Grand Master Declan Roark, Mandalorian

Grand Master, Clan Vizsla, Mercenary, Mandalorian
Displaying events 921 - 940 of 1027 in total
Event ID
Seal of Loyalty
XP Value
0.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
Primary reason

Awarded for outstanding loyalty and service to the Brotherhood during it's sixth year of Independence.

Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, 2010-04-13 12:14:34 UTC
Event ID
Deputy Grand Master
The Council
Event ID
Event ID
Seal of Bone
XP Value
75.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Darth Aeternus
Primary reason

For participation in the first week of the RoS

Darth Aeternus, 2010-03-11 14:24:58 UTC
Event ID
Ruby Scepter
Requested by
Darth Aeternus
Primary reason

What does one give a member of the Brotherhood who already has its highest honor? In the case of Sarin, the quintessential collector, find something he does not have and give him that. In that instance, we of Revan would like to show the Grand Master our appreciation in the form of the Ruby Scepter. Not long ago when we heard about the return of Independent Houses, Sarin and I had the idea to carve a niche into the Brotherhood based on a slightly different philosophy and methodology. We had the extravagant notion that if we created an environment within the club where mature, working professionals, students and others could collect to express themselves and share a good time, we would have something special on our hands. At this point, that idea is a reality and an obviously successful one. For that, we of Revan are very grateful for our own private corner of the Brotherhood to call home. Though Revan's success has been dependent upon many, we are able to single Sarin out among them and show him our specific thanks for the work and ideas he has contributed to this endeavor. It may easily be said that without Sarin, there would be no Revan. Going it alone, if I even would have tried, I would have sorely missed the motivation, inspiration, and companionship Sarin brought to the table. And this is nothing new. Sarin has always brought these qualities and more to every table at which I have had the pleasure of his company. Revan would undoubtedly be different, if extant at all, and not as fine a place as it is now were it not for him. Over the last 11 months Sarin has earned 7 Seals of Unity, 2 Seals of Loyalty, 2 Scrolls of Foundation, Crescent with Ruby Star, and the Golden Lightsaber. He has made time to help me found Revan, serve as its Aedile, act as a Docent of the Shadow Academy and as a member of the Wiki staff. During the recent Rite of Supremacy Sarin made the time to submit to nearly every event including Round 1's Fiction and Poetry, Round 2's Fiction and Graphics, and the Finals Fiction and Graphics events. He helped us to win both rounds involving the ACC which lifted us past our opponents. He also placed 4th in Round 1's Fiction event helping us to win that event. In Revan we talk a good deal about Sacrifice. We believe it is how one achieves anything worthy of doing. Sarin has set this example of Sacrifice time and again, not only for Revan, but the entire Brotherhood. This small honor is the least we can do. Raken, Independent House Revan

Sarin is the consummate leader. His ability to inspire others, and me personally, has been nothing short of unwavering. Look at Revan. Sarin and Raken have created a haven for those looking for something different. The sheer amount of energy needed to craft a thoughtful, focused vision, and then realize it through the charter, application, and implementation of Revan is a testament to Sarin's ability to attract, guide, and lead others. Look to Revan's first public test, the Rite of Supremacy. At the time of this writing, Revan has advanced to the finals, knocking off two established clans and so far meeting its final competitor blow for blow. While this may seem surprising to those on the outside looking in, let me lend some context: I knew Sarin when he was the commander of Avenger Squadron in the Emperor's Hammer. He led the squadron to compete in a fleet-level event, and win, besting superior numbers with quality. Sarin showed the quintessence of sacrifice during the event, asking no more from his pilots than what he did himself. And really, this trait has transfered along with Sarin into the Dark Brotherhood, where his stints as GM and now in Revan are a model for commitment and quality. Sarin, never one to follow, has led headfirst into positive territory, and most importantly, caused others to want to be around him. Tek Cicero Dantes

