- Event ID
- 59636
- Old Rank
Jedi Hunter
(Journeyman 3)
- New Rank
Dark Jedi Knight
(Journeyman 4)
- Requested by
- Spears Tarentae
- Primary reason
Spears has recently been our "guinea pig," of sorts, by being the first member of Tarentum to undergo our revised system of Jedi Trials. I must say, I am pleasantly surprised, and pleased with his performance. He not only completed them in amazing time (I believe he got them done in one day, even), they were quality submissions, and with even such quick time, they were easily recognizable as having been created with much thought. I am sure that, before I released to him the events, he had been thinking of this event for some time. I post now the words of his master, Maxamillian von Oberst-Tarentae:
"Spears has proven himself an exceptional addition to this Clan. His
drive is there and his ability becomes more refined with each
passing day and challenge. I can very well picture him rising to a
greater prominence within the Clan and the Brotherhood.
Spears will serve as a fine addition, too, to the rank of our Masters.
Knowing your own weaknesses is nothing but a hidden strength:
when you know where your own weakness lies, you can instruct
others in a very unique manner. Folding and hammering those you
teach like a piece of steel into a fine blade. Spears knows where
his skills lie. He sometimes sells himself short, but that's
It will be very interesting, now, to see whom he wishes to pass his
skills on to, and how they will learn.
I would like Spears to remember one thing, from all of this.
Patience is no real virtue, rather it is a real asset. With patience,
you can bide your time waiting to strike. Whether the strike is to
assist Clan or friend or bring down a foe is a moot point, just that
you learn to wait for the right time to dig your sword into your
target's belly."
I believe Spears is more than qualified, and assuredly ready for this. He has completed the Jedi Trials successfully, and I find him worthy to be the next Knight of Tarentum, as does my PCON, Rekio Corsair, and his House Summit.
Congratulations, Spears.
Spears Tarentae, 2003-12-17 23:00:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 82198
- Position
Battleteam Leader
- Unit
Mystics of the Black Arts
- Event ID
- 5717
- Award
- Steel Cross
- Quantity
- 1
- Requested by
- Unknown
- Primary reason
Spears continues to make himself invaluable to both myself, and to Tarentum, especially. While he continues to run a good number of competitions on a regular basis for the Mystics Phyle, he has also volunteered to run a new storyline committee, which I think will have a lasting, beneficial impact upon Tarentum. I am ever appreciative of the dedicated effort Spears has always given, and I would like to offer this, the Steel Cross, as a token of my gratitude to him. Congratulations, Spears.
-KPN Sith Bloodfyre
, 2003-11-22 23:00:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 5672
- Award
- Dark Side Scroll
- Quantity
- 2
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Requested by
- Unknown
- Primary reason
Submissions to the November 03 Dark Voice
, 2003-11-16 23:00:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 5615
- Award
- Dark Cross
- Quantity
- 1
- Requested by
- Unknown
- Primary reason
Compilation of the second Word Run-on
, 2003-11-13 23:00:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 5566
- Award
- Crescent with Sapphire Star
- Quantity
- 1
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Requested by
- Unknown
- Primary reason
Guessing this week's lyrics correctly
, 2003-11-09 23:00:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 5411
- Award
- Crescent with Amethyst Star
- Quantity
- 1
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Requested by
- Unknown
- Primary reason
First place in Clan Tarentum for the DB Scavenger Hunt. Grats Spears!
, 2003-10-19 22:00:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 5389
- Award
- Crescent with Topaz Star
- Quantity
- 1
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Requested by
- Unknown
- Primary reason
Third place in my final QUA comp as Quaestor of Gladius: Room Description.
-KPN Sith Bloodfyre
, 2003-10-18 22:00:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 59519
- Old Rank
(Journeyman 2)
- New Rank
Jedi Hunter
(Journeyman 3)
- Requested by
- Spears Tarentae
- Primary reason
For participation in the Gladius QUA comp (my final comp as Gladius QUA), Spears gave the best overall performance, submitting to both events, and placing with both submissions. He is also a committed member, and always seeking to do more, to be more, and to offer more in return to everyone else. I think Spears is dedicated as much to the Clan, as he is to himself, for he truly acts in the best interests of everyone. I consider him absolutely worthy of this promotion in reward for his QUA comp performance overall, as discussed with the DGM for the comp approval.
