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Visions of the Future
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Textual submission

DJK Lucyeth

Visions of the Future
File submission
Visions of the Future
File submission
Textual submission

Shadow stands among a golden throne, over 5,000 Dark Jedi stand in front of him and most were turned a few members of his clan stood with him. Irad began to meditate and he called out to the Dark Side, How should I plan from here. He nodded as a thought came into mind.

:"We shall prepare to strike the Grand Master but first, I must find an Apprentice" ,He smirked as they began to murmur among themselves. This was his first option because he'd need someone to take the fall for him if anything went wrong, and plus who would run operations while he pretended to show undying loyalty to the Grand Master. He got up and procceeded to look over his students, if they can't give him a run for his money they would stand a zero chance against the Grand Master's Royal Guard's as they had good training.

He walked up to Iren Nightmare and stared as he battled the powerful Proxys, the young Sith had the highest midi-chlorian count among all of the possible prospects. He watched as Iren's lightsaber connected with the Proxys hip and sliced right into it. He sensed the anger in the boy and proceeded over to him. "Iren that was impressive" ,He glanced at the Proxy.

" Yes, Lord Corran I have progressed and my powers are beyond imaginable", He ignited his lightsaber and swung at Iren who quickly ignited his lightsaber and defended it. Shadow would use Djem So to pressure the young boy. He struck violently toward Iren who begun to fall back. He swung a death blow at Iren who nearly missed and his lightsaber struck the ground. He leaped back and than burst forward like a blur, the lightsaber coming across Iren's arm and he screamed out.

" This is how you become a powerful Sith, Iren intensive training ", He jumped into the air and landed down his red lightsaber connecting with the armory saber of Iren's who drew back slightly, He can't handle the pressure of my violent waves of Djem So strikes perhaps I should teach him in the ways of Soresu. He pushed the young boy off and he fell to the ground. Shadow raised both hands and felt the Lightning come out of his hands and began inflicting the power upon the boy.

" ARRRRRRGGGGG......HHHHHHH!!!! ", He writhed in agony and pain, as the lightning continued, he felt his power slowly going away, but he could continue if he wished to. He stopped and than watched as the young man slowly got up. He was sweating heavily and was breathing quickly. He walked over and put his hand over Iren's head, The dark side flowed into the boy and healed him. After some intensive training he could turn the boy into his worthy apprentice and in another 20 years he'd be able to defeat Shadow one day. Shadow would head back to Antei later and have to keep his plan hidden.

" Lord Keenus prepare for my shuttle straight to Antei " , He spoke to his assassin who would help to infiltrate the Brotherhood.

" It will be done my lord anything else? ", He bowed and had commanded a few of their trainees to go prepare and also he would give the leadership over to Keenus while he left. The Sith Lord walked off and while Shadow watched over the rest of his warriors, Perhaps I should name the cult of my group, Golden Age Sith...Yes...Yess I shall rule the brotherhood for thousands of years.

2 months later....

Shadow trod through the corridor to the end of the hallway where he entered the chambers of the Grand Master, the one Dark Lord of the Sith. Shadow had plains to end the Grand Master and take control of the brotherhood to form it into a more powerful group. He entered with two guards to either one of his sides, Iren stood on one side and Keenus on the other.

Shadow said no words, he simply crossed his arms as his entourage fell into place behind him, facing his quarry with intent. I will have to draw on my raw emotions but at the same time keep my composure to much and I would become overhwhelmed with pride and slip up, If he made one mistake that would be his life. He would focus on using his Djem So since he could get both reckless but also conquer during weak defenses and he would draw on the Dark Side regardless of if it wasn't aiding him well.

The Grand Master glanced down at Shadow from his throne seat atop the set of stairs. He waved away the servents that stood around him and addressed the intruding member.

"Lord Shadow, I thought I felt an unpleasant presence approaching." He spoke with a slight chuckle. "So you finally show your true colors as a traitor to the Dark Council, I foresaw this. I'll give you one chance to turn around now, and maybe I'll let you keep your seat as a council member."

