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Bounty 002 [Envoy Corps]
Bounty 002 [Envoy Corps]
Bounty 002 [Envoy Corps]
Bounty 002 [Envoy Corps]
Wanted: Dead or Alive
Textual submission

Hector Von Ricmore
Clan Vizsla
Saxon Ship Tarre’s Terror
Zsoldos System

Hector Von Ricmore sat in the captain’s chair of the Tarre’s Terror. The Hynestian Star Cruiser was a relatively new design which nonetheless pleased him greatly. This was no surprise given the history of the Nebulon as a repurposed combat ship, the New Republic and the Resistance had plenty of time to interpret that data to construct an excellent ship. Tarre’s Terror had been tested in combat numerous times since its construction. It had served and would continue to serve Clan Vizsla well. Aboard the ship was the relatively untested Frostwolf Special Missions Company. The unit typically resided in the Frostwolf Garrison, offering protection to the people of Zsoldos without imposing the harsh militaristic standards of most governmental militaries. It was time to grant the unit some combat experience and allow the members to become accustomed to working with one another.

The latest bounty received by Clan Vizsla was the perfect opportunity. Vik Colton, a Corellian man of immaculate looks and expert gunslinger, and his merry band of pirates had angered the wrong crowd. The crew had robbed a wealthy noble from Coruscant and become marked for death or capture.

Projected in front of him was a Star Map. Colton was last seen traveling the Hydian Way. This area was a massive galactic hyper route used for ships undergoing hyperspace travel. There were a number of planets along the route which Colton could use to hide and resupply. The crew of Tarre’s Terror were given a tracking fob tied to Vik Colton. But the Corellian had used his knowledge of sensor technology gained from his time as a starship mechanic to impede the effectiveness of the fob. The Vizsla forces would need to find the planet Colton had chosen.

The Hydian Way had many planets but Colton was a Corellian. As a human being he would likely chose a planet with an atmosphere which would support human life. Of the planets on the Hydian Way route there was one which stuck out in particular to the minds of Clan Vizsla, Brentaal IV. The planet was located on both the Hydian Way and Perlemian Trade routes, offering Vik Colton easy travel options. It was a core world which brought the amenities and comforts that planets in that region have access to. But it was not a hugely populated or well traveled world; which could appeal to Vik Colton as a hideout.

Tarre’s Terror dropped out of hyperspace at Brentaal IV. The tracking fob began to beep affirmatively, highlighting the nearby Corona Class armed frigate as the ship carrying their target. Tarre’s Terror opened fire on the vessel, heavy turbolasers and turbolaser blasts flying towards the vessel. The saucer shaped Corona class returned fire, ion cannons flinging streaks of blue into the Vizsla ship and starting to disable systems.

“Launch all fighters.” Hector Von Ricmore ordered. The Hynestian needed to get its vessels airborne before they lost access to the hangar. 48 Fang Fighters exited the capital ship and blitzed towards the Corona. The saucer deployed its complement of 6 Flare Star Attack Shuttles which were quickly overwhelmed by the massive amount of Vizsla fighters.

With the shuttles destroyed the fighters refocused on subduing the Corona. Point defense cannons and ion emplacement ripped through the armor of fighter after fighter.

The ion cannons no longer targeting the Terror gave the Vizsla ship the breathing room to recover and reactivate its weapons. The ship brought them to bear against the Corona, destroying its weapon emplacements and deactivating the hyperdrive.

“Frost Wolf Company, prepare to board.” Hector ordered.

The Vizsla force made their way down to the hangar. Garbed in sealed Heavy Mandalorian Infantry armor the warrior also carried a Galaar blaster rifle. The crew boarded the Umbra, Hector Von Ricmore’s Corellian Star Shuttle. The spacecraft exited the Terror and flew over to the disabled Corona, entering through its damaged hangar.

The Mandalorians disembarked and began trading fire with a group of pirates, rapidly mowing them down with sheer numbers.

The hunting party continued forward relying on their armor and weapons as well as their numbers to overwhelm the pirates. Several Frost Wolves were injured despite the durasteel heavy armor but the pirates lacked the weaponry required to inflict permanent casualties.

The strike force arrived at the bridge of the ship. Hector sliced open the locked doors and the force pushed inwards.

Vik Colton pulled his blaster from its holster faster than the eye could follow. The custom weapon ripped through the durasteel armor of the Frost Wolves, causing the first fatal casualties of the boarding.

Hector Von Ricmore activated his Jetpack. Flying forward he smashed into Vik Colton, sending the duo to the ground. Vik readied his blaster and fired into Hector, obliterating all the layers of his shield with a single shot. Hector’s arm shot out and hit a pressure point on Vik’s wrist, forcing the Corellian to drop his weapon.

Vik slugged Hector across the face then shook his fist in pain from the impact with the durasteel. The Zeltron grabbed the man and brought his helmet down in a Keldabe kiss once, twice, three times, before dropping the limp corellian to the floor.

Taking a moment to regain his bearings Hector saw the fighting had finished up around him. Checking Vik’s vitals he learned that the Corellian was alive but almost certainly would suffer a concussion.

The Vizsla forces gathered their dead and wounded then returned to the Terror. Vik was brought to the Anvil and passed off to the bounty office. The award was granted and credits were transferred to the bank accounts of all the Vizsla forces who were involved.

The mission was a success but Hector Von Ricmore couldn’t shake the sense of despair that came with losing a comrade. He took some comfort in the knowledge that the Frost Wolves had been blooded and the survivors of the company would be able to perform better in the next conflict.

Wanted: Dead or Alive
File submission
Bounty Board #1.pdf
#CharacterQuestion 8
Qyreia Arronen opted out of publishing her submission.
#CharacterQuestion 8
File submission
Character Question #8.pdf
Textual submission

In which Vez gets very freaked out by Mechu-deru and nopes out of Techweaver.