Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna, Shadow Scion

Elder 1, Clan Arcona, Mercenary
Total Fiction Activities
Regular Fiction
70379 words in 71 activities
6593 words in 11 posts and 5 activities
175680 words in 68 activities
Displaying fiction activity reports 91 - 100 of 149 in total
Arcona RP Sessions
ARC RP Event
GAL RP Event
[RoS: Escalation Phase I] Fiction - A Venue to Die For
Textual submission

### [Scenario]: Promiscuity: The Pool of Sim-posium

The Fields of Promiscuity have been tailored specifically to the liking sand ostentatious needs of his grace, Py'zah the Hutt. While the immense yacht has refurbishments and attractions each notable in their own design, one of the prized entertainment locations is the pool of Simposium.

Unlike the pool deck reserved for the Hutt's waterworks adventures, this pool deck wets a different appetite. Meticulously spaced upon the waxed wroshyr wood deck to the right are large tables, who's seating easily accommodates a vast variety of species space needs. Various plants decorate the banister resting between the dining area to the large pool. The pool itself looks to be carved from natural stone. The floor of it appears to be designed with a topographic affect of mountains viewed from above. Set along the far wall, directly in sight of Py'zah the Hutt's socialite throne, is a control center. It's responsible for maintaining the humidity, tempature, and other technological variables of the pool deck.

You find yourself invited to attend one of Py'zah's glorious soirees. After a night of fine dining, the pool was opened for swimming. Partaking in the cool waters, it slowly starts to be apparent that something is off. The water levels appeared to be declining and the ladder is missing!

With the water depleted, the pool gives way to a landscape of racks and chlorinated ponds. Panels in the rocky sides open to display rhe weapons sequestered from each guest to security before the event.

Py'zah's butler announces on a holospeaker that tonight's entertainment will be a fight to the death. Last one standing wins a hefty prize.

[RoS: Escalation Event Long] Fiction - Small Group Run On - Blockade
Textual submission

Manually added by Master Dacien Victae

[RoS: Escalation Phase II] Fiction - Space Shanties and Pirate Songs
File submission
[RoS_ Escalation] Space Shanties_Diyrian.pdf
Textual submission

Based on the [Rattle Them Winches tune](

On the Theme of Loyalty
File submission
Untitled document.pdf
From Tairiku to Aifreann
File submission
Sithmas Adventures [Multi-Objective Fiction]
Textual submission

**The Citadel**

**Estle City**


*Flames and smoke curled into the night sky above Estle City, circling three suns resting above the towering mountain* …

Her heartbeat pounded behind her ears, drowning out her quiet footsteps echoing through the hall. A dark tan, vine-inked hand tightened around the bo-rifle strap slung on her shoulder, the knuckles slowly losing color as her chest constricted.

*Two fading eyes, one blue and one white, pleading for help instead of the steady, too mature reassurance* ...

She needed her. This tiny soul that has soothed her countless times, making promises before she could even affect the world about her. She needed her now.

Zujenia continued running through the Citadel, slowing down only to weave through the odd group here and there. She honed in on one light in particular, burning bright and familiar yet shrouded with pain, worry. As the half-Ryn rounded the last corner, she slid to a stop in time to see the Grand Hall's doors open and people exiting.

*Atyiru.* Zujenia stepped towards her master, friend, sister -- only to stop and notice the bundle in her arms, the small cries coming from it. And for the first time since she woke in a cold sweat this morning, she took a deep breath. Kirra, she was here, safe and sound. But...something wasn't right still.

"Atty," the shorter hybrid approached the other, "I came as quick as I could. I heard her warning, and..." Zujenia paused, peering down at the so petite and tan face, the mismatched eyes pinched tight with tired, fitful crying. The urge to console rose and her hand slowly rose to meet the new but known child, two souls meeting in the flesh.

"Zujibean," Atty's tired and strained voice replied, the usual warmth and thankfulness lingering beneath it as a shadow. She adjusted her hold on her precious bundle to safely envelope the half-Ryn with one arm, pulling her in and taking a breath of that ever present baked bread smell. "I'm supposed to tell you that she came as fast as she could, whatever that means."

At her words, Zujenia pulled her gaze away from the babe, amber eyes staring at Atty's blindfold for a moment. Those words were echos heard from dreams past. "It's…" How does she explain that Kira has long walked in her nightmares? And older as well when she had not even graced the outside world yet. "I'll explain later, promise."

Her hand redirected from offering her finger to the infant, to squeeze Atyiru's arm as she focused back to the weariness emitting from the Miraluka. She needed to help, needed intel,what was happening? Something dire. These two were safe. So...


Atyiru was gone.

She had left with the others, determined to bring the one she shared a heart with back home safely.

And she had left Kirra with her. To protect.

Her amber eyes passed one last look into the throne room behind her. Leda sat on one of the steps of the serpentine dias, her knees drawn up and hugged to her chest as her brother, Noga passed before her. His hands clasped and unclasped with the yearning to have a weapon to hold, to fight with. Zujenia could tell he was worried for his fathers, for his sister. Her gaze moved to the red haired human semi-rocking and attempting to soothe the newborn hybrid, almost seemlessly covering up the her uncomfortability with the infant's antics.

Lucine locked eyes with Zujenia and the two sister apprentices exchanged nods. It had been agreed that Lucine would stay with the children, while the half-Ryn stood as the line of defense if the enemy slipped through the Citadel guards' hands.

With a last final deep breath, Zujenia closed the double doors. Pulling her bo-rifle from her shoulder and expanding it to its staff length, the purple electricity highlighting her ashen hair, Zujenia planted herself before those doors. The Force around her dampened under her hand.

*I will protect you, Kirra.*

*That is my promise.*