Esteemed members of the Brotherhood; When my Quaestor Raken had asked me to say a few words concerning the possibility of awarding him a Ruby Scepter, my initial words were to be, “[CENSORED] YEAH!” However, as from the gut and emotional a response as that is, I know there must be a logical reasoning behind this award. According to the standards set forth for this award, it is said that the persons that have been given this high honor are those that are counted on within the Brotherhood as a great mentor, whose work touches and influences a wide range of others. These persons have contributed much in the areas of instruction, invention, and mentorship. Grand Master Sarin is guilty on all these counts. =) I can speak on these actions both as an observer and as a person who has benefitted from his wise mentorship. As an observer, I have seen the tasks and the guidance that he had given his prior Student, the now DJK Anarya Elvendar. The Knight had challenges when it came to writing, but with the patience of a master teacher, Sarin had markedly improved her writing, making her a stronger member in the Brotherhood as a result. It was such good guidance that she was recommended for and approved to become a DJK, Revan’s first in their short history. Personally, Sarin has been of great inspiration and help to me. We had often discussed what I can do to further my DJB “career”, often inspiring me to push myself to help out the House and Brotherhood. I’m not ashamed to admit that Sarin to me is a role model, and although he doesn’t have a big “bark”, his dedication to ignore the guano and concentrate on what’s truly important in the Brotherhood, and passing those ideals down to others is a true mark of a mentor. Through Sarin’s quiet advice, I personally had taken the big step from Epis to Pontifex, a feat that I will forever be grateful to him for. Furthermore, he has not stopped there, as he already has plans for what to do next after our current RoS is complete and what we can do to make Revan and the Brotherhood in general stronger and more awesome. By doing so, he is also working with me to take the next leap, from Pontifex to Dark Adept, which is one of my goals. In all, the name “Sarin” conjures up a lot of memories and feelings. A true leader, a gifted and master mentor, I can think of few that have been as effective in these requirements as this member. Thereby I humbly support the awarding of a Ruby Scepter to our fine leader, Grand Master Sarin. To Sarin, thanks for all the smacks upside the head to motive my lazy butt. =) KPN Lambow

What can you really say about Sarin that hasn't been said before? Through my entire career in the brotherhood Sarin has been here always at the forefront of the brotherhood being an amazing guide and leader in the club. All you have to do is take a glance at the History of the Brotherhood and you will see Sarin's hand in things. However I would like to say a few things about the recent work he has done within the new Independent House Revan. It started as something unique for the modern Brotherhood, an independent house, it could have been a disaster a clusterfuck if you will, but there were several people who would not let that happen. One of them happened to be Sarin. Knowing that one of the most prestigious and decorated members of the club was on the side of the House gave it instant credibility and standing. His experiance and knowledge, has given me personally a great desire to continue to preform and not let myself get overwhelmed or burnt out. Knowing that if something happens I have a solid member like Sarin to fall back on gives me a great deal of comfort. In all honesty there really aren't words to describe Sarin, he has been a long term fixture in the club, and hopefully will continue to be for a long time yet. Congrats Sarin, and thank you for your selfless devotion to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. ~CBO

I'm not much for words these days, but when asked if I had any comments concerning an award for Sarin, I couldn't resist. My interaction with the Grand Master has been limited, but poignant, and he has a number of remarkable traits which I could take the time to cover, but I won't. For me, and the purposes of the award, only a few need to be noted. The Ruby Scepter text includes these points; "Their work will have touched a wide range of others within the Dark Brotherhood as they will have contributed significantly in the areas of instruction, invention and mentorship.". Concerning his traits specific to the awarding of a Ruby Scepter, Sarin has a core trait which exists as an undertone to the three mentioned - he knows people. To be a successful instructor, one has to know their student. To be successful in the areas of invention, one must know what their people want, don't want and don't know they want. To be a successful mentor, one must be able to gain trust and know their people enough to be able to influence them. Sarin is all of these things - and excels in all of those traits. To keep this current, lets look at Revan and their recent success in the Rite of Supremacy. As an instructor, Sarin was a key-player in the strategy of IHR. His experiences in the echelon of the DB, especially where Vendettas are concerned, taught IHR the mechanics behind events and how they might pan out when compared to other Clans. This was an invaluable resource to have for the young House and played a large part, I believe, in how IHR approached the RoS. Invention. While I may look at this a bit differently, sociologically, Sarin's 'invention' came to fruition in the re-invention of himself. While it could have been very easy for him to go 'GM' on the House - he submitted to interacting with the House as any member. He shared his desires for the House and approached it as any other hopeful - knocking himself down to 'our level' and becoming 'one of the boys'. This had a huge effect on the younger members of the House because it instantly made him approachable and brought in a 'fearless' nature to the House. People could do the best they could and knew that, even if their best wasn't that great, there'd be no GM to berate them but only support their efforts. This also solidified his ability to mentor, without question. Through each phase of the competition Sarin was there to guide, influence and advise. He chided members who were disappointed by outcomes, diplomatically and influentially turned IHR to the same mind of honor, breaking the clan-esque habit of complaining and screaming 'bias!'. He responded to requests for help and offered it across the board. As for an impact on the Brotherhood as a whole and the scope of this particular snap-shot? Sarin was pivotal in IHR's victory over all the other clans of the Brotherhood -- if that isn't a large scope effect, I don't know what is. While this is my snap-shot of a single moment in time, it is indicative of his career in the DB, and serves to show his worthiness for such an award. Thanks Sarin. ~Dalthid

