Fiction Activity Overview

Displaying fiction activity reports 8241 - 8250 of 12894 in total
[MoA Week 1] Through the Eyes of an Alisoan (Poetry)
Textual submission

Spending a slow night at Hak's
Drinking near a bowl of snacks
Cooling off after a day at the yards
None here but me and two guys playing cards
My whiskey's half gone and the ice slowly melts
When two Force-users walk in, sabers on belts
You can often spot them by their way of dress
Showing up to get drunk almost daily no less
At times I envy their lives of great power
But alcohol's all their misdeeds won't sour
Though that's the cost for the stability we get
And safety from the next murderous threat
It reminds me my life's not a waste
But this beer has a metallic taste

[MoA Week 1] Through the Eyes of an Alisoan (Poetry)
Textual submission

I happened upon a planet today,
a smaller one along my way.
From space it seemed so beautiful and green,
It hid the wonders of what was to be seen.

I guided my craft to the surface below,
and watched through my screen as the view began to grow,
of rolling grasses both tall and short,
and plains of a very interesting sort.

There were hills and valleys, the typical fare,
but certain things not of the world were there.
A tall shiny complex of towers and such,
Were a blot on the landscape, a more alien touch.

A bustling town I happened to find,
Aliso City which muddled the mind.
A sprawling place with fares from far and wide,
a frontier city, no doubt, and I headed inside.

Construction yards and docks gave a stench,
causing people at some times to retch,
bustling streets, the smell of the wares,
the scurrying creatures underfoot unawares.

I meandered out through the gates once again,
headed back to the places i'd already been,
and happened across more valleys and plains,
And looked for more things for my knowledgeable gains.

A monastery i saw in the distance too,
in a sheltered cove mainly hidden from view,
rock spires and structures so elegant and tall,
I knew that this could never be all.

The planet seemed marred with old structures and new.
It had temperate weather and oceans of blue,
But I realise now as I depart this place,
Aiiso is a marvel, an oasis in space.

To Become a Blackguard
File submission
Textual submission

Ran out of the. Should have been better

To Become a Blackguard
Textual submission

Calenhad stood in silence within the confines of the Low Altitude Assault transport. The LAAT carried himself as well as 12 troopers of Clan Naga Sadow’s line infantry. They were under the command of Sergeant Anderson, a man Calenhad met during the siege of the Collective base on Ruuria. Calenhad held respect for this man who survived the Shikari huntress ambush alongside himself. The lights within the cabin flickered on as the LAAT continued its descent towards the planet Ryloth. Calenhad took a deep breath as he prepared to address his men. “Our orders are to rendez-vous will Tasha’vel upon the planets surface. I have been told that further instructions will be given then. You men have all been tested through combat. The fires of Ruuria forged you into soldiers. Now I ask you all to follow me into the unknown on Ryloth. Who is with me?!” There was a brief pause before Anderson called “We’re with you sir!” The call was echoed by the 11 other soldiers. “Glad to hear the excitement boys” the LAAT pilot exclaimed. “Approaching the LZ in 3...2...1.” The LAAT touched down upon the dusty ground. The doors of the LAAT opened and the soldiers exited the aircraft. Calenhad stepped out the vehicle as the pilot called out to him. “I’ll remain within comm range just in case you need a bit of fire support.” Calenhad nodded towards the man. “I appreciate it.” Calenhad and the infantrymen began to move north across the rocky ground. After a few minutes a blue figure could be seen sitting beside a heavily modified X-wing. Calenhad approached the figure and inclined his head respectfully. “You requested my presence Tasha’vel?” The sapphire Twi’lek glanced at Calenhad and the soldiers behind him. “I take it that you have heard of the Blackguard unit?” Calenhad paused in thought. “They are an organization that guard the Consul and Proconsul.” Tasha’vel nodded. “We are currently holding exams for two positions within the Blackguard. I figured as an up and coming member of Clan Naga Sadow you would appreciate the chance to take the exam.” Surprise flickered across Calenhad’s face. “I’m honored.” Tasha’vel smiled. “Your assignment is to retrieve the Blackguard Token that was stolen by a group of bandits. You may use any means necessary to achieve your mission but keep in mind that I will be watching you to assess your abilities.” “Where is this camp of bandits?” Calenhad replied. “Continue northward, they are a bit difficult to miss.” Calenhad nodded and began walking northward alongside Anderson and his men. Tasha’vel was soon proven right. 4 Flarestar class Weequay ships sat in a semicircle. Dozens of Weequay were visibly drunk and singing around a large table. Calenhad and the troopers looked at the scene in disbelief. Anderson twitched beside him. “Are we truly seeing this sir?” Calenhad looked at the sergeant then looked back at the scene. “I believe we are Anderson. Either way it makes things easier for us.” Calenhad turned to address his men. “We are going to go in quickly and with maximum fire power. We lack the means to take prisoners so don’t bother leaving any alive. The objective is to recover the Blackguard Token above all else.” “Sir, yes sir!” the men called. Calenhad activated the commlink on his right ear. “It looks like we could use that fire support after all. There is a camp of Weequay bandits north of my position. Do you mind softening them up for us?” “Right away sir” the pilot replied. Calenhad turned toward his men. “Once the LAAT makes its gun run we are going in. Remember keep your eyes peeled for the Blackguard Token.” “Yes sir!” the men replied. The LAAT came screaming into view. It soared past the soldiers and unloaded its rocket pods into the Weequay camp. Explosions filled the camp alongside pools of blood and missing limbs. Calenhad grabbed his saber with his right hand and his electrowhip in his left. “For the Brotherhood!” Calenhad yelled as his saber ignited into a beam of crimson. Calenhad moved briskly toward the camp deflecting blaster shots from the few bandits coherent enough to respond the the attack. Any opposition was swiftly dealt with by the 12 men behind him. The battle was anticlimactic and lasted for less than 3 minutes. Calenhad looked at the devastation around him. “Anderson, I want the bodies brought back to my lab for further study.” The sargeant looked up from his search. “Of course sir.” Calenhad closed his eyes and immersed himself in the Force. He let his senses wash over the bodies until he felt a unique signature. He held his hand out towards the strange feeling out grasped it with the Force, pulling it toward him. A small object flew from the neck of the dead Weequay into Calenhad’s outstretched hand. Calenhad opened his eyes to view the Blackguard Token sitting in his palm.

Inspection Day
File submission
Inspection Day
Obelisk Adherent Rrogon Skar Agrona opted out of publishing his submission.