Fiction Activity Overview

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It was my first day...
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SW Lucyeth

It was my first day...
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The Anchorage
Esstran Sector
Deep Space
38 ABY

Dracaryis gripped the controls of his TIE Avenger and scanned his HUD for signs of enemy fighters. This was his ninth security patrol in as many days, but Dracaryis didn’t mind. He felt most comfortable behind the controls of a starfighter, and he enjoyed the break it gave him from his other studies and training exercises. He gently turned the controls and proceeded along the next leg of his patrol route.

“Anchorage control, Vortex 5.”

“Vortex 5, Anchorage control, go ahead,” the operator replied gruffly.

“I’m on the last leg of my security patrol.” Dracaryis stated, eyeballing his HUD again. “I’ve got nothing on the scopes, request permission to return to base.”

“Vortex 5, acknowledge request, remain on patrol route and stand by for RTB approval.”

Dracaryis reduced his engine speed and turned towards the next waypoint. He would have stayed out here for another few hours, but he knew he had an evening training session with the combat master and he needed to get some lightsaber practice in before hand. Where Dracaryis excelled in his pilot skilled, he lacked in his ability to handle a simple training saber. The past few months of constant pounding from the combat master hand frustrated and discouraged him. He was going over his training session in his head when he heard the internal alarm informing him of a craft suddenly entering the Anchorage security zone. The new target, still too far out for identification, appeared to be on a direct intercept course with the Anchorage.

“Anchorage control, I have an unidentified craft moving on approach vector towards the Anchorage. Can you confirm?”

The response was immediate. “Vortex 5, approaching craft is a flight of old Y-Wing fighters. Initial scans show they are armed with heavy rockets. Move to intercept, destroy if necessary.”

Dracaryis recycled his shields and punched the fighter’s engines.

Finally…some action.

Within minutes, the enemy fighter information populated on his HUD. Three old Y-Wings with no discernable markings flying in an echelon left formation moving directly towards the Anchorage.

“Unidentified craft, this is Vortex 5. Alter your course and depart the area or I will be forced to fire on you.”

The comm unit crackled with static. The Y-Wings were not responding.

“Unidentified craft. You have thirty seconds to alter your course or you will be destroyed.”

Dracaryis was now within visual range of the fighters. He moved into position behind the trail Y-Wing and powered up his weapon systems. Suddenly, the unmistakable yellow glare of heavy rockets appeared in front of the Y-Wings.

“Achorage control, incoming heavy rockets. Y-Wings are hostile. Request permission to destroy.”

The approval came immediately. Dracaryis fired two missiles at the trail fighter and quickly switched to lasers. He would deal with the rockets after defeating the fighters. The lead Y-Wing broke formation and maneuvered into a position behind Dracaryis’ fighter. Dracaryis opened fire on the second Y-Wing, destroying it quickly. His fighter was faster than the craft trailing him, and he knew he must destroy the rockets before they impacted the Anchorage. Suddenly, the unmistakable sound of laser fire impacting shields filled his ears. Dracaryis banked hard right, and moved to engage the remaining Y-Wing. The agile TIE Avenger easily maneuvered behind the final fighter, and within seconds, the final fighter had been reduced to molten slag. Dracaryis targeted the rockets, and realized he had seconds to destroy the rockets before they struck the Anchorage. Too far out to engage the warheads with conventional weapons, Dracaryis reached out with his mind and attempted to use his limited Force capabilities to change the rockets’ path. Slowly, one by one, Dracaryis forced the rockets off their fight path. Dracaryis turned his attention to the final warhead one second too late. The warhead impacted near the hangar bay, blasting a hole in the hull of the old station.

“Vortex 5, Anchorage control: Return to Base and proceed immediately to debriefing.”

Dracaryis swore. Nine days of uneventful patrolling, and now this. Three Y-Wings and five rockets defeated, but the damage was done. Dracaryis knew he would pay for his failure, and he was prepared for it.

“Anchorage control, Vortex 5: Acknowledged, returning to base.”

It’s going to be a rough day, Drac...

It was my first day...
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It was my first day...
Textual submission

It was my first day...
Textual submission

The day Magik joined the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. He's not really sure how he stumbled upon the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. Was it fantasy, was it luck, or was it the Dark Side that drew Magik to join. Magik did not know a soul in this club. Searching and searching for something more, night after night pondering the Star Wars Universe. He had finally stumbled on to something, the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. A website dedicated to its members and the Star Wars Universe. A simple Google search led Magik to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, but it was the Dark Jedi Brotherhood Wiki that tempted him to join. After searching the Wiki for questions and answers, Magik was hooked. The Wiki was full of answers and explanations. It was then he knew, he wanted to join. Days went by he didnt know what to make of it. A whole website dedicated to the Dark Side. After getting what he could from the Wiki, he went to the homepage of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. It was here he was prompted to enter his email and a password to join the site. He did not know what he was getting into! So he filled out his information to a T. Magik did not know he was establishing his character at sign up, so he entered his birth name and email address. Not knowing what was to become of it. Finally he had been granted access to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. He entered the site. He did not know what he was looking for. He had previously been using the Wiki to fuel his search for answers. Not knowing how to navigate the website, he left the site only to return some days later. Upon his return to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood after he had logged in, he was promted to take the test of Lore. He thought this was some kind of game at first, then he submitted to the test. Not satified with the test he left the site again still looking for answers. A couple days had passed, still nothing. An email came into Magik's email from Farrin Xies saying that I had been picked up by Tarentum from Rogue. Finally some direction, Magik did not know how to navigate the site and felt lost. Farrin had detailed all the things that had taken place within past week that Magik joined. Magik was home with Tarentum. After a couple of emails back and fourth to Farrin, Magik was engaged with the site and himself. Rogue was not a place to be, not like Tarentum. Magik was on his way with a little help from the Rollmaster of Tarentum, Farrin Xies. After making his way throught the Journeyman Halls Magik was ready for the Shadow Academy. Not knowing what to expect, he began his training in the Shadow Academy. Not knowing where to start he began passing his classes. The Shadow Academy sharpened his skills. Class by class, it began to make sense. The Jedi feared the Dark Side and with Tarentum Magik could become one with his Dark Side passions. He could become Sith.

