Antonai 'PaRapRappa' Lanfear

Equite 1, Rogues, Force Disciple
Total Fiction Activities
Regular Fiction
2244 words in 6 activities
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Displaying all 6 fiction activity reports
Aftermath: Week 1 Poetry 1
Textual submission

One clan under control of a Dread Lord,
The Iron Throne, trying to Ascend it
The other with the power over life and death,
working to become transcendent

With their powers combined
(Yelling 'wonder twins powers activate!')
They give their heart, soul and mind
(To stop Darth Pravus reign of hate)

Aftermath: Week 1 Poetry 2
Textual submission

Careful where you stand
I'm a death dealer by trade
Telona murdered by my hand
I won't let Arcona's glory fade

I went against the trend
Thought I knew better, a Krath High Priestess
Trusted an old friend
Now I won't be there for this fight, to lead us

Tempus Fugit
Textual submission

I marched through the darkness with only my fear to guide me. I was lost, afraid, and naked without my ambition to power my actions. I had been born into an eternal struggle as a member of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, but with it gone I was nothing. This was my only chance.

My hands gripped the cold metal of the stairwell as I hauled myself upward further and further. It seemed like an eternity as I stomped a slow death march towards the Dark Lord of the Sith. I knew him to be a powerful and evil man, but I also knew he had done fantastic things with that power. Terrible, yes, but fantastic. I also knew that only the Emperor could give me the aide I so desperately needed.

A sound stopped me in my tracks. A heavy labored breathing from my right. Instinctively, I reached for my weapon and activated it. My green blade was met with a powerful blow from a red blade. I watched in horror as my weapon was pushed back into me, the edge biting into my shoulder. A terrible visage of power adorned in blacks of all kinds stood before me. I instantly recognized him for who he was from the history books I had read - Darth Vader. I tried to plea my case, but he would hear nothing of it. On and on and on, he came with a combination of powerful blows and wild techniques in the force. As his blood red blade plunged into my heart I could only regret what would not pass. I could not tell my story, share my knowledge and usher in a new era of darkness to a galaxy so desperate for order.

[Tal'mahe'Ra] June Battleteam Fiction - Open Prompt
Textual submission

I moved through the halls with both apprehension and excitement. To be conscripted to the Tal'mahe'Ra meant great, new things for my career within the Brotherhood. It also meant that I could be destroyed by the Grand Master's Inquisitorious, new and mysterious artifacts, or powerful Force-Users. My only relief came in the form of an old friend - Demos Drakon. I had served him during the Dark Crusade as a Loyalist until Braecen Kaeth had sensed the Force in me.

The only choice I have ever made on my own was my choice to serve the Dajorra Defense Force. I was in with the wrong crowd and owed money to a lot of bad people. My only chance was to hop to a less trafficked system and hope to disappear. While serving in the DDF, I had the unfortunate luck of pulling assignment for the Dark Crusade. Legions of our men were shipped to distant systems to fight a war we had no stake in. I was fortunate to serve my time under an honorable leader - Captain Demosthenes Drakon.

We had started out as Delta Company of the 1st Regiment, but as our successes became stories of grandeur they began to call us Drakon's Company. I'm not sure when it became the Dragon Company, but I assume someone mistyped our Commanding Officers last name. Whatever the issue may have been, the name - and legend - stuck. I was proud to be a Dragon. Our leader was honorable and he made our missions important and relevant to us as a unit: to protect the well-being of our comrades while our Force-User Lords waged their war.

I was immediately surprised and thankful to find he had been elevated from Captain to Major and appointed the Commanding Officer of Tal'mahe'Ra's ground forces. I knew he would inspire greatness in those men. And I secretly hoped for some of the nostalgia from my former ground pounder days. While I was now inducted into the Great Clan and given countless benefits I never would have expected, something in me missed the old days. Maybe, just maybe, with Major Drakon on base I could settle into a new routine. And make the most of this opportunity.

My journey came to an abrupt halt before the doors of the Battle Team Leader's office. I had met the Barabel only a handful of times before, but each time I got the distinct feeling he did not trust me. He never said or did anything to prove my hunch correct, but it was a sense deep in the pit of my stomach. Something I had long ago decided to always go with - not knowing it was the Force bleeding apprehension into me during precarious situations. This was another of those moments. I wrapped on the door with my knuckles three times before stating my business, "Hunter Rappa reporting as ordered!"

"Enter," came the cold voice on the other side. I'm not sure if I imagined the voice as slithery or it projected that way from the lizard-man. By all accounts, he was a good leader. He spent time with his men and women; he did not lead from an office. He trained religiously both with Force-Users and Non-Force-Users; keeping all of his element battle ready. And he had been a seasoned leader and veteran within Clan Arcona for sometime. It was rumored he was Braecen's most loyal lieutenant from their time together as Proconsul and Quaestor. Another detail that did not escape me as the Quaestor's Apprentice. Braecen always seemed to have someone somewhere important.

I shut the door behind me before approaching the seats before the Barabel's desk. I did not assume I was invited to a chair, so I stood at attention behind one. Making my intentions of standing wholly clear. Zakath looked over the top of a tome he was reading. He was clearly reviewing an ancient text and taking notes as he worked late into the night. He nodded satisfaction before he growled an offer, "Pleazze take a zzzeat." I obeyed the order automatically. Something my Master had been telling me not to do anymore. 'You are no longer a soldier, PaRapRappa.' I could hear his voice crystal clear in my head.

"We have much to dizzcuzzz, Hunter." the Barabel began. Immediately, the sinking feeling in my stomach returned.

[Tal'mahe'Ra] May Battleteam Fiction - Open Prompt
Antonai 'PaRapRappa' Lanfear opted out of publishing his submission.
[Soulfire] April Battleteam Fiction - Open Prompt
Antonai 'PaRapRappa' Lanfear opted out of publishing his submission.