Joe Durham

Journeyman 4, Rogues, Force Disciple
Total Fiction Activities
Regular Fiction
14972 words in 12 activities
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Displaying fiction activity reports 1 - 10 of 12 in total
I am your nightmare
Textual submission

“Please don’t this!” Joe pleaded with the Twi’lek Sith Lord in front of him. The Sith currently had his lover, Alana, trapped with a lightsaber to her throat. “Submit to my will!” The Sith ordered Joe. “P..please I’ll do anything!” Joe said dropping to his knees. Strangely he didn’t sense hate coming from the Sith, instead he felt excitement radiating through the Force and it was coming from the Sith. The bastard’s getting off on this. Joe thought to himself. Suddenly Joe felt calmness wash over Alana. I’m sorry. She mouthed towards Joe. “WHA…!” Joe yelled right before Alana kicked the Sith in the shin. “Damn you!” The Sith said before slicing Alana’s head clean off of her body. “NOOOO!” Joe let out the most horrific Force enhanced scream the Sith had ever heard and could be heard throughout half the city. “What the hell?!” Shouted the Sith as he and every force sensitive within ten Star systems sensed all the agony and pain emanating from Joe. The Force energy was so potent it could knock untrained force users unconscious from all the suffering. “This is the way of the Sith, Durham all things end in death.” The Sith said. “Now you see the truth is written in blood.” He continued, pointing at Alana’s lifeless body. “YOU BASTARD I’LL KILL YOU”! Joe shouted as he jumped up and with the assistance of the Force leapt across the room to the Sith. His dark brown eyes now turned crimson with bloodthirst and filled with burning flames of pure hatred, it terrified the Sith in front of him. “S..s...stay away from me!” The Sith squealed. Before he could attack Joe with his lightsaber, Joe’s cold hands wrapped around the Sith’s throat.
“Ahhh!” Joe shouted, suddenly sitting up in bed drenched in cold sweat and breathing haphazardly. Tears streamed down his face as he placed his head into his hands. “Honey what’s wrong, was it another nightmare?” Asked his lover sitting up beside him. “The same one...always the same one.” Joe whispered. “Let me help you...tell me how to help.”Alana pleaded with Joe. “That’s just it Alana.” Joe said tears still streaming from his eyes. “I don’t think you can!” Joe said before letting out a horrible sob. He laid back down and Alana followed, holding him in her arms in an attempt to calm him down. In the end, Joe cried himself back to sleep.
The next day Joe set out to find his former master in an attempt to get answers about his dreams. “I’m glad you were able to make it.” Said Kromtal as Joe entered his office. “It’s good to see you to master.” Joe said. “Now What is it that’s causing you so much trouble?” Kromtal asked concerned. “What do you mean?” Joe asked taking a seat in front of Kromtal. “Judging from from the bags under your eyes I can tell you aren’t getting much sleep.” Kromtal began. “ and not to mention I can sense how distraught you are through the Force.” He finished. Joe hadn’t realized his lack of sleep had caused his Force barrier to weaken. “Master, there’s something wrong…with me!” Joe said with a sob.

Textual submission

All eyes were fixed on Joe as he walked out of the meeting room. Blood was still dripping from his hands. Out of nowhere Julia ran over to him and hugged him. “Oh I heard what happened!” She stated. Julia is a fellow knight in Clan Taldryan as well as Joe’s lover. “I can’t believe they killed Victoria even though she didn’t know where you were.” Julia stated with tears running down her cheeks. Victoria was like a mother to Joe and a prominent member of Clan Taldryan. Since he had found her stabbed in the abdomen and watched her slowly die in her apartment, Joe has been like a walking corpse. “The Summit has ordered me to kill Vicious and take down the Syndicate.” Joe told her. “ yourself?” Julia asked concerned. Joe simply nodded in return. “That’s a suicide mission!” She yelled at no one. “I’ll go with you.” Julia tried to reassure Joe. “I’ll be with you until the very end.” She continued. Joe grabbed her hand and walked towards the vacant window. “I’m sorry, I’m gonna make a bit of a scene.” He said. “But THIS, it’s something that I’VE gotta do alone!” Joe explained before leaving. “Joe do you have a moment?” Asked Rian, the Consul of Taldryan, as he pointed to the other leaders of Taldryan. “BOOM!” Suddenly there was a loud explosion and then nothing.
The Syndicate, led by Joe’s former best friend and former member of Taldryan Vicious, just exploded a bomb inside the Taldryan headquarters. Hundreds of masters, knights, and apprentices were killed. Including Julia, Joe’s lover. With her death, Joe is now completely dead inside.

Several weeks later inside Joe’s apartment:

Joe’s roommates, his former master and his partner, were in the living room. “I guess Joe’s gonna be busy for a while.” Kromtal said casually. “That Joe, he was nothing but trouble, there’s no way he’s coming back.” Faye said as Kromtal continued to watch the holonet. “They may have killed him already ya know.” She stated sarcastically. “It’s possible.” Said Kromtal. “So what, you want me to go looking for him?” He asked. “Forget it, he’s dealing with his own past, it’s his fight!” Kromtal finished. “You told him to go after them!” Faye said angrily. Kromtal quickly grabbed her by her shirt collar. “My leg is busted, hell yes he was nothing but trouble and I don’t give a damn!” He yelled before releasing her and they turned away from each other. “....So what kinda woman was she, what was Julia like?” Kromtal asked after a long awkward pause. “Ordinary...the kind of dangerous beautiful ordinary that you just can’t leave alone.” Faye said looking down. “I see.” Was all Kromtal said. Several minutes later and Faye had left the apartment and Joe had returned from helping with the bombing a few weeks ago at the headquarters. Joe and Kromtal were in the living room. “Ever heard this story?” Joe asked Kromtal. His voice was raspy and sounded like Joe had been through some sort of living hell. “There once was a tiger cat...this cat died a million deaths, revived and lived a million lives.”Joe said looking down at his glass of Corellian Ale as Kromtal listened. “ And he was owned by various people who he didn’t really care for.” Joe continued. “The cat wasn’t afraid to die...then one day the cat became a stray cat and he was free.” Joe said. “He met a white female cat and the two of them spent their days together happily.” Joe continued. “Well, years passed and the white cat grew weak and died of old age...the tiger cat cried a million times then he died too.” Joe said with nothing but gloom emanating from him through the Force. “Except this time, he didn’t come back to life.” Joe finished. “Yeah that’s a good story.” Kromtal said. “I hate that story!” Joe stated. “Wha?!” Kromtal looked up in surprise. “I never liked cats master, you know that.” Joe said somehow managing to form a small smile. “Hahhahahaha!” They both shared several minutes of laughter. However, there was a sense of sad irony in this laughter not happiness.
Finally, Joe stood up and began to walk towards the door. “Hey Joe!” Kromtal called out. “Yeah?” Joe questioned. “I just wanna ask you one thing.” Kromtal said. “What’s that?” Joe asked still facing the door with his hands in his pockets. “Is it for the girl?” Kromtal asked seriously. Joe turned to look at Kromtal one last time. “She’s dead, there’s nothing I can do for her now.” Joe said quietly before walking out the door to the docking bay.
As Joe turned the corner, he ran into Faye who was leaning against a wall. “Look into my eyes Faye.” Joe said bending down towards Faye’s face. “If you look with the Force you’ll see more Force energy flowing through one.” Joe said looking straight into her eyes. “Since Julia died, I’ve been seeing the past in one and the present in the other.” Joe continued. “So I thought I could see patches of reality...never the whole picture.” Joe finished. “Don’t tell me things like that.” Faye said still leaning against the wall and looking into Joe’s eyes. “Ever since we’ve worked together you’ve never told me anything about yourself SO DON’T TELL ME NOW!” She exclaimed. “It felt as though I was watching a dream I’d never wake up from.” Joe said looking down, all life was gone from his eyes and his voice was cold. Faye was left speechless by how strong Joe’s presence in the Force had grown. “Before I knew it the dream was all over.” Joe finished before beginning to walk away. “My memory finally came back.” Faye said causing Joe to stop. “But nothing good came out of it.” She continued on the verge of tears. “There was no place for me to return to Taldryan was the only place I could go.” She said clenching her fist. “AND NOW YOU’RE LEAVING JUST LIKE THAT!” She yelled. “Why do you have to go why did they have to send you?” She asked trying to hold back a sob. “Where are you going?” She continued. “What are you gonna do JUST THROW YOUR LIFE AWAY?!” She yelled as she turned to face Joe. “ I’m not going there to die….I’m going to find out if I’m still alive.” Joe said finally looking up. “I have to do it Faye.” Joe said before continuing to walk to his ship in the docking bay. Faye dropped to her knees and began crying as loud, terrible sobs left her mouth.

