Captain Aryn "Jade" Erinos-Magnuri

Elder 1, Clan Odan-Urr, Mercenary, Mandalorian
Displaying events 161 - 180 of 674 in total
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
19.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Primary reason

Star Wars: The Old Republic Events on or before 2020-12-31

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Raiheaux, 2020-12-31 23:30:13 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
1.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Primary reason

Star Wars: The Old Republic Events on or before 2020-12-19

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Raiheaux, 2020-12-19 23:30:15 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
5.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Primary reason

Star Wars: The Old Republic Events on or before 2020-11-29

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Raiheaux, 2020-11-29 23:30:12 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
18.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Primary reason

Star Wars: The Old Republic Events on or before 2020-11-27

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Raiheaux, 2020-11-27 23:30:11 UTC
Event ID
Old Order
Jedi (Light Path)
New Order
Force Disciple (Gray Path)
Old Rank
New Rank
Primary reason

Decided to make a change

Captain Aryn "Jade" Erinos-Magnuri,
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
21.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Primary reason

Star Wars: The Old Republic Events on or before 2020-09-12

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Raiheaux, 2020-09-12 23:30:09 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
10.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Primary reason

Star Wars: The Old Republic Events on or before 2020-09-09

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Raiheaux, 2020-09-09 23:30:09 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
17.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Primary reason

Star Wars: The Old Republic Events on or before 2020-09-06

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Raiheaux, 2020-09-06 23:30:10 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
4.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Primary reason

Star Wars: The Old Republic Events on or before 2020-08-23

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Raiheaux, 2020-08-23 23:30:12 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
9.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Primary reason

Star Wars: The Old Republic Events on or before 2020-08-20

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Raiheaux, 2020-08-20 23:30:11 UTC
Event ID
Source Unit
Tython Squadron
Destination Unit
Primary reason

Manual Administration

Ambassador Revak K'Urr, 2020-08-20 23:27:37 UTC
Event ID
Pendant of Blood
XP Value
40.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Primary reason

Reaching the level cap with a ToR character (R'vani & Legacy Level 19) on or before 2020-08-17

Raiheaux, 2020-08-17 23:30:18 UTC
Event ID
Pendant of Blood
XP Value
20.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Primary reason

Reaching the level cap with a ToR character (R'vani & Legacy Level 20) on or before 2020-08-17

Raiheaux, 2020-08-17 23:30:16 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Ambassador Revak K'Urr
Primary reason

Celevon is a consistent presence in the Clan, friendly and active in the Discord channels, with a broad range of activity in Fiction, gaming, the ACC, and Battleteam Run-On. Celevon has completed 10 competitions since his last award in April, has been a helpful hand in Battle Team activities, and been active enough in the Shadow Academy to earn no less than 9 Scrolls of Foundation.

For these reasons, we’re awarding Celevon with the Dark Cross.

Jon Silvon
Battleteam Leader, Odan-Urr

Ambassador Revak K'Urr, 2020-08-16 03:44:15 UTC
Additional reasons

Celevon, I wanted to congratulate you on your efforts for Odan-Urr during the Great Jedi War. We greatly appreciated your time and energy in helping Odan-Urr reach third place. It was a very close competition and every point counted. On behalf of Odan-Urr, we thank you for your continued dedication to our little corner of the galaxy. Congratulations and well done!

Aura Ta’var
Consul, Odan-Urr

Aurora "Aura" Ta'var, 2020-08-16 03:44:13 UTC
Event ID
Old Name
Celevon Edraven Erinos
New Name
Celevon Werd'la
Primary reason

Decided I needed a change of pace

Captain Aryn "Jade" Erinos-Magnuri, 2020-08-12 21:09:27 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Ice
XP Value
5.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Lord Idris Adenn
Primary reason

500 words of fiction (Fiction Activities #6531 and #6890)

Lord Idris Adenn, 2020-08-03 23:30:44 UTC
Event ID
Seal of Visions
XP Value
100.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Telaris "Mav" Cantor
Primary reason

Participation in 4 events of Great Jedi War XIV: Homefront

Telaris "Mav" Cantor, 2020-08-03 15:32:59 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Ice
XP Value
5.0 XP (Full Value)
[GJW XIV Event Long] Fiction - Small Team Co-op Fiction
Requested by
Lord Idris Adenn
Primary reason

Bonus Clusters for the '[GJW XIV Event Long] Fiction - Small Team Co-op Fiction' competition (509 words)

Lord Idris Adenn, 2020-08-03 00:56:28 UTC
Event ID
Scroll of Foundation
XP Value
225.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae
Primary reason

Service to the Shadow Academy from July 2019 to April 2020

Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae, 2020-06-11 21:34:12 UTC
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
Primary reason

Celevon, an Odanite that needs little introduction. He has not only been an active member but has volunteered to serve Odan-Urr many times over. It’s my pleasure to describe his efforts below as proof that he has earned a Sapphire Blade.

