Fiction Activity Overview

Displaying fiction activity reports 9171 - 9180 of 12818 in total
Textual submission

Maximus Alvin's was walking down the hallway of his favorite cantina enjoying the evening on a lovely Saturday night. Fresh off some previous Imperial scouting missions with coin in hand, he decided he was ready to wind down a bit with some drink and good music. Approaching the back rooms where the live band was he noticed a figure quickly approaching his right. Within seconds his senses were spiked and he realized this was no stranger running to the bathroom after engaging in too much boozing antics. As he sharply turned igniting his lightsaber to illuminate the foe, he realized it was an old bounty hunter named Malia. She was a gorgeous creature of human orgin, but with a history as fierce as the worst scum in the galaxy. She was raised by mercenaries after they pillaged her village as a toddler. Raised by the eldest of Clans, she would become one of the most feared for her beauty, combat prowess, and ability to sneak upon her prey. Her love for the coin was her biggest drive in life and her services could be easily traded to the highest bidder regardless if the original bidder became the victim. She had been hunting Maximus for years after a chance encounter 2 years prior in a Cantina where Maximus utilized his unamusing charm to chase her. It was something she wasn’t flattered in, but it was in his own embarrassment she saw perfection in him. The two would go on a short term affair for the next few months, until one day she received a bounty. The offer was listed for Maximus from a unknown source who did not approve of their relationship. Was it a jealous rival of the two, or someone who truly wanted to see the Jedi all gone. Either way the offer was too good for Malia to pass up. She decided there are plenty of fish in the sea and Maximus is one of many. However due to his own intelligence he had already vanished from their living corridor and stole their 3 legged pet to boot. She was furious. Fast forward 2 years later and 2 second within striking distance and Maximus mind is all flashing with these thoughts. Within a second he launches a jacket at Malia which smacks her in the face. She then stops staring at the jacket asking “What is this”. Maximus replies “That is Foofy, she passed away two years ago and I didn’t have the heart to tell you since you were head over hills snuggling with her at night. I took her to the nearest shop to have her fur remade into this amazing jacket for you to remember Foofy by, but you had already left.” Malia looked in shock, pick up the jacket, smelled it and then reached out for Maximus to hug. All the while Maximus knew he didn’t really do that. He grabbed the jacket from some homeless thug digging through the garage outside when he sensed her presence in the Force. The disgusting smell of the trash coating the jacket was enough to fool Malia’s senses of the smell of the disgusting Foofy. The two would disappear in the Cantina for the night, but this time Maximus knew it would only be a night with the crazy Malia.

File submission
Maximus Alvinius opted out of publishing his submission.
Dr. Giyana Jurro opted out of publishing her submission.
File submission
[PWG Week 2] - I Have the High Ground
Dr. Giyana Jurro opted out of publishing her submission.
[PWG Week 2] - I Have the High Ground
Textual submission

Blaster fire rained down on TuQ’uan and his squad as they squatted behind the remains of a short, duracrete wall at the bottom of the hill. They grey gloomy sky threatened a storm. This was the first time the Kel Dor had held any military positions so he was just making it up as he went along.

“Listen, we have been tasked with an impossible mission, and I'm not going to waste my time lying to you, I have no idea what I'm doing right now,” TuQ’uan exclaimed to the soldiers placed under his command. “I'm also not going to waste my time learning any names.”

He pointed at a human soldier at the end of the wall, “hey ugly!”

The soldier looked around confused and pointed at himself.

“Yes, you!” he screamed, “I need a report on the situation, take a peek and see if you can find us an opening!”

The human cautiously poked his head around the corner. The soldier had his head a mere inch past the wall when he suddenly fell back unconscious.

“Well, now we know they have a sniper, at least he was useful. Now what about the rest of you,” he scanned the group in front of him. Starting at the end closest to the unconscious soldier TuQ’uan started grouping them together. “Alright, you five, run as fast and as you can and as far as you can down the left side of the hill. Try weaving while you run if you have to in order avoid their blaster fire. Once you are out of firing range I want you to climb the hill and flank them, make sure you stay low on approach to avoid being seen.” He turned to the group closest to the right hand side of the wall. “Alright, I want you five to do the same thing, except, you know, in the opposite direction.” Finally he turned to the group in the middle, “I want you three are going to lay down suppressing fire, make sure you keep our opponents occupied, don't let them get a chance to hit any more of our soldiers.”

“What about me sir?” a lone Rodian spoke up, the only soldier who hadn't been given an assignment, or unconscious.

