Grand Master Declan Roark, Mandalorian

Grand Master, Clan Vizsla, Mercenary, Mandalorian
Displaying events 941 - 960 of 1027 in total
Event ID
Scroll of Foundation
XP Value
50.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Zanet Xox
Primary reason

For grading Leadership Fundamentals over the past ten months

Zanet Xox, 2009-02-15 19:47:36 UTC
Event ID
Dark Side Scroll
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
RevengeX Palpatine
Primary reason

The article "Clan Plagueis" was featured on the DJBWiki for December 3, 2006. In order to recognize Sarin's role model contributions, I award him a Dark Side Scroll.

-- RevengeX Palpatine Wiki Tribune

RevengeX Palpatine, 2008-07-29 05:02:06 UTC
Event ID
Dark Side Scroll
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
RevengeX Palpatine
Primary reason

The article "Aristan Dantes" was featured on the DJBWiki for March 4, 2007. In order to recognize Sarin's role model contributions, I award him a Dark Side Scroll.

-- RevengeX Palpatine Wiki Tribune

RevengeX Palpatine, 2008-07-28 08:14:04 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Braecen Kaeth
Primary reason

Assistance with the end-game work on the 2008 Independence Games. Thank you for making time to help.

Braecen Kaeth, 2008-07-02 05:55:06 UTC
Event ID
Diamond Sword
Requested by
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
Primary reason

Sarin has been an outstanding Grand Master. Even with his limited time during his tour of duty in Iraq, he has managed to be online and respond to things as needed which is more then most would do. He has done an amazing job assisting with the rebirth project and helping keep things on schedule as much as can be expected with something as grand as this. I personally have appreciated his counsel and advice in many situations and it is with that that I am proud to recommend him for the Diamond Sword. He is truly a leader and a mentor. ~Ashia Keibatsu, Consul of Naga Sadow.

I was lucky enough to be able to work with Sarin as his Proconsul when he ran Clan Plagueis, and he uses the same awesome level of leadership on the Dark Council as he did in the clan. Working with him as a Consul and now as Headmaster I have a huge amount of respect for the guy. He is in the middle of a warzone, yet still manages to lead the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. Sarin helped create and run, along with others, one of the best Great Jedi Wars ever, and is currently putting together several other awesome new projects for the DB. When it comes to the Shadow Academy, he is always open to new ideas and changes, which makes my job a whole lot easier. I've only been able to work side by side with him on the Dark Council for around three months, but already he has my trust and respect as Grand Master. His first year in the position has been amazing, and I'm sure the coming years will be even better. ~ Sith Warlord Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar; Headmaster of the Brotherhood. ~Aabsdu Dupar, Headmaster

A Diamond Sword is awarded to members of an exceptional caliber within the Dark Brotherhood. The list is few, yet distinguished and honorable. It is my honor to recommend such an award be bestowed on Sarin for his impressive tenure as Grand Master and the changes that have come under his supervision for the betterment of our club as a whole.

While I am sure many people will speak to the notches in Sarin's belt concerning large-scale competitions and groundbreaking advancement... I would prefer to speak about what he has done to maintain the excellence of our club. As some individuals may know, I have my days where I make Sarin go crazy! :-p But he has shown an unnatural amount of patience and guidance not only to me, but the individuals under my command as he answers questions and provides suggestions to stabilize the Brotherhood (through the Clans). His message has been of patience and putting members first... and it has spread throughout the entire Dark Council and seeped deep into the Clan Summits. There is a stronger sense of cross-clan-comradery in the past year and I, for one, can trace it back to Sarin.

Personally, he has been a great mentor. Sarin works with me to overcome my own weaknesses and continually finds time to listen to my long list of ideas about new member development and recruitment for our club. His infinite list of contacts amazes me, but he always seems to have a prior situation to pull experience from and he, in-turn, relays that information to his subordinates in a manner that is both professional and exciting. It is all part of his process for developing future generations of leaders... and a testament to what he has done to reinforce the foundation of his club.