Celevon has participated in 89 competitions, 3 PvP matches, 4 PvE activities, 4 ACC battles, 18 fiction activities worth 18,644 words, 4 run on posts worth 3,112 words, 6 passed courses, 1 SA degree, 10 news posts, and 9 news posts comments. While achieving this he obtained 1 Crescent with Diamond Star, 4 Crescents with Ruby Star, 8 Crescents with Amethyst Star, 2 Crescents with Sapphire Star, 1 Crescent with Emerald Star, 1 Crescent with Topaz Star, 7 Clusters of Fire, 60 Clusters of Ice, 26 Clusters of Earth, 22 Clusters of Graphite, 8 Scrolls of Foundation, 1 Scroll of the Master, 13 Seals of Wrath, 9 Seals of Fury, and 2 Seals of Discord. In addition, he hosted one community event, which took several hours of one of his weekdays, and participated in 5 community events that he didn’t host.

He served Odan-Urr as Aedile for 3 months, Quaestor for 6 months, and Proconsul for 10 months. During that time he organized 20 competitions, co-organized 12 competitions, created 10 reports (many of them quite lengthy which is nice to see), and helped write 5 fictions for the clan (2 while a House leader and 3 while PCON). I’d like to go a little more in depth into the competitions. For his clan competitions, there were multi-competition events and one of them was a standalone. The multi-competition events included a detective-based event run with a willing minion, and the other was a clan event called ‘Rumble Down Under’. For the House competitions, there were non-Scimitar events and Scimitar competitions. The former included 2 battleteam run on competitions, where he not only kicked off the run on but made sure to write at least one contributing post for each, and a house event called ‘The Price of Freedom’. For the Scimitar competitions, there were 13 of them, note that this competition requires a lot of manual counting. These competitions, clan/house events, and scimitar competitions were crucial in not only giving our members things to do but also a great community motivator.

I’d like to focus a bit more on his time as a Proconsul, specifically some key highlights. First, he was very helpful during the ACC tournament, where he led the prepwork to support Odan-Urr’s combatants. Some of these tasks included setting up the use of a tournament chatroom, identifying possible contenders, and proofreading ACC posts. Second, he worked extensively with the House Summits, whether it be for needed updates or member management. Of note, this included a full possessions update for two Houses, which for those that haven’t had to manage resources on the site takes a very long time for just one full House update. If I said each update took a full DB work week, I wouldn’t be far off. This involved coordinating and executing all house resource changes on the website, which includes verifying cost purchases, buying, handling, and organizing assets. Third, he helped me execute Odan-Urr’s transition from two Houses to one. This was a multi-month effort that included a prep stage and execution stage. The prep stage involved drafting a proposal for the clan, refining the idea after holding discussions with the clan leaders, and providing critical feedback to presentation materials created for the Grandmaster. The execution stage involved helping organize members into the new house, supporting the new house summit in its early stages, providing feedback on our new system diagram, and helping create text promotional materials for reports/emails and documents. Fourth, he was a key helper in our initial refurbishment of the Odan-Urr discord. This involved helping me redo the entire structure of our server (what channels, where to put them, are they nested etc..), redo permissions, and organize our members by tags. Additionally, it also required making updates to the Odan-Urr Communication Channel Policy, which was shared in Discord and captured in the wiki. These changes ultimately helped us pull in new members, the lifeblood of this club. All of the above was excellent service to the clan, but I have a few more things to share.

While a leader he handled a number of lore related tasks. First he completed 6 minor edits and 1 major edit, worth 565 words, to clan and house pages. These included the following pages: House Hoth, House Sunrider, Solyiat, Odan-Urr Communication Channel Policy, and Clan Odan-Urr. Second, he created and published a Novice guide to Odan-Urr’s fictional landscape, which consisted of 1,715 words. They required pulling from all current and past lore at both the clan and DB level and presenting it in an easy to digest, succinct, and informative document with helpful links. This was a great help to our younger members as well as our older members who needed to catch up on our fiction, helping to engage our members in the fictional landscape the DB has to offer. Third, he led the documentation of the Clan coalitions that we created. This required publishing to the clan, managing any edits, and adding content as we refined the idea. Fourth, he created a clan NPC used by the DB for their storylines, engaging with a fellow clanmate to make sure it would help connect Odan-Urr to the DB plot. Fifth, he helped put together content for our original Jedi Codes. All of these were very much appreciated.

Finally, a few more words on some things his bosses appreciated but often get overlooked. First, he was very useful counting and organizing. An organized mind is an efficient one and the same holds true for clans and houses. This included things like activity trackers, updating house descriptions on the website, and reorganizing our clan google drive. It's a quiet contributor but it is essential for any house and clan. Second, he was an excellent day to day administrator, which often involved getting your hands dirty and doing the work no one wanted to do but was required for those fancy ideas you wanted to execute. Whether it was crunching the numbers on the best way to run an event, member feedback surveys, or member management, the day to day administration is absolutely critical. Third, he was always a wonderful addition to planning sessions, providing much needed feedback and critique whenever needed. He had a habit of proposing good ideas that augmented the original idea to something much better. Fourth, there was a period of time where he had to do a lot of member management, whether it be resolving fights, being there for a member in need, or preventing issues before they happened. These sap a lot of time but were crucial to our early days as a summit. How long these all took, that’s very hard to tell. But I do know that it was time you spent on Odan-Urr rather than sit back and relax in the evening and for that you have my utmost appreciation. Thank you my friend.

For all the above, I am proud to recommend that he receive a Sapphire Blade! Congratulations and thank you for your service and dedication to Odan-Urr.

Aura Ta’var
Consul, Odan-Urr

Aurora "Aura" Ta'var, 2020-04-19 20:23:31 UTC