At the Syndicate secret headquarters:

The doors to the building slid open and Joe casually strolled in with his hands in his pockets. Inside were at least 3 dozen guards on the first floor and a dozen guards looking down over the room from the second floor. They were heavily armed with blaster pistols and rifles. The ones on the first floor crowded in front of Joe with their weapons aimed. Suddenly one of them threw a thermal detonator towards Joe. Joe quickly stretched out his hand and reached out to the Force. The thermal detonator was deflected back towards the guards and Joe placed his full concentration on his Force barrier. “BOOM!” The resulting explosion blew out the entire front entrance to the building as well as killing or wounding most of the guards on the first floor. Before the guards could regain their composure, Joe took out his purple lightsaber and darted to the flight of stairs leading to the second floor. Midway up the stairs two guards from the second floor opened fire on Joe. Joe easily deflected the blaster bolts and they hit the two guards killing them. Suddenly, a guard appeared at the top of the stairs. Before he could open fire Joe, with the assistance of the Force, jumped the rest of the and landed behind the guard. Joe slashed across the guard’s neck with his lightsaber, decapitating the guard. Three guards began to run up the stairs after Joe. He bent down and picked up a thermal detonator from the guard he had just killed. He threw it down the stairs and it exploded, killing the three guards chasing Joe.
Joe slowly made his way to an elevator, cutting down at least 2 dozen guards who attempted to stop him. All this time he kept quiet, not saying a single word. He turned a corner and finally found an elevator at the back of the hallway. Suddenly as Joe walked to the elevator blaster fire rang out from the hallway adjacent to the one he was in. “Ahh!” Joe grunted as he turned and managed to deflect most of blaster bolts back at the single guard in the hall. But one of the bolts managed to hit Joe in his shoulder and a stream of blood slowly crept down his arm. Joe simply kept going.
The elevator made it to the top floor of the building. Suddenly Joe moved to the side and as the doors opened a series of blaster bolts hit the spot Joe had just been in. Then a thermal detonator was thrown into the elevator and Joe just barely managed to get out in time and lost his lightsaber in the process. Although he had suffered a cut to his head and blood trickle down the side of his head. Joe managed to kill the 16 guards that had wounded him with his DL 44 blaster pistol. After that Joe made his way to the big doors at the end of the hall. This is where he’d find Vicious.
Joe entered the smoky and nearly destroyed room and saw Vicious sitting on a throne in the back. “I told you before Joe.” Vicious said looking at Joe. “I’m the only one who can kill you and set you free.” He finished. “Those words apply to you as well VICIOUS.” Joe replied, feeling nothing but pure hatred. “Either way it’s going to end here.” Joe said. He raised his blaster and tried to aim at Vicious but blood was getting into his eye. Even with his blurred vision he fired once and charged Vicious. A small knife fell from Vicious’ sleeve and into his hand. He threw it at Joe, managing to hit him in the thigh. But Joe didn’t stop and Vicious pulled out a metal sword and slice at Joe’s arm. Joe caught the attack with the trigger guard of his pistol. Joe fired twice. With one bolt missing and the other managing to graze the side of Vicious’ face. “Ugh!” Vicious groaned. He broke free from the blade lock he and Joe were in and swung at Joe’s other leg, managing to cut him before Joe could react. Vicious swung again at Joe. But this time Joe could feel the danger coming before it happened. He parried Vicious’ blade with the barrel of his blaster pistol. Quickly, they both attacked and this time Joe’s pistol and Vicious’ sword was knocked into the air. The sword landed next to Joe’s feet and the pistol next to Vicious’. “JULIA IS DEAD!” Joe said with bloodlust in his voice. “Let’s finish it now!” He yelled at Vicious. “As you wish.” Vicious responded. Several seconds went by with complete silence as nothing happened. Then as if on command they simultaneously slid each other’s weapon to them. Weapons in hand both tried to go for the final blow. Vicious quickly slid his sword along the floor as he swung and cut Joe across his abdomen. Just as Joe had picked I’ll his blaster pistol and managed to shoot Vicious in the chest. Both of their blood spattered our in multiple directions. A breeze of wind passed through the room as there was no ceiling. Suddenly, Vicious collapsed onto the floor face first dead. Joe simply looked up at the night sky. It’s all over..a dream. He swore he the wind whisper to him. It sounded just like Julia. “Yeah...just a dream.” Joe whispered to himself. Still looking up at the empty night sky.
Joe limped his way back down to the first floor where the Syndicate forces were recovering. When they saw Joe limping down the stairs they all stopped, lowered their weapons and stared at him in disbelief. Holding his abdomen Joe reached the middle of the flight of stairs. He stretched out his hand and pointed his finger at the group. “Bang.” He said before collapsing.

