Fiction Activity Overview

Displaying fiction activity reports 9151 - 9160 of 12818 in total
[COU] - The 72 Hour Pass
Lynnyaria Meraudstar opted out of publishing her submission.
[COU] - The 72 Hour Pass
Nikora Rhan opted out of publishing her submission.
Love Is In The Air
Textual submission

"It's ready go ahead. Bulk Cruiser Syndulla, right?" The voice scratched over the comlink.
“That’s right”
The Odan Urr had enemies enough without having to content with the First Order, so communicating with the Galaxy at large required special arrangements with the Sentinel Network. The scanner flashed and whirred, capturing and monitoring his image for the conversation. He checked his datapad to check he’d got the shipboard time and watch bills right.
The image flickered into life.
She was still in uniform. They hadn’t spoken since the morning he’d left, and the month since seemed like an eternity. His life had changed completely yet again, in ways he couldn’t have imagined, but this reminded him that this was all his life.
“How?” Well it least it was better than why.
“There are people here who know some people who know some people.”
“So we can see each other.”
“We’re doing that now.”
“No, I mean really, see each soon as I can arrange it.”
“Really?” She smiled
“I promise.”
“But the Captain said you weren’t coming back.”
“That’s true, up to a point.”
“So are you still on Kiast?”
“You know where I am?”
“Shuttle logs.”
“I’m the Deck Officer now.”
“Congratulations, Commander Tregoyne.”
“The Captain was planning on giving the position to you, then you and Commander Docker went off on one of your excursions, only you didn’t come back. All I got was some religious mumbo jumbo about how you’d found your path.”
“I’m sorry.”
“You said you didn’t know how long you’d be gone. A month and not a word.”
“I’m sorry, I had no idea, I thought I’d be coming back.”
“So what happens to us now?”
“I complete my training, and now I have the means, we keep in touch, see each other again.”
“When? I’ve heard rumours about what’s happening in that part of space, and we’ve got even bigger problems, the First Order is on the move.”
“And something’s happening here, looks like I arrived just when things are starting to get, well, interesting, let’s say.”
“What’s new?” She asked with a wry smile.
Their minds both drifted back to the time they had joined the Syndulla’s crew as pilots. Their first patrol had seen their flight stumble straight into an ambush. Hyle and Zyra were the only two who got out alive. Then he collapsed during the debriefing. First it had been put up to nerves, but their Squadron Commander, who was now First Officer, and had always been a devoted follower of the Church of the Force, believed it to be a vision, and the news of the Jedi Temple Massacre seemed to have reinforced that belief.
Although they’d been assigned to different units, they’d been all but inseparable off duty ever since. Even though she said time and again that he was a fool to listen to this nonsense about destiny and the force, she’s always listened, and always helped. In some ways her support had been more valuable than Yugo Docker’s. Hyle had travelled a lot over the years, and accepted that when things changed, he would probably never see anything or anyone he had come to know ever again. Now, for perhaps for the first time in his life, that truth had become difficult to accept.
Commander Docker said he had to find a purpose, but as far as he was concerned, he had found a purpose serving with Admiral Holdo’s privateers. Sure it was dangerous work, but it was steady work too. Now it seemed that Docker was right, and this purpose didn’t involve the people he’d grown to know, trust, care for, and even love over the past six years.
“Everything and nothing.” He said eventually.
“More Jedi philosophy?”
“No, you said yourself, things are changing, and not for the better and we’ll each have our part to play. The Syndulla might not be my life anymore, I accept that. But we were part of each others’ lives and still can be, it’s not easier now that we’re not living on the same ship, but when was anything ever easy, for either of us.”
“Everything’s changed and nothing has huh?”
“Excactly. Stay safe.”
“You too.”
“You know I can’t promise that.”
“And you know I can’t either.”
She reached out to touch his hand. To each other, they were just holographic images, and he could see the outline of her hand superimposed against his own, and the only touch he felt was static. Perhaps for the first time in his life, Hyle Alihandross understood the pain of being truly alone.