As he spoke, he looked to the guards the Sith had brought with him. The men began to scream in pain as their bodies floated in the air. As they fell the Grand Master guards stepped out of the shows to block the stairs up to the Dark Lord's thrown.

"You are no match for my power Shadow, don't end you life for such a pathetic attemt to over throw me. The Dark Brotherhood is mine, you are mine."

The Dark Lord stood up from his thrown to just tower over the other Sith just that much more.

Shadow stared directly into the face of his opponent as the troops he brought with them fell to the ground, breathing heavily. He never intended them to fight, but perhaps they would have served to deal with Theguards and spare Lord Caecilis the effort of killing them himself.

"I belong to you no longer, Muz," Shadow said as he raised his hand and twisted it, snapping one of Muz's guards, he ignited his lightsaber and attacked the youngest one, he parried the attack but Shadow jumped and slashed his face than brought the lightsaber straight into his heart killing him.

Shadow took a step forward to show he had no intentions of surrendering. "'Through victory, my chains are broken,' or have you forgotten the Sith Code that binds us all? See, Muz, in slaying you I will free myself from your fate, for myself and for the Sith. You have no vision, no glory in your future. With me as Grand Master, there will be no pathetic bickering between the members of the Council while you sit here on your insignificant throne. There will be only power for those who worship me. Only power for me and for my Clan."

Shadow took several more slow steps forward, channeling his hate for Muz through him to fuel his power. He twirled his lightsaber in his hand and smirked, pointing the blood-red blade towards the floor, filling the room with a glow that would by itself fill a normal person with dread. "You have been allowed for far too long to sit unconcerned while the rest of the Brotherhood suffers. Time to die, Ashen. I hope your rest is filled with torment."

Do you so easily forget that it was me who posses power greater than anyone!" He snapped back. "My vision is greater than you could ever imagine!"

Muz jumped through the air towards Shadow, his saber ignited as he flew. The saber was gold, that of the golden throne he may create one day. He came down upon the traitor with great fury, swinging his blade in a downward strike.

"I am your chains, and I will not break for you will not have victory this day!"

Shadow raised his lightsaber to block the incoming strike, then countered by stamping his foot into the ground, driving Muz back several meters using his Force amplification. Shadow took this opportunity to throw a lightsaber toward Muz who simply met it strike with ease. A feeble attempt at a death blow in any sense, but meant to be a weakening blow in a short window of time. He launched himself at the Dark Lord, his lightsaber raised in attack form.

He watched as Muz slid back, The Grand Master needed a lesson in Djem So, so be it. He felt a surge of Dark Power and jumped into the air and swung his lightsaber toward Muz leg's in order to protect himself. Muz reacted quickly and Shadow rolled to his right swinging his blade for Muz right leg but Muz met the strike with a invisble hand pushing Shadow into the solid wall.

This blow left Shadow disoriented, he looked up and saw a flash of lightning and it hit his body hard, he felt many jolts cut through his body and writhed in pain. He rolled around and begun to absorb the pain, He looked up and his eyes had the yellow eyes, with the red rims. He fell to the ground and apparently was assumed dead. Muz kicked him than turned around, Shadow's lightsaber moved and than an invisible hand swept it up and Shadow clutched it. He leapt up and ignited his lightsaber flying towards, Muz with blazing speed.

He regretted the decision immediately as a wall pushed him back, he landed on his feet perched on his toes. He felt Muz running toward him and stood up quickly and swung at the same time, Muz flew toward him quickly and brought it to Shadow's shoulder a gash appeared, he drew on the Dark Side and it began to close.

Shadow swung his lightsaber and the clash one sabers lit up the room, Shadow spun and hit Muz in the arm, distracting him for just that one moment and Shadow took the chance to draw on his power and a mystical hand pushed Muz back. Shadow jumped forth and tried to kill Muz, but he was quick and moved out the wya for incredible speed, Muz kicked out and caught Shadow in the leg knocking him down. Shadow leaped up and spun kicking Muz square in the face, drawing blood for the first time.

"What's wrong, Muz?" Shadow asked. "Forget the smell of your own blood?"