You Done Fracked Up Ayayron
Textual submission

Oh..that hits the spot. Joe thought to himself as he took another sip of his Corellian Ale. He had been in this cantina drinking for just over an hour and he was already drunk. “Hey bartender another bottle for my Jedi friend over here.” Said the man sitting next to Joe. “Hey thanks I...appreciate that.” Joe managed to slur out. “Don’t thank me pal, just take your drink and get outta here.” The guy said with a scowl on his face. “What’s that...supposed to mean?!” Joe yelled at the man. “It means your kind aren’t welcome around here.” The man said as he angrily stood up in front of Joe. “Something bad always happens whenever you and your Force using friends are around!” He yelled, picking Joe up by his shirt. By this point Joe had had enough of this guys disrespect. “Here ya go.” The bartender placed the bottle of Corellian Ale down on the counter in front of Joe. “On second thought, why don’t you have the drink.” Joe said picking the bottle up. “WHA..” the guy said before the glass bottle was smashed across his head. He released Joe’s shirt and collapsed onto the ground unconscious. Even drunk, a Jedi can kick your butt any day. Joe thought to himself. Just then a pair of police officers came in and approached Joe. Just my luck. Joe thought to himself sarcastically. “You there you are under arrest for assault.” The officer said before they placed Joe into cuffs and escorted him out of the cantina.
Several days later Joe awoke in a cramped jail cell. Ugh I wonder what happened. Joe thought to himself as stood up and walked over to the door of the cell. There was a police officer sitting at his desk near the cell. “Hi there, would you mind explaining to me how I ended up here?” Joe asked the officer. “Ugh yeah, you attacked a guy in a cantina.” The Officer said not even bothering to look up from his datapad. “Oh and when was this?” Joe asked. “Two days ago.” The officer said. “So why am I still here?” Joe asked. “The courts are closed during weekends. You’ll see a judge this afternoon.” The officer said in an annoyed way. Well guess I have nothing to do but relax. Joe thought to himself as he sat back down onto the metal bunk.
Several hours later and Joe was taken to a courtroom. “So how do you plead Knight Durham?” The Judge asked Joe. “Guilty your honor.” Joe said. “But you should know I was only defending the honor of my clan.” Joe finished. “ Ahh yes the honorable Clan Taldryan. You’re lucky me and Consul are old pals.” The judge stated. “Since you have an outstanding record of service to the Brotherhood I am only sentencing you to a 24 hour long meditation session.” The judge stated. “Now get out of my courtroom!” She yelled. Joe quickly complied. Now I’ll have Master Kromtal lecturing me throughout the whole meditation session. Joe thought to himself. “Joe there’s something we have to talk about.” Said Kromtal as Joe entered Taldryan Headquarters. Oh boy here we go. Joe sighed.

SRI Research Project #3 - Multi-Objective Fiction Prompt
Textual submission

Prompt #1

Ahh… such an uncivilized place. Joe sighed to himself as he stood, in the dark and pouring rain, outside the cantina. “Yep this is the place.” He said as he checked the information on his data pad. He pulled the hood of his black cloak over his head and walked into the cantina. Once inside, he began to, what appeared to others, aimlessly wander through the cantina. In reality he knew exactly where he was going. Rather than follow the directions he was given on the datapad, Joe decided to follow his instincts and they were telling him to go up to the third level of the cantina and into the back storage room. There he would find the information broker he came to find. Found it. Joe thought to himself as he stood in front of the storage room door. Joe quickly looked around making sure he was alone in the hallway before he reached out to the Force and with a wave of his hand the door slid open and Joe entered. “Hold it right there, pal!” Said a green, male Rodian as he held a blaster pointed at Joe. Typical alien scum. Joe thought amused as he held his empty hands above his head. “Password now!” Demanded the Rodian. “Six-Six-Seven-Four-Zero.” Joe said. “You’re late!” The Rodian said as he holstered his blaster. “Am I?” Joe stated nonchalantly as he walked over to the empty chair next to the Rodian. “Enough of this chit chat onto business.” Joe ordered. “Fine, but credits first.” The Rodian insisted holding out his palm. Joe placed a small bag full of credits into his palm. “That’s more like it. Now Morgath has agreed to meet at a party in an apartment complex seven blocks away from here in three hours. I’ve already sent the address to your datapad.” The Rodian explained to Joe. “Then that concludes our business here.” Joe said getting up. “Oh and there’s something you should know about those credits you’ve just acquired, they belonged to a man who was robbed and murdered last night.” Joe said walking out of the dark, empty room. “Money is money…it doesn’t matter where it comes from!” The Rodian said as he left the room after Joe. We’ll see about that. Joe thought as he headed back down stairs to get a drink. Now they should be here at any moment. Joe thought to himself as he sat in a booth adjacent to the one the Rodian was in. What Joe hadn’t told the Rodian information broker was that, before meeting him, Joe had called anonymously and told the police where they could trace the stolen money and find the perpetrator of the recent murder. Suddenly five police officers entered the cantina and surrounded the booth the Rodian was drinking in. “You are under arrest!” An officer said. Realizing he had been set up, the Rodian simply stared at Joe as the police led him,in cuffs, out of the cantina. Nothing personal “pal”. My orders were to leave no evidence and you were just a loose end that needed to be tied. Joe thought as he took one last sip of his Corellian Ale and left the cantina.

Three hours later on the top level of an apartment complex, stood Torin Morgath waiting with a drink in her hand. Suddenly she felt a tap on her shoulder come from behind her. She turned quickly to find a figure whose face and body was concealed by a large black cloak. If Morgath hadn’t known better she would’ve sworn she was imagining things. “Is this real or am I just really drunk right now!” Said Morgath over the loud music. “So we finally meet..Morgath.” Said the figure. “So it is real.” Morgath said. “Tell me why would someone like you be willing to betray what’s left of the Collective?” The figure asked. “Believe me I wasn’t until recently when I realized how much suffering the Collective has caused.” Morgath said. “It’s time they pay for their many atrocities. Including me too.” Morgath said and Joe could actually sense a feelings of remorse in her. “ Besides with Shi’s Syndicate gone I’m in need of some new... friends.” She slurred, placing her hand on Joe’s chest. “You’ve had too much to drink.” Joe said taking her glass away from her. “That is the only thing that helps me sleep at night.” Morgath said. “ Come on we’ve got to go.” Joe said taking her hand and walking out into the elevator. “So I guess this means I’m in the SRI now.” She slurred. “And that makes us partners.” She continued as she placed her arms around Joe’s waist. “O...our relationship is strictly business!” Joe blushed as they left the apartment complex and headed to the SRI headquarters.

Textual submission

Knight Joe Durham has always relished his time away from battle, for the Twelfth Great Jedi War had taken its toll on himself and Clan Taldryan; both on their numbers and the very tenets the Clan stands upon. He has meditated on ways to keep the true spirit of the clan intact during such times, but his fear for the well being of Taldryan constantly lingers in his mind. He opens his eyes from his meditation sensing the approach of someone outside his quarters.

"You may enter," he says rising to his feet.

"We have passed through the atmosphere of Chyron sir.” Joe is informed by an ensign aboard the Nebulon B Frigate Merach’s Vein.

"Very good, is Augur Rian ready to depart?" Joe questions the young naval officer.

"Yes sir, all we require is your presence in the hanger and we can depart for the surface," the ensign replies, as he and Joe exit the quarters and proceed to the lift. They arrive in the hanger which is a buzz with movement as it always is, and Joe sees Rian standing alongside a transport flanked by troopers.

"Hello Master," Joe says bowing his head.