Darth Aeternus, 2010-02-17 14:00:09 UTC
Event ID
Scroll of Foundation
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Zanet Xox
Primary reason

Grading Leadership Fundamentals

Zanet Xox, 2010-02-15 21:40:42 UTC
Event ID
Silver Nova
XP Value
450.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Darth Aeternus
Primary reason

Second place in the Fiction event (Taldryan vs. Revan), in the Fifth week of the Rite of Supremacy.

Darth Aeternus, 2010-02-15 10:38:55 UTC
Event ID
Wiki Staff Member
Event ID
Wiki Staff Member
Event ID
Seal of Loyalty
XP Value
0.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
Primary reason

As Tradition dictates, we hand out Seals of Loyalty on the Day of the Fox. These individuals have shown great loyalty to the club as a whole, in their efforts to keep our club fun, interesting, and growing into the future. It is a token of our esteem, and I wish to congratulate this year's recipients.

Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, 2009-11-05 21:47:51 UTC
Event ID
Scroll of the Master
XP Value
50.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Zanet Xox
Primary reason

For mentoring member Anarya (#10320) to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight

Zanet Xox, 2009-10-23 16:29:15 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Ruby Star
XP Value
100 XP
A Picture is worth 1000 words
Requested by
Primary reason

First place in the listed Competition

, 2009-10-06 11:39:07 UTC
Event ID
Shadow Academy: Docent
Event ID
Shadow Academy: Eclectic Pedagogue
Event ID
Scroll of Foundation
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Zanet Xox
Primary reason

Grading Leadership Fundamentals

Zanet Xox, 2009-07-08 23:56:19 UTC
Event ID
Event ID
Seal of Unity
XP Value
175.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Kir Taldrya Katarn
Primary reason

For grading/judging/administering events in the Ninth Great Jedi War.

Kir Taldrya Katarn, 2009-06-09 11:46:05 UTC
Event ID
Seal of Loyalty
XP Value
0.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Syn Kaek
Primary reason

For exceptional service during the sixth year of Brotherhood Independence. - DJM Syn Kaek, SWL Raken

Syn Kaek, 2009-04-14 17:57:53 UTC
Event ID
Golden Lightsaber
Requested by
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
Primary reason

2 years of complete commitment, despite a RL commitment littered with reasons to step down. Sarin is the quintessential Grand Master, shirking excuses and sacrificing for the better of the Brotherhood time and time again, displaying a selflessness that would put any other member of the DB to shame. Furthermore, his time has been the most productive I've ever seen the DB undergo with club-wide reductions in antisocial behaviour, the best GJW the DB's seen and fantastic improvements to the website. His influence is undeniable and the mark he's left with set a benchmark of what's to be expected of our leaders. Without a doubt, Grand Master Sarin deserves the best the DB can give in gratitude for such a brilliant tenure. Arcona's thanks definitely go to him for the bright future the DB now sees, due in large part to his patience, guidance and vision. – Sashar Erinos, Consul, Arcona

I fully support awarding Sarin a Golden Lightsaber, and not just because he's a retiring Grand Master and I want to give him something nice. The "GM" rank for life thing is pretty nice. No, the Golden Lightsaber truly means something special, and it should remain that way. The award description refers to the Golden Lightsaber as being given to members who display the greatest form of ability, service, and sacrifice. I'd say this fits Sarin to the letter.

