Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna, Shadow Scion

Elder 1, Clan Arcona, Mercenary
Displaying all 10 news items
Title Context Posted On
HQD Summit #3: A-Port-ant News in the Neighborhood Quaestor (Qel-Droma) 11 May, 2018
HQD Summit #2: Is This The Main Entree? Quaestor (Qel-Droma) 23 Mar, 2018
HQD Summit #1: Angel Dropouts Quaestor (Qel-Droma) 21 Feb, 2018
Shadow Gate April Report! Battleteam Leader (Shadow Gate) 17 Apr, 2017
Shadow Gate February Report! Battleteam Leader (Shadow Gate) 24 Feb, 2017
Shadow Gate's New Year 2017 Report Battleteam Leader (Shadow Gate) 7 Jan, 2017
Shadow Gate November Report Battleteam Leader (Shadow Gate) 29 Nov, 2016
Spooktober Shadow Gate Report Battleteam Leader (Shadow Gate) 13 Oct, 2016
Shadow Gate September Report Battleteam Leader (Shadow Gate) 13 Sep, 2016
Shadow Gate August Report! Battleteam Sergeant (Shadow Gate) 14 Aug, 2016