Love Is In The Air
Textual submission

Planet Daleem
1913 GMT

Staring across the courtyard from across his living quarters, Maximus Alvinius saw a woman of such beauty and grace that it stopped him dead in his tracks. He was unsure where he knew this woman from, but the feeling he had got was as if he had known her for years. Within seconds she immediately locked eyes on him and gazed back. All Maximus could see was this woman’s amazing blue eyes gazing as if to put him into a trance. He felt serenity and peace when he looked at her. After realizing he had been gazing too long for embarrassment he quickly shifted away.

Later that day Maximus ran into a local merchant who always seemed to know what was going on throughout the area.

“Who is that woman?” Maximus asked the man.

“Shes a new transfer from some other planet. I’m told she is skilled warrior in hand to hand combat. If her beauty is anything like her fight, she will be dangerous.” Exclaimed the man.

A few hours later while grabbing drinks in the local Cantina the woman reappeared. This time she was dressed in her armor and while still beautiful, there was something about her appearance to take on anything that really pulled at Maximus’s soul.

The bartender leaned over and said “Ah go saw something. You look like a puppy who just tasted food for the first time.

“Aright, alright I will. Just give me a second.” Said Maximus.

Getting out of his seat he quickly adjusted his outfit and lightsaber as subtle as possible. Maintaining his cool he attempted to walk as casually as possible to this woman. Right as he got close to her Maximus tripped over a stool chair and came crashing down on the floor. Immediately the Cantina was in laughter.”

“I thought Jedi weren’t suppose to be clumsy.” The woman said to Maximus.

“Ah yeah, just got back from the Bacta tank after a mission. My minds still getting trying to get straight.” Maximus replied.

“Ah yes and drinks at a Cantina are sure to help.” The woman responded.

“Yes something like that.” Maximus replied while standing up and brushing himself off.

“I’m Maximus Alvinius. One of the Jedi here.” Maximus said while out stretching his hand out to introduce himself.

“Wow, you really don’t remember. I knew the transformation did wonders on you, but to see it in person is challenging.” Ashlynn replied glancing at his hand.

Confused Maximus looked around not sure if Ashlynn had understood he introduced himself, or if she was speaking to someone around him.

“No I’m talking to you Maximus Alvinius, or Landon Cruise as you were called prior to you transformation in the temple years ago. I was your wife in your darker days, but I too have attempted to come to the light. It seems some of you Jedi really lose a lot of yourself when you transition” Ashlynn responded.

Within seconds Maximus had small flashes of memory of the two kissing, their marriage, and some past missions.

“How could I of forgot? I knew I felt I knew you from somewhere and the feeling of love I had for you felt it consumed me when I laid eyes on you. Why does this have to happen right as theres a war on the horizon. I have so much to ask you.” Maximus responded as Ashlynn jumped up and embraced the Jedi in a deep kiss.

Maximus opening his eyes brightly at first in shock and then slowly transitioning into embracing and enjoying the kiss back. The two lock for a good two minutes before finally ending the smooch session.

“Look I’ve got to get back to my new unit and figuring out what I can do to help this Clan in the upcoming war. We will catch up on everything afterwards.” Ashlynn said starring into Maximus’s eyes.

“I understand. I will be thinking of you everyday until this war ends. I know we are connected deeper than just our past even if I don’t remember all the details right now. Please be safe out there and if you need me I will always be here.” Maximus responded.

With that she disappeared off into the city and left Maximus with a million questions in his own mind. Who was he before? What dark place had she come from that he had been to? A temple that he transitioned to the light side? What was this? He knew his memory was hazy from his days before coming here, but now he had so much more information from the past that he wanted to find out who he was. Of course he thought that it would come right before a impending war. This was something he would meditate about before the war and find the right time to find his past.

Love Is In The Air
File submission
Love Is In The Air
Volksven opted out of publishing his submission.
Art of Propaganda
Textual submission

Outer rims space sector
2122 GMT

Maximus Alvinius was sitting at the Cantina onboard a Space station enjoying some drink and small talk before heading back to his Clan headquarters. He had just spent the weekend scouting some intel reports of Sith trying to infiltrate the local networks within his Sector. Scanning the room he saw all sorts of individuals in the Cantina. Thugs, Mercenaries, Dancers, and other goons alike. This was his sort of place. An atmosphere that no matter your ties and loyalties any individual could come here to enjoy some time of from the binds that affect the conflicts of the Galaxy. No one knew he was a Jedi and he liked it that way.