Congratulations, Spears.
-KPN Sith Bloodfyre
Spears Tarentae, 2003-10-18 22:00:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 5388
- Award
- Crescent with Sapphire Star
- Quantity
- 1
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Requested by
- Unknown
- Primary reason
First place in my final QUA comp as Gladius Quaestor: Story.
-KPN Sith Bloodfyre
, 2003-10-18 22:00:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 5200
- Award
- Crescent with Emerald Star
- Quantity
- 1
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Requested by
- Unknown
- Primary reason
First place in Creation: A Phyle Competition.
, 2003-10-01 22:00:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 82127
- Position
- Unit
- Event ID
- 5126
- Award
- Anteian Cross
- Quantity
- 1
- Requested by
- Unknown
- Primary reason
Spears gave an excellent performance in a recent clan comp. His activity was constant and he showed extreme didication to being active by participating, even though not many other did and he could have easily won with no effort. Congrats Spears.
, 2003-09-22 22:00:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 82125
- Position
Magistrate to the Headmaster
- Unit
- Event ID
- 59473
- Old Rank
(Journeyman 1)
- New Rank
(Journeyman 2)
- Requested by
- Spears Tarentae
- Primary reason
Spears has shown himself to take the initiative on several occassions. Prompting suggestions for competition and fiction.
Since my return to Tarentum, I have been working to re-write a more epic history of the Clan, and Spears has proven an asset in my attempts at finding information and re-writing.
Spears shows great dilligence in what is set before him, not only in responding quickly, but he also realizes where he may need some help or review. Truly, a great asset to Gladius and Tarentum and he should prove to be an asset to the Brotherhood in the future.
Spears Tarentae, 2003-09-21 22:00:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 5082
- Award
- Dark Cross
- Quantity
- 1
- Requested by
- Unknown
- Primary reason
Spears has been an extremely active and helpful member of Gladius. Not only is he highly active on the message boards, but he is also helping with the Shadow Academy. He has recently created the ASP Course for the SA, and has presented a couple ideas to the HM--that I'm aware of--that I'm sure will be of great help in getting the SA the attention it deserves.
I feel that, with as active as Spears has been of late, a medal is the least that he deserves.
, 2003-09-15 22:00:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 5062
- Award
- Anteian Cross
- Quantity
- 1
- Requested by
- Unknown
- Primary reason
Quickly and efficiently added over 500 course completions to my SA statistics, giving me important data to plan future works, thanks!
, 2003-09-06 22:00:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 59442
- Old Rank
(Novitiate 4)
- New Rank
(Journeyman 1)
- Requested by
- Spears Tarentae
- Primary reason
Alot of the time, I delay promoting members a bit longer, but in Spears, I see a talent that has yet only begun to be tapped. I hesitate slightly, because I don't want to step on the proverbial toes of Jason Hunter, the QUA of Gladius, but this is an honor I'd like to assume that Jason would agree wholeheartedly with me on.
Spears continues to be one of the most active members we have on IRC. Not only that, he also participates largely on the Clan message boards, and has also shown his ability to win competition by winning the motto comp for the ACC. Spears is constantly asking around through email, or on IRC about things he can do to be more active, and to help the Clan, and I always like to see that from newer members. His enthusiasm and willingness to serve has even been tapped by our Sith members in Tridens, by way of Hammerhead CMDR Oberst, who asked specifically asked for Spears to assist him with the project of Clan History.
It is my recommendation, and honor to request this, that Spears be promoted to Protector. My congratulations, and respect for his continued support of Tarentum, go with this request.
-KPN Sith Bloodfyre
Spears Tarentae, 2003-08-24 22:00:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 4945
- Award
- Crescent with Diamond Star
- Quantity
- 1
XP Value
- Requested by
- Unknown
- Primary reason
Antei Combat Centre motto competition, first place.
, 2003-08-11 22:00:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 59425
- Old Rank
(Novitiate 3)
- New Rank
(Novitiate 4)
- Requested by
- Spears Tarentae
- Primary reason
Novice Spears has finished his character history, and is ready for promotion to Acolyte. As Jason is not yet listed as QUA, yet, it is my duty to recommend him for promotion, as he has fulfilled that which I asked of him when he joined Gladius.
-KPN Sith Bloodfyre
Spears Tarentae, 2003-08-05 22:00:00 UTC