Fiction Activity Overview

Displaying fiction activity reports 11991 - 12000 of 12883 in total
Antei Contract Bureau: Live! [2015]
Textual submission

Manually added by Savant Celevon Edraven

Round 1 apparently didn't have its own sub competition. Using this comp ID for the awarded CIs
Antei Contract Bureau: Live! [2015]
Textual submission

Manually added by Savant Celevon Edraven

Round 1 apparently didn't have its own sub competition. Using this comp ID for the awarded CIs
Antei Contract Bureau: Live! [2015]
Textual submission

Manually added by Savant Celevon Edraven

Round 1 apparently didn't have its own sub competition. Using this comp ID for the awarded CIs
Antei Contract Bureau: Live! [2015]
Textual submission

Manually added by Savant Celevon Edraven

Round 1 apparently didn't have its own sub competition. Using this comp ID for the awarded CIs
Incursion- The Run-On
Textual submission

Manually added by Knight Bentre Stahoes

Incursion- The Run-On
Textual submission

Manually added by Knight Bentre Stahoes

[Fall of SCEPTER] Rally To Me
File submission
Textual submission

File is attached, enjoy!

[Fall of SCEPTER] Rally To Me
Textual submission

Checking incoming messages for the first time while on her mission, Riverche noticed numerous distress and urgent messages starting from a little after 0600 that morning. She had failed and now her allies needed her help. Ran through her mind as she gathered her belongings. Fearing that she may be to late, she set out to investigate the source of the closest signal, about 100 km away in a valley near the outskirts of Estle City. She should arrive just as the sun is setting.

The setting sun behind River highlighted the small training outpost in the valley below that once served as training grounds for SCEPTER and Arcona. The small yard once used for various training exercises now housed encamped soldiers ready to fire at the trapped forces inside. The large, antique doors facing the yard silently stood close, scared from the recent skirmish. The wall surrounding the yard had crumbled in multiple places under the force of the invasion. The broken windows boarded up from the inside blacked the view of the outside world. Not happy not knowing what was on the inside, River dug out her data pad and went to work hacking the security system of the base.

The main communications array was still down, but she was able to use her close range position to establish a link to the computer system on the base. They were still trying to connect to the main system using the same algorithm as the rest of SCEPTOR, so entering the system was not a problem. The security feed showed the insides were still intact and that the survivors had eradicated those that had breached the facility. They were mainly focused near the entry hall facing the yard weapons drawn. Both sides locked and waiting for a break.

Riverche typed a short message to the trapped soldiers before starting to put her datapad away. Buzz, buzz. Glancing at the messages, in the last hour Celahir had tried to reach her over twenty different times. “Not now, busy” she typed before turning the device off again and putting it away.

She carefully made her way to the wall surrounding the yard. Leaning against the wall, she took a deep breath and pulled out her supply of flash grenades. Hope they got the message, Riverche thought as she prepared to throw the first grenade through a hole in the wall.

Running from one break in the wall to the next, River throw grenades into the mix of intruders. One by one they lit the yard in flashes of blinding light. As the last one flooded the area, the main lights of the yard flicked on filling the surrounding area in extremely bright light. The antique doors swung open to let the small flood of SCEPTOR soldiers enter combat with the blinded enemy. Riverche rounded the wall blaster drawn.

Before the enemy had time to react, more then half of them laid lifeless at the feet of the soldiers. Riverche was firing into the crowd of enemies, near the hole in the wall she had used to enter the yard, when one of them decided to rush her. Under the sudden force of the brute, River flew backwards into the wall. She could feel the pressure of a sharp stone pierce her back just under her right shoulder blade.

As she pushed away from the wall, Riverche droped her pistol. Without warning, she firmly thrust her fist into the brute's chest just below his wind pipe. He swung wildly as he stumbled a little gasping for air. Catching himself, he strongly thew his fist at Riverche's face and chest area. Tasting the familiar taste of blood, Riverche took another couple of swings at the brute. Looking her square in the face, he took a deep breath and charged at the defiant Miraluka. Moments before he would have connected, Riverche took a step to the side. Unable to stop, the brute ran head first into the sharp stone sticking out of the broken wall. His lifeless body slide to rest leaving a streak of blood behind.

A familiar hiss of a lightsaber came from the battling group in the center of the yard. A tall figure with his back towards Riverche held the weapon. Raised and ready to drive it into an unsuspecting victim. Riverche quickly picked up her pistol. Her first shot, slightly off, hit the arm holding the saber. The light went out millimeters away from the victims neck. The saber hit the ground as the soldier turned to engage his would be assassin. At the same time the soldier's palm forcefully connected with the assassin's nose, the second shot hit the left side of his back just below the shoulder blade.

The battle quieted just as fast as it had started. The enemy laid in lifeless heaps scattered throughout the yard. Only one of the dead wore a SCEPTOR uniform. The sudden quietness was soon interrupted by the sound of an approaching transporter. “Lights!” A soldier wearing an officer's uniform shouted from the yard.

As on queue, the lights in the yard switched off allowing the night to creep in. “Here!” The officer said handing River the abandoned lightsaber. “Incoming, get ready!”

The group, as one, moved back to the steps in front of the antique doors. The ship turned slightly revealing the Arcona logo as it landed outside the wall. Before touching ground, the loading ramp started to slide open to reveal the faces of the members of the Soulfire Strike Team. Relieved, the soldiers holstered their weapons and scattered to start the clean up process.

[Fall of SCEPTER] Rally To Me
Textual submission

The sky bled green. From above, a flight of K-Wings rained down a light show of death and carnage, cutting through the forest with ease. Bomb chutes opened, pouring their deadly cargo into the forest floor, causing the trees to explode and spray burning shards and splinters through the small clearings interspersed between the more venerable fauna, eviscerating any SCEPTER operatives unlucky enough to have survived the initial air strike.

