Kul’tak Drol: https://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/members/13819/character_sheet
Laren Uscot: https://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/members/12946/character_sheet
"You summoned me, Drol?" said Laren Uscot.
"Mmm, indeed.” Kul'tak Drol responded.
“So what's so important that you called me here in the middle of the ni -"
“I have felt a disturbance in the Force, Laren,” Kul’tak said, cutting Laren off. “There were - glimpses of our suffering.”
“Listen, I understand you Force-types and your rituals about as much as I understand anatomy. How the hell does this whole ‘vision’ thing work -”
"*Silence*," Kul'tak hissed.
“Do you not see the significance?” Kul’tak roared. “I have killed more sentients than I can count. I have wielded power that can bring rulers to their knees. The Force is my weapon and my servant, and yet - yet it also seems to be our undertaker.”
“What are you saying, Drol? Are we in danger?” Laren finally asked.
"Were you followed, Laren? Who have you spoken to in the last two rotations? Where have you *been*?"
"First you speak of visions, and now you seek to interrogate me?” Laren growled.
"*Where*, Laren?"
"I had business to take care of off-world for House Ajunta Pall. You know I can't talk about it. What is this about, man?"
"Can I trust you?" rumbled Kul’tak.
"About as far as your blade can reach. But in our mutual endeavor, we want the same outcome."
“The Force works in mysterious ways. Even now the shroud of the Dark Side obscures our future. Yet it has shown us this. Why now?”
“Listen, I have questions about your ‘vision’ in a second. But I need real details, man. Speak!”
Kul'tak sighed. "You deny your association with the Inquisitorius, but I have embraced it. One learns to wade through the sea of lies and villainy, listening for the smallest shreds of truth. I have real evidence that..." Kul'tak's voice was no more than a whisper when he continued, "They suspect us, Laren."
"... Are you certain?" Laren finally asked.
"I would risk my life to prove this truth," Kul'tak replied.
"I'll take you up on that someday," the Pantoran quipped.
"They will have dispatched an asset to confirm their suspicions, if there isn't one here already."
"But would they inform the Dread Lord of their suspicions? She is, after all, the source of our deceit."
"Doubtful. She is as loyal to the Inquistorius and the Brotherhood as it is to the Clans. Both see the other as tools to be used, being kept at an arm's length - no more, and no less. But Laren..." the Warrior trailed off. "My concern lies in the fact they suspect us in the first place. How do they know?"
"Considering we're still alive, there is no way they have any solid evidence. Perhaps our association here has been noticed."
"Or perhaps an analysis has determined we have the most to gain and the least to lose if Selika was removed from power?" The Zabrak mused.
“There is no way to be sure.”
"I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place,” Kul’tak brooded.
“Like any good spy, your loyalty lies to yourself first - I hope.”
“I see all, question all.”
"Well spoken. In this case, we have far too many unanswered questions, and no answers to show for it. You discovered all this… from a vision?” Laren asked softly.
“By having a connection with the Force, it will sometimes provide users glimpses in time. In this case, it was our future.”
“The future, hmm? Are the outcomes you see absolute?”
“It is never for certain. For all the knowledge and power we possess, not even the Sith can control their fate. But there are times when the Force acts of its own will, seeking to manipulate events beyond our control.”
“Is it the Force at work, or an enemy we have not foreseen?”
“Everyone beyond this room is a potential enemy to our goals. Friends are a luxury for the weak, and the Jedi.”
"Choice words, Kul'tak," Laren said, laughing.
"The Grand Master's hand touches all. Can I trust you to stay the course, mercenary?"
"You ask the wrong question. I - like you - trust no one, not even myself. I put what trust I can muster into *something*. Is it better to trust in an unknown future, or accept that our enemies know they have won?"
"Have you nothing to add?" Laren finally asked.
"For a mere mercenary, you carry a wisdom beyond your status."
"Wisdom is great, but I've learned to respect the man with the bigger stick - or in your case, claws. And that precious Force of yours."
“What use are claws and my power against a potential doom we cannot avoid?”
“You’re the man with the visions, Kul’tak. You tell me.”