He began to be the defense as Muz began attacking him relentlessly, Shadow had no option but to switch to the offense, he deflected the hit than spun around and he swung at his back, Muz pushed off and knocked Shadow to the ground. The Dark Lord began to slowly walk towards his opponent with his golden lightsaber raised in an ready-to-kill stance. He leapt up with killer speed and hit Muz quickly, he hit the ground and slid over to the corner.

Shadow had fought three Sith before, but this was not the same, he was hit once but could manage to hold off the sabers, for at least until Muz approached. When he came close enough, Shadow drew upon the Dark Side and a ripple went right through his hands as a wave of lightning flew out his fingers, knocking away Muz's lightsaber and knocking Muz back into the other wall. Shadow then rushed toward Muz, his speed quickly increased and ran forward to the Dark Lord, driving his lightsaber through the front of his adversary, Now Golden Age Sith......Strike NOWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!......They would attack all the initiates on Antei and than take over from their.

Shadow grinned crazily and felt a strange feeling in the force and knew the title, Dark Lord of the Sith belonged to him and he also earned the title of Grand Master, he watched as Muz stayed still, he picked up the golden lightsaber and put it inside his robe. " Muz I've been plotting for years and now I've finally taken over " , He walked over to Muz guards and began to kill them one by one. He walked over and sat in the Iron Throne, it was finally his.

Shadow opened his eyes and stared around the vision of him becoming Grand Master was one of great success as he had succeeded after 30 years of plotting, Could it become real or was it all a dream.

[Gathering Darkness] 12 — The Price of Honour
Textual submission

If you want an actual document, I can get you one later.

Consul's Black Guard - Looking For Guns
File submission
Textual submission

"What are you getting ready for?" Kiana asked, her arms folded. She was standing between Locke and the door to his office in Kel Rasha. It wasn't even as if he were about to leave, he still had to make sure he had everything.

"A mission," he said. "You can come." As if she would give him a choice. Kiana was hellbent on not letting him out of her sight, especially after she had learned that he had flown a TIE Bomber at San Korinar. Locke was still trying to figure out how Kiana learned that particular detail.

"To where?" she asked. He could sense a slight bit of mirth in their sibling bond - apparently, she also knew that he wouldn't be able to stop her if he had wanted to.

"The Clan needs guns, so I'm going to go...procure some."

Kiana's mouth twisted in distaste. "You mean steal them."

Locke paused for a second, but he was well past trying to sugar coat the Clan's activities for his sister. She had her beliefs about what was right and wrong, and they had theirs. That wasn't going to change. In reality, he somewhat disagreed with this mission, but the Clan did need the equipment to outfit the Warhost. It seemed in their recent campaigns logistics had been given something of a back seat. "Yeah, pretty much," he said finally.

"Where is it?" she continued. Was that irritation he sensed? Kiana was quite good at hiding her emotions. He still had no sense of what had really happened to her at the hands of the One Sith.


"Well, there's no way this could go wrong. Lightsabers and Force powers on the same world as the Jedi Council. At least there's billions of beings to lessen the chance they'll recognize me before they sense you channeling the dark side."

"I won't be using the dark side," Locke said," or my lightsaber, and you shouldn't either."

Kiana's voice lost all emotion for a moment as she replied. "I don't have one, remember? The One Sith have it."

"It's just a tool, I can procure an armory saber." He regretted the words almost before they were out of his mouth. He tried to make his voice softer. "I'm sorry, I know how you feel." Please don't give me another lecture on 'a Jedi's lightsaber is his life.' he thought.

"I can be of use without a 'saber anyway," Kiana said. She flashed a smile at him, but it wasn't one of her usual warm ones. This was just teeth. He caught the glint of a blade in her hand and then it disappeared."

"Surely the pure Jedi Knight would not sully her hands with blood," he intoned, trying not to sound surprised. When had she begun carrying those? Now I have to worry about that too

Suddenly he heard Amelia's voice, though she was not visible. "Don't be silly, she loves you as only a sibling can. Kiana won't try to hurt you."

"Perhaps not," he mumbled. But what happens when she discovers just how far I would go to support the Clan?