:::Beep, beep, beep::: Sounded most of the individuals in the Cantinas data pads.

The Thug who was sitting next two him had just recently stubbled off to find the bathroom and left his data pad at the bar table. Looking down at his data pad not to attract attention to himself he read the following message.

“Clansmen of Odan Urr. We have had recent infiltrations of Sith into our ranks and believe Maximus Alvinius has been sending information to the Sith in return for credits. His apprehension is vital to the success of our mission for further peace in the Sector. We need him taken alive at all costs. This message has been dispatched to all local bounties in the areas to include his picture due to the urgent nature of his capture. His last known whereabouts are tracked to a Spacestation in the Outer Rim coordinates 884.227.373. If contact in regards to his capture please report it to the Jedi high council at once. Message over.”

As Maximus raised his head to look around the Cantina he noticed everyone was staring at him. He immediately knew he was in trouble. Within sectors three armed thugs ran his way. Without hesitation he ignited his lightsaber to which they began to fire. Deflecting the laser fire he was able to hit each target and downing them in their places. From behind he felt an arm grab him. He swung around to his target and quickly jammed his lightsaber into his targets chest. Turning around quickly with his back to the wall he watched as around 5 more thugs stopped and starred at him analyzing their next move.

Maximus Alvinius’s yelled out “We can do this all day. I will take each one of your lives if the credits are worth it, or you can let me out of this place. I have all the time in the world and I’m sure many of you could wait to fight this fight another day.” The Jedi yelled.

The thugs looked at each other and nodded in agreement to not chance their lives in a fight with a Jedi of his combat abilties.

Maximus Alvin's calmly exited the Cantina and made his way to his ship taking the a downed thugs data pad with him. Once in his ship he attempted to track the message. Through some clever work with his droid he was able to trace the origin of it from Clan Naga Sadow.

What was this propaganda he thought to himself. Why had this Clan attempted to cause a rift with Odan Urr and single out himself in the process. Maximus immediately sent a transmission to his Clan stating what had happened and what he had found. He made way back towards his Clan headquarters not knowing if he was going to walk into an ambush by Clan Naga Sadow agents, or if his Clan had any information on the cause of this message. He was angry at the circumstances, but tried to control his anger through meditation on the way to his Clan with the information he had found.

[Wildcards] No good, rotten, cheating Scoundrel.
Textual submission

Refugee Sector
Nar Shadaa

Droveth jerked awake as the sound of glass shattering echoed through the adjacent alleyway. As his eyes adjusted to the dimly lit room he felt his bed, damp from sweat all around him, but cool to the touch. His robes were soaked, but he had luckily removed his armor beforehand. The Knight struggled to remember what he was dreaming, if he even had been at all. He shifted over and removed his sheets, hanging his legs over the edge of the bed.

“You mumble in your sleep.” A deep voice remarked from across the room. The faint light coming through the window barely illuminated the silhouette of a large Togruta, blocking a majority of the window with his modified trooper armor. “Fifth night here, Fifth night of mumbling.”

“Is that so?” The Knight inquired, standing out of the bed and grabbing his armor out of the crate. He turned back toward the Togruta. “Did you sit here all night again, Keiji?” The Mercenary nodded and looked down at the clock.

“I have my post, you have yours. Better get moving.”

Droveth sighed reluctantly, throwing a towel over his shoulder and slipping into the makeshift shower. The Refugee Sector wasn’t exactly prime real estate, but it had a served its purpose for the two Odanites. While lacking certain amenities, like running water or climate control, it was conveniently located directly across the street from a very shady bar. As the Jedi poured the water over himself he took a deep breath, calming his mind with the Force.

This mission hadn’t even been particularly difficult, just monotonous. Droveth had waited in the same bar for five full days without making contact with the informant. His patience was running thin, but they hadn’t been given an exact date. Just a general idea. Pfft. How many days would he have to wait in this same bar before they decide he isn’t going to show? The Human shook the water from his bald head and grabbed his towel.