"Hello Knight Durham, or should I say for the purposes of your mission, Detective Durham." He said with a smile.

"Are you ready to depart for the surface?" Joe asks, and Rian nods his head before they walk up the ramp into the transport.

"Let’s go." Joe says as the shuttle departs the ship under the escort of two troop transports. They fly toward the swamp portion on the surface of the planet, which unlike the vast urban regions, is covered in mist.

"Do you think that this planet may aid us in our goal?" Rian asks Joe.

"Any systems we can persuade to join Taldryan will aid us my master and any one of them could be the stone that causes the flow of history to change," Joe answered.

"All I have read of the people in this swamp point to them being a non violent species who have kept to themselves for as long as planetary records go back," Rian said.

"Well I fear that our enemies will soon be at their doorstep, and they will not be as diplomatic as us," Joe explained. "This planet would be a prime location for a Taldryan base and outpost, but at the very least we must inform these people of the danger that will soon cast a shadow over this planet, and at least…" he says before pausing, unable to ignore a feeling growing in his mind, growing like ripples through the Force.

"What is it?" Rian questioned, feeling Joe’s unease.

"Something is wrong here," Joe said looking to the window and looking out upon the terrain, the feeling growing stronger in his mind.

"You sense the darkness, Joe?" Rian asked with a concerned voice, fear beginning to etch itself upon his face.

"No not darkness master, but I sense that something is out of place here," Joe said as they passed over one last range of hills and glide over an open green field of long grass, patches of wildflowers, and scattered dwarf trees. Behind it is a city of huge buildings resting upon a plateau in the shadow of a set of hills.

"Set down just outside of the city." Joe said as the transport landed.

"Commander, I need to borrow one of the transports, and a pilot," Joe said to the leader of the troops who had accompanied them, before reaching the end of the ramp.

"Do you need me to accompany you sir?"
Commander Raylen said saluting.

"No, I do not believe we are in danger, please escort master Rian to the city.’’Obi-Wan said.

“Understood sir.” Raylen said nodding.

"What could be of such importance that you would not accompany me to the city?" Rian questioned.

"The Force master, it draws me to something upon the world, and the will of the Force should not and cannot be ignored," Joe said walking to one of the troop transports, as Commander Raylen motioned for two of his men to accompany him.

"I will return soon, but do not keep their leaders waiting," Joe said as he stepped onto the transport and it lifted slowly from the ground climbing into the air high enough to pass over the hills, and flying back toward the swamps.

"There, land in that clearing," Joe said, pointing out the side of the transport.

"Yes sir." the pilot replied with a nod of his helmet, as he descended slowly and hovered over the swamp, dropping delicately down through the hole in the foliage and settling on patch of solid ground.

"We will accompany you sir." one of the soldiers said stepping off the transport holding a blaster rifle.

"No, I will be fine, stay here." Joe ordered holding out his hand, as he vanished into the mists of the swamp.

Several Hours later

"It can't be!" Joe said to himself as he pressed even deeper into the swamp until he came upon another small clearing hidden underneath a tight ceiling of foliage blocking out all but a few thin strands of sunlight. There was a small structure at the back of the clearing snuggled between two trees, the smoke of a fire still floating upon the air.

"Hello, is anybody…" but before he could complete his sentence he found himself reaching for one of his lightsabers and turned his eyes up to the trees where a cloaked form fell from the boughs, one of the few strands of sunlight gleaming off the red blade of its lightsaber. Joe rolled out of the way and rose to his feet just in time to parry the forms strike, before he extended his hand and reached through the Force to push the form away, at the same time blowing the hood from its head.

"That’s impossible!" Joe said in disbelief, lowering his green lightsaber to his side.

"Master, but it cannot be, I killed you!" he mumbled continuing to stare upon his former master and nemesis.

"But yet here I stand." Said Kromtal.

“How, I felt you die!” Joe said anger rising in his voice.

"That is of no concern of yours Durham; the only question that matters is how did you find me here, why can’t you just leave me alone?!" He demanded as he drew another lightsaber from inside his cloak.

"Wait Kromtal, I do not wish to fight you, I am only here on a diplomatic mission to seize control of this system for Clan Taldryan" Joe explained.

"Finding you here was the will of the Force!"
He said dodging a lightsaber swing aimed for his head.
He parried another strike with his lightsaber then jumped back.

“LISTEN TO ME!” He exclaimed, desperation in his voice. “Aren’t you tired of this back and forth, of constantly being on the run, homeless, despised by the entire Brotherhood.” Joe said, his voice beginning to strain. “ While you’ve been busy trying to dismantle the Brotherhood, Taldryan’s numbers have been depleted, the Clan on the brink of annihilation, Barely clinging to life!” Joe explained, his voice cold enough to send chills down the spine of a krayt dragon.

“ Enough give up this charade, Rian is willing to accept you back with open arms. Once a brother always a brother.” Joe explained, putting away his lightsaber.

"Then in spite of everything I have done, the things I had hoped to leave behind have found me.” Kromtal said, falling to his knees.

"The Force, the Brotherhood, the Clan, I only seek to be as far away as possible from you all, and still you find me," he said turning his gaze to him; one that was once was full of animus and hate, now somber and fearful, with tears streaming down his cheeks.

"You cannot run from that which your destiny and fate are intertwined," Joe said, offering a hand to his former master.

"What destiny, what fate?!" Kromtal questioned, slapping away Joe’s hand.

"I have betrayed and killed those closest to me, and I have slain too many brothers and sisters to ever even consider the possibility of forgiveness!" He said, his face a deep abyss of darkness and despair.

"You belong in the Brotherhood, Taldryan is your home, Sith Bloodfyre would never have wanted the path of a traitor placed you upon, nor would he want you living in solitude when you could be so much more," Joe explained, trying to mask his sorrow for his former master, as he felt the turmoil going on inside his once enemy.

"Forget it Durham, I am evil, it is all I will ever be," Kromtal said dropping his head.

"It is all I have ever known, even before I set upon this path." He said rubbing his fingers over his temples.

"I bear the marks to prove it," He said looking up into the boughs of the trees, a single strand of golden sunlight falling upon his face.

"I am worshiped as the God of Death among these savages, because that is all that I have known, all I have brought to this galaxy," He says somberly, a tear streaming down his face before he turned away.

"Then become something more, become what your former master would have wanted you to be!" Joe all but begged, but Kromtal only turned to him, his face wearing a wide grin.

"A member of the Brotherhood?," He said shaking his head.

"The Brotherhood would never allow me within a parsec of Antei!" He blurted.

"You would not be the first Dark Jedi who was brought back Kromtal."

"There is nothing to be brought back to Joe, no good deeds, no acts of selflessness, there is nothing but evil in my past,” He said.

"You told me to protect the the clan from the darkness, you said that perhaps I was right about you, and I still believe that I am." Joe said sincerely as he held out his hand to him.

"Your history is only full of dark deeds because you chose to make it that way by to living here in exile," he explains to Kromtal. "Write yourself a new history."

