Fiction Activity Overview

Displaying fiction activity reports 12821 - 12826 of 12826 in total
Consul's Black Guard - Looking For Guns
Textual submission

Mandeo meditated as he felt his ship coming close to the landing yard of BlasTech, He stood up and went over to his droid. " Prepare for the jump to hyperspace in 5 hours. " , Mandeo lifted his hood and stepped down on the platform. Their stood 2 guards who were dressed in elegant armor but with what, Master Sadow has taught him he'd get through it easily. “I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse", that was his motto.

"Hello I assume your here to negotiate with my boss" Mandeo shook his head in agreement as the guard led him to the entrance.

"Is their anything specific I should know about your boss" Mandeo spoke with a cold tone that brought a cold presence to his already mysterious demeanor, wouldn't they expect this from a Dark Jedi of his caliber.

Mandeo proceeded into the facility and instantly felt the Force presence in the facility. A man by the name of Zole stood their a air of importance surrounded this individual. He looked Mandeo over and sneered. "Hello Mandeo I presume you are hear to carry out the deal" Mandeo nodded
and the guard led them to the room of the boss.

The guards opened the door and Mandeo walked into the room, a man in his early 40s sat down and was looking over papers, Mandeo sat down as the guards stood in the corner. "Welcome Master Pyxis.....Shall we begin the dealings" Mandeo shook his head in agreement and than looked around.

"We need a new group for major arms and come to BlasTech because we believe you have excellent equipment " Mandeo opened his comlink and whispered a few words, a document appeared.
"I see you came prepared Dark Jedi so all I am asking of your clan is 10,000,000 credits as it well cover up some other things" Mandeo's face contorted and he stood up quickly, The guards pointed their guns his way and the Force user became attentive.

"No...let's say 50,000 credits " Mandeo reached into his robes and would prepare for battle as he came ready.

"No now you will either accept my deal or live or you will accept my other death!" He grinned like a madman than spun around looking outside. Mandeo lifted his hand and brought each one down slowly as the door closed and the shades were closed. He lifted his head in acknowledgement as the guards lifted their guns.
"You'd all be wise not to shoot" Mandeo moved like a blur, he jumped toward the Force user, who brought out a blade. Mandeo laughed mockingly and knocked it away with his left foot, he used his right fist to punch the man straight in the throat, losing his breath for a moment. Mandeo took out his blade burying it in the man's chest.

Without a second thought he reached into his robe and ignited his lightsaber spinning around while barely dodging the blasts from the guards pistol. He pulled his hand back and pushed forward as a wall of power pushed the guards into the wall. A larger one recovered and Mandeo put away his lightsaber and began battling him hand to hand. The guard took a swing to Mandeo's face and Mandeo spun in a circle burying his elbow into the guards back.

He pulled out his 10 inch blade and buried it into the back of the guard killing him. A groan escaped the guard who dropped to the ground as his comrades got up. Mandeo moved forward with his blade and got the jump on the dazed guards, he sliced the first one across the chest and did the same for the other 2. "He---y don't you do that" The boss was cowering in fear and hiding in his private corner.

"Now how about zero credits and we simply sign this deal forget all of this happened agreed?" Mandeo walked over with darkness covering his face. The boss nodded in agreement and went over to transfer the data to Mandeo's device. "Wise you are and let's keep this arrangement between us 'kay.....K3-54 prepare the ship for takeoff and the jump into hyperspace" He spoke loudly into his comlink.

He smiled as the deal finalized and the information would be forwarded to his Master and clan. My first mission to prove myself was somewhat of a success. He walked out of the facility and boarded his ship heading back home.

Consul's Black Guard - Looking For Guns
Sebz Janren opted out of publishing his submission.
Consul's Black Guard - Looking For Guns
Textual submission

