Acts of Violence
A group of dark jedi lead by Dante was heading towards the palace from the outskirts of Ohmen city. They were trying to get to the emperor as fast as they could to be able to save him from the scions of Zhan. There was an explosion overhead and then one in the middle of a building that crashed down on top of a group of Scholae troopers. The explosion sent Delak sprawling backwards away from the group cutting him off from everyone else. Dante radioed to Delak to make sure he was ok and he reported back that he was and to keep moving he would find another way to get to the palace. Delak turned around to head back towards the way he had come away from the city center and more toward the outskirts since there were so many downed buildings. He knew this would take time but he had to move quickly.
Delak came up on a group of scions that had fortified one of the bridges near the river. He knew there was no other way around these forces here so he knew that meant only one thing, he must push forward. There were a group of 8 scions protecting a fortified position. They had a heavy turret and regular blaster rifles. They were many but still they would be no match for the power of the dark side. Delak pulled from within himself a rage of the dark side that was like no other. He became mad with power and decided to take the group head on. The group was definitely caught off guard when Delak jumped high in the air and landed in their center avoiding the threat of the heavy turret. Delak ignited his saber and sliced backwards into the gut of one of the scions as the rest turned to bear. He quickly leaped back into the air as two of the troopers shot into where he had been standing. The two troopers knew too late what happened as they dropped lifeless to the ground. Delak spun round kicking a scion in the head knocking him back while slicing the head from a fourth scion. He quickly shot a quick burst of electricity into a fifth man and pushed him into the fast moving currents of the river. He blocked a few blaster shots from the remaining troopers deflecting one into one trooper and then quickly cut down the remaining ones.
With his foes defeated he jumped the blockade and headed back towards the palace section of the city trying to avoid any further troops. He made short work of the trip but on foot it took forever. The troopers in the city had made their way back into the safety of the palace to try and defend scholae forces from taking back their home. It would not be enough because these men had one thing on their mind and that was revenge. Zhan would soon be dead.