“You’re running late!” Keiji called from around the corner. The Knight replied back with a jumble of words that all meant something profane, but the Togruta remained silent and steadfast at the window. After a few moments Droveth came back into the room, adjusting the collar on his cuirass. He normally kept his hilt tucked into the side, but since joining the Wildcards the Knight had gained some muscle. The lightsaber was digging into his ribcage. He resigned to the pain, preferring it over not having his blade.

“I need to get a new set of armor, this one’s a little tight now.”

“I saw the target enter the bar.”

“What?!” Droveth choked out as he took a bite from a biscuit, spraying crumbs into the air. “Why didn’t you tell me that?”

“I just did.” Keiji’s gaze remained on the bar at street level. “I suggest you get in there sooner rather than later, I don’t want to have waited all this time for nothing.” Droveth nodded in agreement and closed his eyes, picturing in his mind the illusion he wanted to become. He had spent quite some time deciding what would be the most practical to maintain for long periods, and he had settled on two things: Give himself a full head of luscious, blue locks, and change his skin color to be that of a Zeltron. The Force moved through his body, and he could feel warmth stretching from his toes to the top of his bald head. When he opened his eyes, Keiji had turned to look at him.

“Well?” Droveth raised his hands up and turned in a circle as he spoke. “How does it look?”

“Pink.” The Mercenary returned his attention to the bar, shifting on the window sill to get more comfortable. The Knight grabbed a clean shirt and threw it over his cuirass to hide the armor, snagging another biscuit as he headed out. The Knight exited the room and turned towards the stairs, channeling the Force into his legs. He bounded effortlessly down the flight of stairs and slid to a stop a few feet from the building’s entrance.

A wave of tension washed over Droveth as he felt his illusion begin to fade, and he closed his eyes to concentrate. He would have to be more careful using his abilities while in disguise, one slip up and his identity would be revealed. His earpiece clicked to life and he heard the Mercenary’s voice in his head.

“Don’t blow it this time, Jedi.” Droveth scoffed at Keiji’s words as he stepped out into the street, nodding to a Human couple walking past. The woman’s eyes lingered on him a little longer than her significant other liked, and he pulled her away. The Knight shot her a sly grin as she left.

“That actually wasn’t my fault, buddy. They were cheating, remember.”

“You were cheating also, just not as good.” Droveth could hear the Mercenary sigh through the comlink. “Takota always sends you in, your not even a good gambler. I told him that I would…” He tuned the Togruta’s rambling out as he surveyed his surroundings. The Jedi strolled towards the bar, checking his reflection in the mirror as he passed. The illusion was holding, and he was impressed with how it had come out.

A strand of blue locks fell across his face in the reflection, and he smiled. A different person, anytime he wanted. Droveth had spent much of his life in a low income household, often working at the markets for food for his family. How different it all would have been if he could have been a Trooper, taking what he wants, nobody telling him otherwise. The weight of the Empire at your back.

He shook the thoughts from his mind as he entered the bar. Gone were the days where he used deception to survive, stealing from whoever with no regard for who he was hurting. Now his deceptions were part of a much larger picture, truly for the greater good. The bartender nodded to Droveth as he passed by, heading to his normal corner spot. As he scoped the room he spied the informant, a short and chubby Human with grey hair and patchy grey beard. He giggled to himself as he collected his earnings off the table in front of him. The two Twi’lek gentlemen who he was playing with seemed less than pleased.

The left one leaned in to whisper something in his compatriots ear, who promptly scanned his eyes around the bar suspiciously. Droveth could tell from their expressions they suspected the Human a cheater already. He silently cursed under his breath. If the informant was killed before the Knight could get the datapad, all of this would be a wasted effort. He could already hear Keiji angrily yelling in his face.

The Jedi knew little of Sabaac, so it would be hard for him to win on his own, but he needed to speak to the informant alone. He’d have to clear the table with other means. As a Rodian waitress shuffled by, he saw his opportunity. He raised his hand slightly and pushed out with the Force, flipping her tray of beverages onto the left Twi’lek. He roared as he stood, bringing his arm up and backhanding the Rodian onto the ground.

“Frak!” He spit at the waitress on the floor and tried to brush off the spilled drinks, but eventually resigned to go get a new shirt from upstairs. “Goru, watch this cheating little prick. Make sure he don’t do nothing shady.” He stormed off for the stairs. The right Twi’lek, Goru, leaned in and spoke quietly to the informant. Droveth leaned in to hear, concentrating on his voice, tuning the other noises out with the Force.