"Why do you care so much, I have tried to take your life on more than one occasion, why would you trust me, why is this so important to you," Kromtal questioned him, his eyes yearning for a something to hold on to, something real.

"Because I know that there is still good in you; I know you can do great things if you can only get past your guilt, your feelings of betrayal, you can be more than you ever were." Joe said as Kromtal dropped his head.

"It would be nice to be something more than a mere assassin or an exiled failure," Kromtal said, and Joe could feel Kromtal’s thoughts and feelings conceding to his words, but not for all the reasons that he would’ve liked.

"I do owe you for relieving me of my hatred and malice," Kromtal said sincerely.

"Then you will leave this place of solitude and return with me to the clan?" Joe questioned.

"If you can convince the Brotherhood to accept and welcome me, then such a miracle would convince me to stay and see what I can become under your guidance."Kromtal answered, as Joe finally approached him.

"But if not, you must agree to let me go, and never seek me out again," He said, as Joe nodded his head.

"Then I will return with you."
Kromtal said and they made their way back to the transport.

Don't be Afraid
Textual submission

The dream was always of the same thing. A dead world of ghostly whispers and choking dust, each breath leaves the tongue and throat coated with the acrid taste of decay. Strange creatures long since dead leave only their giant husk's behind to hint at the life that once was, scattered between small outcrops of what once must have been a sprawling city. This is what Knight Joe Durham has been dreaming about for the last two weeks.

At first, Joe had disregarded the dream as insignificant. But after his experience in last night’s dream he was certain the Force was trying to tell him something. This is why he’s decided to speak with his old master Kromtal Bloodfyre Stormfyld about the matter.

“And this dream, you’ve had it every night for several weeks?” Asked Kromtal sitting behind his large durasteel desk and looking intently at his former apprentice.

“Yes and always the same one.” Joe responded from the couch several feet in front of Kromtal’s desk.

“Interesting...very interesting.” Kromtal mumbled placing his hands under his chin. “Tell me what the dream was about again.” He ordered.

“ A planet, barren with ancient tombs scattered across the surface. It’s terrifyingly desolate, like it exists in nothingness.” Joe responded looking down at the table in front of the couch.

“ But last night’s dream was different. It felt as if I was actually there on the planet. I could hardly breathe and I could feel the Force leaving my body. I was completely powerless and terrified. It felt as though I was dead.” Joe said, clearly disturbed.

“What!” Exclaimed Kromtal. “That’s impossible.” He whispered, a look of complete horror spread across his face.

“Master what’s wrong?” How asked, a shiver moving down his spine. He could sense his master was in a state equivalent to that of a frightened child. “Your hands are trembling.” Joe observed.

“Listen to me!” Kromtal spoke in a distraught voice. Joe could tell his master was struggling to keep his composure right now. “ There is a place in the Galaxy where the dark side of the Force runs strong. It is something of the Sith but it was fueled by something far more sinister. It corrupts any living thing that walks on its surface, draining its life essence until nothing remains but an empty shell.” Kromtal explained, practically on the verge of tears.

Joe could feel the room around becoming darker, and the air colder, a sense of dread enveloping them. Clearly the dark side is at work. Joe thought to himself. He could feel himself trying to fight off the subtle feelings of fear creeping into him.

“This place what is it’s name?” Joe asked looking at his master.

“Please don’t make me say it” Kromtal begged. “ Tell Me!” Joe insisted. “Nathema… it’s called Nathema.” Kromtal said.

“We have to go there master!” Joe said standing from the couch.

“NO PLEASE PLEASE NO!” Kromtal suddenly blurted out before falling to the floor. “....I have n-n-no desire to even kn-kn-know of such places let a-a-alone go to them.” Kromtal whispered, curled into a ball on the floor.

He’s right something that not only scares the hell out of me but even a master of Kromtal’s level is really bad news. I’m way out of my league here. Joe thought to himself, doubt beginning to enter his mind. He collapsed back onto the couch.

He closed his eyes and tried to focus entirely on the Force. He stayed like this for several moments. Then suddenly his eyes shot open, his eyes were the color of a fiery red. He outstretched his arms and hands. Then a wave of pure Force energy was emitted from his very being, driving away all the darkness and fear inside the room.

That’s right the Force is calling me to the planet. This is my destiny. That is why no matter what I must go. And with that he left with his mind made up. He was going to Nathema to fulfill his destiny.

Home For A Rest
Textual submission

Joe woke up to birds chirping loudly near his window. The Knight groaned as he rolled over on his back and opened his eyes. Sunlight was streaming in through a nearby window, painting intricate shadows on the walls.
And for a split second, he panicked. He had overslept! He was late for the clan meeting, the masters would kill him, the amount of work that he would be forced to make up would be so large and…
And I don’t have to worry about that anymore, Joe thought, truly feeling stupid for freaking out.
Joe and the other Knights of Clan Taldryan were on a vacation on the planet Dubellapperar. They were ordered by Consul Rian Taldrya to get some rest and have some fun after the recent war against the Collective. They arrived about a day and a half ago after Joe had worked himself until he collapsed. Personally, Joe did not really see the need for this vacation and thought it was unnecessary. Did he push too hard in the battle on Nancora? Yeah, probably. Did he need to recover his strength from exerting so much energy? Looking at the nearby chrono and seeing that it was almost time for the mid-day meal, he had to reply in the affirmative. But a week of vacation was not needed.
At first the Knight was thrilled to get a vacation, but reality was settling in. Ondur and Greenfire were not letting him do any work, which meant that the amount of missions that he would have when he got back to Karufr would be staggering. His former master assured him that he would not be given any more work than any of his peers, but still… Sighing, Joe did not know why he was bothering. Kromtal was too focused on his own vacation.
Shrugging it off, the teen got changed and went into the common room of the cottage that the Knights were temporarily staying in. He found his colleagues already up, meditating in the center of the room.
"Good morning, Joe. Or should I say afternoon," Greenfire said with a smile.
Ashamed that he had slept so long, the teen just bowed his head, but he looked up when he felt Ondur ruffle his hair. "Don't fret, Durham. You need to rest to get your strength back to normal levels. Besides, we are on vacation. Everyone needs a little self leisure sometimes, even Jedi?"
“Spoken like a true Sith.” Said Greenfire sarcastically from across the room.