Though I'm sure others will bring this up, Sarin skillfully led the DB while on active military deployment… in a war zone; along with his family growing with the addition of not one, but two kids. Somehow, with all that, Sarin pushed the Brotherhood forward, either through his own direct efforts or in his delegation of duties to others.

On a more personal level, I have always appreciated the free reign that Sarin extended to me as both Headmaster and as Consul of Tarentum. It is because of his trust in me, and his support, that both the Shadow Academy and my clan have grown and rebounded. I didn't know Sarin that well before he became Grand Master, but over the past two years, I've gotten to know him better, and I'm glad I had the opportunity to work with him for the betterment of the Brotherhood. I'm thankful for his service, and grateful for what he has done for everyone in the Brotherhood. - Anshar Kahn Tarentae, Consul, Tarentum

While I joined during the time of Jac Cotelin as Grand Master, almost all of my Dark Brotherhood career as a leader has been under the tutelage of Sarin. First coming to Clan Plagueis, he helped me through the ranks as Aedile and Question, and then Proconsul, before leaving me with Consul when he moved on to Deputy Grand Master. Since then, however, he has always stayed a role model mentor for me as a leader, something he does extremely well. He not only helped me as a Consul, but as Headmaster, and I have been extremely gifted with the opportunity to work with Sarin over the past two odd years. His work in the Brotherhood is not limited to Grand Master, but is perhaps most visible there on a large scale. He oversaw the greatest Great Jedi War ever, and oversaw its sequel, which we can only hope is Dark Knight-ish in nature. He oversaw the revamping of the Brotherhood website and character sheets as well. None of these were minor things, either, but major changes felt by all, and everyone can proudly say that they were all changes in the positive. Without Sarin, I would not be the leader I am today, in responsibility and position, and while Grand Master for two years, what Sarin did will last a lifetime, and I, personally, am grateful for all he has granted not only the Brotherhood but me. Thank you for all of your hard work, dedication, and motivation of me when things started to look grim ~ Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar; Headmaster of the Shadow Academy

Grand Master Sarin has sacrificed his personal time and energy to ensure the Dark Brotherhood's continued success and growth. Over the last two years he has worked selflessly to improve and continue the strong traditions of the Dark Brotherhood. Sarin's presence has been felt throughout the club, his vision resonating from the Star Chamber all the way down to the newest Apprentice. I am honored, on behalf of Clan Naga Sadow, to recommend Grand Master Sarin for the Golden Lightsaber. - Robert Sadow. Consul, Naga Sadow

The recipients of the Golden Lightsaber have displayed the greatest forms of ability, service and sacrifice for the Brotherhood; others pale in comparison to what the holders of this award have accomplished. And sacrificed, Sarin has. Since his return from the Emperor's Hammer, Sarin has proactively sought to do good within our club. This is not a recommendation for a mere two years as a Grand Master, but a long, hard-fought tenure as a leader and role model within our club. This is an achievement award. Since his sojourn from the dreaded Emperor's Hammer, Sarin has been an integral part of the Dark Brotherhood's growth, accountability and attitude. Not only did he provide a level of professionalism that we sorely lacked, but he brought a greater sense of unity and organization to his position and, thus, the club. Whether it was the project matrix, spurring new members to share ideas, asking for feedback from all sources or the occasional pat on the back for a job well done... he has done it all with heart; for the betterment of the Brotherhood. Thank you for the blueprint to something special, Sarin. You have instilled a new set of values in our leadership and your disciples will flourish within our club. Eternally. - Braecen Kaeth, Consul, Plagueis

