Fiction Activity Overview

Displaying fiction activity reports 9461 - 9470 of 12757 in total
New Ties: Week 2 Fiction
File submission
New Ties: Week 2 Fiction
File submission
New Ties: Week 2 Fiction
Textual submission

Jurdan looked to his left, and then he looked to his right. Everywhere he looked there were Sadowans and Tarenti bodies on the ground. Not only was the smell of blaster fire in the air but the smell of death was there too. He looked towards the temple entrance as he saw friendly forces being attacked by other friendly forces. No. Were they friendly? The spectres were possessing the forces of Naga Sadow and Tarentum. The men who were possessed moved a bit slower and it seemed like their bodies were not controlled very well. Arms were flailing in the air and they walked with limps.

Jurdan held his ignited lightsaber at the ready and directed a push towards the entrance of the temple. There was one man standing in the doorway wearing a horned helmet. He seemed to be directing the horde in the battle. He was not a normal man. His skin was a sickly gray as if he had not seen the sun in hundreds of years. He had a very ill look and he was missing an eye. Jurdan knew that he would have to get to this man and try to destroy him and this helmet. He could sense an aura about the helmet. This had to be the answer.

The new Shar Dakhan Aedile leapt into battle like a razor cat attacking its prey. The lightsaber was his teeth and claws and he knew how to use them. Several friendlies were engaged in hand to hand combat. He ran through them slicing and stabbing the ones who had become the undead. Their lifeless husks fell to the ground and the spirits that had inhabited them rose up and tried to possess more of the non force users in the immediate area. It was easier for them to take over an untrained and distracted mind over that of a Sith or Gray Jedi.

The corpse leader of the dead towered over the rest of the walking dead. He pointed towards Jurdan as he approached. The Battlemaster deflected a couple of possessed beings to the side with a couple swift kicks. He lunged directed at the leader of this army of the possessed and swiped at him with his lightsaber. The man quickly turned into a spirit and then back into a solid again. Jurdan didn’t know how to handle this. While in the ghost form he realized that the helmet was still solid and real. He attacked the spectre again and again. The being kept phasing into a ghostly form as if leaving their plane of existence. He stretched out his hand towards the being and shot lighning from his fingertips. He watched as the lightning forked and weaved and hit the helmet off of the spectre’s head. He watched as it faded but he could still sense him near. Jurdan ran up to the helmet and quickly ran his lightsaber blade through it cutting it in half and melting the metal. The possessed beings started to win control of their bodies back and soon there were no spectres left.

New Ties: Week 2 Fiction
File submission
Textual submission

Enjoy, and hope you get a laugh!

New Ties: Week 2 Fiction
File submission
Legacy: Your Story
File submission
Textual submission

Tarsus was walking through the large hallways of Silent Death Citadel. His footsteps echoed as he walked with heavy footsteps. The merc walked with a relaxed swagger rather than the serious manner most agents of TA walked. Tarsus didn't care about being proper, or presenting himself to make Tacitus Athanasius look good. He was a mercenary. TA paid him well for the jobs they offered, and as a merc, that what was the important part.

The tall Mandolorian mercenary walked in a room. There stood a lone figure who was busy with stuffing herself of information about all that is going on. Tarsus cleared his throat to catch the figure’s attention.

The figure, who was a beautiful half sephi half human woman, looked up. “Tarsus. You're here on time… for once.”

“Hey, hey, I'm always on time, Shad,” Tarsus responded. “Don't get all snippy with me, snips.”

Shadow rolled her eyes. Hadn't he been a mercenary, Shadow would have put Tarsus in his place. “You're just lucky that you're a merc, Tar. I only tolerate your stupidity because it's expected from you mercs.”

“Well, that's just rude!”

Shadow made a slight grin. “Well, I called you today because I need a merc for this job… you see, TA could always… use extra funds.”

“I know exactly what you're talking about, Shad,” Tarsus said as Shadow handed him the info he needed.

“Make this situation much as profitable as possible, Tarsus. I expect good results.”

Tarsus was to sneak in a heavily guarded palace, and kill a politician. As dirty and corrupt politics is, Tarsus found it to be very profitable. One politician gains power, and the other seeks to gain it. This case was no different. The politician that was the target was one of those revolutionary ones. He spoke of words against corruption. The people loved him, so he was elected. Already, this politician was causing trouble for the other politicians. Now, they are paying Tarsus a huge fee to take him out.

The Mando studied the palace for three days. For three days, he studied guard movements. The merc quickly realized that they are well organized, and well trained. There was one huge flaw. They were too orderly. The guard shift changed exactly every time. There was no flex in their movements. Each guard had a certain area to scout. They had to look out after this area for hours on hours. This caused the guards to grow bored, and they were easily prone to distraction. Tarsus also found that the rear would be easiest to get through. It was finely covered in a beautiful garden, and the guards weren't as numerous. Perhaps they felt that the garden would act as a barrier, and less guards were needed. Either way, Tarsus found his point of insertion.

It was day four. Night fell, and Tarsus was in luck. There was a huge party that invited much of the public. This politician had a reason why he was so popular, and this was one of them. Because the public was invited, all guards were focused around the guests. This left the rear completely exposed. Tarsus snuck around through the back with ease. He reached the main door, and looked around. The merc made sure he was alone, and then studied the door. He checked for alarm sensors that would give his situation away. There was none.

The Mando slowly opened the door, and peeked around. The hallway was empty. He went right, and followed the hallway all the way down. Tarsus hugged the wall, and peeked around the corner.

"No one. Good," he said to himself.

The merc snuck down the hallway, and found a stairwell. He quietly open the door, and entered the stairwell. The Mando looked around carefully, making sure that no one was around. Tarsus quietly walked up the stairs to the floor he wanted to be on. He peered through the door carefully, and saw one guard with his back turned from him. Tarsus quietly opened the door, and walked out. He swiftly looked around, and saw that the other guards were focused on the guests. The Mando quickly snapped the guard’s neck as he quickly, and quietly killed him. The merc dragged the body in the stairway so not to be found. Tarsus then left the stairway, and found himself an opening within the crowd. He quickly blended in, and slowly made his way to the politician. The politician was interacting with the guests, and having a good time. Tarsus stopped the politician, and began talking to him. Tarsus pulled out a small gift, and gave it to the politician. The politician gratefully accepted the gift. Tarsus then made his way out from the front entrance. There was a taxi service that was available to the guest. Tarsus got in, and told the driver his final destination. A small explosion could be heard, and screams of horror and shock came from the palace. The merc grinned as he knew what had happened.

A week had passed. The public was angry over their favorite politician's death. They knew who was to blame. A rebellion formed, and a civil war began on this planet for political power. Tarsus was in a hanger as several rebel generals surrounded him.

“So,” Tarsus said with a grin. “It comes to my attention that you'd wish to hire my services.”

"This assassin thing," He thought to himself. "Much more profitable that I could imagine… Ha. I love it."

Braecen Kaeth opted out of publishing his submission.