Fiction Activity Overview

Displaying fiction activity reports 11561 - 11570 of 12902 in total
Breaking the Wall
Maximus Alvinius opted out of publishing his submission.
Breaking the Wall
Textual submission

The rain poured down in the dark alleyway that our triumphant hero was passed out in. It took a flash of lightning and a earth shaking clap of thunder to awaken the slumbering Sith.

As Kano sat up he stretched and let out a loud yawn. Raindrops softly hit the man's face as he looked up at the sky.

“What the frak am in doing in an alley?”

As Kano climbed to his feet a rat ran across the alley, splashing through a large puddle.

“To, writer dude. I asked you a question. What the hell am I doing in an alley? How did I get here? The reader will wanna know.”

[You were drunk and you passed out. Not much more to it. Now can I get back to writing this fiction?]

“Oh, yeah. Didn't mean to inconvenience you. Douchebag.”

Kano, now shooting a bird into the sky walked down the alley thinking out loud.

“How do you think out loud? Isn't that just talking?”

[Dude, stop interrupting. Let's just get this fiction going so that we can get something shiny.]

“Shiny? I'm down. Proceed mystic voice in my head.”

The Warrior turned out of the alley and onto the main street. Thoughts of riches bounced through the former Mandalorians head.

“Where can a Sith bounty hunter get come credits around here?”

At that moment, almost as if by divine planning, a piece of paper smacked into Kano’s face. He pulled the paper back and crumbled it up.

[Read the paper.]

“You can't tell me what to do!”

Kano uncrumpled the paper and read it.

“How the hell did you do that? Who trained you in Jedi mind tricks?”

[Shut up and finish reading the paper.]

Kano finished reading over the paper and was relieved to find that it was a wanted poster for a local drunk. According to the paper the man had borrowed a large sum of money from a local gangster and when he couldn't pay him back a hit was put out on him.

“What are the chances that this kinda info would be placed in a piece of paper and then just tossed out for anyone to find? It is a good thing that an idiot isn't writing my life story.”

Luckily the Warrior knew just where to find this local drunk. He turned around and went right back down the same alley he had just awoken in. He walked up to a door that looked as if someone had vomited against it and he proceeded to pound on the door as hard as he could.

After a few hard knocks the door opened and a head poked out from inside. “You again? You are banned after that crap you last night with the Rancor tooth and high explosives.”

Kano looked up away from the guy at the door.

“Are you still not going to explain the night before? That sounds fun and I really wanna know where I got a Rancor tooth in the first place.”

[No! Now pay attention.]

“You suck.”

Kano turned back towards the guy at the door to see a puzzled look on his face.

“Sorry, I was thinking out loud. I just need to know if Fez is in there, I owe him money and need to pay him back before heading to the Outer Rim.”

The Sith reached down inside himself and with a slight mental nudge from the Force the man nodded and stepped back into the building.

“Hey writer guy, I have a question.”

[What now?]

“Do I really gotta kill this guy? He just wanted to party a little. I mean wouldn't you take out a loan you couldn't pay back to tongue mop liquors off the sexiest women in this galaxy?”

[You leave my personal life out of this and stick to the story. We are almost done so you know what, just wing it.]

At that moment the door opened up and a large man came walking out. The smell of alcohol seeped out of every pour on the man's body and filled the air. The man looked Kano over for a second before opening his mouth. “Are you the chakaar that is looking for me?”

Kano leaned real close to the man and whispered to him.

“There is a voice in my head telling me to kill you but it is okay, he is a moron.”

Kano winked at the guy just before the man swung a quick right jab towards the Warriors face. The fist connected with an invisible barrier as Kano drew out his lightsaber.

The blade sprang to life with a brilliant blue glow and with a single motion Kano drove the blade upwards and through the bounty. The man was split from crotch to hair and fell into two separate parts.

“I wonder if I get paid double for that?”

[Sure, just tell the gangster that if he won't pay double you will do the same to him.]

“Really? I can do that?”

[No, the fiction is over. You probably annoyed the reader so much we won't even get a prize.]

“Ah sh…”

The End


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Textual submission

Message to Muz: I may need to tweak some things in this before this goes to my wiki. I want to run it by you to see if you approve. Enjoy! I'm eager to see your feedback as well as get into your writing courses you talked about on the G+!

The months following the invasion of Korriban was a rough time for the young Knight known as Daedric. He struggled from weeks to months trying to comprehend what happened to him while he was in the catacombs of Korriban with a Krath Pontifex messing with his thoughts and memories. As time passed he learned how to deal with the voices that lingered, turning them into fear and then into hate which fueled his determination to grow stronger. His desire to grow was short lived.

Some could call it being at the wrong place at the wrong time, Daedric saw it as a twist of fate. A inner-house conflict broke out while he was on patrol with a local warhost unit near the Marka Ragnos territory. Two powerful Elders battled one another of the ability to perform a rite. One side, you had the former Grandmaster, Grandmaster Muz Ashen Keibatsu; The Lion of Tarthos. On the other was Darth Vexatus; The Oracle’s Apprentice. Both Sons of Sadow, both power Lords of the Sith.

