Steel Cross events for General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla

Steel Cross events
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Lord Halcyon
Primary reason

Since his last award, Zoron has continued his impressive streak of activity. In this time he has completed 29 competitions, earning himself 12 Crescents in the process. He has also been awarded 14 Clusters of Fire, 3 Clusters of Ice and a Pendant of Blood. He has also been an active participate through both e-mail and IRC and has been running a DB-wide competition. Zoron, thank you for all of your efforts and keep up the fantastic work!

Lord Halcyon, 2014-05-01 13:43:54 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Lord Halcyon
Primary reason

Zoron has continued his active pace, being one of the most reliable members of the entire Clan. His activity really does speak for itself. Since his last medal, Zoron has competed in 14 competitions, earning himself 5 Crescents in the process. He has also earned himself 108 Clusters of Fire and 9 Clusters of Ice during that time period, while also going hard at the Shadow Academy with 11 courses passed. His work with the SA recently has earned him both one Maven and one Savant degree.

However, what truly separates Zoron from others is his work as as a leader. He has been both BTS and then BTL these last couple of months, and has shined in the position. While being an active communicator through reports and IRC, he has also contacted each individual member to see how they were doing and how to help. He has given advice to the various Journeymen to help them get to that DJK rank, while also ensuring that our members don't AWOL out.

Zoron has been the perfect member of the club, and this is really just a token of appreciation for all his efforts. Keep up the great work!

Lord Halcyon, 2014-08-21 19:14:23 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason

Montresor, Kalen, and Zoron created an excel worksheet that keeps track of awards, merit medals, sacramental medals, news posts, and reports. These trackers were originally created by hand and the data was manually input, but have since been coded within our website and provide an automatic review of those who need rewards and those who may need to be a little more pro-active in their visibility. This is an invaluable tool that will be used across the Dark Brotherhood and for years to come. Congrats!

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2014-09-17 02:13:43 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Lord Halcyon
Primary reason

Even though it's been a short time since Zoron has been promoted, it has not stopped his deluge of activity. Over this period of time he has competed in 12 competitions, netting himself 7 crescents in the process; earned a Scroll of Foundation, Legion of the Scholar, a Pendant of Blood and 99 Clusters of Fire. He has also been active on the SA front, finishing 5 more courses.

On top of all that he has continued to be a great BTL, putting out regular reports on a bi-weekly basis and continuing his DB-wide series of Sporcle competitions. He is constantly communicating with his members directly, ensuring they stay active in and contact with the rest of the House. He is also a constant presence on IRC and is always communicating through the various mailing lists.

This is just a small token of appreciation for his continued activity.

Lord Halcyon, 2014-10-06 11:41:50 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Jac Cotelin
Primary reason

Members of the Appeals Panel generally serve for a period of six months. I've chosen to ignore that term limit for this group of Appeals Panel members because I truly enjoyed working with each of them and did not want to lose their contributions to my team. As a result, the current Appeals Panel members have served for over a year.

There is a misconception that the Appeals Panel is simply an "on call" position. That is, people think that this is a position that people sit in and don't have to do anything unless there is an actual appeal. That perception is incorrect, at least during my time as Justicar. I have endeavored to use the members of the Appeals Panel more as magistrates that assist me with the ongoing development of the Chamber of Justice. To that end, the Appeals Panel members have helped me with projects, given me important feedback, and been part of a team effort over the last year.

Zoron, in particular, was instrumental in helping develop the revised Covenant. During the early revision stages of the Covenant, I provided a copy of the Covenant to each of the Appeals Members to give feedback. I asked them to specifically focus on the portions dealing with the CoJ and the Appeals Panel. Zoron went beyond what I asked and gave instrumental feedback on many portions, including the Appeals Panel sections. What the members will see in part as a result of his efforts is a modernized and updated Appeals Panel when the new Covenant is adopted.

To be more specific, Zoron thoroughly reviewed the 25-page Covenant and provided 97 substantive comments on the text, the vast majority of which resulted in revisions to the document. For example, Zoron identified inconsistencies in time periods and voting thresholds for votes which resulted in me standardizing those time and vote thresholds in the Covenant. He identified multiple areas where the Appeals Panel should have a review or where the review status was not clearly handled. He suggested changes to style, text and formatting for consistency throughout the document. He found multiple "loopholes" that have now been closed, including, for instance, who can serve on certain juries. These were all issues that I had overlooked, and his suggestions ultimately tightened and clarified the Covenant a great deal.