“Toku wants to kill ya. Tell me why I shouldn’t let ‘im.” The Human shifted nervously as Goru spoke.

“W-w-well, I have a d-decent amount of credits st-stashed away.” He pulled at his collar.

“Credits ain’t what we’re after.” The Twi’lek smirked, leaning back and crossing his arms. The Knight knew that this pair were after what he was after. He had to get them out before the informant spilled everything. He closed his eyes and repeated Toku’s voice in his mind, over and over. He copied the speech patterns and, channeling the Force, threw his voice across the room to the stairs.

“Goru, get the frack up here NOW!” It hadn’t been perfect, but Droveth had got it mostly right, and the location was spot on. He opened his eyes as the Twi’lek jumped up, but hesitated before leaving. He looked down at the table, then up to the Human.

“I seen what the table looks like Fred, don’t you try nothing.” He turned and headed up the stairs, but his eyes scanned the room as he went. Droveth’s eyes met his for a second, and the Jedi almost felt that his cover was blown. Luckily, the Twi’lek looked away and continued up the stairs and out of sight. The Knight seized his opportunity and hurried over to the table, plopping down in Goru’s seat. Fred eyed him cautiously.

“I believe you have something for me.” He leaned forward as he spoke in a hushed tone. The informant smiled and shifted his hands under the table.

“You don’t look like a Jedi to me.” Droveth reached out and pulled the collar of Fred’s shirt forward with the Force, almost bringing his face down to the table before letting go. “Okay, okay, okay, I get it, I get it!”

“And you aren’t a pushover, I can read a conman when I see one. Don’t try to play me, little man.” The Knight pulled out his most intimidating tone, but Fred continued to smile.

“Listen, I ain’t the guy you were supposed to meet with. He’s dead.” Droveth shifted angrily in his seat, reaching up into his armor and retrieving his lightsaber. Fred put his hands out on from of his face and wagged his finger. “Ah, ah, ah, I do have what your lookin’ for. I bought his datapad for a song, and I intend to sell it for a mint. If you don’t wanna pay, you can just sit there, pulling on your pud.”

“I could take it from you easily.” The Knight held his hilt up in front of him. “I could cut you down in a second and be on my way with the datapad.” Fred smirked and shook his head.

“You think I’m dumb enough to bring it here?” The Jedi felt a presence approaching from behind as the conman spoke, and the comlink in his ear chirped once again.

“Twi’leks coming down the stairs, armed.” The Knight reached up and pressed on the earpiece.

“And how do you know that?” The front door slammed open with a bang, and both men turned to see what was happening. Keiji stood towering in the doorframe, brandishing both Night and Ebony, one slugthrower for each hand. As if on cue, the two Twi’leks reached the bottom of the stairs. Seeing the menacing Mercenary standing before them, they both dove for cover behind the bar and the Togruta began laying down a stream of shots to keep them occupied.

The informant threw his cards to the table and tried to run, but Droveth couldn’t let him escape. He dropped his illusion, insteading focusing on Fred as he ran. He threw his arm out and wrapped the Force around his foot, pulling his leg out from under him. The conman crashed to the floor face first, and Droveth hastily hurried over to him. Fragments of wood showered the ground as the Mercenary’s slugs decimated the bar.

“Give it to me, and live.” The Jedi growled, igniting his lightsaber and moving the blade near Fred’s neck. The Human rolled over and put his hands up, face bloodied and nose clearly broken.

“I don’t have it!” Droveth pressed the blade closer, and the conman cried out from fear. He quickly reached into his shirt and retrieved a datapad, tossing it up to the Knight. He caught it and tucked it into his armor, fitting much better than the hilt had. The Jedi nodded to the left, and Fred scrambled up and out the door, moving especially quickly past Keiji.

“We’re done here, you big lug. Let’s go.” The Mercenary had stopped firing long ago, but the Twi’leks remained cowering behind what remained of the bar. Droveth could hear one crying, but he couldn’t be sure which. He chuckled to himself as the unlikely pair made their way out of the bar and onto the street.