his Battle Team, House, and Clan.

Now, all of the mindless grinding is behind you, and you can truly work on tasks, competitions, or anything that mildly intrigues you. There is no guidebook or list of requirements to the next rank. Yet, I know you will do great in your journey to Equite, because it is a path which you already walk. As a Hunter (and before), you showed commitment to communicating with your peers & leaders, you demonstrated the ability to target activities that held your interest (and when none existed, to create your own), and you discuss our 'world' as an open sandbox full of endless possibilities to explore. And it is all of those things. Keep up the great activity, continue to contribute to the discussion about the evolution of the new Clan System, and never lose the courage to speak your mind, Kat.

Well done! I cannot wait until I have the honor of advancing you into the Equite ranks one day. Until then, 'Arise, Kat, a Knight of Scholae Palatinae!'

Braecen Kaeth
Quaestor of Excidium

Braecen Kaeth, 2017-05-13 13:11:54 UTC
Event ID
Sorzak Lazarath
Old Rank
Initiate (Novitiate 1)
New Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
Requested by
Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae
Primary reason

Sorzak Lazarath, you have successfully completed the Trial of Identity and confirmed your e-mail address, for which you have earned the rank of Apprentice. While you may currently be on a shuttle to Battle Team The Circle, I will continue to follow your progress with great interest.

May the Force guide you, Apprentice,

Battlelord Farrin Xies

Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae, 2017-05-13 22:39:16 UTC