I have been grateful to have Zoron on my staff and can only thank him through this small effect. I hope to work with him again in the future.

Thank you,


Jac Cotelin, 2016-10-25 02:27:30 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Vynn Salm
Primary reason

Zoron has continued his impressive activity with 30 completed competitions in just over a month and a half. He has also successfully run another 4 competitions both inside Clan Vizsla and for the Brotherhood as a whole. He has earned 21 crescents out of the 30 events which is a staggering success rate in place. His gaming activity has likewise taken a step forward with 72 Clusters of Fire and 102 Clusters of Earth earned as well.

Aside from his high activity level Zoron's leadership is instrumental in the running of Vizsla on a weekly basis. Always ready to jump in when needed he is both regular and timely in his reports. He keeps a constant eye on members activity levels to assure membership is rewarded in a timely manner, one of the most important jobs a leader has. In the latest Vizsla domain update he assisted in creating moons for the planets.

Zoron makes not just my job as Consul easier but Vizsla a better and fun environment. It is leaders like him that makes this entire club survive and thrive.

Vynn Salm, 2021-10-26 14:40:33 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Vynn Salm
Primary reason

Since his last recognition, Zoron has continued his impressive participation numbers. In the 2.5 months, Zoron has participated in 47 competitions, 56 if you count the containers. posted 28 gaming activities totaling 586 Clusters of fire and 3 Clusters of earth. He has also run 2 successful competitions for Halo during that time frame. He has earned 36 crescents and 1st place in the recent Clan Event. Thank you Zoron for you your continued drive to be an active member of the Brotherhood.

Vynn Salm, 2022-04-04 12:04:49 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore
Primary reason

Zoron Ad Vizsla has always been an active and fantastic member of Clan Vizsla. Since his last recognition Zoron has participated in 30 competitions, placing in a large number of them. He has earned a Silver Nova, 2 Crescents with Diamond Star, 7 Crescents with Ruby Star, 4 Crescents with Amethyst Star, 2 Crescents with Sapphire Star, and 1 Crescent with Emerald Star. Zoron has also involved himself in a number of gaming and writing activities earning 37 Clusters of Fire, 34 Clusters of Earth, and 8 Clusters of Ice.

Zoron has also maintained a consistent presence on Discord. His camaraderie is valued not only by myself but by other members of the clan. From fun voice chats during gaming nights to text chat jokes and everything in between; Zoron has been there for the members of Clan Vizsla. It is for these reasons that I would like to recommend Zoron for a Steel Cross.

High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore, 2022-07-24 21:06:26 UTC
Additional reasons

The sole Ad Vizsla… 3.5 million credits earned for the clan and over 3x as many as second place in the clan. That shows just how active Zoron is for Vizsla. However, if credits were awarded for the things he has done behind the scenes I don’t know if Anubis can make that many credits. Recently resigned as Proconsul Zoron finished his time in the position with so much work done for the clan I lost track of it all. Bad on me I know, but the wiki work, the input, and feedback on projects, and the conversations and advice he has given me are just too numerous to keep track of. Thank you Zoron, because of you Vizsla is where it is today.

Vynn Salm, 2022-07-24 20:55:16 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore
Primary reason

Since his last recognition in July Zoron has participated in 52 competitions, 45 without containers or brackets. He has completed activities across a variety of societies including; 2612 words of fiction and 279 words of RP, Earning 103 clusters of earth, 10 clusters of fire, 6 clusters of ice, and passing 6 Shadow Academy courses (which resulted in the acquisition of 2 degrees). Zoron not only participates in competitions but regularly proves himself a competitor through earning; 2 crescents with diamond star, 7 crescents with ruby star, 7 crescents with amethyst star, 6 crescents with sapphire star, 4 crescents with emerald star, and 3 crescents with topaz star. It is for these achievements that I recommend a Steel Cross for Zoron.

High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore, 2022-11-08 23:17:18 UTC