In an old recommendation for lowly pre-GM Sarin, Jac said of him, "Sarin has been a great Consul, and I look forward to seeing what will come from him next." At that point I don't know if any of us – Jac included – knew the truly prophetical nature of that statement. I should start by acknowledging that I have been given a gift – during my time in the Brotherhood I was able to directly serve under the two greatest Grand Masters this club has ever had – first Jac, and then Sarin. To begin with some honesty...initially I was hesitant with Sarin. I knew him to be a solid leader at the Clan level, but his style was I waited and watched...and I was quickly and easily converted. Sarin approached his position with a personal drive and work ethic most of us find impossible to fathom. Consider this – Sarin achieved his success while on military deployment halfway around the world, while working 12 hour days, and while raising two children. Who amongst us can claim that sort of success? I certainly cannot, and I would be hard pressed to think of anyone who can approach that level of dedication. Now some people may say that it is easy to praise an outgoing GM merely with flowery let's take a moment to examine the record of Sarin's achievements...He presided over two of the most successful and groundbreaking Vendetta events in Brotherhood history in the Rite of Supremacy and the Eighth Great Jedi War. In the afterglow of the Vendetta's he completely restructured the fleets of all of the Clans and the Dark Council, bringing us forward in the Star Wars timeline and proving his commitment to our canon. That commitment didn't stop at fleets, for he then continued the fictional development of the Brotherhood in a way that roused the spirit and inner child for many of the members, who became eager to read the newest plot updates. In practical matters he brought a new leadership style into the Brotherhood – he brushed past the typical internet drama as if it didn't exist, he forced accountability onto our leaders, and gave insightful assessments of our achievements, abilities, and pitfalls. He was the embodiment of teamwork, driving forward on tasks himself while simultaneously guiding all of us forward towards the successful accomplishment of our goals. In addition, the Brotherhood's website got a very popular facelift during his time as Grand Master, and the Dark Covenant was modified to make it more member-friendly and protective. Finally, his crowning achievement – the development and release of the new character sheets. These encompassed an amazing amount of work – Sarin made the expansion of the force powers a personal pet project and achieved a beautiful result, while at the same time monitoring and guiding the development of the order disciplines, hand-to-hand combat styles, and overall attributes and structure. These character sheets were the first step towards a new type of activity for our club, and Sarin brought it all together. Throughout these many accomplishments, and innumerable others which I haven't mentioned, Sarin maintained a positive attitude and a love for Star Wars that was a daily reminder of why we all originally joined this club. Personally, Sarin pushed me to be a better leader – when I had become lax in my work, Sarin pointed to how I could achieve more; when I occasionally became bitter or angry, Sarin lent an ear to listen and also offered valuable insight and perspective; and when I just wanted to talk with a friend, Sarin kindly obliged. The Golden Lightsaber is awarded for ability, service and sacrifice – Sarin showed many of us how to truly embody all of these, and his example will benefit the Brotherhood for years to come. If anyone has earned the right to carry our most cherished honorary, it is Sarin. Thank you for everything Sarin, and above all I am grateful to be able to call you friend. - Kir Katarn, Justicar

I'll make this short-and-sweet, as I think what the man has done speaks for itself. Since getting the gig of GM Sarin has overseen two Great Jedi Wars, a Rite of Supremacy and the creation of a complex Character Sheet that included updated force powers and a Discipline system. However, what I most enjoyed under his reign was ensuring that leaders were made accountable for their actions. There has always been instances of leaders thinking their "above" everyone else, or just plain being inactive and letting others suffer because of it. Sarin has taken those leaders to task, removing them when they are no longer a contributing member to the club. If that was the only thing that Sarin was able to contribute during his time as GM it would be enough, but that was still only one piece of a larger whole. The club continues to grow in new and different directions because of what he has put in place. Thanks for everything, and hope to have you back in fighting form soon! - Halcyon Rokir, Sith Lord

The Wiki, The Antei System, Force Powers, Character Sheets, Rite of Supremeacy: Second Darkness, GJW Eight: Incursion, GJW Nine: Unification, New Website Layout, Clan Artifacts Update, Order Discipline System.