Joe did not know how to respond to that so he just stayed silent and hoped that Ondur would give it a break. He did. "Come on. Help me make the mid-day meal." Said Ondur.
Joe just smiled and obliged. Working as a team, the two prepared a meal, which they then ate and cleaned up.
But while they were finishing cleaning up the dishes, Joe felt himself start to drag. This was just ridiculous! He slept for more than twelve hours last night. How in the galaxy could he still be tired?
Refusing to accept or admit his exhaustion, the teen readily accepted when Greenfire suggested a walk. The elder of the three led the way through some of the winding paths that covered the entire planet.
While Greenfire was definitely much more fond of nature, Joe found that he was actually enjoying himself. He was enthralled by the woods as he walked along the dirt-covered path, hearing the birds, watching for small forest creatures and looking at the splotches of sun peaking through the canopy. It felt nice to be outside, simply relaxing, something that the Knight had not done lately.
The Taldryan Knights walked through the forest quietly, never speaking. But, as uncomfortable as that sounded, Joe reflected that it was actually quite relaxing to not talk. For a long time, he had spent so much time figuring out ways to avoid telling the truth that is was nice to soak up the silence without having to worry about an impending interrogation.
After about an hour, Ondur broke the silence to suggest a break, which the others agreed to wholeheartedly. Joe had been getting increasingly exhausted as the day went on and his thoughts had been drifting towards a few minutes rest. Sitting on a rock, Joe tried to relax as Greenfire took a sip of water from the canteen he had brought. Soon he passed the canteen to his colleague, which the younger took and drank from before handing it to Ondur and sliding off the rock to the ground. Ondur sat next to him before wrapping an arm around the thin shoulders of his friend. Joe gave Ondur a confused look as his fellow Clan member pulled him closer. But Ondur just smiled and pulled him back down.
"Relax, brother. We are supposed to be on vacation, you know."
Joe did lose a little bit of tension at that. He had just been so stressed lately that it was almost like he had forgotten to relax.
"Then I guess that we will just have to re-teach you, hmmm?" Spoke Greenfire.
Joe jumped at the sound of his friend's voice. Of course he’d know what I was thinking. Joe thought.

"Your mental barrier has been in and out since you collapsed on Karufr. I would have mentioned it sooner, but I did not want you to worry about it as you recovered. You should focus on that." Greenfire explained.
Joe did not know how to respond to that. His first instinct was to slam up the tightest, strongest barrier he could muster, but he didn't. Part of the reason that he was here was because he did not trust his brothers and sisters in Taldryan with his problems. He needed to learn that he was part of a Brotherhood and with that came the necessity of sharing problems. Since he had been promoted and had left his master he felt alone especially during the fight in Nancora. He needed to realize that he wasn’t. There were definite downsides to that, including the privacy; but he was starting to see the benefits of it. The Knight was realizing that the biggest benefit was having people who truly cared for him. That was a wonderful gift and the least he could do was trust those who gave it to him. So the boy just stayed silent, fighting against his instincts that screamed to throw up the mental barrier.
"Thank you, Brother. We know that it is not an easy thing to trust someone. Thank you for having faith in us and not putting your barrier up." Spoke Greenfire to which Ondur nodded. Joe gave a gentle smile as he fully melted against his fellow brothers.
After a few minutes, Joe suggested that they start heading back. The others instantly agreed. He had already started the day somewhat tired and the long walk had drained his remaining energy. All of this culminated to the feeling that it was time to go back. Unfortunately, that walk would be grueling on his tired body. Standing up and brushing off the leaves and dirt, the Knight led his body back towards the cabin.
About halfway back Joe got really, really tired all of a sudden. He quietly asked if they could take a break. Both Ondur and Greenfire gave him a concerned look, but said nothing as they led him to a nearby tree, handing him the canteen in the process. The teen took the container, taking long sips before completely sagging against the tree and shutting his eyes. He heard movement as his the others sat down next to him. Once he had finished the water, the younger tried to regroup his energy so that he could finish the rest of the walk. However, his efforts were soon interrupted.
"Are you okay, Joe?" Greenfire asked
"Yes, just a little tired” Joe responded.
"The truth, brother." Ondur said
"Okay. I used the Force more than I’m used to on Nancora but I’m fine just a little tired." Joe reassured.
"Are you sure?" Greenfire questioned
"Yes, Brother. I am just tired. But…I guess that shouldn’t come as a surprise.” Joe said.
"What you did on Nancora, that wasn’t normal for a Knight to wield the Force like that.” Ondur responded.
"I know, but…"
"You can't fully control your power yet can you?” Ondur questioned.
Ashamed, Joe shook his bowed head.

"That is okay, Joe. It will take time. But the masters will get you to the point where your body can handle the stress of wielding such pure Force energy." Greenfire assured Joe.
Not knowing what to say, Joe just nodded. They let that fact sit between them, while Joe discreetly recover enough strength.
After about ten minutes, Joe had re-gathered enough strength to walk for at least another twenty minutes. The Knight started to rise, ready to keep going…but was stopped by a hand on his shoulder.
"Relax, Brother." Ondur said.
"Shouldn't we go, Brother? It will start getting dark eventually" Joe asked.
"We have time. And I think that there is one more thing to discuss." Greenfire said.
"What is that?" Joe questioned.
"Limits." Ondur answered.
"What?" Asked Joe.
"Personal limits. And your refusal to accept yours." Ondur continued.
"I don’t...” Joe began.
"Let me finish. Now you have failed to accept your limits in the past, because you have felt a compelling need to be the Perfect Knight. Now I understand this need. I even accept your old master’s part in that need," Greenfire continued, holding a hand up to cut off any protests. "Yes. My initial rejection of you was because of the role that you set up for yourself. But now we will break that. And one way to start that process is to accept that you have limits. And these limits are normal for a newly appointment Knight and an 18-year old boy. Now do you understand what I am talking about?" Ondur asked.
"I think so.” Joe responded.
"Good. So, question for you. Do you honestly believe that you are strong enough to walk back?" Greenfire asked.

Joe stopped for a moment. Once again there was a part of him that needed to answer in the affirmative. But he hesitated. For so long he had given into that part of him because he thought that it was the only way to become more powerful. But now his peers were telling him that this was not the case. So maybe he should tell the truth. "I don't know, Brother. I feel stronger but…I don't know. It is a long way back…" Joe said honestly.

"I am proud of you, Joe. Admitting that was one step in accepting your limitations. And that will greatly benefit you and your health. I know that was not easy for you, but if you keep doing that then it will get easier. So, why don't we start back and if you start to feel tired, just let me know. Okay?" Ondur said.
"Okay” Joe agreed.
"And, remember. we are not going to judge you. We want to help you, while accepting who you are. Limitations and all." Greenfire pointed out.
"I think that I am starting to believe that." Joe said.
"That is good. Now shall we?" With a nod from the younger, the three Knights arose and started the walk back.
As expected, Joe had enough strength to walk for about twenty minutes, at which point his steps started to slow and he found it harder to keep moving. Remembering his friends’ request, Joe voiced this to them. As expected, they sat down on a large rock and handed him the canteen.
"Brothers? Why am I still so tired? I rested a lot and all I have done today is walk with you."
"Your body is still recovering. Just give it time." Said Ondur.
They let Joe rest for about ten minutes before asking him how he was feeling.
"Tired.” was the offered response.
"Then you should sleep." Greenfire offered.
"But…we are not back to the cabin yet!" Joe exclaimed.
"I am aware of that. But we are not too far and we can carry you the rest of the way." Said Greenfire.
"No! You can't do that!" Joe said.
"Why not? It is not like anyone will see us, so your pride will remain intact. And you need to rest. Pushing yourself will only make it worse.” Responded Ondur.
"But…Because… you should not have to do that." Protested Joe.
"First of all, we don't have to. we want to. And second, the only thing that has stopped your necessary rest is your own hesitation. So what is causing that?" Questioned Ondur.
"…I… don't know." Mumbled Joe.
"Would you like some insight?" Asked Greenfire.

