Adem Bol'era

Equite 2, Clan Odan-Urr, Jedi, Sentinel
Displaying competitions 121 - 130 of 185 in total
Title Status Running time Target unit Competition Type
[Sins of the Past] [Episode II] Graphics Finished 2016-07-11 - 2016-08-10 (about 1 month) Clan Arcona Graphics/Multimedia
[Sins of the Past] [Episode II] Fiction Finished 2016-07-11 - 2016-08-10 (about 1 month) Clan Arcona Fiction
[Sins of the Past] Episode II: Attack of the Clone (6 sub-competitions) Finished 2016-07-11 - 2016-08-10 (about 1 month) Clan Arcona Other
[Summer Selen-bration] Reflection Finished 2016-06-20 - 2016-07-05 (16 days) Clan Arcona Other
[Arcona] Summer Sun Selen-bration (8 sub-competitions) Finished 2016-06-20 - 2016-07-05 (16 days) Clan Arcona Other
[Arcona] Chronicler of Arcona Finished 2016-05-01 - 2016-05-31 (about 1 month) Clan Arcona Other
Gorefest April 2016 Finished 2016-04-15 - 2016-04-17 (3 days) Entire DJB Multiplayer Gaming
Journeymen Tournament [2016] Finished 2016-04-14 - 2016-06-30 (3 months) Entire DJB ACC
Sins of the Past (4 sub-competitions) Finished 2016-04-09 - 2019-11-30 (over 3 years) Clan Arcona Other
[CA:CW] Arcona Mad Libs Finished 2016-01-02 - 2016-01-16 (15 days) Clan Arcona Other