Thank you for everything you do, Sarin! ~Braecen Kaeth, Consul of Plagueis

At the beginning it was hard for me to accept that Sarin was going to be the Grand Master. I was so used to Jac being GM that I couldnt imagine anyone else to be in that spot. Sarin proved me wrong. Very wrong. And I am glad about this.

Sarin's attitude has changed the position of the Grand Master, and also how I look at the Grand Master's position. No, this doesn't mean that I didn't like Jac as Grand Master. ;)

Sarin just changed the position of the GM - adding his own personal touch, making this style to lead very unique - the way he deals with problems, talking to people, even with his reports. I have a huge respect for Sarin: being father of a baby, being in the army and being Grand Master is quite a high performance that deserves a reward. And before I start writing the usual blah blah stuff for writing reccomendations, I simply stop here and say: Well deserved Sarin! ~Sildrin Sadow, Seneschal

I've never been one for long recommendations, so this will probably be short and sweet. However, what Sarin has accomplished during his time as GM has been anything but. I hardly knew him before I became DGM, and it has been a great ride. He has used the "powers" that the GM's office grants him to ensure accountability in all leaders of the DB. That act alone makes his term as GM a successful one. For too long have many people in the DB gotten by with the bare minimum, or had a detrimental affect on their area of responsibility, thereby affecting the rest of the DB as well. This has been a very welcome change, and it takes someone of conviction to get it done. However, he has also been the GM to see 2 successful DB-wide events come to a completion while also helping implemente the numerous changes to the very nature of the DB. He took the job on the Force Powers himself, man-handling the wide-range of new powers, as well as overseeing all aspects of DB growth. The DB has a path, laid out by Sarin, that will help continue our growth. He has more than proven himself as a leader, and this award goes a ways to thanking him for all his efforts. ~Halcyon Rokir, Consul of Taldryan

Many members of the Brotherhood were not familiar with Sarin when he ascended to the Iron Throne, but those of us who knew him were certain he would be successful. What we didn't anticipate was the incredible level of commitment and drive that he would bring along with him. Sarin's greatest talent is his ability to motivate those around him to do their best – personally I have felt energized this past year, with a clarity of drive shared by everyone who interacts with Sarin. This approach has directly led to the great achievements of the past year – and those upcoming changes yet to be revealed. Sarin doesn't approach every problem and tackle it himself, he works up a team and guides it forward, ensuring everyone reaches their maximum potential – but when the situation mandates decisiveness, he steps in and makes the tough choices. The Diamond Sword is a very rare award given to the select few members who have achieved greatness while working for the Brotherhood – I can think of no one else more worthy to carry it. ~Kir Katarn, Justicar

As a newer member on the Dark Council, I've learned time and time again how much dedication it takes to help make this club continue to thrive. However looking at Grand Master Sarin, I cannot even begin to imagine the dedication and sacrifice he has made. While his real life has been hectic, he has continued to keep communication open at all times from everyone no matter rank or position. The work he has put forth has been impressive and has been acknowledged by many of the members. I feel that his dedication to the Brotherhood as a whole should be acknowledged, therefor I recommend Darth Sarin for a Diamond Sword. Congrats, Bossman! ~Shikyo Keibatsu, Herald

I once had the honor of recommending Sarin for an Amethyst Kukri long before he became the Grand Master we know now. At the time I was so impressed with Sarin’s work ethic, knowledge of –and love for– Star Wars, his passion for the club, his clan, and the betterment of everyone, that I asked he be awarded two Kukri instead of one because I believed he deserved them.

Again I am honored to recommend an award for Sarin and from the last time to this, my opinion of him, his work, and his love for the Brotherhood has not changed. One Diamond Sword? No. Give him two. If we are really to attempt to equal his achievements and sacrifices for the club, give him two of the finest phrik and diamond blades the Herald can produce. But it would only be an attempt.

