Fiction Activity Overview

Displaying fiction activity reports 11831 - 11840 of 11989 in total
Round 1: Fiction
File submission
Textual submission

Runs in distant parallel to Legorii's fiction.

Round 1: Fiction
Koryn Palpatine Thraagus opted out of publishing his submission.
Round 1: Fiction
Vivibelle Baenre opted out of publishing her submission.
Round 1: Fiction
Textual submission

Octavia sighed as her transport shuttle touched down. She looked at her team and wondered how many of them would survive the combat. She had seen too many of these wars, knew that Plagueis would lose too many troops and too many lives. To be honest she was sick of it. These wars had torn The Brotherhood apart, she just hoped that this time the lives lost were finally not going to be in vain.
“Octavia” Callus almost whispered to her as the doors to the shuttle opened. “This war is not like the others. There will be people on this battle field that you care about, and they will be against you. “ He rested his large hand on her shoulder’ “It is up to you to decide what you do about them, but be aware, they are not as kind as you, and may try to end your life. Be strong and look out for yourself”. She quickly processed his words and then smiled as she lowered her goggles to protect her eyes from the whipping sands they were about to walk into,” You mean Cethgus? Please, Callus. He will be lucky if he survives my wrath.”
She walked out onto the red sands of Korriban and took in the sight. The sand seemed to dance along the surface of the planet, and it would have been a beautiful sight had it not been for the Brotherhood tearing itself apart. She had gotten her mission, she knew what to do, and for once in her life the fear she always felt seemed to dissipate. The Dark Jedi Knight felt that in her heart of hearts the New Order would overcome, and would bring the Brotherhood back together again, but this time, Plagueis would Rule.
Octavia made haste to the ruins of the Sith Academy. Lightsaber in hand she quickly cut her way through the crowd. It was a strange feeling to be fighting against the very same people she had fought a long side only years before, almost a sad feeling, but she pushed it aside as she quickly made her way through a group of Arconian fighters and came across a familiar Zabrak. She knew him instantly, and even though he had his back turned to her, Cethgus knew she was there. She was annoyed that she had to deal with him so early on in combat, but he stood in the way between her and the entrance to the ruins, and she refused to let her husband be her downfall again.
The Zabrak turned around and licked his lips. He was in his fighting mode, but to say he was surprised to see his wife was an understatement. “You” He spoke with both surprise and venom in his voice” What are you doing here?” Octavia smiled at his discomfort and took a step closer. “Surprised to see me? You shouldn’t be, Darling. You know I always come back. Now, I don’t have time to fight with you, so you’re going to let me pass.. And I will let you live another day. Test me and I will chop off your limbs and leave you to die on the sands of this forsaken planet. He barely had time to protest before Octavia raised her saber and brought it down on his arm, not severing it, but defiantly leaving a wound. She smiled ad the zabrak howled in pain and she walked past. “Don’t fuck with a woman scorned, Cethgus.”
She quickly ran off before he could chase after her and entered the ruins. It was quiet in here, only the sounds of her foot steps and the echoes of the battle outside were to be heard. She dusted herself off quickly and lifted up her goggles so she could see better. To say she was in awe was an understatement. She felt such a connection to this place, and she had never even been here.
Using her Lightsaber for light she used her powers to feel what she could not see. She could feel a human presence, and made her way silently too it. It was deep in the ruins, but she couldn’t tell if it was a Jedi or not, even though it had a force signature. She peered around a corner and quickly ducked away when shots were fired at her. She sighed and spoke quietly to the person shooting.
“I’m not here to harm you. But you are in the rightful place of Clan Plagueis.” She waited for a response and all she got was a gruff chuckle. “Darlin,” the voice spoke out loudly “You have no idea what you’re fighting for, do you?” Octavia came out from hiding and looked at the man. He seemed a little weathered, defiantly no worse for wear and she thought he was actually attractive. He seemed to have a force signature, but didn’t seem to detect light or dark.
“Who are you?” The dark Jedi knight spoke to the Stranger. “I’m Dark Jedi Knight Octavia Obrie”.She had to duck quickly because now shots were being fired from behind her. She ran next to the stranger and both took cover. “I’m Connor Grey. Friends of yours?” He quickly stood up and shot back at the intruders that had followed her in. “Would I be hiding if they were?”
The two held off the fighters for a bit until no others came in. They had been talking when Conner decided he needed to leave. He began to pick up his things, including some relics from the ruins. “You can’t take those!” Tavi tried to stop him but he also fought her off.
No worries, Darlin, you’ll get them back I have a feeling ‘ll see you again.” He smiled a charming smile and ran deeper into the ruins. She sighed deeply and lt Callus know she had the ruins secured. And she hoped Connor was right.

Round 1: Fiction
File submission
Textual submission

4674 words

Round 1: Fiction
Blade Mistress Shadow Nighthunter opted out of publishing her submission.
Round 1: Fiction
File submission
Textual submission

Atyiru Entar
Dossier #13486

Round 1: Fiction
Warlord Furios Morega di Plagia opted out of publishing his submission.
Round 1: Fiction
File submission
Round 1: Fiction
Rathus Marr opted out of publishing his submission.