Fiction Activity Overview

Displaying fiction activity reports 9431 - 9440 of 12757 in total
[Sins of the Past] [Episode III] Fiction
Captain Aryn "Jade" Erinos-Magnuri opted out of publishing her submission.
[Sins of the Past] [Episode III] Fiction
Textual submission

Chaos. That was the only word to describe it. Death had come to the Phantom Complex, the once safe refuge for Qel-Droman forces had devolved into a warzone. The screams of the dying and the ringing of blaster fire echoed through the blood drenched halls as the remaining occupants struggled to hold out against the onslaught of the bloodthirsty gangsters.

As Juliane sprinted through the carnage and mayhem, she could scarcely contain her manic glee. A crazed glimmer shone through her eyes and her mouth stretched into a wild grin. A single thought rang through her mind as explosions violently rocked the complex around her.

*Heaven. Bliss and Heaven.*

It was pure mania, unrestrained passion, the loss of control amidst unbridled discord. The clanging of metal upon metal, the ringing of countless detonations, the smell of burning flesh, the heat of flames nearly searing her flesh as she rushed past their hungry caress.

It was like a beautiful symphony, each death rattle, every pained scream, all individual notes coming together to create...


Anger. Fear. Hate. Awe. Arousal. A million emotions untold pumped through her veins like the sweetest of drugs. The knowledge of how close she was to oblivion, to The End, was like the gentle caress of a star crossed lover, finally close enough to embrace.

As the chaos roared around her, she sunk into the flow of it and lost herself...

*No* She faintly thought as her conscious mind was subsumed by the wondrous fires of her passions *Not lost. Found myself*


The scorched and bloody corpses of the weak lay scattered before the band of cutthroats. The forces stationed within the hidden complex had crumbled before their might.

Blaster fire, thermal detonations, flame, vibroblades; these things had brought ruin upon their enemy, ripping apart all who stood before them and striking terror into their hearts. The assault had left them in disarray and struggling to hold mere inches of their prized territory.

As the survivors struggled to mount a defensive, the bloodthirsty gangsters could help but howl in laughter at feeble gesture against the destruction that had come to consume them.

*Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic.*

The invaders stood for but a moment, relishing in the heat of the fire and molten metal, the wafting stench of flesh seared down to the bone, and the screams of those unfortunates who had found themselves discovered by another band of their brothers in the distance.

Satisfied, the one who seemed to be in charge motioned forward for his men to move ahead. There were many more remnants scattered hopelessly across the complex, and they would not be finished until every last one had shuddered their last dying breath.

They never saw her coming.

With the ferocity of a Rancor, she crashed down upon them. Lunging with a mad howl of laughter, her violet lightsaber ablaze, the first of the thugs felt the searing pain tear through his midsection before he even knew what was happening.

Yelling in rage, they aimed their blasters, but her inhuman speed had laid two more low before they even got a chance to draw a bead and fire.

Shots fired out of their chamber, missing the Maurader by centimeters as she quickly dashed to the side. Their futile efforts only driving them to further rage.

She kept toward her next kill, his blaster pointed at her skull. And she knew this could be it.

*Bliss. Bliss and Heaven*

As his finger began to pull on his trigger and her blade came to his neck, a blast rang through the hall. Juliane found herself flung through flames and durasteel. As her head cracked against the far wall all fell into blackness.


Bright. That was the first thing she noticed as her mind came back to the world. A bright shining light above her. Opening her eyes a sharp pain shot through her head, and she reached up to clutch it, gasping in agony.

Feeling something move with her arm, she forced herself to look down. Various tubes extended from her arm, bring liquids into her veins.

Looking around the white room, her mind unfogging, she realized where she was.

*A medbay. I'm on a medbay*

Looking up to the large light above her. She thought back to what had happened. What had brought her here. There was the attack, bodies everywhere and ... an explosion? But ....

And then her wondering stopped. And she began to laugh.

"Almost." She laughed to herself. "Almost."

[Sins of the Past] [Episode III] Fiction
Obelisk Adherent Rrogon Skar Agrona opted out of publishing his submission.
[Sins of the Past] [Episode III] Fiction
Darth Renatus opted out of publishing his submission.
[Sins of the Past] [Episode III] Fiction
Textual submission

The young wookiee sighed. His robust physicality usually interfered with his more intricate, intellectual profession. But ever since he was injured during the attack, Kelviin realized how often he relied on his strength to accomplish his goals. This experience would only make him a better engineer, once he had healed. So what was really bothering him?

Master had tried to explain why the attack happened in the first place. There were so many people Kelviin hadn’t met outside his happy little space-family, and so many problems between those people. Now somebody above all of them didn’t want Kelviin to be there, all because he wasn’t a human. Arcona made Kelviin feel at home for the first time in his life, yet at the same time he was violently unwanted. He had seen friends die for the first time, and he couldn’t help but feel like it was his fault.

Kelviin regularly visited his master in the medical bay. It hurt so much to see his mentor and role model in pain, and unable to keep up with her life. He had only ever known her to be flitting between control panels and datapads, juggling entire lives and identities while still making room for Kelviin’s silly, basic needs. Now she lay there like a broken piece of machinery, and for once he didn’t know how to fix it.

The Wookiee sighed again, letting his datapad slide to the floor. His pet rancor wriggled through the flap in the door, struggling for a moment to fit through, before licking Kelviin’s dangling paw. He chuckled and ruffled its scales. Sometimes just trying is all the help somebody needed. He decided that he should go visit master again.

At some point during the trip, Kelviin took a wrong turn (though “wrong” was relative, as he had never been able to find his way directly to Zujenia’s medical station to begin with). Corridors just weren’t as good for landmarks as the foliage he grew up in. This time, he found himself walking through rows of a new type of patient, people he didn't recognize from the recent attack. These all seemed to be in great pain, suffering from some type of infection. Outside the room, medics sealed in special suits sprinted by. Kelviin walked out into the hallway, and a medic shouted, “Oh god, one of the Selen crew escaped!”

The medic looked closer at the wookiee and realized he wasn’t immediately dying. Were Wookiees somehow immune to whatever seemed to be infecting the humans?

Several medics gathered around to examine Kelviin, while he in turn examined their silly suits.
“You’re right, the pathogen isn’t taking hold! Is it just this one, or all wookiees?”

Wrrgg, Kelviin growled in confusion.

“That’s a damn good question, and something we might need to know as soon as possible.”

The medics guided Kelviin to a contained chamber. None of them spoke Shyriiwook, so they assumed they had to rely on body language. Kelviin didn’t know where they were taking him, but knew they seemed like good people, albeit very stressed in general and intimidated by him. Kelviin held the nearest medic’s hand. The medic froze with fear, remembering all the dismemberment stories he’s heard, and decided he better act calm and go with it.

“I’m sorry, gentlemen, I can’t give you a clear answer,” explained the lead medic, after examining the Wookiee.

“But we can clearly see the antibodies at work. I’d say that if we find a Wookiee engineer, I can compare their blood samples and tell you for certain if he can safely enter the room where the air purification system-”

“GWRRRRRRGHGLL,” interrupted Kelviin.

The medics jumped back while his datapad translated in a robotic monotone:


Kelviin suddenly felt useful again, and pranced off down the hall, causing delicate instruments to rattle against the walls.

The medics glanced at each other and realized they were all going to die.

[Sins of the Past] [Episode III] Fiction
Textual submission

[Sins of the Past] [Episode III] Fiction
File submission
Textual submission

Snippets of Tali's time during the events of the Whallatta invasion.
The story begins where my submission for BLANK's night out ended.
It also tries to follow the SINS updates, though only in spirit rather than letter.