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[CSP/CNS] Gone in 60 Seconds
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Warrior Darkhawk
Pin #264

[CSP/CNS] Gone in 60 Seconds
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[CSP/CNS] Gone in 60 Seconds
Textual submission

Clutching the artifact tight, Cruise knew his time was limited in escaping back to safety. His communication link had been disabled for the past 3 hours with CNS and Red Fury Pirate interference and he knew following the valley back to where his ship was would be filled with Dark Jedi waiting to pounce.

He suddenly remembered Xen speaking of an old junkyard within the area that would be used for rally point if anyone were to come into contact with the artifact and comms were lost. Within this graveyard of ships would be scattered pieces of parts placed strategically in order to power an old star fighter. Downside would be figuring out how to find the parts, install, and correctly pilot the fighter.

Cruise thought to himself that luckily flying has always been one of the few things he had been good at. Quickly Cruise began running towards the area of the graveyard. Within minutes he already came upon 3 Red Pirates combing through a couple of slain corpses along the path. He sensed something in the Force within seconds of watching the Pirates and planning his attack. The disturbance was one of rage, and power. As he felt it stronger, Cruise knew this disturbance before. Within seconds a Dark Jedi appeared suddenly and became to strike down the Pirates. One by one the blade hacked through them limb by limb. This wasn't the work of someone who wanted to defend themselves, but of one who wanted to ensure they died the worse death possible for crossing them.

Cruise slowly walked up behind the Dark Jedi as they were just finishing cutting off the last limbs of the 3rd Pirate.

“Thanks for the help Cruise. I was wondering when you were going to attack them.” Blade said while unveiling her hood.

“You always were the fighter Blade. I like to approach my situations were strategically and if needed handle my enemies quickly.” Cruise said.

“You Grey Jedi, all work and no fun. True power comes in total annihilation and complete terror of our enemies so that no one will ever follow in their foot steps again. That is the true power of Scholae Palatinae” Blade exclaimed while stabbing the last clinging to life pirate through the throat.

“Well I'm a pilot at heart. I'll leave the torturing, ground and pound business to you Sith. Speaking of piloting I have a fighter to fix and fly out.” Cruise said with a smirk.

“You cannot abandoned the mission until it is complete Cruise. Even you are bound by oath to the Emperor, or should you flee he will have your head.” Blade said while raising her saber in towards him.

“Woah, slow down. You might want to take a look at this.” Cruise said while pulling a glowing blue object from under his armor as Blade's eye began to open in amazement.

“Where did you..” Blade said as Cruise quickly interrupted her with “No time for explanations, let's get the hell to that ship and back to the Emperor.

The two made their way to the ship graveyard and ultimately off the planet and to the Emperor.

[CSP/CNS] Gone in 60 Seconds
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[CSP/CNS] Gone in 60 Seconds
Textual submission

The Long Run

Darkness surrounded him as as looked out overr the deserted landsape before him. Although it had a been a rough few weeks, Dante was ready to go home to a nice warm bed and turn in this artifact that seemed to be one of the major reasons for this excruciatingly long mission. The LZ wasn't too much further, but the local fores and Sadowites were making it hard to get off world before being over taken by either of the pursuing groups.

Whatever the in Dante's pack was must be something fairly important as it absolutely glowed in the Force. That didn't bode well for his chances to get through the hunter teams from Naga Sadow, and the various local forces had joined the hunt to make it even more interesting to extricate himself from this situation.

Terrain was a major issue for speed of movement, but it did help with cover and concealment as Dante made his way along a crevice that descended further down the large hill. Just as Kell thought that he might have been able to evade his enemies, they were waiting for him at the bottom exit of the crevice.
Blaster bolts came raining down from the crest of the hill to his left, but Dante kept crawling long until he reached the relative safety of the next ridge line.

After Kell crested the ridge, he used the Force to bound to the next line of rock formations, but all the Obelisk found was another group of local forces that were trying to kill all of the Force users that were stealing from the pirates.

Turning to shoot, Dante fell onto his back and let loose another barrage that pinned down one group of enemy forces, and he launched a couple of grenades from his AXM-50 at another squad that was trying to flank him. Glancing at hit map, Kell knew that he was close, and he launched another salvo of grenades at the first group since the fire had stopped from the flanking squad. The large man knew that he was a big target, but this was going to be his only chance as he could feel the Sadowites beginning to close in on his position.

The Field Marshal made a run for the LAAT, and he hoped that he had done enough that they would be able to clear out for the air cover started laying down a bombardment on their heads.

Dante jupe daboard the LLAT and smiled. Finally, he was able to get on this rock. “Give me a comm unit! Now!” he yelled as he made his way up to the cockpit of the transport. “This is Nightstalker Five... Commence bombardment of grid coordinaes Whiskey Tango 55540 by 40032.... once agan.... commence bombardment at Whiskey Tango 55540 by 40032... End transmission.”

The leader of the clan's ground forces looked over at his men and said “So.... free booze for all of you guys at Big Daddy's when we get back!”

The men cheered to the conclusion of yet another successful mission.

[HM] The Paladin Massacre
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[HM] The Paladin Massacre
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