There is no award for everything he has done for the Brotherhood because the thousand things Sarin has turned his hand to are worth more to us than sundry bits of metal or jewel-crusted trinkets. His works have given us concrete and well-developed fictions supporting our mythology. His deeds have organized for us the two most successful vendettas the Brotherhood has ever seen. Sarin’s sacrifices have enabled us so that we can continue to develop projects and systems ensuring this club will not go the way of so many others.

So how do we thank one for giving so much? How do we attempt to reward someone whose true repayment for his actions are those actions themselves? What do you give Sarin, the Grand Master of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, soldier and friend, when the work is the reward?

We give him our thanks. We give him our patience and forgiveness. We give him a few words recommending an award that will never equal that which earned it.

And we ask for two. ~Raken, Praetor to the Grandmaster

I am truly at a loss for words to describe the words that are needed here. Sarin has been a mitigating presence on every project that has been brainstormed, carried to completion, or that we are working on right now. He encourages the very best in all of us, even as we find our motivation dwindling. He spurs us on to give this club everything we can, to work together, and to see past the petty little politics that can drown such an entity like we have here. Many have lauded the fact that Sarin is a Captain in the U.S. Army, but I can only marvel at the personality traits that got him that job, and wonder how long it is before we see him giving news briefings with several stars on his shoulder.

Sarin's Devotion to this club is humbling. Even as his real life and career demand intense amounts of his time, he will forego sleep and even communicating with his family in order to sort things out here, to act as Grand Master. It's more than what anyone expected, it's more than what any of us could even think to ask of anyone. There is but a handful of members who have ever been in this club who have shown such persistence in excellence, such dedication to what we are and what we stand for, that it surprises me that Sarin does not already have every medal we have the ability to award.

But today, we will begin to remedy that. Sarin, I have the distinct honor of presenting you this Diamond Sword. It is a token of our esteem, our appreciation, our heartfelt thanks for all that you have done for this club that we all love. Thank you. ~Muz Sadow, Deputy Grand Master

Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, 2008-04-12 09:00:50 UTC
Event ID
Scroll of Foundation
XP Value
50.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Zanet Xox
Primary reason

Grading the Leadership Fundamentals exam

Zanet Xox, 2008-03-10 19:10:18 UTC
Event ID
Legion of the Scholar
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Kraval Taldrya
Primary reason

For running a trivia session in #db on 11/18/2007

Kraval Taldrya, 2007-11-18 09:27:41 UTC
Event ID
Seal of Loyalty
XP Value
0.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
Primary reason

For continued displays of loyalty to the ideals and vision of the Brotherhood, and the will to act toward the betterment of our club, this Seal of Loyalty is awarded.

Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, 2007-11-06 18:46:34 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Lord Halcyon
Primary reason

The job of a Grand Master is thankless, the medals few and far between. However, I wish to take the opportunity to thank Sarin for his recent efforts in ensuring the DB is a safe and fun place for everyone. Using his own initiative and he gone out of his way to ensure that those who continually harass and debase the membership are stopped. While perhaps part of his "job", it is once again thankless yet helpful for the entire membership. This award is small, but it represents the countless house upon house of mediation and e-mails. Thank you

Lord Halcyon, 2007-10-18 20:03:51 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
11.0 XP (Full Value)
Halo 3 Launch Event
Requested by
Aidan Kincaid
Primary reason

For matches played for the Halo 3 Launch Event competition. Congratulations.