The mercenary leader simple chuckled, “oh, you're coming with me, I have a very special assignment for you. Alright I'm going to countdown from thirty… no, that's too high, ten. I'm going to countdown from ten, when I reach zero everyone goes where I told them.”

TuQ’uan let the soldiers ready themselves before beginning the countdown. When he finished chaos ensued as the soldiers ran in the various directions zig zagging to avoid fire. Immediately three soldiers on the right were down, two on the left and the blasters providing cover fire were already getting close to overheating. TuQ’uan and his Rodian compatriot were walking down the hill in the complete opposite direction of the location they were tasked with capturing. *They look ridiculous*, the Kel Dor shook his head as he walked away from the engagement.

Two Hours Later.

The cantina was packed and laughter filtered through the air as the front door slammed open. Fourteen mud covered soldiers walked through door with scowls on their faces. An ugly looking human lead the group, scanning the faces in the room as he pushed the patrons out of the way. As he approached the bar he spotted his target.

“I'm guessing we lost?” TuQ’uan quipped. Unamused with the Kel Dor’s sense of humour the ugly human soldier swung a wide haymaker aimed directly at the mercenary's skull. Connecting with a crack, TuQ’uan fell backwards from the stool he was sitting on, the Rodian watched with a nervous amazement.

[PWG Week 2] - I Have the High Ground
Textual submission

“Azmodius, please see me in my office. I have a job for you.”
“Be there in a minute”, he replied. Kelly had been his Quaestor for several months now and it was rare for her to call him in outside their regularly scheduled meetings.
“Azmodius, I need you to complete a training scenario with a few of our academy recruits. As former Taskmaster, you had the opportunity to see them when they first arrived and I thought it would be best that you give the assessment and run the scenario with them. We’ll be taking fifteen of them for the next batch of force user company while the rest will continue in basic training to be the best cannon fodder they can be.” Azmodius couldn’t help but snicker at her choice of words before nodding in agreement. As he made his way to the plateau he looked through his data pad at a few members Laren had highlighted.

The Aedile met his class atop the plateau the Pinnacle was built into. He recognized a few of their faces as they stood at attention with their helmets at their sides. As he paced back and forth in front of them, he made his selections. “Alright, Team Aurek with me and Team Besh take your positions atop that hill. Everyone set your weapons to stun, this is only a training exercise”, he ordered. The teams took their positions and awaited the signal to commence. A red flare shot through the air signaling that the teams had reached their starting positions. “Alright, once you see the green flare, I want an assessment of the team’s forces. You’ve been selected to fight with me because you’ve shown promise in your other training scenarios. Your performance here will be judged by myself and those who can’t keep up, will serve as a lesson to others. Those who can keep up, will be rewarded with special forces training and move on to bigger and better things, understood?” The team let out a loud “yes sir” as the green flare signaled the start. The troops put on their helmets and two started assessing the enemy’s forces. “The enemy has us outnumbered three to one and they are in possession of a cannon.” one yelled as their barricade was bombarded with stun shells. “Good. Here’s the plan. I want you three sharpshooters hanging back here to provide support. The rest will follow my lead. stay close and behind cover. I can deflect bolts, but I’ll want you all providing suppressive fire.”

Azmodius led the team up the hill with six men on either side. Four on each end took cover behind the small barriers and provide suppressing fire as the Aedile led them further up the hill. They responded well to their leader’s signals, waiting for him to reach the next barrier before moving forward. As they pressed onward, Azmodius took note of the sharpshooters skills. By the time they had reached the halfway point, roughly a quarter of team Besh’s forces were incapacitated. Another five were taken by the advancing team’s fire. Azmodius reached the top with ten of the advancing troops still conscious. The other two were lost when they disobeyed orders and tried to move past the Aedile and secure a closer position. Upon reaching the top, Azmodius engaged the enemy and took out ten of their men before taking a couple shots to his arm and leg. Feeling a little dizzy, he dropped his sabers and took out another five in hand to hand combat while his support fought off others. Finally, with five conscious opponents remaining, Team Aurek was victorious via surrender. Azmodius sent Team Besh off to report to their overseer and had the elite forces remain. He called the two insubordinates forward. They nervously attempted to justify their actions as wanting to impress the Aedile. Azmodius smiled and quickly thrust one clawed finger in each of their eyes. “Let this be a lesson to you all. We force users are not like you. We are Stronger, faster, better. We will kill more men than you can ever dream to in the blink of an eye and if you disobey us we will do the same to you.” Later Kelly asked her Aedile why two men never reported back to which he replied, "They weren't good enough for cannon fodder."