It was my first day...
Textual submission

It was my first day...
File submission
Textual submission

How Rex Silverthorn arrived at the Shadow Academy many years ago

Rex tried taking a deep breath to steady his emotions but to tell the truth it was on hyper drive. Placing a hand on the armrests of the seat, he tightened his hand around it to feel the steady, comfortable vibration of the space shuttle taking him and the other Initiates to Lyspair. He was dressed in a black cloak and trousers as and his boots were chosen carefully for heavy trudging. Although it had a hood, he did not want to use it just now within the shuttle. He didn't want to get the hood all tangled up with his Zabrak horns!

The seats were arranged horizontally in a long room which resembled more of a cargo compartment than a transport vessel, which didn't allow them the luxury of glancing out of the window. It was not a luxury trip anyway. He, as well as the others around him, was on their way to the Shadow Academy on Lyspair, the most coveted destination for a Dark Side Initiate. For himself...ever since Rex was brought over to the Dark Side he was look forward to coming here to start learning for about the Dark Side of the force.

"Do you know which path you shall take? I heard that Sith is the best!" quipped a man sitting a few seats on the opposite side. From the looks of it he was a Human, however he could have been a Correliean for all Rex cared. He had far more important things in mind than engaging in mindless small talk. He was thinking back to the days when he was just one of the dregs of the Galaxy, just another speck in the sand who no one gave a second thought. But now he is on a path to power. His strong chest breathed in the thin air in pride at this. Even by Zabrak standards, not many make it this far. In fact, being chosen as a Dark Side initiate put him above most others in the Galaxy! But of course...Rex shall have to prove it from this day on.

Another guy voiced his thought with a low but glutteral voice. ,"You do not choose the Order, it chooses you..." This was spoken by a Transhodan sitting at the end of the line. He was wearing a heavy gray colored armor."

"Yes it surely does..."said the Human dismissively and continued. He was clearly excited, which was causing him to talk fast", but think about have to know about the different Orders right? I've heard that the Obelisk is the best with a lightsaber while the Krath are the best in sorcery. But the Sith are the best of least from what I think." He was talking to no one in particular and yet to everyone at once. His gestures reinforced the belief in many that this man was just too excited...and therefore weak.

," It doesn't matter where you end up. We have to travel 40 kilometers on foot to the Academy when we touch land. I suggest all of you maggots get ready". Almost everyone jumped at this new voice. It was from the Captain of the ship speaking over the speaker.

Sure enough the ship landed softly. The thrusters were believably strong to provide an adequate air cushion for the ship to land. One by one the Initiates got out the ship and crowded together. Rex, the pale skin Zabrak looked around him. It looked like they were in a landing pad built at least 30 feet above the ground, which comprised of an arid landscape with specks of grass. The pad itself was circular in shape. A ring of guards in full military uniform made an inner ring around the ship and the Initiates, some of whom were looking in wonder at this new landscape while others stood defensively. Rex stood blinking in the strong sunlight and shielded his eyes from the breeze which was blowing from the South.

"All right then!”The Captain on the ship growled again." Listen up you maggots! You lot think that just because you were brought here it makes you on the lines of the Sith Lords? You have to prove yourself first. The Shadow Academy is to the North from here. All of you have your compass. Now get moving!"

They did not have to be told twice. Every one of them picked up a rucksack containing their few belongings, food and water. Their journey started quite well as all of them were enthusiastic. However, the atmosphere of the planet started taking a toll on them soon. They air was certainly breathable, but this. He could hear many of the others wheezing when the path turned uphill. Now he understood what the Captain on the ship meant. This was not just a journey…it was a way to eliminate the weak. In any of their home planet this would be easy, but not here. This was a test of strength and resolve. Sure enough, their group thinned before long. They had journeyed some 20 millimeters and half of them had either fallen behind and hopelessly lost, or had died due to fatigue, their water supply run out. The human male was one of them.

When they complete 30 kilometers, there were just 10 of them left. The rest he was certain had died, if not by fatigue then by the wilderness. The Transhodan male Initiate by this time, although heavily built, was coughing by now. Rex himself was finding it hard to breathe, a throbbing pain developing in his chest due to low oxygen. But he knew he had to go on, even if it meant clawing to the destination. No! He will not crawl! He was warrior, heir to the Dark Side. He won’t give up, not now. Slowly, he trudged up the hills, followed by the Transhodan and a few others.

Finally, completely out of breath, they reached the gates of the Shadow Academy. They were ushered inside and given refreshments. Not caring of who was watching, the Zabrak grabbed a glass and started chugging it down. Of the 30 that started out, just 5 made it. The journey of Rex Silverthorn was only beginning…

It was my first day...
File submission