Aidan Kincaid, 2007-10-13 20:08:11 UTC
Event ID
Emerald Dagger
Requested by
Kraval Taldrya
Primary reason

Running a Great Jedi War has been the death knell of many Grand Masters and Deputy Grand Masters. The wars bring to the Brotherhood leaders an inordinate amount of time commitments, complaints, and stress. There aren't many people that come out from a GJW with the same outlook on the DB as they had going in. Really, in the history of the DB, there aren't many leaders that have even come out from a GJW with their jobs intact. <br> <br> Grand Master Sarin has absolutely put all of the prior stigma about running a Great Jedi War to rest. He has proven that with a competent staff, great direction and a firm grip on reality, a person can not only lead a GJW without excess strife, but he can also make it the best GJW that the Brotherhood has yet seen. Sarin did a tremendous job with his first GJW. <br> <br> From the start of his planning, it was evident that Sarin would be able to bring success to the Incursion. He coordinated the writing of a plotline that is far better than any we've had in the DB so far. He worked with Raken to develop the ideas behind it, edited the story and made sure that it was a plot everyone could enjoy. Sarin made sure the events went well with the plotline. He and Muz made writing topics that stretched the limits of people's creativity and forced them to work outside the box. They tested the waters with some events and found great success in doing so. <br> <br> Sarin has been quick in his administration of the war. He and Muz graded all of the entries within days. They dealt with complaints within hours. There have not been as many complaints about this war, either, because it was so well done. Those problems that did arise, Sarin dealt with quickly and carefully, leading to great resolutions. The email threads are entertaining: people bicker back and forth until Sarin puts an end to it all with just a few words. His style is phenomenal. <br> <br> In finalizing the war, there has been a great amount of effort. Generally it can take weeks to get a GJW graded. In this case, Sarin and his team will have the scores out within a matter of days. Sarin already wrote all of the fictional elements that detail the end of the war for inclusion in the Dark Voice. He is on top of his game. <br> <br> Sarin and his team learned from mistakes of previous Vendettas. They almost perfected the scoring system that was used in the RoS. They made sure to keep from the plot problems of GJW5 and GJW6. They were quick with their results and conflict resolution...hey did it all right. This was a fair and balanced war where any clan that didn't quit mid-way through would have had a chance at the end. <br> <br> I can say without hesitation and without damaging my own ego that Sarin has outperformed his predecessors when it comes to the management of Vendettas. For me, that is something to take pride in: I am proud that I picked the most capable person to follow me as Grand Master. Sarin is quickly setting a new standard for Grand Masters. An Emerald Dagger is the least we can do to thank him for that<br> Lord Jac Cotelin<br> <br> ***<br> The Emerald Dagger is awarded to those who have shown themselves to truly bring something new to their given position; showing an impact on the Brotherhood itself. One receiving this award will be known to the Brotherhood at large, their impressive array of work standing the test of time. And it is with honor we present this award to Grand Master for his impressive tenure through his first six months.<br> <br> -------------------------<br> <br> I could speak to Sarin's vast achievements with driving participation through two high-level competitions (Rites of Supremacy and Seventh Great Jedi War), but I know plenty others will speak to these easily seen and recorded changes. For me, personally, I must talk about the subtle attitude shift that has come with Sarin's reign as Grand Master.<br> <br> Impressive advancement has been made in the Brotherhood over the last six months to strengthen member rights, uplift members of high integrity and unify a club that had seemingly splintered into multiple factions. Sarin does his best to not only explain his vision, but to live it. And the effect has been amazing as I have watched, for the most part, it trickle down through the Dark Council directly into the membership. And as each day passes I see more and more individuals buy into the ideal, or policy, he set forth when he took the Iron Throne.<br> <br> The second, most unseen, trait of Sarin I would like to discuss is his openness with the membership and focus on new members. I am, often, amused when I am speaking to my Journeymen and they say something to the effect of, "I just talked to Sarin/GM/Darth Nerd for the past hour." After I reign in my initial urge to slap said Protector... I talk to them about their conversation with the GM to see what they have gleaned from him during their chat. Each time the member comes away better informed, optimistic about their role in the club and exuberant that such a high-ranking official took the time to speak with them. Sarin does not have to make time for every member, but it is valiant that he does carve time (when he has it) from his schedule for every member in the club.<br> <br> For these reasons and the many additional wise things that will be said about his tenure... I happily nominate the Grand Master for the Emerald Dagger. A small memento for his efforts thus far.<br> <br> Braecen Kaeth Kunar<br> Consul of Scholae Palatinae<br> <br> **<br> Since the beginning of his rein as Grand Master Sarin has had his hands full. From running the RoS to the recently ended 7th Great Jedi War Sarin has done a great job at taking the helm for this club. Organizing and running such large scale events isn’t the easiest thing in the world. For the GJW alone the plot had to be outlined then written, sent to the Consuls for approval and/or changes, then a point system had to be devised so that one event alone wouldn’t ensure a clan to victory. The implementation of the system had to be put into the works for the GJW when it started and as it ran along with handling complaints and ensuring that everything was running smoothly.<br> If you take a look at the Incursion site you’ll see that Sarin was listed as a judge for practically every event. The time and effort put into each event for each category isn’t something to brush off lightly either. One of the fiction rounds was a four page minimum for entry, add onto that each clan’s RO had to be read by the GM and DGM for comparison for final scores and that puts out a whole lot of reading and evaluation that had to be done.<br> The most visible aspect of the job that Sarin’s done recently is the amount of high level medals and promotions that went through just a few days ago. It’s a leader’s job to ensure that his/her people get awarded for the work they do and the GM has done just that. In my entire time in the DB I haven’t seen so many Sacrificial awards and Equite to Elder promotions go through at one time. Sarin isn’t the one to be stingy when it comes to recognizing those that have done their best for their clan or the club. Congrats on the award chief<br> -Kraval

