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First Encounters: Leaving Home
Textual submission

He had returned to his barracks to get his datapad before he was able to go on his weekend pass. After he retrieved it, Armad turned and caught a glimpse of something barely sticking out from under his pillow. Armad looked around to see if anyone was watching or paying any attention in his direction. Carefully lifting up his pillow, Armad was able to see that it was just a piece of folded flimsiplast. Thinking that that was odd, as Umbarans as a whole, had moved on to all things technology. Armad looked around again to see if anyone was paying any attention to him, but he was the only one left in the barracks. Picking it up, Armad unfolded it and read what was on it.


Just one word, and it seemed familiar somehow. Curious about what this meant, Armad immediately left for his office at Shadow Security to do some research. Armad typed the name into his computer and a wealth of information scrolled up on his monitor. “A Jedi Master, huh?” Armad thought. Though there was not much written on this Umbaran Jedi Master, it did mention that he was intelligent and charismatic while in the Jedi Order. But he did abandon his oath and leave the Order, possibly causing the Fourth Great Schism, and subsequently starting the New Sith Wars.

Of the various Commanders that were listed on both sides of the war, only one caught Armad’s eye, Belia Darzu. But what had really made him zero in on her was that she had perfected the art of mechu-deru. Armad had always had a fascination with all thing technology, as most Umbarans were, so coming across something like this was a boon for him. It said that she had a hidden fortress on Tython, so he knew that that would be a place that he would need to visit, and soon.

But another planet had continuously popped up during his research, Ruusan. It was a planet had been ravaged from many battles that had taken place there during the war. There was something about saying Ruusan aloud that gave him a longing to venture there. Armad pulled up the navigational data on the two planets, and found that either would take him longer to get there than he had the time at the moment. Longer than what he had for the weekend, and his duty to finish his military stint kept him from leaving right then. He only had a couple of months left and then he would have the time he need to pursue this quest. Scrubbing the history from his computer, least someone came across it and used it to their advantage, Armad went about with his plans for the weekend.

Over the last couple of months of his military service, Armad kept having a feeling that something was pulling him back to the information that he’d found earlier. It wasn’t until he had about a month left that he realized that he had a slight problem. Most Umbarans weren’t permitted to leave the planet unless it was for official business, and even that was rare anymore. Thinking about it for a moment, Armad almost forgot that he was now the CEO of a rather prominent Security Firm. As such, it would give him a good reason and opportunity to leave the planet. Armad smiled as he started to make plans to first travel to Ruusan then to Tython.

First Encounters: Leaving Home
Xenna Azara opted out of publishing her submission.
First Encounters: Leaving Home
File submission
A Clan Divided
File submission