Already, much of the forest was on fire. Smoke cloyed the senses, making it hard to see and breathe. The few remaining operatives, only three strong, huddled in the bombed out crater of what had once been a tree hundreds of feet high. Around them were scattered the remains of what had once been a ten-strong team.

“I think they’ve passed over.” One of them muttered. She was perhaps thirty, human, and had a bandage wrapped around her head, covering the oozing wound where her ear used to be.

A zabrak opposite her snorted. “That just means the cleaners will be coming through the area in a second. When they spot us, we’re dead.”

“Quiet! I can hear the Howlrunners.” The Nautolan hissed, clutching his rifle close to his chest.

Indeed, the eerie, chilling howl of a pack of Howlrunners tore the sudden stillness of the aftermath apart, making the zabrak flinch. Their padded feet could be heard rushing through the undergrowth, zeroing in on the hapless trio’s location. They steeled themselves for the inevitable.

Something shifted in the air. There was a tangible change in the day. Slowly, rain began to fall, its patter matting down the smoke, quenching the small fires, causing them to hiss. Through the mirk stepped a trio of figures. In the middle was a nondescript human male wearing a coat with a large concussion rifle slung over one shoulder. To his right was an imposing larger male who walked with the confidence of a seasoned fighter, yet seemed to still possess the exuberance of youth. On the middle figure’s other side was an equally nondescript human male with tribal tattoos over one side of his face.

They paused a second, then the middle figure, presumably the most senior, gestured with his right hand. The tattooed male leapt forward towards the beaten SCEPTER members, but instead of attacking them, vaulted them and stood at the lip of their crater, extending an electrostaff. The Howlrunners burst through the brush just as his weapon finished deploying. Displaying an uncanny ability with the stave, he slapped no less than three of them away before a single blaster bolt rang out, hitting one of the canine creatures in the flank. It yelped, hobbling away, and the others followed suit, yowling in distress.

Shouts could be heard in the distance, followed by the heavy, dull tattoo of booted feet on muddy earth.

“Where’s the rest of your unit?” The stave-wielding figure asked, briefly glancing behind at them.

“We’re all that’s left.” The one-eared human replied shakily, unsure of who their rescuers were.

“Call in any survivors in the area to our position. We’ll have a staging point here.” Celahir Erinos, former Consul of Arcona and Battleteam Leader of Soulfire ordered, before returning his full attention to the fore.

“Who are you people?”

“We’re The Erinos.” The middle figure replied, wielding a large, antiquated concussion rifle in both arms.

None of them looked particularly old, and only the largest of them was wearing any armour, though it only seemed to focus on protecting his limbs.

Rayze Erinos walked, no, swaggered forwards, smiling cheerfully, He un-holstered his blaster pistol and stood next to Celahir. Without preamble, it started. A trio of Weequay burst through the undergrowth, howling challenges, each wielding two short vibro-axes. Rayze shot two of them before they closed in. The third managed to get one swing in, which was batted aside by Celahir’s electrostaff, then he brought a fist around, punching the stunned alien in the face. However, his fist didn’t just break bones; it cut through the Weequay’s head, taking the top half off from the nose upwards. He and his severed skull dropped to the floor noisily. The former Consul wiped the vibro-knuckler on the leg of his pants, and turned his attention back to the fore.

A second wave came, more mercenaries pouring from the brush, prompting the pair into action. Rayze kept up fire with his pistol, felling three, but it was past the point where blasters could do much good. both drew their sabers and waded in. It wasn’t much of a fight. They cut through their opponents like they were practice dummies, and left the scene ten seconds later looking like a snuff holodrama.

“That’s enough. They’ll have zeroed our position now. They’ll try bombing again, then, when that doesn’t work, they’ll send in the heavies. Come back in.” Sashar Erinos said from the rear, hefting his LJ-50 Concussion Rifle.

He wasn’t wrong. There was a whine in the air, prefacing the assault like a valkyrie’s call. Sashar turned in the direction of the noise, took aim, and waited. A heartbeat passed. Two. On the third, Sashar fired. The weapon’s discharge sounded unnaturally loud, but it was replaced a moment later by two bombers flying low overhead, raking the forest with quad-laser beams. The corucsating blue bolt smashed into the wing of one of the two craft, ruining its aerodynamics. The K-Wing swerved violently to the left, catching the wing of the other bomber. Both craft careened downwards, smashing into the forest floor, further adding to the smoke and fire.

“Shab Sash, stop showing off.” Celahir remarked, wincing from the sound of the blasts.

“Make me.” Sashar replied, grinning smugly.

From the undergrowth, more figures emerged. Stumbling, shambling, half dead, each wearing SCEPTER uniforms. Their ‘re-inforcements’ had arrived.

“Get down, stay low, and if possible, try to hide under something heavy.” Rayze instructed, briefly looking over the stragglers. None were combat ready.

In the distance, there were shouts. Howls. Machinery moving. A lot of machinery.

Sashar moved to the front, standing shoulder to shoulder with his clansmen. “Rayze, did I ever tell you what your father’s favourite game was?”

Rayze glanced over quizzically.

“Mech hunt.” Sashar replied, then started forward at a jog.

The next half hour consisted of a lot of mercenary forces being ambushed by three angry, swearing, lightsaber-wielding Mandalorians. They came from above, from below, from any angle that wasn’t expected. Not one of the heavily armed mercenaries were left alive. Not one of the AT-STs remained standing, either having their legs sheared off by a lightsaber, or their armoured canopies popped like melons by Sashar’s Concussion rifle. The Erinos cut a bloody swathe through them, and left a message for anyone who’d ever be stupid enough to doubt Galeres’ strength.