- Competition
- [Week 1] Poetry (Limerick)
- Textual submission
Taldryan is the best
Taking names like in the wild wild west
You better run and search for cover
Or you'll be unfortunate to discover
That you'll be pwned like the rest.
- Competition
- [Week 1] Poetry (Limerick)
- Submission
- Dr. Giyana Jurro opted out of publishing her submission.
- Competition
- [Week 1] Poetry (Limerick)
- Textual submission
There was once a Sith called Kooki
Whose husband said no to nookie
So she grabbed poor Andrel
Threw him down a well
And then went and shaved a Wookiee
- Competition
- [Week 1] Poetry (Limerick)
- Textual submission
The Jedi was wielding a saber
while not on his very best behavior
A cry burst from his lungs
as he stabbed and he swung
'til he impaled an innocent neighbor
- Competition
- [Week 1] Poetry (Limerick)
- Textual submission
Kylo was trained by Lord Snoke.
Who really was not a nice bloke.
His face looked quite scarred,
Or better yet marred,
Which affected the way that he spoke.
- Competition
- [Week 1] Poetry (Limerick)
- Textual submission
First came Darth Plagueis trying to hang on to life
Then Sidious brought war, bringing the galaxy strife
Darth Maul killed the best Jedi of all
Count Dooku tried to make the Order fall
Lastly Darth Vader got angry, and killed his own wife
- Competition
- [Week 1] Poetry (Limerick)
- Textual submission
There once was a farm boy named Luke
Who fell on a romantic fluke
He held her and kissed her
Turns out she's his sister
And now he feels like a mook
- Competition
- [Week 1] Poetry (Limerick)
- Textual submission
Rogue One had an ornery droid
Who was on the whole mostly annoyed
He went on their trips
To offer his quips
And with Stormtroopers mostly he toyed.
- Competition
- [Week 1] Poetry (Limerick)
- Submission
- The deleted member did not want their submission published.