Fiction Activity Overview

Displaying fiction activity reports 11521 - 11530 of 12902 in total
Jedi Pillow Talk
Textual submission

Jedi Pillow Talk
File submission
Jedi Pillow Talk
File submission
Jedi Pillow Talk
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir opted out of publishing his submission.
Through the Looking Glass
Textual submission

Public transport was just one of those things that are difficult to understand for almost every human, and I am talking about the ones that actually lived here. Kryy Vitaan, a young Dark Jedi, hailing from the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, had never seen anything quite like Earth.
This world is tiny, where is their military personal? Their towering citadel or command centre? Most of all what was this absurd means of travel?! The bewildered acolyte asked himself and he stepped aboard a long people mover thing with wheels. The concept baffled Kryy, everything remained on the ground, rolling around on wheels. This race is so primitive, why would master send me here? The people mover moved through the streets, Kryy unable to understand why the mode of transport had to follow a road, as opposed to flying over everything and getting to your destination much much faster.
He took off his backpack of supplies and sat down in the chair. By God! These chairs are horrible to sit on! Who on Zakuul would want to sit on this? Ignoring the, less than luxurious seating arrangements, Kryy syphoned through his supplies; a rectangular datapad of some sort, rather small to be a datapad he thought to himself quietly. a small plastic card, perhaps a security clearance card. But it had number on the front of it and a black stripe on the back. It had to be a security card of some sort if he had to swipe it. Earth wasn’t all that bad, but Kryy did not understand why the people mover kept stopping and starting and picking up more people. Kryy did not want to pick up more people, it was a stupid concept when you would take such a transport to get somewhere quickly. He grunted, “What on Zakuul is this place master? These Humans are nothing like the ones we know... their ways do not make sense to me. They are backwards, and unnecessary means of transportation means getting people from point A to point B in an invasion would be impossible and slow. Are the inhabitants of this planet not prepared at all?”
The bus made it final stop and with everyone hopping off, Kryy followed cautiously. He looked around at all the people and wondered just where they might be going or what their unit classification numbers were. Sitting in a car on the far side of the road, Ryan waited patiently for the crowd to thin so he may see his friend. The tall, red haired acolyte emerged from the madness with Ryan right there to escort him. The poor Jedi wearing a confused and disgusted look on his face as he hopped into the back seat of the car as they headed back to Ryan’s house.
“Please tell me I don’t have to go through that again. The ways of your people confuse me, you like to make more difficult for yourselves instead of making it easier...” Kryy protested before finally adding. “Oh... and next time, you’re coming to me...”

Through the Looking Glass
File submission
Textual submission

Fiction, where my human self-meets my character self.

Through the Looking Glass
Textual submission

I didn't even see the car, all I heard was the crunch as it impacted my legs, and the thud of my head as it went through the windscreen, then....... black.

Feeling more than a little groggy I sat up, the feeling slowly returning through the fog. Sitting up slowly, my eyes gradually growing used to the dazzling, yellow........ thing that I was looking at. My head was throbbing, a blinding headache thudding inside my skull, like an epileptic drummer at a strobe light convention. Focus was gradually returning to my eyes, and it was dazzling, hot, very hot. I guess that it's the sun then..... right next to the other sun...... hang on, other sun? There was only one sun wasn't there? OK, close the eyes, relax, and open them again..... nope, still two of them. At least I was sat on......... what was I sat on?

Looking around, confusion building by the minute, I started to make some sense of where I was.... sat on a sandy beach, with two moons, and a rocky outcrop some two hundred yards away. This was starting to look familiar, but no, that wasn't possible. Pushing the thought to the back of my mind I slowly rose from my sitting position...... oops... dizzy, gently, take a few deep breaths.........and relax.

Standing erect now, with my hands on my thighs, I straightened. I scanned around me, looking left and right, my eyes seeming to focus properly now. Over on the next sand dune there was a huge skeleton, massive, gargantuan! It looked like somebody's pet lizard had died in the foreground, whilst the background seemed to cradle its bones. I reached out a hand to try and touch it, just to make sure...... no, it definitely wasn't really close, so in that case it had to be further away..... which meant.... which meant...... it was big! Really bloody big!

I was pretty sure that all my limbs were now reacting as they should have been, but these things I was seeing, feeling, smelling, and tasting couldn't possibly be. I couldn't be here, could I? Everything was saying "Yes!", apart from my brain, which was mumbling incoherently at the bar of the terminally flummoxed.

Turning, I headed for the rocky outcrop, at least there may be some shelter from the sun.... the suns over there. My legs were working....... but I'd just been hit by a car hadn't I? Why weren't they broken? How could they still be working? They'd taken the full impact of the car...... Where was the bloody car? Or the road come to think of it? No, don't try and work it out yet, get a grip, pull yourself together, there's a logical explanation for all of this.

Then I heard it, a high pitched whining, and it was getting louder.. getting louder quickly. Looking round quickly I saw something approaching across the sand, like a speeding bullet, so fast, before it decelerated, coasting to a halt as something........ someone leapt down from the hatch at the top of it.

Clad head to foot in black, and with strange markings on his face, almost like a tattoo design, tribal, in contrasting yellow and black. They covered his whole head, apart from his horns....... his what?! Horns?

"Huh, a, wuh, I, er, Who are you?" I asked "Where am I?"

He stood before me, his face looking almost as confused as I looked.

"Quo-Wing-Tzun." His eyes narrowed, and a strange snap, hiss noise erupted near to my left, closely followed by him shoving what looked like a red florescent lighting tube through my chest. Just before it all went black again, I heard the words "Tatooine, you were on Tatooine"