With the city of Seng Karash on Aeotheran finally under The Orian Assembly’s control and the Orian Authority in place to keep the peace, we are looking to regroup and resupply our near depleted supplies. To this end, the Orian Assembly had tasked me with making use of my contacts within Merr-Sonn to acquire new munitions. I saw this as a decent idea as, I company that I am currently the CEO of, is the main security company for many of the upper levels of Umbaran society.
After delivering OP Roxas to the medical facility that was set up in Seng Karash, the Assembly informed me of my mission and that it would be prudent to leave immediately, before anymore skirmishes started with our already low supplies. Not wanting to incur the ire of the Assembly, I left on the first transport up to the “Covenant” where I got myself cleaned up and made arrangements to meet with my supplier at their closest manufacturing facilities. Donning my formal attire, complete with my DD6 blaster pistol and my Fire Whip, I acquired the first readily available ship that would suit my needs for this mission.
Making a fairly smooth landing at the manufacturing plant, I was greeted by my suppliers aide, Criax Strax, who escorted me to Garala Horain’s office. Enroute to her office, I subtly influenced the aide to lead me through several of the delivery staging areas before he took me to his bosses office. Entering into the outer office, the aide moved to his desk before checking his console, I saw him press a button underneath his side of the desk, presumably to announce to her that there was someone out here to see her. About a minute later, while Criax was looking over a couple of datapads, I heard a click at the doors to Garala’s office, Criax moved over to the doors, and opened them motioning for me to enter. Nodding to him as I pass, I cross the office, stopping in front of her desk. Looking back behind me at the closed doors, I ask Garala, “Another new one?”, turning back to look at her skeptically. She waved my comment away, and gestures for me to sit.
“Rosh, was caught talking to my competitors, he had to go. Loyal aides are hard to come by.” Garala stated as she sat down in her oversized plush chair.
Smirking and holding my hands out to the in front of me in a giving gesture, I say, “If you would just take me up on my offer to send you someone from my company, you wouldn’t have any loyalty issues.”
“Bah, whose loyalty would that person have? Mine? Yours?” She scoffed at me smiling. “You just want someone on my staff that can give you some inside leverage. I know you corporate types, always looking for an edge.” I feign ignorance to what she says, but smile because it is partially true. “Now, lets get down to what you are needing? Your message said something about needing supplies for a different company?” She said while looking at her datapad, then looking up at me quizzically.
“Yes, the Orian Authority. A newly formed law enforcement agency in the Orian System. I have been contracted to get a munitions and armor supply line set up for this new force. As of right now, the order that we are looking at is fairly small for this new agency, but I and they are certain that those numbers will increase as time goes.”
“I see.” Garala says with a frown forming. “I know who controls this Orian Authority.” She pauses, looking me over with far more scrutiny than I like. “Are you of those that control this Authority?” She asks, I don’t see her hands, no doubt that they are on a panic button under her desk.
“Me? A Sith? No, no, I’m just the head of the company that they’ve used dealt with before and knew that I could help them get what they want. Plus they are paying me handsomely for this.” I reply calmly so I don’t reveal anything to her of who I truly am, let her think that I’m just the middleman on this. I met her scrutinous gaze evenly, forcing the urge to us the Force to influence her that I’m not who she thinks I am. Even going so far as to suppress my Force presence just in case.
“You know, I would normally push this further, but I’ve been dealing with you for a while, and you shown nothing that would make me question you now.” Her hands come back up from under the table and grab her datapad to take notes or receive a file. “What supplies are they needing?”
“Anti-Riot Tangle Gun’s, Merr-Sonn Stun Batons, KZZ Riot Armor, G-20 Glop Grenades, and SG-4 Blaster Rifles. 200 each for starters, except the Glop Grenades, they are wanting 400.” I recited from memory. With each product name she was making notations on her datapad with a straight face, but when I told her the numbers, her eyebrows raised in shock disbelief.
“That’s a lot for a police force? And you said this was just the first shipment?” I nodded yes. Wow, I saw her mouth. “How are we setting up payment and delivery?”
“They’ve assured me that the funds would be transferred to one of my companies accounts that I’ve set up specifically for this on Umbara. As for the delivery of the equipment, we are having it shipped to my companies training grounds and they will send someone to pick it up.” She made a few more notes on her datapad before setting it down.
“Done, now that we’ve got that done. Is there anything else that you need. I was informed that you made your way through some of our staging areas before coming here. That’s not the way that Criax was supposed to take you. Anything you would like to tell me?”
Not missing a beat after she finished, and before her hand made it under that desk to her panic button. “Nah, you know us Umbarans, we’re able to influence those around us, though sadly it’s never worked with you. I was just curious about your operations here, nothing more.” I said giving her a small smile.
“Good, if there is nothing else, Criax will show you back to you ship.” At that moment, the doors to her office opened and Criax was standing there waiting to escort me to my transport. Thanking Garala, we left her office and made the normal way back to my ship in silence. At my ship, Criax said his little company pitch to leaving customers, said his farewells as I walked up the ramp. Once the ramp was closed, we took off, and just before we entered hyperspace back to the Covenant, I sent the Assembly a short message. It is done.

[Arcona] ACB 2014 Pilot - August
Textual submission

Manually added by OP Celevon Edraven

August CIs for the ACB.
[Arcona] ACB 2014 Pilot - August
Textual submission

Manually added by OP Celevon Edraven

August CIs for the ACB.
[Arcona] ACB 2014 Pilot - August
Textual submission

Contract #039

August CIs for the ACB.