Kraval Taldrya, 2007-08-26 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Seal of Pain
XP Value
575.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Kraval Taldrya
Primary reason

For judging the events for GJW7. Thanks for all the work!!

Kraval Taldrya, 2007-08-25 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Dark Side Scroll
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Primary reason

For contributions made to Issue I, Volume V of the Dark Voice. It is because of you that the Dark Voice continues to thrive, and your services are not forgotten!

~Sith Battlemaster Derev Niroth Dark Voice Tribune

, 2007-08-22 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Dark Side Scroll
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Primary reason

Article in Volumn 4, Issue 2 of the Dark Voice.

~SBM Derev Niroth Dark Voice Tribune

, 2007-06-17 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Scroll of Foundation
XP Value
75.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Anshar Kahn Tarentae
Primary reason

For grading the Leadership Fundamentals exam at the Shadow Academy.

Anshar Kahn Tarentae, 2007-06-11 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Braecen Kaeth
Primary reason

Sarin helped grade the Scholae Palatinae versus Arcona Clan Feud: Vengeance in an impartial, thorough manner. The work completed included reviewing submissions, marking accordingly and providing detailed results to both the leaders of Scholae Palatinae and Arcona.

For excellent service - when it was not required - I believe this member well deserving of recognition in the form of a Dark Cross.

Braecen Kaeth Kunar Consul of Scholae Palatinae

Braecen Kaeth, 2007-05-01 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Scroll of Indoctrination
XP Value
100.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Anshar Kahn Tarentae
Primary reason

Upon the recommendation of Arcona Consul Strategos

For recruiting Kaldar (8650)

Anshar Kahn Tarentae, 2007-04-25 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Dark Side Scroll
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Telona Murrage
Primary reason

For contributions to the Dark Voice Newsletter, Volume IV, Issue I

~Telona Murrage, Dark Voice Editor

Telona Murrage, 2007-04-17 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Seal of Darkness
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason

Awarded to Sarin for judging the Debate Event of the Rite of Supremacy: Second Darkness. ~ Grand Master Sarin

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2007-04-06 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Seal of Darkness
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason

Awarded to Sarin for judging the Battleplan Event of the Rite of Supremacy: Second Darkness. ~ Grand Master Sarin

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2007-04-06 22:00:00 UTC