The above sound familiar? You might say, “Hey, that’s the club I belong to!” but you would only be half-right. It is the club Sarin helped build for you. He has had a hand in virtually everything over the last two years of his service as Grand Master, before that his service as Deputy Grand Master, and before that his service as Consul.

Sarin has produced, guided, led, improved, and inspired so many different things in the club it is difficult to grasp because they have become fundamentals of everyday use. We have become accustomed to the advances he has ushered in and would have a difficult time imagining the club without. We are accustomed to using a professional quality service for free because of Sarin’s work to give us the best product possible.

But I mention these things for those who might not know Sarin, or realize how much of what you enjoy in this club has benefited from his involvement. Everything mentioned represents only a portion of what Sarin has done for all of us. There is another facet of his role as Grand Master not as easily quantified as the projects and innovations listed above and it is one in which Sarin has excelled and raised the bar for the Grand Masters that will follow him.

The fictional Grand Master is a terrible and cruel dictator. He is immensely powerful, sage in the ways of the Force and brooks no dissent or challenge to his authority. Supremely confident in his ability to rule with an iron fist from an iron chair, he crushes any who stand in the path of his vision.

The real-world equivalent is very different, or at least, should be very different. Some who have held the position in the past treated it as though they actually were that terrible dictator, unable to divorce the fictional concept from the reality. But what we have seen over the years when it comes to administrating or belonging to this club, is that the person with whom the title “Grand Master” is associated with needs to act as a diplomat, not a dictator.

This is where Sarin has done his best, and least seen, work. This is where Sarin has set the example for not just Grand Masters—not the terrible fictional creatures, but the people behind them—and anyone at any level in any position who wants to lead, administrate, contribute to, or otherwise endeavor to run this club. We have seen the members respond. We have seen people change their methods and model it on Sarin’s example.

Projects are great. Website features are really nice. Fancy names to describe simple things are fun. But when you see one’s behavior positively influenced by someone giving their best effort in every category of what they do, then you truly have something of worth.

A great many do not understand this necessary altruism. If confused, they can simply look at Sarin’s conduct and service over the years and see what he has achieved and, as a result, what we all have achieved. Too many have treated this club as an ego-gratifier, a cult of personality. They have sought recognition for deeds and actions worth little of it. They have lauded themselves with title and station far beyond their merit. They are perplexed and angry when not appropriately recognized for their deeds.

But if they were to pause briefly, examine the Golden Lightsaber on Sarin’s dossier and read what his peers have witnessed, then they might find there is more to leadership than litanies of titles and Force lightning. - Raken, Praetor to the Grand Master

What is the difference between a great Grand Master and a mediocre one? I've asked myself this question many times, trying to distill from what I have seen the essence of what needs doing. It is not being in the right place at the right time. It is not being lucky enough to be in command when the game companies saw fit to grace us with the best that they had to offer in a way that we can use it. It's not just throwing money at problems until they go away.

So what is it? Is it working hard and long hours despite whatever real life obligations may compete for your time? Is it engineering and drafting together the perfect storm of councilors? Is it setting a no-drama standard and making examples of those who deviate? Or is it some cocktail of all these things?

I have sat at Sarin's elbow for more than 20 months, watching with keen interest, learning what lessons I could. And I think that it is not only the combination of that mad mixture of talent and planning, but also a genuine interest in the club, a real concern for how well it does. And his work ethic and attitude has set such an example that we've had an unprecedented amount of cooperation on the DC where before there would be constant bickering. His strength emboldened all of us, kept us all on task and goal driven. These are things that I wish to emulate, that any leader should seek to capture and chain to their will.

Now, people speak fondly of the era of Khyron, of the days before there was a real database, when we had a few hundred members and we're grappling beneath the stairs to build a fraction of what we have now. People call these times the Golden Age of the Brotherhood. I would disagree. I think that with the intense level of progress we've made, the depth of programming we have available, the immersiveness of what we have provided... this will prove with time to be a truer Golden Age of the Brotherhood. And I can think of no better reward for the man that I follow the footsteps of than a Golden Lightsaber. - Muz Ashen, Grand Master

Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, 2009-03-08 14:00:34 UTC
Event ID
Grand Master
The Council