Joe nodded. "It is because you are still trying to live perfectly." Said Greenfire.
It seemed that the Jedi was going to continue, but stopped when he felt a spike of despair coming from their bond. Joe knew that they had felt his emotional pain but could not do anything to stop it. Instead, he just bowed his head, trying to ignore the knights now kneeling in front of him.

"Joe? Brother? What is wrong?" Asked a concerned Ondur.
The teen shook his head. He just did not want to talk about it. All he wanted was to go back to the cabin and crawl into bed forever. He did not want to focus on his many, many failures. It seemed that whenever he tried to be perfect, he failed miserably.

"Brother? Please answer me." Ondur pleaded.
Joe once again refused with a furious shake of his head. He expected another concerned request, but instead he felt strong arms surround his thin frame. Needing the comfort, Joe buried his head in his friends’ tunics trying to regain control.

After a moment, he felt them shift and soon he got the sense that they were walking back to the cabin. But at this point, Joe did not care, just keeping his face buried in his colleagues’ chest. Soon his thoughts started to loop around all of the ways that he had failed his Clan. And himself. The failure was overwhelming and soon he could not hold back the tears running down his cheeks. He was sure that Ondur felt the wetness seeping through his clothes, but he never said anything.

Later he heard the door to the cabin open and felt Greenfire cross the threshold. Even though he could not see anything from his current position, he knew that Ondur was taking him to his room. He was proven correct when his friend gently placed him into his bed. The Sith immediately sat down next to him and spoke gently.

"It is okay, buddy.” Said Ondur.
"No," Joe replied, trying not to choke on the tears. "It is not okay." He continued.
"Why? Why isn't it alright?" Questioned Greenfire coming into the room with three cups of tea.
"BECAUSE IM A FAILURE!” Joe shouted taking cup of tea and throwing it across the room.
“If I had been stronger I could have saved so many of our comrades from dying on Nancora!”He continued.
“That’s why I run myself into the ground training to become the strongest in the Clan.” Joe finished, collapsing onto the bed feeling defeated.

"Never! Joe Durham you are NOT a failure. And I don't believe that you ever will be. You are an exceptional Knight of Clan Taldryan and you tried your best to do everything that you could on Nancora and it nearly killed you. You will never be a failure as long as you try your hardest." Stated Ondur.

"But you had to carry me!" Joe responded.

"So? Joe everyone falls from time to time. And when that happens it is the Clan’s job to catch you. Being successful has nothing to do with being perfect. You will always be successful as long as you try. Being perfect just means that you are a droid. And, personally, I don't want a droid for a friend. I want my kind, passionate, and hard-working IMPERFECT friend that I have m. I want YOU. No matter how many mistakes you make, no matter how weak you are, I want you." Stated Greenfire.

"But why? Why don't you want a friend who is better than me? You could have any friend. Why not pick a good one?" Asked Joe.

"You are a good friend, Joe. No one could compare." Greenfire continued.

That made Joe think. Why would Taldryan want him? If he could not be perfect, then why would his friends want him. He was nobody.

"You are special, Joe, you are able to wield purest Force energy seen in decades. Remember that. Now you need to rest and sleep." Said Ondur.

At that They left Joe to rest. Before he fell asleep, Joe started to process all of what was said. There was a big difference between how he saw himself and how his Clan saw him. Maybe he wasn't perfect, but maybe, just maybe, Taldryan really did love him. As he started to fall into slumber, the Knight was filled with hope. Hope that one day he would be good enough.

The Force: In Essence.
Textual submission

The Vision

On the ice planet of Hoth, Hunter Joe Durham stops his tauntaun and waited for the others to catch up with him. “It’s over here, I can feel it. Like a deep dark and eery voice calling out to me.” Joe said.
"Damn kid, you sure work fast. You truly are my student." His master, Savant Kromtal Bloodfyre Stormfyld replied as he caught up with Joe.
Rian Taldrya, the Consul of Clan Taldryan, nodded in agreement as Master Sith Bloodfire Tarentae appeared by Joe’s side.
"Well, there isn't much here, though there is a strange darkness up ahead." Sith Bloodfire said.
"The temperature is dropping. We better return to the ship." Kromtal replied as he checked the temperature. They all nodded and turn around back to the base.
"Hear me…"
Joe stops and turns around. He could have sworn he heard someone.
"I have waited for you… for such a long time… help me…"
Now Joe heard it… he couldn't help but feel chilled to the bone. He didn't know what was going on.
"Joe what's wrong?" Rian asked, sensing Joe’s uneasiness.
"Kid, you ok?" Kromtal asked.
"Seek me out… find my voice…" This time, it wasn't in his head, it came from the wind. Rian and Kromtal reached for their lightsabers. Sith Bloodfire simply closed his eyes and reached out with the Force.
"Who are you?" Joe called out to the wind.
"It's probably the Force kid." Kromtal said. However, everyone knew it wasn't. It was something more human. More sinister.
"I have waited to be found… for so long… I remain trapped, unable to break free… unless by a Force user…" The voice stated.
"Where can we find you?" Sith Bloodfire called out.
"Trust your feelings… they will lead you too me… help you in the young one’s quest I can… to become a Knight … I can… to gain power" The voice faded out before it went silent.
"Ok… I don't know what's going, but I say we get the hell out of here." Kromtal stated.
"Agreed, I don't know what that was, but we cannot trust it." Rian replied.
"He did call me out, stating he needs help from a Force user… I'm going to find him. Sith told me to feel the Force flowing through me through my feelings. My feelings are telling me to go to him." Joe said.
"And your insight serves you well Young one." A voice from behind them stated.
The four of them turn to see former Grand Master Chi Long standing before them.
"This is impossible." Sith Bloodfire gasped. replied. Chi Long stood there looking less solid than ever.
“Who or what are you?” Joe asked.
"I'm a ghost, child. I am connected to the Force and will continue to be tied to this world until my goal is complete." Chi Long stated before Sith Bloodfire could ask what was going on.
"The person who is trying to make contact with you is very powerful. Never before have I felt such power in my life. No Grand Master in the entire history of the Brotherhood was ever this powerful. Not even Palestine was this powerful. I don't know who he is… however; I feel he can be trusted as he will be a powerful ally. The only problem I seem to have, is I can't figure out who he is. He is shutting himself off from being detected through the Force. Even contacting you seemed to have created a disturbance in the Force." Chi Long stated.
"Can he truly aid us?" Joe asked. For a moment Chi Long remained silent. He spoke again and all of them listened intently.
"There once was a legend amongst the ancient Jedi… of a very powerful Dark Jedi who had a huge dark side army behind him. All of them were individuals with both powerful and unique skills in the dark side. Along with some of the greatest Jedi and Sith of the Jedi order and Sith Orders. They came from the Unknown Regions and they reigned death and destruction for centuries, the likes of which the Galaxy had nor has seen since. The Army was called the Hordes of Drakuul, it’s leader was known as the Demon of Drakuul. The Sith and Jedi joined forces but were ultimately defeated. They succeeded in wiping out almost the entire Galaxy. Then suddenly one day they just vanished. And the Galaxy returned to the way it was. When it was all over none of the survivors remembered anything about the Hordes or Drakuul. The legend states, one day… this person will return to the known Galaxy and regather his Hordes to destroy the one who will come to be known as the Prophet of Drakuul. When that day comes skies will turn black, entire star systems will be destroyed, oceans will run red with blood, the Force will scream out and backlash against this apocalypse but to no avail. Nothing can stop the Demon and his Hordes except the Prophet of Drakuul. Beware dark days lay ahead that may spell the end of the very Force itself. Pity the living, envy the dead. "
"Are you saying, an army of death is here on Hoth?" Rian replied shocked to hear what he refused to believe but knew was true.
"Yes. I’m sure you all have felt a grave coldness deep in your hearts since the moment you landed on this planet.” Chi Long said, becoming more transparent by the second.
"Tell us what to do Master...PLEASE!” Sith Bloodfire as the skies became deathly gray and the wind began to pickup. Joe noticed that if Sith was this scared then they should all be pissing their pants by now. He had a bad feeling about this.
"Trust your feelings." Chi Long replied as he vanished.
All they could do was stare in disbelief at the spot where Chi Long had been. As the sky was now terrifyingly black, Joe turned around and headed towards the ice mountain and everyone followed.
It only took them five minutes as to find a hidden cave entrance. Joe went inside and looked around. Though he wasn't entirely sure, he swore he could feel the Force flowing through the cave.
"This place is well hidden." Sith replied as he entered the cave.
They looked around to see it was a beautiful place to be in. Joe was studying a strange crimson crystal when Sith suddenly shouted.
"What is it!?" Rian asked as the three of them immediately ran over.
They found him unconscious on the ground.
"Look." Joe said, pointing towards the crystal wall in front of them. They looked and saw a shadow in the crystal. However, when they looked more closely, they realized they were staring at a person who was wearing dark robes with armor and a strange mask. It had sharp, jagged fangs protruding from its mouth and two long horns protruding from its forehead.
"You have found me." The voice replied.
"Who are you?" Luke asked.
"!” The voice boomed throughout the whole cave and suddenly there was this huge wave of red light blinding everything and everyone.
“Uhh ahh!” Joe awoke with a red flash of light leaving his eye. He shot up quickly from his bed inside his room in the Clan Taldryan headquarters. “It’s coming.” Was the only thing that left his lips.

