Fiction Activity Overview

Displaying fiction activity reports 9631 - 9640 of 11719 in total
[CSP/CNS] The Sting of Betrayal
Textual submission

Though it is as I expected it to be,
The twisted lies now split open for all to see,
Cracked lips darkened hearts,
Treachery to drag our union apart.

Disgusting creatures one and all,
Heathens heretics pain will come before your fall,
I will take every last one of to the grave ending your life,
Slitting throats and crushing bones with hands and throat.

CSP cowards and fools,
Failed to follow the most basic of rules,
Stabbing in the back so twisted and stale,
I'll enjoy watching your flesh turn putrid and pale.

I will find you one after one,
I will gut you leaving you bloody and torn,
Death will come for you just you wait,
The reaper is coming and she's never late.

[CSP/CNS] The Sting of Betrayal
Textual submission

Once trusted allies
Now turned bitter enemies
As quick as blinking

Friendship bound to break
Prone to political schemes
And the march of time

Soldiers used as pawns
But will honour their duty
And murder their friends

Allies then, foes now
The future is uncertain
Always in motion

Time stops for no one
Should they find a mutual foe
Would friendship restore?

[CSP/CNS] The Sting of Betrayal
Textual submission

Moment of Betrayal

Back to back under fiery skies,
Our enemies swatted away like flies,
We held the ground like kings,
But oh, we knew not what the future brings.

We've weathered many a storm,
Our cause is empty, cold, it used to keep us warm,
Bitter tears were sadly wept, we begged you not to go,
You dare not look in my eyes, you didn't want to know.

Allies, brothers, through thick and thin,
Crisis wormed into our lives, oh she took us in,
Stole your loyalty, your fight, it's no longer you and me,
Today you took the first shot, and finally you are free.

I will not be the mask of your madness,
Drugged by war, breaking your habit,
And while you whip out your demands,
Always remember, we were never dough in your hands.

[CSP/CNS] The Sting of Betrayal
Textual submission

*Once, you were my brother*

Once, you were my brother
A comrade I could trust
Back-to-back with each other
Victories we’d discover
But now that’s left to rust

It hurts to see you’ve changed
How you blindly carried order
Perhaps you are deranged
To me you are estranged
You’ve crossed a sacred border

So I’ll do what I must do
And defend my loyal Clan
I’ll have to see this through
Do what’s right in my world view
And fight you, Man to Man

Our blades will singe and clash
They’ll illuminate the night
We’ll strike and we will slash
You will feel the full backlash
YOU have caused this fight

So here will stand
And let this be goodbye
The moment is at hand
Maybe not how you had planned
Because here, tonight, you die

[CSP/CNS] The Sting of Betrayal
Master Bentre Stahoes opted out of publishing his submission.
[CSP/CNS] The Sting of Betrayal
Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade opted out of publishing his submission.
[CSP/CNS] The Sting of Betrayal
Textual submission

Ripped ties, broken groups
raging like a heated war
The feud not ending

Order given, order followed
fights end in lonely travel
the cold ever there

Cold is harsh, biting
The loneliness bitter cold
The travel going on

Questions rising, more follow
Never an answer given
Who to trust

Greed does ruin things
Without it, we are nothing
Fight makes us strong

[CSP/CNS] The Sting of Betrayal
Mar Sûl opted out of publishing his submission.