"What was that?" Kiana asked.

"Nothing," Locke said. "We should go."

Kiana frowned, but said nothing.


Coruscant System
Five Minutes Before Touch Down

"Stop doing that," Locke said, piloting the shuttle toward one of Coruscant's many starports. Behind him, Kiana was tossing a data chip up and down in her hand.

She ignored his command, of course. "So this will reroute standard shipment routines to an area near Orian, so your allies can ambush them and take their stuff? I'm mentally adding 'piracy' to the list of things to let mom know you've been up to when we see her again."

"Whatever," Locke muttered, crushing the ball of ice that had arisen in his stomach. Kiana occasionally mentioned their mother, but Locke wasn't looking forward to meeting her again. He wanted to see his mother, but he didn't want her to know what he had become.

"Yes, that's what the datachip does. I'm going to sneak in. According to my contacts, all I have to do is find their central data terminal and put it in the drive." At least, that's what Methyas had said, and Locke trusted the old man and whatever SHADOW remnants he commanded.

"I'll let you down near their facility. Whose is it?"

For a moment, Locke was a little shocked. Kiana was going to let him go in on his own, after her usual insistence to accompany him? "Blastech," he said, recovering.

"Oh," Kiana said.

That's right, sister, Locke thought. There really is no way to justify this in any lawful kind of way. It's theft, it's piracy. Still, the Clan did need the resources.

She dropped him off at a civilian landing pad some distance from the facility. Locke wasted no time slipping through the city until he found the alley he wanted. It was a dead end, but above that was a ventilation duct some distance up. It was probably too high for most people to reach, but Locke wasn't most people. He summoned the Force, thinking that small usage such as this shouldn't alert the Jedi, and leaped to the grate, ducking inside it's slowly moving fan blades.

"I'm in," he whispered, pulling his comlink headset up to his ear. "Heading for central databank."

Locke tried to be quiet, managing to pass by multiple guards. His cloaking ability made it easy, but after awhile, the Krath heard the distinct whine of a stun blaster charging up behind him.

"Turn around," a female voice said with an air of command.

Putting his hands over his head, Locke slowly turned, regarding the being before him. She was a human woman, with short, dark hair, and a long, green-trimmed longcoat of some sort. Locke could see at least one sheathed knife-like weapon at her waist, as well as a few thermal detonators.

"Bounty hunter?" he asked.

"I'll ask the questions," she said. "Why are you here? Give me the truth; you're obviously not a tourist."

"Right," Locke said. He hadn't really thought of a cover story. The Krath had never assumed he might be caught. His mind raced as the thought of what to say. "I'm exploring...I'm a hunter myself, thought I could find some useful weapons here."

The Bakuran flinched as a knife stuck itself in the floor at his feet in the blink of an eye. The woman already had the blaster steady again. Who was she, that she could move so quickly that one such as Locke wouldn't be able to anticipate it? Did she use the Force?

"Speak truth or the next is through your heart, Sadowan scum." The emphasis on the word 'Sadowan' was the only part that changed in her icy voice.

Locke froze. How did she know? Still, he wouldn't release everything. "I'm on a mission to procure weapons for...the people I work for. Who you apparently know of. Who are you?"

She ignored his question. "You have a data chip. You're intending to use it to change the directives in the BlasTech mainframe. Your goal is to provide your Warhost with weapons."

Tensing, Locke's mind raced. How much did she know? Who did she work for? What in the bloody nine hells of Corellia was she doing on Coruscant with that knowledge?

"Yes," he said.

She nodded. "Marc said you weren't brainless. Since you will likely run, fight, and die if I simply make my demands, I will tell you something. I work for Hazard. Our mission is simple: to ensure the Orian System's safety from the likes of the Dark Jedi who follow in Naga Sadow's footsteps. You most of all should be aware of what chaos your presence has caused in the system."

Hazard...Marc….yes, Locke knew that name. Marc was an agent who had caught up with him the last time the Clan had visited Nar Shadaa and charged Locke with ensuring the mission didn't go haywire. His story had been similar.