Friend or Foe
Textual submission

Lieutenant Colonel Mauro Wynter sat in the cockpit of his X-wing fighter and absently drummed his fingers on a display screen. Suddenly a voice shouted over the comm. "Incoming fighters at six o’ clock!” The voice shouted. Wynter flicked on his comm “Are they friend or foe?” He asked. “They don’t belong to the Brotherhood.” Said Knight Zeline Nemesis. Pew pew. One of the unknown fighters opened fire with its laser cannons. “I guess that answers our question. There’s too many of them to take on head to head. Get into a defensive wedge formation. I’ll take point.” Wynter ordered moving his X wing to the center of the wedge. Pew pew pew...pew pew. Came more enemy laser cannon fire. “Hold the formation. The enemy is spread thin. We’ll try to break through their center and attack the rest from behind.” Wynter said. “Roger!” The members of Tython Squadron responded. Boom...boom boom! The green explosions went off all around them and yet the squadron remained untouched. “On my my order fire all your concussion missiles at the enemy fighters’ center ships!” Wynter ordered.
“Steady...steady....NOW!” He shouted over the comm as dozens of tiny red missiles sped toward the enemy fighters. “ All ships continue on course!” Wynter said which garnered more than a few surprised murmurs. Usually after a bombardment like what they just did would be followed by the squadron splitting off and surprise attacking the stunned enemy from the flanks. However this would not work against such a large number of fighters. BBBBBBBOOM! The sound of dozens of missiles hitting their targets went off. “Now all ships fire at will!” Wynter ordered as wave after wave was shot at the explosions. When the dust cleared in front of Tython Squadron was the wreckage of about 20 fighters. Behind the debris was a huge hole in the enemy’s position. Pew pew pew. “Sir friendly fighters incoming at twelve o’ clock.” A voice came over the comm. “Tython Squadron this is Seer Constantine of Battle Team Nighthawk from Clan Arcona. We’ll dispatch the rest of this bunch while you regroup.” An unfamiliar voice came over the comm channel. “Copy Nighthawk we’ll leave it to you.” Wynter said. Nighthawk mopped up the remaining enemy fighters and met up with the members of Tython Squadron. “That was a good fight you guys put up out there. You didn’t even suffer a single casualty.” Said Constantine to Wynter. “Thanks we really appreciated the help.” Wynter said. And with that the Battle was over.

A New Cycle, A New Me! - New Year's Resolutions
Textual submission

So it’s a new cycle. Last year I made great progress in my journey to become a Knight. However I wasn’t powerful enough to get past Acolyte before the end of 35 ABY. Also I moved to a new Clan. My first resolution of the new cycle is to gain allies and build a strong power base in my new Clan. I feel this will aid me in my goal to become a Knight and my career afterwards. I regret that I was not able to participate in the last Great Jedi War. I missed a huge opportunity at glory and notoriety. I will Acolyte Joe Durham swear to Force that I will never allow such a mistake to happen again. This cycle I am determined to be active in all Brotherhood activities. In order to do this I have decided to join the Inquisitorious and become an Inquisitor. In order to satisfy my hunger for knowledge and power I have decided to become a professor in the Shadow Academy the first chance I get. I am going to be very busy this cycle. However I’m sure it will pay off. Eventually I will be the Consul of Clan Taldryan. Then it’s only a matter of time before I reach my goal of ruling the entire Brotherhood forever. However before I accomplish any of this I must first go step by step. By the start of the new cycle I expect to be promoted to Hunter. Then I’ll be just one rank away from being a Knight. It’s weird, recently I’ve been feeling like the Force has been trying to tell me something. Like there’s more it can offer. I know I’m no Master but thought I had basically learned pretty much everything about the Force. I guess I was wrong. Therefore, this cycle I intend to grow my understanding, knowledge, and affinity with the Force. I have a feeling there’s so much more I’m capable of. This cycle I’d also like to earns Dark Sage degree from the Shadow Academy. I also might dabble in Force Alchemy somewhat this cycle. You know, to keep Clan Tarentum’s spirit alive. Having huge armies of undead warriors and terrifying monstrosities is a good way to reach the top. Last cycle all I could think about was power. I am going to use this new cycle to achieve it. I may not be the Consul of Clan Taldryan by the end of this cycle, but I will have gained a significant amount of power.
One day I will rule not just the Brotherhood but the entire Galaxy.
—Acolyte Joe Durham