Anteian Cross events for Kano Tor Tydex

Anteian Cross events
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Manji Keibatsu Sadow
Primary reason

I can honestly say that this man deserves to have a merit medal by far. Kano aka Ryuk, started off his time in the DB several months ago and he took his time rising through the ranks, up until early August when the Army decided that he had not processed out of the Army the proper way. Since then he has struggled to get internet service as well as time to just hang out with the clan. During the Feud he was able to go to the USO on base to get internet time, so that he could actually participate in events for the Children of War Feud. He participated in over 5 events and place in 3 of them. Meanwhile he was also fighting the USO for internet time because the USO would close after 530pm EST. It is with my greatest opinion that Kano deserves the Anteian Cross for his dedication to his house, his clan, and now more importantly, his job as Sergeant of the Night Raptors. Signed and Sealed DJK Fremoc Pepoi Aedile of Marka Ragnos

Kano Verda has been extremely dedicated to the Dark Brotherhood since he joined. I remember when he was still fairly new to the site, I would fail at attempting to get his attention because he was busy participating in activities through mIRC or taking a test! Then, when Kano left to deal with his discharge through the Army the first conversation I had with him since he left resulted in him saying, "Can you email Fremoc and tell him I need a LOA?" within the first 5 minutes.

Since he has been gone, Kano's time on the internet has been extremely restricted. He has time limitations, and other obligations that interfere with his ability to use the computer as frequently as he'd like. Despite these restrictions Kano has made every possible attempt, and has succeeded, at staying just as active as he would if he were at home. He has still found a way to be a dedicated member of the Night Raptors, a strong Battle Team Leader, further develop his character, participate in activities during the Feud, establish a run-on, run competitions, play games, and help me with any DB confusion I may have! For all of his hard work and dedication, especially despite the extenuating circumstances that he is currently under, I feel that Kano is very deserving of a merit medal. -PRT Baki Keiju

Kano is one of the up and coming members of House Marka Ragnos and Clan Naga Sadow. As a relatively new member, he has taken part in many competitions, including many of the events in the recent House Feud. To top that, his winning application earned him the spot as a fresh Battleteam Leader in his House. He is to be commended on being one of those few Journeymen who put everything into what they do. - SBL Ashura Isradia, Proconsul

Following the discussions of the Sadow Conclave of September 2009, we have decided to award Kano this Anteian Cross for his outstanding performance during the Clan Feud in the face of such stress and real-life hassle. Kano has shown that he has the determination to help Marka Ragnos in any way that he can, and we feel that this merit award shows our appreciation for that attitude. Congratulations, Kano! KE Manji Keibatsu Sadow, Consul of Clan Naga Sadow

Manji Keibatsu Sadow, 2009-09-29 06:22:57 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Fremoc Pepoi
Primary reason

Kano Verda has been a force to be reckoned with since his return and his promotion to Dark Jedi Knight. he has been earning participating and winning in several competitions this month, as well as creating his own competition for the entire house. Most recently Kano has been participating in our clan run on, and has been making sure that everyone has had a chance to take part. Given that in our run on that there are only a certain amount of people to go after, Kano took it upon himself to create 10 more named characters, as well as their own biographies to go with them. I think with all this effort, and high level activity, Kano more than well deserves a Anteian Cross. Congrats!

Fremoc Pepoi, 2009-11-23 19:52:44 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Fremoc Pepoi
Primary reason

Kano has been an amazing person to work with the last couple of months. The man has done a superb job as battle team leader and sadly today he resigned from his post. He has watched over the Night Raptors, giving them competitions to do weekly, as well as creating his own Battleteam run on. He would lead by example, by participating in competitions, and the current run on, Unrest in the City. You have been a great friend, and a great advisor the past couple of months, Kano. I hereby award you an Anteian Cross for everything you've done as a BTL, and hope that you return to us soon. You are missed already by your vode.

-K'oyacyi, vode.

-Fremoc Pepoi Obelisk Templar Quaestor of Marka Ragnos Magistrate to the FIST

Fremoc Pepoi, 2010-06-04 12:42:09 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore
Primary reason

Kano Tor Tydex has been a dependable member of Clan Vizsla and I’m lucky enough to count him as a member of House Deathwatch. He’s a welcome face in the Vizsla discord channel with great images of cosplay that he always has a story to tell about. I’m recommending Kano for an Anteian Cross for his activity as a member of Clan Vizsla.

Since his last award Kano has participated in 19 competitions, written 1687 words of fiction and earned himself 10 clusters of fire, 4 clusters of ice, 8 clusters of earth, and 9 clusters of graphite. Kano has done more than participate in a wide variety of competitions, he’s shown he has the skill to place. Since his last recognition Kano has earned 2 Crescent with Diamond Stars, 1 Crescent with Ruby Star and 1 Crescent with Sapphire star.

It is for this activity that I believe Kano is deserving of an Anteian Cross.

High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore, 2021-10-26 02:23:35 UTC