"Hazard?" Locke asked. "What a strange name."

"It emphasizes the situations we face. High Active Zone, Aggressive Recon Division."

"Division of what?" Locke asked.

"We were members of Shadow," the woman said," but now we operate on our own."

" that's how you knew about this." Did Methyas' people have a leak? He would have to ask when he got back.

"Perhaps, I'm sure you'll question your sources when you get back. That doesn't matter. What does matter is that you let me finish this mission and return to your Clan and report your success. Don't worry, you will still get your supplies, but some will go directly to the civilian police forces of the Assembly."

Locke nodded slowly, but he didn't like this plan at all. How could he trust them? But then again, Marc had not done anything to show he was not honest about his intent.

"We already manage the Assembly's police forces," he said. At least, as far as Locke knew that was being handled. He had not been privy to the specifics in some time.

"Not as we do," she said. "We will ensure they have the means to keep their system secure when their secret overlords are too preoccupied with their own quests for power to take care of them."

"I see," Locke said. "But why even tell me this, then? Why not just kill me?"

"Because there are those that see something in you. You were Consul when catastrophic disaster after disaster wreaked chaos on the Orian System, but you do not seem to crave power as the others do, and we are not fools, so we believe you may care more about the people who live under your rule than it seemed."

Locke chose his words carefully. This was straying far from being about supplying weapons, but still, he had no choice but to have this conversation. It might be useful as well. The Orian System's stability was always important, and probably something Malik would care about beyond just procuring weapons, but how could he tell the Consul about this alteration?

It was difficult to let his feelings surface, but once he did, the words came out quickly. Locke knew he spoke honestly, despite having to pull each word from the depths of his heart. "It's true. I wanted to be a good leader, to serve those who were my responsibility, but...a Clan of Dark Jedi is no easy group to manage. I don't like things that sound like excuses, and I do feel responsible, but what can I do now besides support those who followed my rule? I never wanted power before, but Macron could not be allowed to stay in his position as Consul, the chaos that would have followed…" would not have been as bad as what happened when I became Consul.

There it was. He had always wondered, what would have happened if he had not betrayed Macron. Would things have gone any better? No, Macron was a warmonger, he would have never brokered the uneasy peace with Scholae Palatinae that had allowed the Clan to rebuild with relative ease after the Orian Incursion. The following Crusade was outside their control, Macron would have taken the entire army, and likely thrown all of their exhausted forces into a campaign to reconquer the system immediately upon their return. It would have been a worse disaster, rather than rebuilding from the safety of shadow, the Clan would have been weakened so far that any of their rivals could have obliterated them.

The woman spoke again, thoughtfully. "You did what you could with your resources at the time, yet there is still so much blood on your hands. If you want to atone for it so badly, work with us. We can help you, and you can help us. We have the same goal. For the people of the Orian System."

"For the people…" Locke agreed. "Very well, what would you have me do?"
The woman smiled slightly. "Let me finish your mission and report your success to your superiors. You will still receive your weapon shipments, and a relatively small amount will be diverted to the Assemby's civilian authorities."

Authorities...that reminded Locke. "But the Proconsul appointed Dark Jedi to establish that force. Won't you be putting weapons back in their hands?"

"They don't know about everything that goes on there," the woman said. "We have contacts who, well, I'll tell you more as our relations deepen. For now, this meeting is at an end. Until we meet again, Locke Sonjie."

He turned as if to leave, but stopped. "I didn't get your name."

"I didn't give it, but you may call me Lily for now."

"Right, Lily, you don't remind me of the plant at all, even with the green trim."

Lily didn't even blush a bit. Locke doubted that was her real name. She just gestured with her blaster. "Get out of here before I decide to shoot you anyway."

Locke nodded and made himself scarce, his mind in turmoil. What could he do? He wanted to laugh at the possibilities. His mission would be a success, he had prospective allies his superiors didn't know about. He might actually have help in redeeming himself one day!

When he was back onboard with Kiana, Locke was a lot more positive about the future than he had been in a long time...despite the political quagmire if intrigue he had just landed in the middle of.