Darth Vexatus was performing a rite in which he believed would bring him power. Grandmaster Ashen, knew different. The rite that was being performed was Force Imprint. A powerful ritual that rips the connection to the Force for a unwilling recipient. The two battled, with Darth Vexatus being able to conjure the ritual in a small nature before Grandmaster Ashen was able to stop it; That’s all it took.

Daedric was hit by the ritual, shredding his connection to the Force. Such a feat rendered him unconscious. A month later he awoke in a bacta tank, near Kar Alabrek. Unsure of what exactly happened he attempted to use the Force to free himself from the tank, but it failed.

After an extended stay in rehabilitation Daedric was released. A void had filled him, and even though he had anger, hate, despair and utterly depressed; None of the emotions gave him power. It wasn’t until one morning when he was in the Academy, training in blaster combat tactics that an opportunity presented itself. A tall muscular being approached him, dressed in armor in which Daedric had never seen before.

He introduced himself as part of the Niphilim, an elite group of warriors whose loyalties lay with Grandmaster Muz Ashen himself. After a quite hefty discussion Daedric agreed to enter the training of the Niphilim. It would be like no other, but what other choice did he have. A powerful elder ripped the force from him, leaving him useless and vulnerable. Though he still had the training of saber combat and battlefield tactics, he felt like a helpless babe lying in a crib.

The day in which he started his training he decided that he no longer had the right to carry the name Daedric, which was given to him upon entering into the Shadow Academy. He decided to revert back to his birth name, Marcinius.

The training of the Niphilim was horrendous. It was nothing that he could have ever imagined walking into it. Day after day of combat, both sword and blaster, followed by intense physical workouts along side constant studying of battlefield tactics. Day after day his body was broken, only to be repaired in bacta tanks over night. He was broken mentally, physically and emotionally. Everything he thought he knew, was gone as the Niphilim tore it from him to rebuild him in there image.

Months of training and he still did not bear the title of Niphilim. He believed that day would never come, and to this day is still hasn’t.

One morning after their vigorous work outs, his training officer approached him stating that he was being reassigned. Feeling angered that he had failed, he lashed out. Quickly being put into his place and scolded by the superior Niphilim. He learned that the only way he can obtain the title Niphilim was to be granted it by Grandmaster Muz Ashen. Therefore he was being reassigned to the Night Hawks of House Marka Ragnos where he can either prove himself, or be killed.

Therefore, Marcinius went to the Night Hawks to prove his worth and loyalty to Grandmaster Muz Ashen and one day, earn the title of Niphilim.

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Textual submission

Stepping Down and Integration

In 38 ABY, relations between Maelous and House Quaestor Sanguinius Entar had deteriorated greatly. After much consideration Maelous decided that two years of summit service was more than enough, and stepped down as House Marka Ragnos’ Aedile, to pursue his own endeavors. He quickly left Tarthos behind and traveled to Sepros.

Mealous spent the next few months researching in the libraries in the Temple of Sorrow. Anything that he could find of any use to further his power and legacy he devoured with the veracity only a Sith could understand. His research focused primarily on gaining a deeper understanding of Force Alchemy, relics, and Dark Side sites. He studied what he could of the temples left behind by the ancient Sith Lords, the ideas of creating a Holocron, the different varieties of crystals used in a lightsaber.

Having lost his legs in the recent conflict with the Dominion, he also began research into cybernetics. He looked into experimental technology as well as imbuing them with Force power through the use of alchemy. The research has been inconclusive though he still looks for the most reliable and advantageous design.

Maelous eventually returned to Tarthos. Using House and Clan resources he requisitioned an out of use research facility in Kar Alabrek. The Sith had large amounts of equipment brought in as well any materials that would be need to continue his studies. Researched progressed slowly due continued interruptions from military and science officials checking in on the Battlemaster. After almost killing a low ranking officer in a fit of rage after one of these interruptions Maelous decided that he needed a place of his own.

The Site

After some additional research and long nights of meditation in the Force Maelous was led to Terra Do Gelo. He was able to locate a cave system within the mountains of the frozen wasteland with a large enough opening to land a small transport vessel. Maelous spent several standard weeks exploring the cave system and using his holopad to map out the system. He noticed that there were some small “flares” of Force energy that he indicated the site could be turned into something magnificent.

During his exploration he began to feel a pull toward Jade Sadow through the Force Bond. Maelous felt that she was in extreme danger and became aware of her physical pain. He immediately left the site and returned to his transport vessel. Using the Force he began to direct the pilot and set out on a mission to rescue the Cathar.
Return to Study

After rescuing Jade, Maelous returned to Sepros to leave her with a medical staff that could properly tend her wounds. After promising to return for her before he set out for his expedition he began to do more in depth research into the temples on Korriban, Thule, Dromund Kaas, as well as other sites. During his research he received a message from the former Grand Master of the Brotherhood requesting his presence in Kar Alabrek. Not wanting to miss the great opportunity he sent a message informing Jade of his departure and left immediately for Tarthos.

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Textual submission

entry from 4856 Macron Sadow updated per wiki. Covers late 38 to 39 aby with links. Please see my wiki page, there are a few tweaks that word won't do. Thanks!

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