Creon Neverse

Equite 3, Rogues, Force Disciple, Obelisk
Displaying events 561 - 575 of 575 in total
Event ID
Old Rank
Protector (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Guardian (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Kano Tor Tydex
Primary reason

Creon has completed the time requirements of 4 weeks at Protector, visited his Clan's irc channel, and Completed his Order Core exam. He has also completed his ACC Basics exam and Character Sheet, a two page character fiction that has been read and approved my myself as well as his Master, Jeric Cyrin, his wiki page is being built and has more than a steady start, he created and ran the competition The Deadlock Games. Plus he has done the 10 Shadow Acadent courses required: Obelisk Core, ACC Basics, History of the Sith Empire I, History of the Sith Empire II, History of the Sith Empire III, Old Republic History, Brotherhood History I, Philosophy I: Views, Mandalorian Studies, and Advanced Lightsaber Studies.

By completing these task Creon Khamier is ready for his next step up the ladder to the rank of Guardian.

Good Work Creon and welcome back.

Kano Tor Tydex, 2011-07-13 06:46:29 UTC
Event ID
Source Unit
Shar Dakhan
Destination Unit
Primary reason

Migrated from legacy database

Raziel, 2011-07-10 17:44:17 UTC
Event ID
Source Unit
Destination Unit
Primary reason

Migrated from legacy database

Raziel, 2011-07-10 17:44:17 UTC
Event ID
Source Unit
Destination Unit
Shar Dakhan
Primary reason

Migrated from legacy database

Jorad Erinos, 2011-07-04 04:10:52 UTC
Event ID
Source Unit
Shar Dakhan
Destination Unit
Primary reason

Migrated from legacy database

Jorad Erinos, 2011-07-04 04:10:20 UTC
Event ID
Source Unit
Naga Sadow
Destination Unit
Shar Dakhan
Primary reason

Previously I went rogue when Clan Naga Sadow was only House Naga Sadow. I regret elaving the brotherhood and now wish to resume and be placed in the same house as my character's master Jeric Cyrin. Thank you!

Creon Neverse, 2011-07-03 13:26:55 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Quartz Star
XP Value
10.0 XP (Full Value)
Do you know YOU?
Requested by
Methyas L'eonheart
Primary reason

For Third place in the "Do you know YOU?" competition.

Methyas L'eonheart, 2011-02-28 21:31:58 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Amethyst Star
XP Value
75.0 XP (Full Value)
[VOICE] Dream Job
Requested by
Lord Halcyon
Primary reason

Third Place in the "Dream Job" Competition. Congratulations!

Lord Halcyon, 2011-02-03 07:12:04 UTC
Event ID
Dark Side Scroll
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
[WIKI] Image Audit #2
Requested by
General Zxyl Bes'uliik
Primary reason

For auditing the TIEs category

General Zxyl Bes'uliik, 2011-01-08 11:16:49 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Acolyte (Novitiate 4)
New Rank
Protector (Journeyman 1)
Requested by
Jeric Cyrin
Primary reason

Since Creon's promotion to ACO he has progressed very well. Taking his Pre-republic History, Wiki Basics & Lightsaber Studies Exams. Creon also completed his Advancement Survey & Training Saber Basics. He has submitted to a total of 3 competitions & has regularly shown up on IRC. Most recently he has finished an ACC battle to which he will submit for qualification & has created his character wiki page. With all this progression I feel my apprentice is more than ready for his next advancement. You are now one step closer to Knighthood my young apprentice, congrats!

Jeric Cyrin, 2010-12-29 18:37:38 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Novice (Novitiate 3)
New Rank
Acolyte (Novitiate 4)
Requested by
Jeric Cyrin
Primary reason

Since his last elevation Creon has completed all rank requirements for ACO by passing the DB Basic Exam, passing his Obelisk Core & ACC Exams, visiting the House IRC channel, as well as submitting to 2 competitions. As his master I feel he is more than ready for this promotion. Congrats my Apprentice!

Jeric Cyrin, 2010-12-18 15:08:26 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
New Rank
Novice (Novitiate 3)
Requested by
Teu Buhkari Sadow
Primary reason

For completeing his DB Basics exam he is more then ready for this promotion and to take the next step towards DJK. congrats Creon!

Teu Pepoi HNS RM

Teu Buhkari Sadow, 2010-12-09 14:40:39 UTC
Event ID
Source Unit
Destination Unit
Naga Sadow
Primary reason

Migrated from legacy database

Darth Aeternus, 2010-12-09 12:52:21 UTC
Event ID
Old Order
New Order
Old Rank
New Rank
Primary reason

My original choice was to be Obelisk, but a small diffeciency in starting my account, the Headmaster manually created a Dossier for me and chose the Order of the Sith. Help would be much appreciated. Thank you.

Creon Neverse, 2010-12-09 11:56:38 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Initiate (Novitiate 1)
New Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
Requested by
Creon Neverse
Primary reason

Passed the Test of Lore

Creon Neverse, 2010-12-09 11:03:57 UTC